Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 184: Magic

A tongue-twisting and short magic spell sounded in the watery mind with Gandalf's hoarse voice.

The water spirit, who had already emptied all the distractions, firmly remembered the syllables that Gandalf taught him. After a while, he continued to ask, "Well, Elder Gan, I have written down this paragraph. You can continue to talk about it."

"Continue? What to continue? This spell is so long." Gandalf heard Shuiling's words and replied.

"Is it so long? But this is less than ten syllables in total!" As Shuiling spoke, he suddenly patted his forehead and said with a flash of inspiration, "I understand, is this achievement the legendary 'extremely gorgeous and plain'?"

As soon as Shuiling's voice fell, Gandalf's hoarse voice sounded again in Shuiling's mind: "It's just a fireball spell. How long do you want?"

Hearing Gandalf's answer, Shuiling was obviously a little annoyed: "Fireball? Isn't that the simplest magic? But you just said you wanted to teach me the most important spell about fire magic!"

Gandalf replied seriously, "Fireball is of course the most important spell in fire magic! Have you ever seen a fire magician who can't use fireball? This is a must-learn spell for a fire magician! Isn't it heavy or not?"

Shuiling rolled his eyes helplessly. Although he also wanted to get angry, Gandalf had already firmly grasped Shuiling's weakness and had to hold back his anger. But now Shuiling's attitude is not as good as before. He continued to ask unsaltyly, "Is it enough to recite a spell to the target who wants to cast the spell?"

"Yes, but I can remind you that with the help of spells, you'd better not concentrate too much. The effect that your strong spiritual power can drive is itself..."

Before Gandalf finished his words, Shuiling interrupted impatiently, "Okay, I know." After saying that, Shuiling kicked the black bead carrying Gandalf's soul into his arms, quickly chanted the spell, and focused his attention on the unlit oil lamp in the camp tent...


Old General Carmon and Roger, who were standing outside Kate's tent and talking in a low voice, suddenly felt a strong aura fluctuation, and they instinctively felt a dangerous breath after a long time! At the critical moment, they tiptoed and retreated dozens of meters.

After the two stood back, and looked back at the position just now, they saw a strong black smoke rising in the air, with General Kate's tent as the center, rolling violently on the radius of 30 meters around, and under the cover of black smoke, there were continuous red flames from the black smoke. A flash appeared in the gap. In a flash, more than a dozen soldiers who had just had time to escape rushed out of the flames with fierce flames with heartbreaking screams...

"Young Lord! ..." Roger, who reacted quickly, immediately realized that Shuiling was still in General Kate's barracks tent. After shouting, he was in the sea. However, his arm was tightly held by General Carmon, who was slightly calmer beside him.

"What are you doing! Don't you know that the young master is still inside!" Roger stared at the blood red and roared at the old General Carmon.

General Carmon held Roger tightly and said seriously, "Roger! Wake up! Now our young master is no longer the stupid boy you saw in the imperial capital a few months ago! Don't you know what his strength is? Do you think that this level of flame can hurt a person who can easily take the fatal blow of Kate and me? And maybe this fire is the young master..."

However, before General Carmon finished his words, they heard the sound of water spirits sounding sharply in the sea of fire in front of them: "Bastard! You're kidding me, aren't you? This is also a fucking fireball!?"

With the sound, a group of bright white light mass rushed out of the thick black wolf smoke. After falling into the safe area, the white light gradually dispersed, and a gray face with a sad and indignant expression appeared from the middle.

Shuiling was about to take out black beads to teach Gandalf a lesson, but the continuous screams from around him came to his ears immediately after the energy shield that protected him dissipated. Shuiling gently rubbed his blackened eyes and noticed the situation around him. General Kate had already led everyone to extinguish those who had been water. The flame of the spirit burned the flames on the soldiers, but the pain of heartbreaking could not dissipate with the extinguishing of the flame on their bodies; after the flame on their bodies was extinguished, there was even only air left in their nostrils.

After two or three seconds of silence, Shui Ling walked to the soldiers who were lying on the ground and had already been burned to pieces with guilt.

"What are you going to do!" Noticing Shuiling's movements, General Kate roared desperately that these guards around his barracks main tent were his Kate's most valued soldiers! Kate, who also knows the strength of water

Contact the fire on the battlefield three days ago, and now you can naturally imagine that all this is the work of water.

However, Shuiling ignored General Kate. He just quietly walked to these soldiers lying on the ground waiting to die, stretched out his left hand, and said from his mouth with an obscure syllable. A huge light blue light slowly gathered on his left hand. When the obscure syllable in Shuiling's mouth was completely read, the light blue light quickly soared in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, he covered the soldiers lying on the ground and himself in it.

