Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 191: Win

"Kill..." The earth-shaking shouting sounded like a landslide in the midnight space. Although it has long known that the enemy will launch an attack from both walls at the same time sooner or later, no one knows that they will choose on this day.

Hearing the shouting, the wheel suddenly woke up from meditation and listened carefully. I only felt that there were shouting in all directions, and I didn't know where the shout came from, as if there were enemies around.

"It's not good!" After a while, the wheel suddenly jumped up and quickly walked out of the city lord's mansion. He knew very well that it was time for the enemy's general attack, which would be the most critical battle!

As I thought about it, the wheel rushed to the wall. When I looked out of the city, it was dark. Under the cover of the night, I couldn't see where the enemy was at all. Even whether there were enemies or not, the number of enemies was completely immeasurable.

Seeing the wave of wheels rushing over, General Jason greeted him with a solemn face and quickly said, "Well, young master, the enemy launched an attack from both sides of the wall at the same time. What should I do? Are you going to let 5,000 regular spear soldiers go to the outer defense now?

"No!" Facing Jason's inquiry, the wheel said decisively, "Don't worry about the wall behind. There are 10,000 slave spear soldiers and 10,000 shield soldiers. There is no problem there. You just need to send the Phoenix Angel and the Frost Dragon to deal with the masters. There is no problem there."

Hearing the wave of words, General Jason quickly thought and judged. After a while, General Jason said firmly, "Yes, the young master is right. Twenty thousand troops, plus 10,000 swords and shields*, can indeed be defended, not to mention the phoenix angels sniping enemy masters."

"Well..." nodded, and the wheel said with a gloomy smile; "The wall outside the gate is only 100 meters long. Every phoenix angel only needs to defend the three-meter area. With the cooperation of 10,000* knives and shield soldiers, it is definitely not a problem." While talking, the wheel looked worriedly at the empty night sky outside the wall.

"I understand..." He nodded. General Jason did not ask much and directly issued an order to gather all 5,000 regular spear soldiers at the inner wall of the customs. Tonight's battle is too important. Neither the enemy nor the dawn must lose!

Although the night is very dark, the wind is not strong. Standing on the wall, if it is not for the hoarse shouts around, it must be a very comfortable night. The evening wind is gentle and extremely comfortable, but the wheel knows that the soft night wind will soon be covered by blood.

"Hm?" While thinking about that wave, I saw a sudden fire above the wall. The next moment... Countless large burning objects rolled down from the wall and rolled out of more than 50 meters under the acceleration of a slope up to 10 meters and a slope of 75 degrees, and then stopped.

Looking at the large objects burning 50 meters away from the city wall, the wheel frowned doubtfully. What is this? Why has the enemy been released now before it comes?

As he was thinking about it, the bodyguard next to him approached the wheel and explained, "City lord, this is a new thing developed by the slave soldiers. It is a combus made of animal oil, vegetable oil, and some plant Platycodon. Even if they are thrown into the water, they will continue to burn, generally used for lighting!"

"Lighting!" Looking at the 100 meters outside the city illuminated by the fire, the wheel couldn't help admiring. This thing is really creative. With them, you no longer have to be afraid of not seeing the enemy, or under the light, within 100 meters in front of the city wall, as long as there is someone, it is impossible not to be found.

"Kill..." While watching, in the direction of the wall outside the gate behind him, there was a sudden sound of earth-shaking shouts. At the same time, violent roars sounded one after another, and the blazing firelight illuminated half of the sky!

He turned worriedly and looked in the direction behind him. For some reason, the heart of the wheel beat violently. Although according to common sense, the wall over there should be as solid as gold, on such a dark night, the enemy's power was so huge that no one dared to say that he was absolutely confident!

As he was worried, the wheel suddenly felt something and quickly turned his head and looked at the light area in front of the city wall. The next moment... Thousands of running figures rushed out at crazy speed, and their bodies moved quickly and rushed in the direction of the city wall.

The slave soldiers' reaction was absolutely fast. Almost at the same time as the figure appeared, the arrow rain sprinkled over like a storm, but to everyone's horror, the arrow rain did not cause due killing. When the arrow rain passed, most people waved weapons, swept down the arrow rain, and continued to rush forward, only a small number of the enemy. The arrow fell to the ground.

Looking at the approaching enemy, the wave knew that this was part of the 2,000 masters. Obviously, they were ready to use the cover of the night to capture the Dawn City in one fell swoop. It seemed that... the enemy was also anxious.

While thinking about it, the wheel issued several orders in a row. With the order of the wheel, 5,000 shopkeeper spear soldiers moved quickly. While the master outside the wall reached under the city wall, 5,000 regular spear soldiers have also reached the opposite position in the city wall.

