Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 256: All the Way

"That's because..." The promise was "I should have thought of it at the beginning, but I took you here for so long."

"Don't talk about this, how on earth do you get out?" Hongluan is anxious. This place has fed her, and now she just wants to leave quickly.

The promise pointed to Xiaohui's head and said, "It can take us out."

"It?" Everyone was shocked. The group of them couldn't think of a way out. In the end, they had to rely on a mouse?

"I ignored it like you before, so I didn't expect it." Promise smiled and explained, "You don't know animals. Many animals are born with a sense of direction, and mice are one of them. Even if there is no sun and no direction, they can distinguish the southeast and northwest, so the little ash can take us out completely.

Rong Xing opened his mouth wide and looked at Dashan, with an impulse to curse his mother. After turning around for a long time, it turned out to depend on a mouse, which was nothing. The most important thing was that they could do it at the beginning, but they didn't find out until the end! It's so depressing that a group of people's desperate efforts are not as good as a mouse.

"It's a good thing to leave. Let Xiaohui lead the way." Yun Feiyang didn't care so much, but this difficult process was finally solved in this way. It's normal for others to be depressed, but he didn't feel anything.

"Lao Yan, why didn't you take it out earlier?" Rong Xing had an impulse to cry. He worked hard for a long time, but there was no result at all. In this way, all his previous efforts were invalidated by the appearance of a mouse.

The promise smiled bitterly and said, "It's my fault."

"Don't say so much, get out of here." Long Aotian urged him to think about what to do if his spiritual power was sucked out. It's best to leave now.

Promised to take the little ashe out of his arms and put it on his shoulder. Xiaohui's spiritual power is too little, and he is quickly absorbed by the ground, which can only lead the way on his shoulders.

"Little gray, can you tell the direction?" The promise looked at Xiaohui.

"Small meaning!" Xiaohui raised his head proudly, which made Rong Xing even more depressed.

"These stone walls will move, so everyone should move fast and can't let the stone walls circle us back to the original place!" The promise is solemn, and now they must compete with these stone walls for speed.


Everyone understood and nodded.

"Try the east first, Xiaohui, which direction?" The promise looked at Xiaohui, and now he doesn't know where the exit is, so he can only try one by one in each direction.

"Over there!" Xiaohui points in one direction.

"Okay, everyone keep up!" He made a big promise, and then quickly rushed out!

"Wei Ruoting, hold on to me!" Yun Feiyang pulled Wei Ruoting and followed him at the first time, and the rest of the people also followed one by one.


There is a turn.

"Over there!" Xiaohui pointed out.


"Over there!"


"Over there!"

Meet a dead end!

"Blast it away!" Promise to shout, Dashan to do it.

Breaking the stone wall, they finally got out of the maze, but...

"This is..."

This is a straight passage, dark, and nothing inside.

- is the place to come.

The first direction is wrong. When they set out, they didn't know the direction they were in, and they didn't know which direction was east, and it was not strange to walk back.

"Since the entrance is east, the west side in the opposite direction should be the exit, right?" Pensive promise.

"It's very possible." Yun Feiyang also thinks so. Of course, it is not ruled out that the exit is in the south or north, but the one in the west may be the largest, because in the south or north, the channel will be much closer to that direction.

"Xiaohui, let's go west next."


Everyone turned around again and headed west as fast as possible!

With the direction, the maze is not very difficult. As long as you keep walking in one direction and encounter a dead end, it will break, and the maze will change again.

Everyone's guess is correct. The exit is in the west, and they arrived there smoothly.

There is also a passage, but it is not so dark. There is light in it. You can see a stone door at the end of the passage.

"That should be the earth's pole gate. The stones so far are still absorbing our spiritual power. Now we have to act quickly!" Rong Xing explained and rushed to the stone door with everyone.

While running, Yun Feiyang saw that it was a tall stone door, more than ten feet high and more than five feet wide, engraved with various strange lines, full of the vicissitudes of time.

