Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 182: Holy Level

The intermittent words of the little messenger made everyone present not understand, but General Kate clearly heard the crucial word in the poor little messenger's voice - the holy level!

Although he was in a state of extreme anger, General Kate's head was clear after all. The holy level is not something that ordinary people can play with. General Kate came forward and picked up the little messenger who was still breathing and roared at the little messenger with his unique loud voice: "Holy level? What a holy level! Make it clear to me!"

The poor little messenger was shaken by General Kate's thick voice. He instinctively shook the saliva that had just been sprayed on his face by General Kate, calmed down a little, and continued intermittently: "Outside... There was a fire outside, and on the battlefield... a holy level burned the battlefield... and those The corpse-eating vulture..."


Before the poor messenger finished speaking, General Kate threw the messenger out! He picked up the big sword and hurriedly rushed out of the camp.

Burned? General Kate suddenly felt a chill when he heard the story of the little soldier. If the whole battlefield was burned, then not to mention the body of the stupid little prince of Shuiling, I'm afraid he can't even find any relics!

General Kate rushed to the door of the tent and opened the curtain covering the tent. In an instant, the sky-high fire reflected General Kate's eyes. There were blood-red clouds above the battlefield, and below was a sea of fire. The blazing the night like day, constantly beating. The flames rushed out of the ground as high as tens of meters or even dozens of meters.

The firelight in the center of the battlefield is almost hundreds of meters away from the ground, and countless corpse-eating vulture with dark wings constantly gather towards this location, like moths on fire, not afraid of death. They were roasted into coke by the sky-high fire.

The sky is constantly echoing with the sad sounds of the corpses, and all the camp tents on General Kate's side have turned fiery red under the light of the sky.

"It's over!" General Kate closed his eyes sadly, and his high sword fell feebly on the ground, with the tip of the sword pointing straight to the ground.

The guards who followed General Kate happened to hear General Kate's words just now. Looking at the fire on the battlefield in front of them, they couldn't help but burst out a burst of sadness in their hearts. Yes, it's over. It's over. Under such a fierce fire, not to mention the body, I'm afraid that even the armor on his body will be baked, right? Then the stupid little prince of water spirit has undoubtedly been buried in this sea of fire.

"Damn it, who set this fire! Stand up for me! I'm going to strip him alive!" General Kate, who had just been silent and sad, suddenly regained his explosive image. He picked up the three-foot sword in his hand and shouted hysterically.

However, there was still silence around. Except for the dying sad sounds of the corpse vulans coming from his ears, no one answered General Kate's question.

A well-dressed soldier stood far away from the military tent, or turned his head to look at the sky-raging fire behind, or looking at General Kate, who was angry in front of him, but no one spoke.

"The messenger! The messenger! Come out!" When General Kate, who was furious, saw that no one answered his question, he couldn't help thinking of the messenger who had just been thrown out by himself. He roared and rushed into the main account of the barracks and brought him out.

General Kate, who walked out of the camp again, threw the little messenger in his hand on the ground in front of him and roared, "What the hell is going on! Explain it to me!" As General Kate shouted, he raised the big sword held in his right hand and lay it on the shoulder of the messenger. After a pause, he continued, "Remember, if you stag a little while talking, I will cut off your head!" Do you understand?!"

Under the majestic eyes of General Kate, the poor messenger trembled with fear, and he could even feel that the sword shot by the sharp sword across his neck had even pierced his neck.

The poor messenger took a hard breath and tried to calm down. Anyway, he looked up and looked at the majestic General Kate in front of him and said, "Just now, an unknown lightning flashed, which lit up the whole barracks. When I raised my head. A big fire has been ignited on this battlefield. At first, only one area in the center burned again. As the poor messenger said, he stretched out his hand and pointed back to the flame about 100 meters high and continued: "Then a man in golden armor came out of nowhere, standing there in the air, so gently waved his hand, and then a fierce wind blew, which quickly led to the fire. To other places, and then... it's the current scene, where tens of thousands or more than 100,000 corpses kept rushing to the man like crazy. The fire there was suddenly intensified by the burning of these corpse gulls, and I'm afraid that the man is still in the sea of fire. Then...then I came to the barracks account to report to General Kate.