"Kill!" In the crazy shouts, thousands of enemy masters quickly stepped up the steep wall. In just a few steps, thousands of figures appeared on the top of the wall!

Seeing this scene, the wheel couldn't help sighing. If it was during the day, they would never have a chance to step on the wall. The archers' range was 300 meters, and they could definitely shoot them all before they arrived.

But now, it is not until the other party enters the range of 100 meters that you can find the other party. The distance of 100 meters is only a few seconds, as long as you withstand a wave of arrow rain, and... At such a close distance, the destructive power of bows and arrows has also been reduced a lot. Within 100 meters, it is not the strongest distance of bows at all.

While the wheel sighed, the enemy on the wall was also a little at a loss. After reaching the top of the wall, they suddenly found that the wall was so flat and empty that there was no enemy, but the enemy's bows and arrows were still shooting out from the bunker under their feet!

After scanning for a week, thousands of masters soon discovered the mystery of the wall. It turned out that the dawn warriors were hiding in the bunkers inside the wall. Unless they found the entrance, they could not hurt them.

As they thought about it, thousands of masters shouted and jumped down the ten-meter-high wall one after another, ready to follow the stone corridors into the wall and slaughter the Dawn Army.

"Hu... Hu... Hu..." While thousands of enemy masters landed one after another, in the violent roar, inside the wall, thousands of bright torches suddenly lit up in front of thousands of masters.

"suck!" Looking at the 5,000 steel army neatly arranged in front of him, thousands of masters couldn't help taking a breath. Everyone knew what the 5,000 soldiers were, that's right... They are the backbone of the defense of Dawn City - regular spear soldiers! It was this army that successfully guarded the dawn for 20 or 30 years!

Originally, in the judgment of Karut and the allies, the Monma knights and spearmen should have been taken back by the empire. Otherwise, why didn't they be sent out in the previous battle? But now they know that at least, before the imperial spear soldiers were taken away, they stood in front of them.

"Attack!" While thousands of masters were thinking, in a loud shout, 5,000 spearmen moved neatly. With a shout, 5,000 spears suddenly changed from vertical to horizontal swing. The spears more than four meters long instantly laid a spear array, and the tip of the spear pointed at the thieves in the wall one after another.

From the sky, thousands of enemy masters were surrounded by 5,000 wolf-like spear soldiers under the wall, and countless cold spears were clothed into an iron barrel-like spear array, making people unable to break through and escape!

Although on the surface, the spear soldiers are only five times more than the masters of thieves, in fact, when the spear soldiers form a formation, it is completely different. At the same time, every thief has to face hundreds of spears, not five heels, and... behind him is the city wall, where to hide. None.

Of course, they can also jump up and return to the wall, but in such a crowded place, not to mention whether they can jump up, even if they jump up and return to the wall, this battle has ended in failure.

As he was thinking, a majestic voice sounded: "Put down your weapons immediately and surrender obediently. Otherwise, all of them will be killed!"

Hearing this majestic voice, all the thieves couldn't help clenching their teeth and kidding. They would never surrender. Even if they couldn't defeat the enemy, under the cover of the night, if they wanted to escape, no one could stop them!

"Hmm!" Seeing the expression of the thief master, the majestic voice snorted coldly and said in a low voice, "In this case, don't blame me for being cruel, go*!"

With the deep sound, the spear soldiers controlled the spears with one hand, and the other hand reached into their arms one after another, taking out a delicate and small *, and the crossbows were aimed at thousands of thieves in the inner circle.

Seeing these familiar *, all the thieves couldn't help but darken in front of their eyes and screamed secretly. Under 5,000 *, they were not even qualified to escape. Once they jumped up, they would be shot into a sieve in an instant. These guys with an effective range of only 50 meters can play in the current situation. The greatest power.

"Surrender! Surrender! Throw a gun!" Looking at the frightened thieves, all the spearmen roared coldly, and the roar of 5,000 people gathered together, echoing in the earth-shaking dawn.

In the face of 5,000 bright*, the thief masters hesitated, and finally... Hundreds of figures almost flew up to the sky at the same time, trying to return to the wall and escape back to the army of thieves, but as soon as they got up, they were not too high, and an extremely tough huge net stopped them head-on. He stopped them and forced them back to the ground in confusion.

Looking up in a horribly, I saw a huge net woven by strong vines, which had covered the sky tightly, and even the last escape route was completely sealed.

The thieves who gritted their teeth and resolutely refused to surrender waved their weapons and attacked the dense spear soldiers around them. In any case, even if they died, they would not surrender.