"Is that the Earth's Gate?" Although Yun Feiyang heard Rong Xing, he didn't know exactly what the door was for.

"It should be!" Rong Xing's face was heavy and said, "That's a door that no one can open. Even if the people in the prison escape here, they can't pass through!"

Soon, everyone ran to the stone gate and stopped here.

"In more than two years, the layout of the four-pole gate has changed. Although according to the maze just now, this should be the earth gate, I still don't dare to be sure." Rong Xing pondered and said, "Now you can only try to see if this is the polar gate first to know whose power to use, otherwise it is easy to die!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked, and only one door was so terrible?

"The stone here absorbs spiritual power faster. It can't be delayed for too long. It must be confirmed quickly!" Promise felt his spiritual power and said.

Everyone also felt that the loss of spiritual power in the body was several times faster than before, which could be clearly felt.

"Let me try it!" Rong Xing opened his mouth.

"No!" The promise interrupted him and said, "There are still three doors to pass. You are the only one who knows the three doors. You can't take risks now. There are also Yun Feiyang, Hongluan, Xiaodi and Dashan. Your spiritual power should be used to open the four doors, and now you can't try it.

The only people left are those who promise themselves, Wei Ruoting, and Long Aotian.

He made a promise to look at several people. Wei Ruoting is a girl, and he can't let her try. As for Long Aotian, he had no idea and said directly, "I'll do it!"

"No!" Hongluan, Dashan, Xiaodi and Rong Xing spoke almost at the same time. They have been together for the longest time and have the deepest feelings for each other. Several people regard the promise as a leader and don't want him to take risks.

"Now it's just me." Promise smiled and said, "You are not suitable."

Hongluan looked at Long Aotian. Now the most suitable person should be him, but this person has no intention of moving forward at all.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not here to be cannon fodder for you." Long Aotian smiled, and he was unwilling to take risks at this time. These doors can trap everyone in the heavenly prison, claiming that no one can pass through, and you know how dangerous it is.

The promise sighed: "His combat effectiveness can ensure that you leave safely in the future, so I'll come."

"Old words!" Rong Xing is anxious.

"Now is not the time to argue!" The promise shouted, "If time drags down our spiritual power, it will be sucked up. Stop talking about it!"

He is very resolute and has walked to the stone gate despite everyone's opposition.

Except Long Aotian, everyone is helpless. They can't stop the promise.

No more promises. Before walking to the stone gate, he reached out to the stone gate.

As soon as he came into contact, the soul of the promise seemed to have been sucked away. He fell softly in front of the stone door and lay motionless on the ground.

"Ying!" Several people exclaimed and came forward one after another.

The promise lies on the ground, with a pale face and looks dying.

"What kind of door is this? Just one contact can make a promise like this!" Yun Feiyang was so anxious that this door was so horrible that he almost killed his promise.

Rong Xing clenched his fists and trembled, "This is the earth's pole door!" I'm wrong. I shouldn't have doubted so much and made the old words like this!"

A smile appeared on Qiangyan's face and said, "It's okay to confirm. I'm fine, but my spiritual power has been drained and I can recover soon. Open the door quickly."

Rong Xing and several people nodded with difficulty.

"What exactly is the Earth Pole Gate? Why is it so horrible?" Yun Feiyang was uneasy. If every door behind him was like this, how could he live?

Dashan has stood up and walked to the stone door with his fists clenched.

Rong Xing held the promise and looked at the back of the mountain and said, "The earth's door god is the person who made those stones before. This door weighs 10,000 catties, and ordinary people can't open it even if they get here through the maze.

"10,000 jin?" Yun Feiyang frowned: "This weight doesn't seem to be very difficult for monks, does it?"

"Yes!" Rong Xing said, "It's not difficult. The monks around six disasters basically have this ability, but this door can't be opened by any strong man!"

