Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 171: Clear Monster

Under the gaze of everyone, everything seemed to slow down infinitely. In mid-air, the last samurai flew inch closer to the clouds, while Yun Feiyang looked blankly at the weapon that was gradually approaching his chest, and there was no movement of avoidance and defense at all.

"!" At the moment when the weapon was about to stab the clouds, a huge blue shadow flashed quickly, and then... the figure of the samurai disappeared so strangely in the air.

stunned, and finally... From the huge dragon's mouth, the one-eyed bald dragon found the two legs of the last warrior, and the other parts had been contained in the mouth of the flying dragon.

"" Under the gaze of the one-eyed bald dragon, the flying dragon began to chew cruelly. Every time it brittle, a whole life guardian will disappear. After only a few bites, the samurai's life protection was consumed. In the next chewing of the flying dragon, the skin on the spot Bone fracture.

At the same time, the claws of the flying dragon continued to increase, and finally... Under the powerful force of the tight hoop, the two warriors caught in the palms of the flying dragon finally began to fight crazily, trying to break through the confinement of the flying dragon.

Suddenly lowered his head, the flying dragon coldly stared at the two small things in his heart, and then... The flying dragon raised his right hand and threw the warrior in his right hand into his mouth, and the click sound sounded again.

Seeing this cruel scene, all the audience couldn't help but feel creepy. This is not a battle, this is simply slaughter, or torture!

As if in order to fulfill everyone's judgment, the flying dragon chewed crazily while putting its hands together. The sharp claws condensed from Xuanbing tightly grasped the body of the last samurai in his hand, and then... The flying dragon suddenly exerted force on both sides...

"Ah!" In time to howl, the warrior's body was torn into two uneven pieces by the hidden force of the flying dragon. Looking at the incomplete body in his hand, the flying dragon seemed to lose interest and threw the two bodies aside and ignored them.

"Wow..." The cold wind blew from the square. At this moment... The flying dragon stood there proudly, full of mouths and hands full of blood. On his shoulder, the flying figure stood firmly there, and a wide magic robe fluttered in the wind.

Looking at the one-eyed bald dragon coldly, Yun Feiyang said deeply, "We have endured it, and I don't want to be enemies with you, but... Maybe it's doomed that we must become enemies, so... Go at ease. If there is an afterlife, don't come to the great business road again!"

While talking, Yun Feiyang slowly poked out his right hand. In an instant, the blood-red ice flowing around Yun Feiyang, instantly separated from the surroundings of Yun Feiyang's body and roared towards the one-eyed bald dragon.

In the face of the exploding ice flow, the one-eyed bald dragon certainly refused to wait to die. He suddenly clenched the sword in his hand, and his eyes were full of crazy look. In any case, he must fight. The beast forced to death is the most fierce!

"Ba Hao..." Just when everyone thought that there would be a bitter battle, the flying dragon turned its side with contempt, and the ice dragon breathed over, and the body of the one-eyed bald dragon was suddenly frozen in place.

Although it is impossible to really seal the action of the flying dragon, it is such a delay that the ice flow technique has arrived. In an instant, the body of the one-eyed bald dragon has been wrapped around more than a dozen punches, and even the head is not exposed. The cooperation between the flying dragon and Yun Feiyang has reached The degree of perfection.

The right hand grabbed the tail of the ice flow, and Yun Feiyang silently performed a frozen touch, and then the contract of four ice and snow elves was used. Finally... Yun Feiyang easily opened his hand and let the ice flow fall to the ground.

From the surface, Yun Feiyang didn't seem to have done anything. The scene was calm, but in this calm, a living life had left unconsciously.

The frozen touch, the contract of the ice and snow elves, although it does not seem to have any exaggerated effect, it all directly affects the enemy's body, or even directly on the enemy's body. Its power is so great that although it cannot be said that the middleman is helpless, at least the contract of the four ice and snow elves, plus one A frozen touch acts directly on the human body, which is powerful enough to withstand 10 ice roars.

Under the driving of the clouds, the flying dragon walked to Xiang Yu, the Bull Demon King, and Roger. After grabbing the three guys on their shoulders, the flying dragon suddenly rose into the air, leaped 40 or 50 meters high, and then spread its wings slightly and glide away in the direction of the city.

Between the rise and fall, Yun Feiyang and others crossed several streets and landed at an open intersection. Then... Yun Feiyang controlled the flying dragon and fell back to the ground. Then the flying dragon reasoned the battle form and rushed to Yun Feiyang's house with Yun Feiyang and others.

Entering the luxurious living room, Yun Feiyang and others were finally paralyzed on the soft long-haired carpet. In the series of battles just now, Yun Feiyang has also done his best. If he can't kill the other party, then Yun Feiyang can do nothing about it. It is precisely because of this that Yun Feiyang is so eager to run away.

