Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 180: The beginning of the war

Where there are people, there are fights. War is the eternal theme of mankind.

In the southeast of this area, the wolf smoke has quietly dispersed. There are tens of thousands of corpses lying on the dead battlefield. The sky is covered with thick black clouds, and the sun has already fallen under the West Mountain.

It's quiet at night. The occasional howls of wolves in the quiet space make the silent battlefield more and more gloomy. Here... Obviously, there is no living thing.

No one comes to clean up the battlefield, and no one will care about these lost lives. For so many years, war has been too common for the people living in this region. The fragility of life is so common for people in war.

For those who have survived this war, instead of cleaning up these lost lives, it is better to seize the time to concentrate on recuperation, so as to save their lives in the upcoming battle tomorrow.

"Ji-" Suddenly, a harsh sound of birds came from the southern sky, like the call of the dead, cutting through the night sky.


With the sound of birdsong just now, hundreds of birdsong sounded on the southern night sky one after another. The harsh sound of birds seemed to shock people's hearts, and the sharp calls constantly echoed in the hearts of those who survived like needles.

"Have you come?" A few miles away from the battlefield, three or five soldiers in armor left to watch the night looked at the night sky in the south indifferently, and a man in front of them muttered quietly.

"Yes, it's already here. This group of disgusting scavengers. The next thing was the young man with a bandage on his left shoulder behind the soldier, with traces of blood on his resolute face. I don't know if it was his own or someone else's. A trace of disgust flashed in the eyes of the talking young man, as if he had a deep disgust for the birds that were singing.

The soldier in charge quietly turned around and said to several people who followed him, "Go back. Now that these disgusting things have come, our work tonight is basically completed. With them, those who believe that it is impossible for those in Flame City to cross this battlefield to sneak attack. After saying that, the soldier in charge shook his head gently, as if to express his sympathy for those who had died in battle. He didn't know if he could get out of the war alive, or maybe one day or tomorrow he would lie on the dead battlefield in front of him and be slaughtered by others.

"Oh? What are these? Our reinforcements?" Talking is a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old teenager standing at the end of several people. His long bright golden hair is scattered on his shoulders, and his big shining eyes seem to be the only pair of stars in this endless night, shining with a light of hope.

The war between the Flame City and the Xuanhuang Wall in this region has long been a shortage of people. The vast majority of young and middle-aged people have been summoned to the battlefield by the state for decades, but the destruction of life by the war is extremely rapid. In recent years, the military strength of both sides has been sharply reduced, and the national strength is exhausted, but for There is no result from both sides, and the front has always been saw above the original border of the two sides. Now that both sides have basically reached the situation of warless soldiers, they have no choice but to forcibly recruit some underage teenagers to join the army.

But for these teenagers, how can they understand the cruelty of war? When they go to the battlefield, most people can only be used as cannon fodder.

The talking teenager did not notice the sadness in his voice when the soldier spoke. He heard the soldier in charge say, 'When these things come, our work can be basically completed.' He naively thought that it was the arrival of reinforcements from his side and the care for his mother's family. Therefore, he, who came to the battlefield for the first time today, did not know the rules of this area at all.

"Re reinforcements? Hahaha..." The soldier at the head did not answer the teenager positively, but laughed hysterically, and rough laughter spread in the silent night sky, accompanied by more and closer piercing birds in the sky.

No one noticed that while the soldier in charge was laughing, a tear quietly slipped down the resolute face that seemed to have experienced the vicissitudes of life.

The handsome blonde teenager didn't know what he was wrong and didn't understand why his question made the young man in charge of leading him laugh so loudly. The blonde teenager raised his confused face, which seemed to have never experienced any setbacks and hardships, and looked at the young man in front of him puzzledly.

"Haha..." The young man was still laughing and completely ignored the meaning of the handsome blonde teenager. The young soldier at the head raised a hand and gently put it on his mouth, as if he was afraid that his laughter would alarm others. His thumb quietly slipped through the corners of his eyes. I touched the tears that slowly flowed down the corners of my eyes.

Suddenly, the expression of the young man in front of him changed. He quickly walked to the side of the handsome teenager, rudely stretched out his right hand full of knives and oldots, put it on the back of the golden teenager, lifted the handsome teenager as if he were a chicken, and then pushed the teenager forward fiercely, with great force to make this A thin teenager slid dozens of meters in the air before stinged to the ground.

"Bum!" With a sound, the handsome teenager had close contact with the ground and rolled on the ground for more than ten meters before he stopped. The metallic armor rubbed violently with the protruding stones on the ground, faintly flashing several sparks.

For a long time, the blonde teenager just got up again, stretched out his hand to wipe the blood flowing from nowhere, stood up and wanted to go back to the rough soldier and ask why all this was.

"Rit there!" Before the blonde teenager raised his steps and walked forward, the rough and slightly hoarse shouts of the young soldier at the head came to the blonde teenager's ears. Even dozens of meters away, the blonde teenager still felt that his ears were shocked by the shout.

For a moment, tears of grievance came from the corners of the blonde teenager's eyes and kept dripping on the ground full of loess.

The blonde teenager didn't understand why he suffered this kind of treatment. He just asked a question. Then he was bullied for no reason, including other people next to him who were even watching jokes all the time.

"Hey, is this good? He is just a child. I was just recruited from the countryside today. The young man with a bandage on his shoulder behind the young soldier still couldn't stand it. He walked to the young soldier at the head and asked gently. However, there seems to be no reproach in the voice.

"Hmm! It's because he just came today! Do you think he can go to the battlefield tomorrow like this? Can you come back alive if you go there? The young man at the head turned his face and looked at the soldier who spoke to him and asked sharply. The young man with a bandage on his shoulder had nothing to say, but lowered his head and shook it slightly.