"Hey..." In the face of such a dead thief army, the majestic voice sighed and said lonelyly, "Surrender, put down your weapons! Dare to attack, kill..."

With the majestic sound, a bright light suddenly lit up on the tip of 5,000 spears. While the thief soldiers split a spear, countless pointed spears shining brightly penetrated their bodies in an instant.

As a spear soldier, everyone cultivates a tattoo, which condenses all the fighting spirit on the tip of a spear and stabs it out with all his strength. Even the steel plate can be pierced. Its destructive power is almost irresistible. You know, these spear soldiers are all guys who have practiced fighting spirit for more than 30 years, and each of them is not weak and right. Fang's master.

For a while, hundreds of thieves who tried to raid were hanging on the spear one after another. Under the light of the torch, the red blood sprayed enchantingly. At least a dozen spears were inserted in each thief's body.

"Zizi..." The next moment... Under the gaze of all the masters of inner circle thieves, those sharp and horrible spears were taken back one after another, and the sizzling sound of the spear rubbing with the body made people creepy.

"Plop... Plop..." Without the support of the spear, the bodies of hundreds of thieves fell unconsciously. Looking at the companions who died tragically in front of them, all the thieves suddenly understood that they had no chance to raid before the imperial spear array. What they can choose now is Just life and death.

The imperial spear soldiers are trained by special colleges. They specialize in and defend, especially these imperial spear soldiers in the dawn, have more than 30 years of combat experience. In front of them, they can't find any chance at all. No matter how powerful the enemy is, once they fall into the battle, they may be destroyed. .

As they thought about it, all the thieves threw down their weapons and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. If they wanted to rush out, they just rushed with their companions. Since they did not move just now, they dared not move under the threat of death. There is no second way to surrender.

Seeing the masters of thieves surrender one after another, hundreds of slave soldiers came in and brought in a steel forged bracelet on each thief's wrist. The magic and fighting spirit in their bodies will be sealed, and... unless opened with a key, once If the bracelet is damaged, a poison needle will pop up in an instant, pierce it into the skin of the wrist, and kill the enemy instantly.

After wearing bracelets, hundreds of slave soldiers escorted the thousands of thieves and rushed to the prison in the city. The reason why they were not killed was that they were all usable materials. Once the army of thieves was eliminated, they could be subdued.

Such as not to mention the inside of the city, outside the city wall, an army of thieves surged in. Tonight's battle was only allowed to win, not lose, so the League of Thieves and Osdu City sent all their troops to take the lead by the thousands of masters, trying to break down the dawn defense line in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that thousands of thieves jumped from the wall, but there was no more movement, no shouting, no sonorous sound when fighting, as if they had jumped directly into hell, and there was no more movement.

Although the leader has failed, tonight's battle is irreversible. This is a decisive battle that no one can afford to lose. Therefore, despite this, the coalition and the Osdu army still launched a strong attack on the dawn wall, and secretly prayed that the thousands of masters can Effectively wipe out the archers of the dawn.

Unfortunately, although everyone was praying, in fact, as soon as they rushed into the firelight area, they were greeted by the rain of arrows all over the sky, which was no different from before. Seeing this scene, everyone knew that the thousand masters were over.

However, the enemy was not desperate. A strange cart was slowly pushed over. Looking at the explained and strangely shaped cart, all the slave soldiers wondered. What is this?

Under the gaze of everyone, the enemy pushed the cart to the gate, and then... the sound of violent impact echoed in the night sky. Although they could not see what they were doing, all the slave soldiers knew that they were hitting the gate.

"Haha..." Although it was in battle, all the slave soldiers couldn't help laughing when they saw the enemy's ridiculous behavior. In fact, the door was just a decoration. Behind the wooden door was actually the city wall. At present, there was no city gate.

At the beginning, the enemy did not know what the Dawn Army was laughing at, but... When they finally smashed the gate of Dawn, they found that the so-called city gate was similar to the one painted on the wall. It was simply a fake door. Behind the door was the city wall. Where did the passage come from?

After this discovery, the enemy's morale has been greatly frustrated. With such a high wall and such dense firepower, they are simply looking for death. Even if they are impatient to live, there is no such way to die.

Finally, at dawn, after attacking all night, the coalition forces finally had to retreat. If they don't leave, when the archers of the Dawn Army regain their eyesight, they may not be able to leave. Under the arrow rain of the Dawn Army, how many people will have to be damaged here.

"Oh!" Looking at the enemy's awkward retreat, the dawn wall was full of joy and thunder. The most difficult battle since the beginning of the war ended. The dawn army successfully defended the front line of the wall and did not let the enemy get any benefits.