Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 189: Battle Upgrade

In the next month, the six-winged phoenix angels were still training crazily. They went out early and returned late every day. Their strength improved so fast that they finally alerted the enemies outside the city and lived so much. It was the first time they saw someone who could improve at such a fast speed, which was so horrible.

In fact, the reason why the six-winged phoenix angels have progressed so fast is because of their cultivation efforts, but also because the six-winged phoenix Tianyi is a semi-epic suit, which can double the speed of everyone's cultivation of fighting spirit, and... Due to the supplement of four-color potions, the use of fighting spirit is too frequent. If you use more, the speed of improvement will naturally be faster.

At the same time, the wheel was not idle. While subconsciously meditating with the help of the crown of Atlantis, it subconsciously practiced the contract of ice and snow elves to lower the temperature of ice magic.

The progress speed of that wave wheel is not comparable to anyone, not to mention the auxiliary effect of the Atlantean suit, which can keep the wave wheel in a meditative state 24 hours a day, which is far enough to surpass anyone else.

What's more, with legendary equipment such as the soul of elves and the ring of ice and snow elves, the cultivation speed of the wave wheel can no longer be described by other words except horror.

Especially with the help of the Atlantean gloves, the practice of the contract of the ice and snow elves is several times faster than that of those who practice the contract of the ice and snow elves alone! And it also has the profound magic that people who specialize in the contract of ice and snow elves can't reach.

Of course, while the wave wheel is subconsciously meditating and subconsciously practicing the contract of the ice and snow elves, his subjective consciousness is not idle. He is wholeheartedly studying the alchemy materials obtained from Odom's alchemy laboratory. Unless there is something very important, otherwise, the battle outside has nothing to do with that wave wheel. .

When a person concentrates on doing something, there is no reason not to do it well. As long as you concentrate and work hard enough, no matter what, you can achieve certain results.

The same is true of that wave wheel. 24 hours a day, in addition to six hours of meditation and absorption, the other 18 hours of that wave wheel is reading and absorbing. When you are tired, you can take physical and mental medicine, and then continue to watch, study and record.

There are many books obtained from Odom's laboratory, and almost every one is unique and can't be found elsewhere, and... How can the books that can be put into Odom's Alchemy Laboratory be ordinary?

Among thousands of books, Na Bolun has sorted out the most precious one, which is the alchemy notes of Chris, the greatest alchemist of Odom's alchemy laboratory. This note records all his alchemy experience and knowledge. After a simple comparison, thousands of books here are recorded in the notes. What these thousand books constitute is the most complete and comprehensive alchemy discipline.

In day and night learning, the progress speed of the wave wheel can be described as thousands of miles a day. In addition, it used to have a foundation, so soon, the wave wheel came into contact with many core technologies.

The first work done by the wheel is to mark the amethyst darts of the six-winged phoenix angels. Once it is sent out, it can use the energy carried by the dart itself to automatically return according to the mark of the soul.

Of course, it is absolutely not enough to have a soul mark. If the amethyst shuttle is stuck in a stone or other strong object, there is no way to return automatically, so... In addition to the soul mark, the wave wheel also adds a space channel array for the amethyst shuttle .

The space channel is the primary magic of the summoning system. The principle is unknown. It can form a space channel for summoned creatures or objects to shuttle through, ignoring all obstacles.

As the primary magic of the summoning system, the space channel has no power. It is a spell that all summoners must learn, otherwise it cannot be summoned. Moreover... With the improvement of the power of the summoner, the larger the diameter of the channel becomes. It is said that... The top summoner can create a space with a diameter of dozens of meters. In the channel, even the Black Dragon King can be summoned, of course... This is just a legend.

After improvement, the amethyst shuttle will automatically return to the belt of the six-winged phoenix angel three seconds after hitting the object. Although the space channel array on the amethyst shuttle can only open a five-centimeter diameter channel, it is enough for the amethyst shuttle.

This is more than that. In order to strengthen the destructive power, the wheel also carved another two da arrays on the dart. As for which two da arrays, hey hey... what else can there be? Of course, it is two of the four auxiliary magics exclusive to that wave.

Fast advance - the general magic of ideas, which can use the power of ideas to accelerate magic, realize the acceleration of magic, and improve the flight speed of magic!

Fury Impact - General magic of the control system, which can use the control ability of elements to improve the impact of magic, make the attack of magic more violent and cause greater damage to the enemy!

In addition, the wave wheel also engraved the meteor arrow array of the wind archer on the amethyst shuttle, and the meteor arrow increased the range. In this way, the full version of Qianyu was finally born!

After that wave of improved darts, not only can it realize automatic recycling, but the most terrible thing is that under the action of rapid propulsion, the speed has more than doubled. Under the action of violent impact, the power of explosion and impact has doubled, and even the range has doubled the distance with the help of meteor arrows.

