Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 165: Start of the game


xiu xiu

The bright blue sword light in the sky bombarded fiercely with a round of sword shadows, which brought this space to a ripple in an instant.


Yun Feiyang's body suddenly retreated and let Wei Ruoting's sword. After several fights, Wei Ruoting also learned to be smart and no longer fought with Yun Feiyang. After all, the origin of the water has a very strong flexibility, especially the "toughness" meaning of the source of the water displayed by Yun Feiyang, and the defense is extremely strong

"With softness... this truth is similar to Taiji"

Yun Feiyang nodded secretly, but he did not dare to hesitate at all. At this time, Wei Ruoting was constantly throwing a cold sword at him. Whenever Yun Feiyang wanted to gather a force to defend the source of the water, Wei Ruoting suddenly changed the direction to attack, making Yun Feiyang's preparation also collapse for a while < /P>


Wei Ruoting's eyes were abrupt, and the long sword suddenly came out and directly bombarded Yun Feiyang's place. When Yun Feiyang was caught off guard, she even directly passed through Yun Feiyang's right robe and almost bombard Yun Feiyang's right arm.



The long sword, which seemed to turn into a blood dragon, directly bombarded the small peak 100 meters away behind Yun Feiyang. Suddenly, the sky of the small peak exploded out of thin air and raised a small mushroom cloud, which made people scared people.



Such a loud noise spread all over the surrounding area for a while, but in the distance, two figures quickly swept over.

The two figures seemed to fall directly from the edge of the sky. They stood 100 meters away from Yun Feiyang and Wei Ruoting, but they were a man and a woman. Yun Feiyang sensed these two breaths and couldn't help turning back.

A young woman with a unique temperament, a young man with a handsome face but cold eyes, these two are the Qingtian couple that Yun Feiyang met half a month ago

"Dead man, that sword is so strong"

Sammei looked at a messy mountain peak in the distance and saw that Wei Ruoting had moved. She had held the sword in her hand again, and her face changed slightly.

"Well," when he heard his wife's flower, Qingtian also nodded, "It's true that the sword just now, even I need all my strength to block it..."


Sammei knew that Wei Ruoting's sword was powerful, but she didn't expect that her husband would give such a big evaluation of this sword. She naturally knew what level her husband's strength was

If it hadn't been for her, her husband would not have forcibly suppressed her from ascending to the level of immortality

At the beginning, when Samei and Qingtian first met, they were two immortal warriors. Later, they practiced together and reached the prefecture level at the same time, and their cultivation was comparable... However, all this changed when they arrived at this place

Qingtian, since entering this mysterious place, his cultivation has made rapid progress, while Samme has always maintained his original speed

Finally, hundreds of years later, Qingtian is about to break into the immortal level, but she can enter the prefecture level. For the sake of an obsession at the beginning and the oath of practicing the same level, Qingtian should have suppressed his original power to prevent it from turning into immortal power

The biggest difference between the immortal-level strong man and the earth immortal-level strongman is not only the original understanding, but also the transformation of internal strength

The power flowing in the body of the immortal warrior is the power; while the power flowing in the immortal warrior's body is called immortal power... Although the two are only one word different, they are very different

If Yuanli is poured into a magic soldier and can penetrate a ten centimeter steel plate, then this fairy power can definitely penetrate more than 20 centimeters of steel plate

In fact, speaking, the original feeling of the immortal-level martial artists is actually not much different from those who have just entered the immortal level, and some of them are only one line apart, but their strength is completely different, which is entirely because of the difference between the original power and immortal power

Fairy power, the speed that stimulates the original power, is twice as fast as the original force

Therefore, compared with the honored strong, when mobilizing the original force to attack, there is a huge gap between efficiency and strength...

However, according to the thin monkey, this Qingtian can actually kill the immortal strong man, which must be a little fearing. Isn't this Qingtian as simple as it seems. Maybe there may be some special things about his strength.

When she heard her husband's words, it was impossible for Samme not to be surprised.

"That young man is also very strong"

Qingtian's eyes suddenly glanced at his Yun Feiyang, drew an evil smile at the corners of his mouth, and said to Sammei.


Samui, at this time, turned to pay attention to Yun Feiyang, but found that he had nothing special except that he was handsome and had a unique temperament of family children.

However, she will not doubt her husband's words. After all, in her memory for tens of thousands of years, her husband has never looked away. This time, it should not be anything else.

"Let's go and say hello"

Qingtian smiled faintly, and the sharp color between his eyes also convered a lot, but he still left a little.

After all, this is a long-term habit. It is really unlikely to make him change completely for a while. It's just that Qingtian has restrained so much. If people who know him know him, he will definitely be surprised.

How long has it been? Yun Feiyang and Wei Ruoting have been waiting for a long time, and the people who have the key have also arrived one by one.

What will be the difference when you hit the palace and enter this destination?