"Bastard! You damn idiot! What else do you have to do to my sergeants!" General Kate, who had stood beside the injured soldiers, was now surrounded by this light blue light. Although he did not feel any dangerous breath from the soft light blue light, he, who had been plagued by the pranks of the little Duke of Shuiling, did not think that Shuiling was doing anything good now.

However, before General Kate's words fell, the light blue curtain that enveloped them for only a few seconds had quietly dissipated. Just as General Kate, who had regained his vision, was about to rush to strangle the water spirit, through the afterglow of the corners of his eyes, General Kate was surprised to find that he was lying on the ground just a few seconds ago. The bloody soldiers seem to have been washed with water at this moment, and their dark skin shines with healthy light under the light of fire, and there is no trace of fire! Several slightly shiny iron pieces are covered with these soldiers who are still lying on the ground with their eyes closed and subconsciously moaning. Those are fine iron armors that the fire has no way to ignite...

This broad-bove strong man has fought for half his life, and he has never seen such a situation. Www! General Kate began to doubt his eyes for the first time in his life as if he were dreaming. When he stood still for a few seconds, he stared at Shuiling and spit out two words in a daze: "Okay?"

"Well, all right." Shuiling smiled slightly, as if relieved, and breathed a long sigh of relief.

General Kate closed his eyes tightly, shook his head fiercely, looked at the smooth soldiers on the ground, and finally woke up from that brief sluggishness. General Kate, who had wanted to rush to the water spirit, immediately turned the head of the gun and kicked the buttocks of the warrior who was still immersed in illusion and moaning on the ground closest to him. He raised his voice and roared, "It's all right. What's the name?" My face was lost by you bear soldiers today! Shame on me once or twice! Get up quickly and continue to stand guard!"

These soldiers who were just dying on the ground heard General Kate's roar. The conditioned reflex was average, and they woke up from the illusion one after another. The soldier who was kicked by General Kate took the lead in waking up, touching their bare buttocks aggrievedly, and then looked at their bodies. Everything in the calendar is like a dream. After confirming that their bodies were completely fine, the soldiers stood up one after another, standing upright and saluted General Kate neatly. He answered in a loud voice, "Yes! General!"

However, these soldiers who are still in a trance have not found that the color of their General Kate's face is now changing from red to white, then from white to green, and from green to black, and there is still slightly red in black...

General Kate is angry, and he is really angry! He even felt that the glory of his life had been ruined! Look at these soldiers, these soldiers he brought out with his own hands! How many people have you lost to him today? And every time, it's in front of Captain Roger, whom Kate regards as an idol!

As the saying goes, people who are extremely angry often look very calm and quiet on the surface! Now General Kate's performance is exactly like this. General Kate took a quiet breath, then quietly walked to the nearest soldier, and then he quietly stretched out his right hand and quietly put his right hand on the soldier's shoulder...

brush brush......

Several beautiful scenery flashed through the air, and their dark and healthy skin tones were shining in the sun. After all this, General Kate calmly clapped his hands, lowered his head and looked at the scrap iron pieces scattered on the ground - this was when the dozen soldiers stood up just now. They fell off naturally unconsciously...


With the sound of more than a dozen already naked soldiers thrown into the military tent by General Kate in the distance, General Kate finally failed to suppress the spreading anger in his heart. He rolled his eyes and lay straight on the ground and fainted...

However, waves of unrestled and waves rise again. Just as the surrounding sergeants took advantage of General Kate's loss of consciousness to release the long-pressed laughter, a cry that made people feel distressed and guilty came again...

"Water Spirit... Water Spirit! ... Let go of me! ...I'm going to find Shuiling! Shuiling..." In this other section of the thick smoke with a radius of more than 30 meters, Meng Lisa, who finally arrived at the scene after hearing the explosion, had already cried into tears. She was constantly struggling to push away the soldiers who surrounded her in the middle and wanted to rush into the flame of black smoke to find her Love...

Irning the indignant expression of the soldiers around him, Shuiling never opened his legs, even if he wanted to rush to the other end of the fire, wanted to hold the pitiful little angel tightly, and wanted to tell the infinitely beloved little angel in his gentle voice that he was fine, but... There is always a voice in Shuiling's heart that keeps repeating: She is called Shuiling, not you Shuiling! Her name is Shuiling! It's not you! Her name is...