Looking at the three guys who were still frightened, Yun Feiyang couldn't help sighing and turned to Roger and said, "Roger, now you should understand why I am so restrained and forbearing, right? If it's just a few quarrels, we don't have to care too much about it. After all... we are not the killer!"

patted his chest with fear, and Roger said seriously, "Now I understand that tolerance does not mean cowardice, just to avoid too much trouble. In fact, if we kill so much every day, I'm afraid we will become the murderer who regards human lives as grass!"

nodded with relief. When Yun Feiyang was about to speak, Xiang Yu said, "Yes, the real strong people are not those who refuse to let go of a word. If that's really the case, it's too tiring to live. We don't care about killing people, but we don't like killing people."

"En..." nodded repeatedly, and the Bull Demon King agreed, "Yes, every life is precious. Unless it is forced, it is better not to kill people as much as possible to avoid it. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, everyone should learn to tolerate more in the future."

After talking about the meeting, several people finally recovered their spirits. Although their strength has not recovered, their actions are no problem. Especially under Yun Feiyang's moisturizing treatment, the wounds have healed, but their physical strength, spirit, magic and fighting spirit have not yet recovered to the strongest state. That's all.

They got up one after another, and the four of them leaned comfortably on the chair. At the same time, Yun Feiyang said in a low voice: "Everyone has been exercising for half a year, and I have also completed the task of passing the first level. I don't know if there is anything else for you. If not, I think we should go to the second level. !"

In the face of Yun Feiyang's inquiry, Xiang Yu and Roger shook their heads at the same time, indicating that they had nothing to do. Only the Bull Demon King looked at Yun Feiyang with an excited face and said, "I think there is a place where we must go. I believe... there must be something that surprises us!"

"Oh?" Looking at the Bull Demon King doubtfully, Yun Feiyang said puzzledly, "Tell me, where is it? What's so special?"

Looking at Yun Feiyang excitedly, the Bull Demon King said firmly, "From here, there is a secret valley about a thousand miles to the east, where there is a prehistoric ruins, which is currently guarded by a frost giant bear. I think... If we can defeat the frost giant bear and enter the prehistoric ruins, we will definitely gain something. !"

"Ice Giant Bear!" Hearing the words of the Bull Demon King, Yun Feiyang suddenly stood up and looked at the Bull Demon King excitedly. After confirming that the Bull Demon King saw the frost giant bear with his own eyes, Yun Feiyang decided on the spot, failed for the time being, and immediately set off to the secret valley...

The next morning, the four left the beautiful city and, led by the Bull Demon King, rushed in the direction of the so-called mysterious valley, but the more they walked, the more strange the clouds flew. Why is the surrounding scenery so familiar?

Finally, when the surrounding air gradually became cold and the cold wind began to roar, Yun Feiyang finally recognized it. Isn't this near the frozen city?

In doubt, Yun Feiyang tentatively said to the Bull Demon King, "This... Bull Demon King, I don't know where you are going, where is it? What's your name?"

"Well..." After thinking about it, the Bull Demon King's eyes suddenly lit up and said excitedly, "Oh, I remember that at the entrance of that valley, I seem to see a stone tablet with three big words on it - Frozen Valley!"

"I'm dizzy..." Hearing the words of the Bull Demon King, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but feel dizzy. Without saying a word, he turned around and walked back. Seeing this scene, although he didn't know what Yun Feiyang was going to do, the other three people still hurriedly chased behind Yun Feiyang.

All the way west, everyone rushed to Lion City. This time, because four people were there, Yun Feiyang used nine rings to load debris, all the rings in the main space were used to hold wine, and four people carried 3,000 barrels of strong fire wine.

Then, under the leadership of Yun Feiyang, the flying dragon opened the road. It only took four days for the four people to arrive at the frozen city. In addition to Yun Feiyang, the other three people came to this northern city for the first time.

Unloaded the wine in the pub he opened, and then... Yun Feiyang took three team members to the direction of the frozen valley. It was not until then that the Bull Demon King suddenly realized that the road Yun Feiyang took was the easiest.

After loading enough wine, a group of four people left the frozen city from the other side and rushed all the way to the frozen valley according to the detailed route of the map of the frozen city.

Not far from the city, soon... The four people were attacked by a large number of monsters. Unlike the monsters in other places, the monsters outside the frozen city are completely ice-based. Looking around, they can't tell where the snow is or the monsters.

Moreover, what makes Yun Feiyang feel helpless is that although the monsters here are not free of ice magic, the freezing of ice magic and the freezing effect have completely disappeared here.

However, although the magic effect has disappeared, the good thing is that the magic lethality has not yet disappeared. Whether it is the ice blade roaring or the arrow rain of hail, there is only physical attack power left. Although Yun Feiyang's strength has been weakened, it has obviously not been completely abolished.

It was a difficult day, but when everyone stopped, they just broke into a short distance. Looking at the dense snow monster in front of them, everyone couldn't help sighing.

Looking at the Bull Demon King with admiration, Roger said admiringly, "God, I really can't think of how you killed it alone. Do you think these monsters are women and don't you?"