Looking at the key like a crystal treasure in front of him, although Yun Feiyang was as shocked and happy as Wei Ruoting, he also had some other thoughts.

This kind of coincidence may really be the natural magic of creating the universe. Yun Feiyang does not understand the ultimate mystery of time and space, but he always wonders why this kind of connection comes from?

Putting their hands on the key, Yun Feiyang and Wei Ruoting had the idea of entering the Dragon Hall. After counting breaths, a red light suddenly appeared on the key, and two groups of light rushed out of it, wrapping Yun Feiyang and Wei Ruoting. In an instant, their bodies turned into a streamer and were wrapped in the key.



There seemed to be tens of thousands of stars in front of him, and it seemed that he was reborn from the blooming lotus flower. Yun Feiyang only felt a moment of whirlwind. When he opened his eyes, he appeared in a strange place.

There is a dense fog around, and some blurred figures can be faintly seen through the fog. Looking far away, the highest place that can be touched by sight is the mountains towering into the clouds. There are huge birds fluttering their wings in the sky, with a bright flame feather tail.

This is the Dragon Hall he entered after stepping into the key.

The Dragon Hall is almost infinite, and the degree of Zhenli is different in different areas. The stronger the area, the stronger the strength required to enter, and vice versa.

Warriors who have not reached the immortal level can only enter the outermost part of the Dragon Hall.

Yun Feiyang and Wei Ruoting used the key together, but the location of their appearance was different. According to the experience and rules summarized by the ancestors, the distance between people who used the same key would not enter the Dragon Hall would not exceed 500 feet.

And people from different regions appear in different positions after entering the Dragon Hall. But there are also rules to follow, and the positions of people in the same area will not be too different.

Yun Feiyang looked at the hazy fog around him and walked curiously towards the blurred figure in front of him.

There is a hazy cool feeling on his face and hands, and even all over his body. Yun Feiyang knew that this was the convergence of true power that Yuwen really said.

Any creature entering the Dragon Hall will attract iron like a magnet, which will attract the power of the world. World power is the most important substance needed for martial arts cultivation and the foundation of everything. Therefore, in the Dragon Hall, people's potential will be greatly improved because of the strong world power.

And here, the influence of human consciousness on the world power is extremely**. If you don't want to be recognized, you can control the world power to form a fake face on your face. Unless you are a master of the use of world power to a certain extent, no one can see the true face.

But the body shape cannot be changed, but it can change the muscle contour. That is to say, this kind of adjustment using true power can only work in subtle aspects and cannot change a person's fundamentals.

Yun Feiyang walked with his eyes closed, and the cool Zhenli flowed on his face in various forms, slightly adjusting his facial features. By the time he came out of the fog, his face had completely changed.

"Hahaha, there's a baby"

A loud smile shocked Yun Feiyang. When he opened his eyes, the scene in front of him shocked him.

He seemed to be standing on a circular platform, surrounded by a large group of people, all looking at his side, full of gloating and joking smiles.

In front of him stood a 27-year-old teenager, with a burly figure, wearing a tan samurai short beating, ** with muscles bulging on his arms outside with clear lines.

The teenager has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his appearance is very powerful. But Yun Feiyang knew that this was not necessarily his original appearance, and perhaps it was also disguised by Zhenli.

"Oh... Whose nursing child also came here? Do you really think the Dragon Hall is a blessed place? If you want to improve your potential, you'd better go home and breastfeed. The teenager suddenly clenched his fists and made a crisp sound. He came to Yun Feiyang and Wei Ruoting with a ferocious smile.

"Little girl, don't blame me. Since you have come to the formation, you can at least contribute a blood elixir to me.

The teenager's expression is like a cat looking at a mouse, full of contempt and disregard.

Wei Ruoting looked alert, took a step back slightly, and asked cautiously, "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" The teenager was stunned for a moment, and his expression suddenly became very strange. The people under the stage laughed and said, "This boy is a chick. You make a lot of money!"

Many people suddenly realized that there was a trace of sympathy when they looked at Yun Feiyang and Wei Ruoting.

The teenager laughed and smiled brightly: "Is this the first time you have entered the array? That can only be blamed for your bad luck, but maybe I'm too lucky! This is the ring, and I won't show mercy just because you strayed in. I think your potential should be good, otherwise your adult won't let you in. Tut, I'm a little looking forward to it. Maybe the effect of your blood elixir won't be too bad.

"Iron leopard, what else are you going to talk to him about? ...Is it useful to procrastinate like this?" A voice suddenly sounded slowly.

The teenager frowned and looked angry. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the voice under the stage and said, "Black Bear, do you really think I'm afraid of you?! When I kill this child, you will come up and die!"

After saying more, he turned his head and looked at Yun Feiyang and Wei Ruoting. A fierce light flashed in his eyes and rushed over.

Wei Ruoting and Yun Feiyang understood that it was the first time they should have entered the Dragon Hall, and unfortunately they arrived at the ring.