After having the shuttle darts, thirty-six six-winged phoenix angels alone forced the enemy in front of the city to retreat one kilometer to avoid the wild shooting of the six-winged phoenix angels. You know... With the improvement of the strength of the six-winged phoenix angels and the improvement of the shuttle darts, the range of the shuttle darts has reached 400 meters! Under the cover of the dawn arrow rain, the six-winged phoenix angel can completely destroy all targets within 700 meters outside the city.

After the small test, the wave wheel was full of confidence in himself. Although there were many alchemy secretaries who had not seen it, the wave wheel knew that he was no worse than any alchemist in the world. What he could do was legendary.

Next, what the wave wheel needs to do is imitation, that's right... The meaning of that wheel is very simple. Learning starts with imitation, and now what the wave wheel needs to imitate is *set!

Of course, the wheel is not expected to be completely imitated, but... as long as it can imitate half of the effect, it is enough to double the cultivation speed of the six-winged phoenix angels and more than double the strength of the battle.

The * suit came from Duomei. The wave wheel studied it carefully. After learning, the wave wheel finally began to understand how powerful the so-called epic suit is. This is simply an out-of-print guy.

The most important thing about the epic suit is the material. Take the * suit as an example. All the parts of the whole suit are composed of various parts of the * body. I can't imagine where these materials came from. Is there really a phoenix in the world?

In doubt, the wheel soon understood. If... even the black dragon and the frost dragon have it, what's so strange about the phoenix? However, it seems to be extinct now.

The reason why the epic suit has such a strong auxiliary effect on cultivation is that the materials for making the suit are the strongest creatures in the world. Naturally, the absorption and aggregation effect of magic is not comparable to other materials.

In addition to the materials, the superposition of the magic array of the epic suit is also very exaggerated. At a glance, the surface of the jewelry seems to be full of patterns, but if you look carefully, the patterns are entangled into magic arrays one by one. The degree of its fineness makes the wave of wheels not know how they carved it. The arrow is thinner than the hair.

In fact, everything is so simple. One is the material, and the other is the portrayal and superposition of the magic array. These are the two major problems that the wheel has to face.

Of course, in fact, the poetry and history suit is not so simple. How to cooperate with the magic array? How to chain with each other and how to shake together is the biggest knowledge, which is as difficult to understand as the design of computer electronic circuits. That wave wheel can't understand at all now, but the good thing is that there is a * suit as a model, and the wave wheel doesn't need to use this brain.

First of all, the choice of materials. The wave wheel is very clear. If you want to use * body as the material like the * suit, it is absolutely impossible. Where did you ask him to get 36*?

Because it is a batch imitation, there is no need to consider those rare materials, but non-rare materials are generally not easy to use. What should be used?

After searching for several days, the wheel found the most suitable material from the sea of books - the ten-thousand-year-old sycamore tree, which is rare and can meet the needs of the wave wheel. Because it has lived on it for a long time, the ten-thousand-year-old sycamore tree has the breath and characteristics of *, at least half*!

As far as the wheel knows, there is only one ten-thousand-year-old sycamore tree, and there is no need to look for this sycamore tree. In the space ring of the wave wheel, it is one of the cherished materials collected by Odom Alchemy Laboratory.

Of course, it is definitely not enough to use sycamore. It must be combined with rubies and topaz to really play a role. Fortunately... Although these two gems are extremely precious, they are not rare. As long as they have money, anyone can buy them, and most importantly, as conventional materials Materials are available in the warehouse of Odom's Alchemy Laboratory.

In the following days, the wheel began to devote itself to imitation * sets, based on ten thousand years of sycamore wood, inlaid with rubies and topaz, and then carved a magic array on the gemstones and sycamore wood. Everything is over. It will never be too difficult to imitate, but difficult to imitate.

Imitation doesn't need to be studied or understood. Just follow the cat and draw a tiger. Although I don't understand the principle, it can be successfully copied, just the difference in function.

A month later, the wave wheel handed over 35 sets of imitations of * sets one by one to the six-winged phoenix angels. After testing, this set of imitation set actually has the effect of more than 60% of the real * necklace, which can improve the cultivation speed of all six-winged phoenix angels more than double and more than double the combat strength! The most amazing thing is that even the special combat skills carried by the * suit are all available, but the increase is relatively small, which is not comparable to the real * suit.

After completing the work at hand, the wave wheel finally breathed a long sigh. Today, he has finally completed the arming of the six-winged phoenix angel. Although this may not be the strongest equipment of the six-winged phoenix angel, in a short period of time, the wave of wheel will no longer consume energy for them. Today, they have put together two sets, but It's the wave of wheels that haven't been completed yet.

With the * suit, the six-winged phoenix angel can be said to be like a tiger's wings, but... the wheel is still the same sentence. Unless it comes to a critical moment, it is not allowed to launch the * suit. The biggest use of this set of equipment is to speed up the speed of cultivation. It is not allowed to convert it into a combat mode.