After saying that, the poor little messenger subconsciously looked at the sharp sword across his neck, and then closed his eyes and waited for General Kate's sentence.

After listening to the narrative of the little messenger, General Kate looked at the slightly immature messenger in front of him and sighed in his heart: 'Children can be taught'. Compared with those warriors who usually look lively when training, General Kate likes the boy in front of him. In the face of danger but not chaos, he can actually change his previous timid appearance in the face of life and death. But...

General Kate closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, stroked the sharp sword aside, and then took it back and stood in front of him. But Kate has no chance to ** this soldier. After today's incident, General Kate believes that this Flame City no longer has his place to live. I'm afraid the verdict will come down soon, right?

The holy level... General Kate still closed his eyes and meditated. On the whole world's power continent, there are only a dozen people who can reach the holy level. The life experience of these people has long been firmly remembered in the bottom of his heart for General Kate, who has been in the battlefield for decades and is still a seventh-level knight. . However, no matter how General Kate recalls it now, he can never imagine which of these sacred beings wears or has worn golden armor.

After all, gold can only be used as currency or some ornamental things in General Kate's eyes. What if it is used as armor? Joke! Unless he doesn't want to live, after all, the texture of gold is softer than other metals. Even an ordinary iron sword in the hands of an ordinary soldier can draw a piece on the armor made of gold. If he is a soldier with practice, it may be possible to cut through this layer of armor. The best armor must be made of fine steel, which is the style that General Kate has always insisted on. General Kate has always scoffed at those in gorgeous armor. Can that kind of thing go to the battlefield?

What's more, how rich and noble people can enjoy to make armor with gold! I'm afraid that no one in the world will do this except the hateful, stubborn and stupid little Duke of Shuiling, right?

Thinking about this, suddenly General Kate suddenly opened his eyes, raised his sword standing on the ground and knocked on the poor little messenger who was still waiting to die, and asked in a tone as plain as possible, "Have you ever seen the man standing in the sky in golden armor? Or, do you think he looks like someone who has appeared in our barracks?

After General Kate finished speaking, he pouted the corners of his mouth and smiled at himself. How could this be possible? Maybe you are really confused? If the legendary little prince can't write, can't do anything, eat, drink and play all day long, and occasionally play a little clever and rubbish-like stupid little prince can stand in the air, won't the whole world become holy? General Kate touched his forehead mocking himself.

What is the origin of this holy existence that is still in the flame? Why burn this battlefield? Is it an enemy or a friend? General Kate has a headache. Since he is destined to be covered by the anger of the Duke of Water, General Kate is completely relieved; what he is now concerned about is why this sudden arrival of the holy existence came here. He, Kate Brooks Green, must be responsible for these soldiers who follow him. If the holy level in the flames is the enemy, then he must come up with a solution to ensure the safety of his army.

Just as General Kate frowned and meditated, the poor little messenger in front of him, who had just fallen to the ground and was still waiting for death, suddenly spoke: "Kai...General Kate, that... I think... well... I may have really seen the saint who is still on the battlefield, he... um..." Poor little biography Ling Bing tried his best to consider his words for fear that his words would anger the grumpy general in front of him again.

But General Kate didn't have such a good patience. When he heard the little messenger's words, he began to stammer again. He was not angry. He stretched out his hand and picked up the little messenger kneeling in front of him, brought him up in front of him, and shouted in an almost roaring voice: "Good to me. Speak up! Where have you seen that holy level? When did you see it? Did he come to our barracks before? Why don't you report it?!"

Now General Kate has completely ruled out the possibility that the holy-level existence in golden armor is a little water prince. In other words, if the waste can also become a holy level, wouldn't the world power continent have been in a mess?

The poor messenger was held by General Kate's skirt on his chest and struggled to hold General Kate's hand with both hands. The feeling of closing his breath almost suffocated him.

General Kate gently put the poor messenger on the ground. He knew that this was not the time to be angry. He needed information now! All information about the existence of this holy level!