"Do you like her? Why don't you go there if you like her? Don't you even have this little courage? If you like her, use your original temperament to conquer her! Do you think you are not as good as a dage who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun? Shuiling has died. What are you fighting with a dead man?

Gandalf's hoarse voice strengthened the wavering heart of Shuiling, yes! The water spirit is dead. What is alive now is his water spirit! He can completely win the heart of Meng Lisa again as his water spirit.

The water spirit who made up his mind resolutely re-entered the fire.

'No mistake! I'm Shuiling! Everything here is a new beginning for me! The water spirit is dead! Totally dead!' Shuiling said these words to himself over and over again. Completely ignore everything around...

When Shuiling noticed Gandalf's cry about the 'shield' in his heart again, it was too late.

When the water spirit appeared on the other side of the fire, he, who had just been cleaned by Gandalf's temporary professor of water healing, once again regained his gray face.

Dream Lisa was still crying and wanted to pull away the sergeants who surrounded her. When she looked up and saw the haunting figure appear in front of her again, the dark image of the water spirit made Meng Lisa heartbroken for a burst of pain. In an instant, the infinite surprise was accompanied by the heartache of ten thousand swords and rushed to Dream Lisa's fragile heart at the same time. Poor Dream Lisa could no longer stand this inhuman suffering and fainted as soon as she closed her eyes.

Shuiling was just wondering how to face Meng Lisa, but at the moment when he saw Meng Lisa fainted, Shuiling flew to Meng Lisa's side almost at the same time and supported Meng Lisa who was about to slide to the ground with his body.

Shuiling looked at his dusty hands and did not dare to stretch out his hand to help poor little Meng Lisa. He instinctively felt that it was an unforgivable sin to help the little angel who fell to earth with such dirty hands!

The water spirit whose brain didn't know what to do at all finally remembered the magic he had just learned at the prompt of Gandalf. Advanced magic of water system - the light of sea blue!

With the water spirit whispering a spell, a light blue halo slowly spread from the water spirit's center to the surroundings. The light blue soft light enveloped the water spirit and Dream Lisa, and then enveloped the earth that was still burning with flames, and lay in the barracks. General Kate at the outside end was shrouded in it, but all this was not over, and the light blue soft light continued to spread until it enveloped half of the battalion set up by General Kate that could accommodate up to 50,000 sergeants! What a strange feeling the sergeants in this light blue soft light feel this slightly cool bath! Obviously, it is a soft and cool light curtain, but the soldiers in it feel as warm as they are in their mother's arms...

This strange feeling accompanies the lives of these soldiers. In the future, whenever they recall this miratic holy land, they will always show off to their friends, relatives, parents, children, and even strangers they have never met in bars over and over again. Yao: This is a gift from the true God!

"Water spirit, water spirit, is that you? I know it's you, and I remember the smell on you. Although she can't see anything in this light blue light curtain, Mona can still feel that the person around her is the love of her life.

Dream Lisa gently muttered and awakened the water spirit who was still closing her eyes and casting spells. Despite thousands of unwillingness in his heart, he noticed the undry tears on Mona's lovely face, and finally couldn't bear to hurt this infinitely pitiful little angel again. Shuiling tried his best to answer with one of the softest voices he could achieve: "It's me, Mom Lisa. I'm... Shuiling. Sorry, it's all my fault. Are you all right?"

As the water spirit spoke, the light blue light curtain firmly covering half of the barracks finally dissipated in the infinitely intoxicated expressions of the soldiers, and what kind of scene it was again in front of everyone! The military camp that has experienced countless wind and rain for several months (harmony) appeared in front of everyone again with a completely new image after experiencing the light curtain. The soldiers' faces that had not been cleaned for days reproduced the past, and the cold weapons were shining in the sun. Bright armor, each one is like a god, and on this desolate land where there is no grass, countless green grass breaks out one after another - of course, it also includes the land that has just burned with flames, and colorful flowers compete to open at a few meters or ten meters... and in another On the outside, the place covered by the light blue curtain just now is the dividing line, with heaven on one side and hell on the other...

"Is this... this... the divine holy law of the water system... the smooth world! Legendary - the art of creation!" Gandalf called out, and a broken chapter that had just flashed in General Carmon's mind not long ago once again appeared in Gandalf's mind:


When the eternal solar eclipse comes,

Gods and demons will come to the world,

The world will usher in a war of extinction,

The goddess of the world after ten thousand years of suffering will come again,

She will bring a new true god to the world continent,

Is the world destroyed or recreated?

Is it illusory or...