"Why?" The clouds are flying and puzzled.

"Because... this door will absorb people's spiritual power like those stones. As long as it touches the spiritual power of the whole body, it will be sucked dry in an instant. As long as the spiritual power in the body is, no matter how strong it is, it will become a mortal when they touch it. It is impossible to open this 10,000 catties of stone door!"

Yun Feiyang was shocked. No wonder that no one has ever escaped from the prison of Sin City. This door alone can almost trap all the monks. No wonder the promise just touched it and became like this.

"Presumably, the earth-pole door god, one of the four-pole gate gods, is behind this door, which is close to him, so our spiritual power will be absorbed quickly. This door should be controlled by him at any time, so it will absorb all spiritual power as soon as it touches it. Rong Xing's eyes were dim. If he hadn't been too cautious before, his promise would not have become like this.

The appearance of the maze before was unexpected by Rong Xing, so he dared not be careless. If they let the mountain go forward from the beginning, but this door is not the earth gate, they will lose the indispensable power to deal with the four pole gate, and they will no longer be able to leave here.

"So horrible, he..." Yun Feiyang looked at the mountain, and he was walking to the stone door step by step. Such a stone gate, Yun Feiyang didn't know how to open it, and he couldn't help worrying about him.

"The power of Dashan is ready to deal with this door. In addition to the person who controls this door, if anyone in the world can open this stone door, this person must be him!" Rong Xing was full of confidence in Dashan. He looked at his back and said, "He is the most special monk in the world!"

At this time, Dashan had walked to the stone gate and put his hands on the door. At this time, he was like a beast with a low roar in his mouth.

Yun Feiyang is worried that this door is so horrible, can the mountain open it?

Dashan put his hands against the stone gate and suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Get up!"

The mountain roared like a beast, and the ten thousand pounds of stone gate slowly rose in his hand and gradually moved away from the ground.

Yun Feiyang's eyes widened. This stone door can absorb people's spiritual power. With a touch, it will push all the spiritual power into an ordinary person. Dashan can actually lift it directly!

"The mountain's congenital Dantian is damaged and can't preserve its spiritual power, so the aura he absorbed has been absorbed by his **, creating his strong physique now! There is no spiritual power in his body, and those spiritual powers have become his power! Therefore, his spiritual power will not be sucked away. He is the only one who can open this door!" Rong Xing clenched his fists and was very excited. The prison has been closed, causing four doors that are impossible to escape. At this moment, the first one is about to be opened!

Yun Feiyang was stunned. No wonder the mountains have such power! No wonder he was not affected by the spiritual power sucked away before! No wonder he can open this door!

"Ah--" The mountain roared angrily, and the ten thousand pounds of boulder kept rising in his hand and getting farther and farther away from the ground.

Hongluan, Rong Xing and Xiaodi, including the promise of falling to the ground, clenched their fists at this moment, and the first difficulty of leaving the prison was about to be broken by them!

"Drink!" With a last shout, Dashan had raised the stone gate high above his head. He turned his head and shouted, "Go over now!"

Everyone was shocked, and then they came to their senses. Long Aotian was the first to rush over. Yun Feiyang and others looked at the promise on the ground. He still fell here, and these people did not want to go ahead of him.

Yun Feiyang came forward and made a promise with Rong Xing. The two held each other left and right. Everyone looked at each other and nodded, and then rushed to the stone door that had been opened.

After everyone passed, only Dashan was still holding the stone gate and did not come.

"Dashan, can you come here?" The promise said with a pale face and spoke weakly.

It is not easy to see sweat on the mountain's face and hold ten thousand pounds of stone gate. Hearing the voice of the promise, he grinned and said, "No way, 10,000 catties can't help me!"

"Oh? It's really interesting to open this door!" A cold voice made everyone's hearts sink down.

"Who?" People all turned their heads and searched for the people who spoke.