"Ha...ha...ha..." was untied. The poor little messenger took a few deep breaths and looked up to see General Kate's sharp eyes staring at him. This time, he did not dare to neglect, no longer consider words, and did not care about any shocking effects. He quickly stood up and reported loudly to General Kate in front of him as if he were making a report: "I think the man who is now in the flames on the battlefield is the little useless duke who has been protected by Captain Castros during this time!"

"Evidence!" General Kate then asked in a loud voice. Although his heart was full of shock, there was no expression on General Kate's face at this moment. He needs evidence to prove what the little messenger said, because it is not only related to the personal safety of himself and his own guard, but also to the safety of his whole army - if the existence of this holy level is the enemy.

Yes! Because the waste little duke tried many times to disrupt the order of the barracks and teased us a few days ago, I drew a piece of shit behind his golden armor with ink oil last night! And before the holy level on the battlefield was covered by the fire, I clearly saw a burning pattern behind him. Although his voice is a little different from before, I don't think it's wrong, that kind of... well... only I can draw it!" The little biography of the soldier was beaded and reported to General Kate in a loud voice. Even the soldiers standing far away around began to laugh.

Ink oil is a combustion aid on the world's continent, which is exploited in deep mountains. In most cases, it is used to catch fire, but because it is not easy to scrub, sometimes military soldiers also use it to smear flags or play pranks.

"Hmm!" General Kate coughed dryly and calmed down a little. Turning around, he turned to the captain of the guard standing behind him and asked, "Castros! Did you really see this boy's painting behind the little Duke of Shuiling today?

"" The disease seems to be somewhat contagious, and now even the captain of the Guards Castros, who has always been vigorous, is a little vague when answering General Kate's question. However, in any case, because of the reply of this little messenger, the depressed atmosphere around has finally been slightly relieved.

"Talk to me!" General Kate began to roar.

"Yes! This morning, I did see a pattern painted with ink on the back of the little Duke of Shuiling. At that time, my subordinates thought it was painted by the little Duke of Shuiling himself, so I didn't ask!" Captain Castros replied rigidly. However, anyone can hear the loophole in his voice. After all, who will draw a piece of poop behind his back when he has nothing to do? It seems that the captain of Castros's personal guard has also been tricked by this little duke for a while, so he didn't remind him.

"Are you sure that pattern was painted by you?" General Kate turned around again and asked the little messenger.

"Yes, General! That pattern was often drawn when I was at home, but I haven't painted it since I came to the barracks, so it's impossible for anyone to imitate it!" After saying that, the little messenger squatted down and drew such a pattern on the ground with his fingers.

"That's the general!" After finishing the painting, the poor little messenger stood up and continued to answer after a standard military salute to General Kate.

Behind General Kate, anyone who could see the pattern drawn by the little messenger dared not laugh out loud with the smile on his face. Because of this small messenger... uh... painted, it's really - so fucking like it!

"Oh? Did you draw it? I said, why was it so easy to ignite behind the back just now? It turned out to be ink oil. A voice came from the sky.

What?! General Kate was shocked! He hurriedly picked up the sword and pointed to the air. At this moment, a man in golden armor was standing in the air just a distance from the ground. General Kate's face was so serious that he approached him quietly. General Kate didn't realize that General Kate believed that he was a seven-level warrior with him. I'm afraid that few people in the whole Flame City can do this. But now, the person in the air has done it!

Although there is the identification of the small messenger, General Kate still can't believe that the rumored waste little duke has holy strength.

"Ha ha, don't get excited. Don't you know me? Captain Castros?" As he spoke, the man in gold armor slowly landed on the ground. Under the light of fire in the barracks, the people around him finally saw the man's face.

This is a handsome and flawless face. Light blue hair scattered through the golden helmet on his head, scattered over the man's shoulders. There is a metallic light all over his body. His body stood straight, and the tailor-made gorgeous armor pierced his body like a god descending to the earth. Just...

However, if someone stands behind this dazzling person like a god at this moment, he will be shocked to find that there is a blackened extremely strange mark, an extremely obscene mark on the golden armor behind this person. It seems that God is fair, and there will still be some flaws behind such a gorgeous and perfect image.