The Dragon Hall is full of danger, but some areas are also very safe. In these safe areas, not only are there no fierce creatures, but even warriors are not allowed to fight with each other, otherwise they will attract the punishment of the spirit of the world.

No one knows when the real world was born, as if the arrival of human beings affected the Dragon Hall. Since 10,000 years ago, many human-like illusory warriors have been born in the array called the spirit of the world. These spirits are powerful, but they have no mind. The only purpose of their existence is to maintain regional peace. In the area where the world spirit exists, no life is allowed to fight, otherwise it will attract the pursuit of the world spirit. As long as you don't fight, no matter what you do, these areas will become a place for people's cultivation and adjustment or trading.

And people with cultivation below the fairy level have the existence of world spirits in the position they appear after entering the array. It is magical as if the Dragon Hall spontaneously protected these newcomers.

But in these areas, there are also some very special places that allow fighting. As long as they compete in these places, the world spirit will not mind their own business at all. As a result, these areas were built into a ring by people.

You won't die if you fight in the Dragon Hall. Once killed, it will leave the formation and must be separated for a period of time to enter again. The higher the cultivation, the longer the interval required after being killed.

Although it will not really die, if it is killed, there will be great losses. That is, some of the potential on the body will be partially lost and condensed into a crystallization of real power.

After being killed, part of the power of qi and blood is lost. These things that condense the power of qi and blood are called "blood elixir".

If you take the blood qi elixir, you can increase your own qi and blood power, in other words, physical potential. The party that loses the power of qi and blood will naturally be harmful to the body.

So the teenager called the iron leopard in front of him naturally intends to kill Yun Feiyang and seize the "blood elixir" condensed by the power of his body's qi and blood.

The iron leopard strode to Yun Feiyang and punched Yun Feiyang's head. This blow will end the battle!

Yun Feiyang had not fully recovered. The first time he entered the Dragon Hall, he did not know how strong the people here were. ~~~~ Therefore, in the face of the punch from the iron leopard, Yun Feiyang instantly used the power of the monkey and ape.

The young body suddenly burst into an extremely huge force, with arms bulging from the shoulders, and then winding down all the way down to the forearm.

Yun Feiyang dodged the iron leopard's punch, and then punched his strength and hit the iron leopard's heart fiercely.

With a dull explosion, the people watching the battle even imagined the explosion of the panther's internal organs. His eyes were protruding and his face was full of disbelief.


Silence, the people watching the battle watched the iron leopard's body slowly disappear, and then a faint red fog condensed, forming a round bead, which was very beautiful.

Yun Feiyang's expression was a little stunned. He didn't expect that the person in front of him was so vulnerable. Even Wei Ruoting, although she can't carry it hard in the face of her own blow, she can completely avoid it.

Holding the red ball in front of him, Yun Feiyang jumped off the ring.

The people around came to their senses, and several people looked annoyed. What a good opportunity it was to escape by this boy with blood elixir!

Once you jump off the ring, you can't do it again. Everyone looks at Yun Feiyang, and everyone is staring at it.

Win the iron leopard? That's just a coincidence. No one believes that such a young child... It seems to be seven or eight years old, right? If he can defeat a 27- or 18-year-old teenager, he must be too underestimate the enemy. In addition, since this little guy can come here, he must have some way to lose so badly.

At this time, in the mansion of Princess Lujiang, which is adjacent to Huiji County, an obscene teenager suddenly screamed, fell out of a key, and fell to the ground and dressed heavily.

His face was full of panic and unwillingness, and he roared in a low voice: "Impossible! This blow is 20 years old! It's just a child. How can he be a fairy-level martial artist? How can it be?"

His expression was full of physical pain: "I have won nine games, and if I get another blood elixir, I can improve my potential by 30%!" Whose little monster is it?



Looking at Yun Feiyang playing curiously with the blood elixir, everyone knew that he would not go to power easily. Although it was very regrettable, there was nothing he could do. Soon two people came to the stage to test, and Yun Feiyang was gradually ignored by everyone.

He took the blood elixir and looked at it for a while. It was very warm in the palm of his hand, and there was a faint vigorous power of life.

Swallowing the blood elixir into his mouth, Yun Feiyang only felt a warm and comfortable feeling surging up all over his body. In an instant, his spirit was refreshed and he only felt full of strength.

About half a cup of tea, Yun Feiyang has been immersed in this feeling, and he can clearly feel that his body is changing. The strength is growing, and the muscles are also trembling slightly. Obviously, it is the potential growth brought about by the fullness of qi and blood.

Yun Feiyang couldn't help but be a little surprised. This growth rate was only achieved when he practiced the bird style and monkey ape power in the early stage, and there has never been such a fast entry since then.

This dragon hall is indeed magical, and it has such a magical effect! Yun Feiyang secretly thought in his heart that if he could take a few blood elixirs every day, then with the cultivation of birds and monkeys and apes, his potential will grow rapidly in a very short time.