The young man at the head saw that the other party did not reply, so he continued: "This is also for his good. Don't you understand? After all, there are some things that can only be completely accepted if you have experienced them yourself, and you will not feel hesitant, helpless, or even desperate when you experience them again. Isn't tonight a good opportunity for this child?"

After the young man finished speaking, he reached out and suddenly pulled out the big knife hanging around his waist. The cold light came out of the handle of the knife, facing the burning bonfire not far away, and even clearly saw the unped blood stains on the big knife.

"Turn around and look ahead, there is no order from me! If you dare to turn around, then what greets your fragile neck is my big knife that has killed thousands of enemies' heads in the battlefield for several years!" The rough voice of the young man at the head floated to the position of the blonde teenager with the desolate cold wind. The blonde teenager raised his tearful eyes and looked at the big knife that kept flashing cold light in the young man's hand not far away. I only felt an unknown cool air rushing straight down the soles of my feet to my forehead.

"What are you still standing stupidly for? Turn around!" The voice of the young man at the head came again. While talking, he unconsciously waved the big knife in his hand.

The blonde teenager was scared by the roar of the young man, and his introversion made him instinctively want to resist, but when he noticed the cold knife, the only thing the blonde teenager could choose now was to obey.

"Oh, is this really good?" The young man with a bandage on his shoulder shook his head as if talking to himself. Looking up at the surging black clouds in the sky, he sighed secretly: "If you live or die, you will live in the past, and if you can't resist, you will die; hehe, it's really an extreme practice."

The blonde teenager can't listen to what the bandaged young man said in the distance. Now he just does what the young man in charge told him to do. He doesn't understand why the young man wants to stand in front of this battlefield and even take out a big knife to threaten himself.

However, there is no need to explain all this, because the blonde teenager soon found the answer he wanted.

Those that just seemed to be the piercing sound of birds in the sky, and in less than a short time, with the fast-moving black clouds in the sky, the calls gradually increased from hundreds of birds to thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands.

The black clouds are getting closer and closer to the battlefield, and the height of the black clouds is getting lower and lower as they are getting closer to the battlefield. Finally, the blonde teenager saw clearly that the black clouds that were constantly approaching the battlefield were composed of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of black birds. After reaching the sky above the battlefield, they began to fall one after another.

However, that's not the only thing that shocked the blonde teenager. As these birds continued to land, the blonde teenager's face began to change from shock.


Several torches quickly swept over the head of the blonde teenager and flew straight to the battlefield where birds kept landing. As the torch kept approaching, the blonde teenager finally saw everything he wanted to see clearly, and his face turned pale in an instant.

The corpse-eating vulture!

The corpse-eating vulture, this is a nightmare in the hearts of countless soldiers who have gone to the battlefield in this area, countless dream demons in the hearts of their wives waiting for their boudoirs, countless scars in the hearts of mothers who hope for their son to return home as soon as possible, and countless demons waiting for their children waiting for their father to go home to visit their children!

In this area, people's disgust for this creature is far beyond their fear of this creature, which is not because of the power of the corpse-eating vulture, nor because of the terrible appearance of the corpse-eating vulture; but because of the behavior of this creature.

The battlefield, for creatures such as the ghoul, undoubtedly means the existence of a paradise. This creature is born with an unusual ** nerve - ** of soul power, and for those souls that are about to die, this creature has a dog's sense of smell. And all this is because of their way of survival - corpse eating!

In the period of the rise of magic ten thousand years ago, there was a creature that had the same preference as the corpse-eating, that is, the ghoul summoned by the undead mage who gathered terrible darkness and cruelty!

People in this area's disgust with the creature corpse-eating vul comes from the heart. After all, no one wants their children, husbands, fathers, and even their bodies after death to become delicious food in other people's mouths. This creature undoubtedly means the dream demon in their hearts for warriors.

However, the rulers in this area seem to have never thought of cleaning up this creature, because the existence of this creature is an indispensable existence for this area that is still in the era of cold weapons and is in constant war, that is, to clean up the battlefield.

There is nothing wrong with cleaning the battlefield. Because of the existence of this creature, no matter how fierce the war is, how many corpses are left after the war, they will often be eaten away by these disgusting gregarious creatures overnight, even a single bone. It is because of this that the powerful people who are generous and pointing behind the country ignore the grievances of the people to clean up the existence of this creature; it is also because of this that countless soldiers' disgust and hatred for this creature become more and more intense. After all, no one wants his only logo in the world to be erased by others, even if he is dead.

In history, there have also been benevolent authorities who organized troops to try to destroy disgusting creatures such as corpses, but soon after the outbreak of the war, people found that all this was futile. It is unwise to fight against this nocturnal creature at night, so wars often break out during the day. However, because of the nature of the ghouls and their terrible number, even if humans can hit a combat damage ratio of 1:100, they cannot effectively hit them, and at night, the battlefield that no one cares about will become a paradise for these disgusting creatures, because once there is a war There must be casualties, and these casualties will often become a delicious meal for the corpse wares. More importantly, these creatures not only encroach on the dead bodies of human beings, but even the bodies of their peers will not hesitate to eat them.

The sound of countless sharp and deterrent birds at night made the soldiers unable to sleep, while the corpse vulture replenished after a night of rich energy was still active...

The blonde teenager's face was pale, and countless heads, arms, internal organs and some bones that could not recognize where they originally existed were reflected in the eyes of the blonde teenager under the light of the torch. Before going to this battlefield, the countless rumors about the terrible creature that people in the village talked about were all reflected in the minds of the blonde teenager at this moment.