Of course, in order to let everyone get used to and proficient * sets, it can be completely opened when everyone trains together. If you don't use it all the time, you can't get used to the sudden improvement of strength when you suddenly use it.

After a period of alchemy, the wheel took out the alchemy furnace again and was ready to start refining. Although there are many four-color potions in stock, don't forget that the biggest effect of magic drugs is that they can quickly improve magic and spiritual power. The speed of improvement is faster than meditation, but... meditation It can deepen the understanding and communication with magic elements, but magic drugs can't.

After pressing the alchemy furnace, the wheel habitually opened the space ring and planned to take out the ice core of the ice dragon as a condensation medium, but when the space ring was opened, a huge blue guy came out.

I was stunned to see this 1.5-meter tall, extremely thick blue dragon with a pair of huge wings and a pair of sharp horns falling backwards. What is this? Is this his little guy?

In the confusion of the wave of wheels, the Frost Dragon suddenly opened his eyes. After looking at the waves of wheels in horror, he hurriedly threw a blue object from a pair of front paws into his mouth. In a sound, he swallowed violently, and his face showed a happy expression.

"This..." The wave wheel can see clearly. The thing thrown into his mouth was the ice core that had been reduced to the size of a longan. Looking at the big mouth of the frost dragon chewing and swallowing, the wave wheel's face suddenly turned pale. It's over... The ice core of the frost dragon was eaten by him!

In shock, the Frost Dragon suddenly closed its eyes and emitted a chill around its body. At the same time, the Frost Dragon's body, like a balloon, began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From 1.5 meters to two meters, the Frost Dragon finally stopped swelling. Looking at this extremely thick guy who is two heads taller than himself, the wave wheel was completely stunned. According to the current state, this little guy has entered the late stage of the juvenile!

As we all know, the newborn body of the frost dragon has ten years, and the juvenile takes a hundred years, but just now, when the wheel took out the frost dragon from the space ring, he had broken through to the middle of the larvae, and then... under the gaze of the wheel, he swallowed the ice core and in front of the wheel, suddenly Break to the late stage of the right body! After only one year, Frost Dragon spanned hundreds of years and successfully entered the late stage of the juvenile!

According to records, the frost dragon in the late stage of the juvenile has the ability to fly, but it can't carry people. Most importantly, its strength has reached the peak of intermediate warcraft and the lower level of advanced warcraft.

Since the ice core has been digested by the little guy, the magic pharmacy naturally can't go on. While thinking about it, the wave of wheels rushed towards the wall with the frost dragon. He wanted to witness with his own eyes whether the power of the frost dragon was as exaggerated as the legend.

Although the body is only two meters high, the wings of the Frost Dragon are not small, with wingspanning more than six meters, that is, wide and thick. But think about it, isn't it possible to fly with such a strong and heavy body?

Following the wave wheel, a dragon quickly came to the wall. Looking at this strange big guy, all the slave soldiers couldn't help guessing. What the hell is this? Why does it look like a dragon? But what kind of dragon is the blue dragon? Is it...

When everyone guessed, General Jason greeted him with a shocked face and looked at the Frost Dragon in horror. General Jason said unbelievably, "City lord, this... this should not be your favorite beast!"

"Hey..." Touching his nose, the wave nodded and said, "That's right, this is my favorite - the Frost Dragon! But... I call him a little guy."

"This..." After listening to the words of the wheel, General Jason couldn't help sweating: "This... Lord, this is not small. I don't quite understand why your dragon grows so fast?"

He glanced at General Jason slightly, and the wheel said with a wry smile, "I don't know, but... He has been holding the ice core of the Frost Dragon King every day since he was a child, and just ate the ice core in one bite, so it has become so big."

"suck!" Taking a breath of cold air, Jason said admiringly, "That's right. The fastest way to improve the pet beast is to eat the magic core of similar monsters. Because of its same nature, it can be directly converted into its own energy, but... It will take a long time to digest and absorb it all."

"What?" Hearing Jason's words, the wave wheel was stunned and said, "Do you mean that the ice core has not been completely digested by him? How is this possible!"

At a slight glance, General Jason said decisively, "I know this very well. After all... There are 5,000 pet beasts in the army. This can't be wrong. You should know that the magic core can contain 80% of the energy of Warcraft. If it is completely absorbed, then he is now a thousand-year-old dragon. , how can it still remain in a juvenile state?

Speaking of this, Jason paused slightly and then continued, "Now, he has only digested the ice core, but he hasn't absorbed it yet. It will take about ten years for him to successfully absorb all the energy."

Looking at the wheel with admiration, General Jason said admiringly, "That is to say, in ten years, you will become the first epic hero in history to use the Frost Dragon as a pet beast. With him alone, you can dominate the world without defeat!"