This is a stone room, which is square and very empty. Opposite the stone gate, there are more than a dozen steps, and there is a tall stone chair on the stairs, on which a man sits. He looks about 40 years old, with a short needle-like beard covered with a face. He put one hand on the armrest of the chair and held his head, looking a little lazy.

"Don't you know who I am when you get to my territory?" The man smiled and sat on the stone chair and looked down at the people below.

"He is the god of the earth!" Rong Xing's face sank. This is a very terrible person. The real difficulty is not the door, but the man who made the door!

"Oh! There are still people who know me. It seems that you have planned to break through the four-pole door, otherwise no one will be able to open that door. The man's attitude is very plain, he doesn't pay attention to everyone at all, and he is still extremely calm in the face of everyone.

Everyone's heart is very heavy. This man's door is so horrible. What kind of existence will he have? Few people on the scene are more confident than this man, and even the number of people has not changed much.

"Dashan, why haven't you come out yet?" Rong Xing turned around and shouted. Now that the enemy has appeared and the mountain has not passed through the door, which is very dangerous.

"Oh! So that man's name is Dashan?" The man on the stone chair smiled and looked at the mountain under the stone gate and smiled.

Dashan supported the stone door with his hands, sweating on his face, and never came out from under the stone door.

"What's wrong?" Yun Feiyang felt something wrong, and the appearance of the mountain was not normal.

"It's not so easy to retreat when you touch my stone gate." The man on the stone chair smiled and said, "No matter who touches my stone door, you have to pay the price!"

There was more and more sweat on Dashan's face, and his feet began to tremble slightly, like a stone door that was about to support the top of his head.

"If it goes on like this, if the stone is crushed down, the mountain will be crushed to death!" Yun Feiyang is anxious. Although the mountain has the power to support the stone gate, it is also a flesh and blood body. If he is crushed by a boulder, he will die.

"The ground... there is a spiritual fluctuation..." The promise was supported by Yun Feiyang and Rong Xing and said a difficult sentence.

Yun Feiyang was shocked and noticed a slight spiritual fluctuation on the ground, slowly passing from the man's direction to the stone gate where the mountain was located.

"He is sending spiritual power to the stone gate to change the quality of the stone!" Yun Fei's face sank, and the weight would change if the quality was changed, and the stone door in Dashan's hand became heavier, so he did this.

"Impossible! From such a long distance?" Hongluan exclaimed that the distance between the man and the stone gate is at least ten feet, which is very difficult.

"There is no possibility. The stones here are all made by his spiritual power, which can completely transmit his spiritual power, no matter how far away it is. Just like although we were in the maze before, he can still absorb our spiritual power from a distance here. Rong Xing yīn's face was calm, and he also saw the problem.

"Rong Xing, hold on, I'll save the mountain." Yun Feiyang gave the promise to Rong Xing and walked out by himself.

"Yun Feiyang, what do you want to do?" Rong Xing held the promise alone and wondered what Yun Feiyang wanted to do.

"Now is not the time to explain, it will be very dangerous if we don't save the mountain!" Yun Feiyang ran to the mountain. He couldn't touch the stone wall and help the mountain support it, but others couldn't. Now he can only rely on Wuteng to pull the mountain out.

"Flying clouds!" Wei Ruoting was very worried and said, "I'll go with you!"

"You all stay there, Hongluan, look at her for me." Yun Feiyang ran to the mountain and shouted back.

Hongluan nodded, pulled Wei Ruoting who wanted to rush over and comforted him, "It's okay. Stay here and wait for him."

Wei Ruoting's eyes were red, and she looked at Yun Feiyang's back and nodded with difficulty.

"Do you want to save him?" The man sat high on the stone chair, looked at all this playfully, and smiled, "You can't touch the stone door, can you? So how can you help him?"

Yun Feiyang closed his mouth and ran to the mountain, then stretched out the black vine to wrap around his body and said, "Dashan, I will pull you out with vines!"