"Cut..." Roger looked disdainfully, and the Bull Demon King said proudly, "You think they're all like you, and you know how to break through. Let me tell you... It's simply that I want to cross here alone. As long as I sneak, I can rush into a few kilometers. Today, I only need an hour. Just cross it."

Listening to the quarrel between the Bull Demon King and Roger, Yun Feiyang couldn't help frowning. If it continues like this, according to the Bull Demon King's judgment, he can't reach the ground at all in two weeks, but Yun Feiyang doesn't have so much time wasted here.

Thinking about it, Yun Feiyang made a decisive decision. First, he ordered everyone to have a good rest, and then... The next morning, Yun Feiyang gathered everyone together and began the detailed arrangement.

After breakfast, the flying dragon entered the diamond form and rushed to the snow monster group in the distance. As for the Bull Demon King, Yun Feiyang, Xiang Yu, and Roger, they sat on the head of the flying dragon with an excited face and observed everything around curiously.

The head of the flying dragon is extremely huge, the size of a bus, and it is not a problem to install 20 or 30 people. Such a big head must look huge if it is placed on other creatures, but it is just right on the extremely thick flying dragon, which is more than nine meters high.

At the top of the head of the flying dragon, there are four depressions. The shape of the depression is exactly a seat. At this moment... Yun Feiyang and his party are sitting in it one by one, moving forward while watching the scenery, which can be said to be extremely free.

With the tank-like breakthrough of the flying dragon, more and more snow monsters gathered from all directions. The three outer layers surrounded the flying dragon in the middle. At the beginning, the flying dragon could also cross by jumping and gliding, but later, Yun Feiyang and others found that they seemed to It has fallen into the ocean of Warcraft. As you can see, there are moving Warcraft figures everywhere.

stood up helplessly, and Yun Feiyang slightly poked out his right hand. Suddenly... Where the blue light flashed, the hail technique was launched in an instant. Sharp ice arrows fell sharply from the sky and landed in a circle centered on the flying dragon, 40 meters in diameter. All the demons close to the flying dragon The beasts have suffered an extinct blow.

Originally, such an attack could destroy a large number of monsters outside the great business road, but don't forget that the monsters in the great business road are protected by life and are not so easy to eliminate them.

It was not until the end of the first hail that the snow slaps in the attack range fell to the ground one after another, but at the same time, the monsters in the distance surged up again fearlessly.

Facing the snow monster surging up, the flying dragon was angry. As the king of ice and snow, how could he tolerate the provocation of low-level ice creatures? For a moment, he swept the tail and stepped on it, and the flying dragon also fought crazily.

Finally, after Yun Feiyang released the tenth hail, the snow monster around him was cleaned up. At the same time, Yun Feiyang put away his right hand tiredly, shook palely, and then sat back in the chair weakly.

With his eyes closed tiredly, Yun Feiyang said in a low voice, "Xiang Yu, Roger, the next step is for you. I have the right to restore my spiritual strength and magic. Anyway, you must hold on!"

Hearing Yun Feiyang's words, Roger and Xiang Yu nodded deeply. Xiang Yu said, "Don't worry, captain, you can rest at ease. Anyway, we will definitely keep it until you wake up!"

Hearing Xiang Yu's words, Yun Feiyang nodded at ease, then closed his eyes slightly, entered a state of deep meditation, and began to restore his magic and spiritual strength. At the same time, the flying dragon rushed forward at full speed, and groups of snow monsters appeared in front of him again.

It didn't take long to move forward, and finally... The flying dragon fell into the surrounding of the snow monster again, looking at the snow monster attacking the flying dragon crazily below, and then looking at the still meditating clouds. Finally... Xiang Yu suddenly gritted his teeth and took the lead in leaping from the top of the flying dragon's head.

In mid-air, Xiang Yu pulled out the black iron knife again, clenched the handle with both hands, and roared and fell from the sky. The next moment... Between the fierce knife spirit, the snow monster was divided into two halves by Xiang Yu's cutting power, killing countless casualties!

"Hey..." Looking at Xiang Yu falling into a fierce battle, Roger couldn't help but light up his eyes excitedly and wipe his nose. Roger shouted, "***, how can such a enjoyable thing be without me, Roger! I'll pull..."

With Roger's voice, the next moment... Roger's fierce all-around, his body was more than a dozen heels in a row, and then... Roger's body must be suddenly in mid-air, his legs stretched and danced, and his heavy legs were shadowed, and the body of a snow monster burst into fragments in the air! The smashing effect of the boots can't be resisted by the snow monster!

Seeing Xiang Yu and Roger's help, the flying dragon's eyes suddenly became snowy, sweeping its tail untily, nine meters long, the thick giant tail sweeping place, and the low-level snow monster fell down in pieces... Although it would not kill immediately, under the attack of Xiang Yu and Roger, it had no ability at all.