Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 258: Breakthrough

In the depths of endless darkness, the clouds can't see or hear, just like coming to a completely closed world.

"It turns out that these stones just wrap me up and want to trap me to death." Yun Feiyang felt that there was no aura around him, which was obviously blocked by that kind of stone. There was no air in the stone and he could not breathe. If it went on like this, he would soon be consumed and die.

"I have to find a way out of here, but I can't break these stones. What should I do?" Yun Feiyang entered a wonderful state at this time. Under such circumstances, his jīng god reached unprecedented concentration and drifted slowly in this endless darkness...

The four stone walls are constantly approaching everyone, and everyone has fallen into a dead situation.

"What should I do? Are you really going to die here?" Hongluan couldn't calm down and shouted in the stone room.

"Calm down and think of a way!" Promise can convince the public. Of course, he is the most calm person. It is clear that it is useless to be anxious now. Only calm can he come up with a solution.

"What else can we do? This stone wall can't be broken at all!" After falling into a desperate situation, Long Aotian is no longer so polite. If he can't get out of here, he doesn't even want to hang out with these people.

The promise frowned and thought hard. The surrounding stone walls are constantly pressing, and he doesn't have much time to think here. Such a situation is the most annoying, but he can still keep calm. It can be seen that his heart is far from comparable.

"Have you come up with a solution?" Long Aotian urged that he could not think of any other way but to make a promise.

"Yan is thinking, don't bother him!" Rong Xing showed unhappiness and avoided disturbing him when thinking about it. Isn't Long Aotian speechy? Urge will only make promises more confusing.

"When he thought we were dead!" Long Aotian's face is dark.

"Enough! Now is not the time to quarrel. If you have time to quarrel here, you might as well think about how to resolve the current danger!" He made a cold promise and is currently facing a crisis. Long Aotian doesn't know how to unite but quarrel with his own people here. How can he not be angry?

"Hmm! Just think about it slowly. I don't believe that I can't break it!" Long Aotian snorted coldly and continued to attack the stone wall with his sword, trying to break it, but his behavior was destined to be useless, and the stone wall would automatically be repaired. If it could not be broken, it was just a waste of spiritual power.

The stone wall keeps approaching, and the gravel on the ground is constantly pushed into the middle by the four walls, gathering like a hill. The situation of the people is becoming more and more dangerous, and the stone wall continues to shrink. If it goes on like this, they will soon be crushed to death by the stone wall.

The promise thought hard, and finally flashed in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "I can only try it!"

"Have you come up with a solution?" Hongluan's eyes lit up and quickly came over.

The promise gritted his teeth, as if his method might not be feasible, and said, "Dashan, come here."

Dashan always obeyed the promise and immediately walked to the promise and waited for his command.

The promise gritted his teeth and said, "This method is very dangerous and may kill you, so I want to ask for your consent!"

Dashan didn't even think about it and said, "Anyway, I have no choice but to die here. It's nothing to take a risk. Yan, whatever you want me to do, just say!"

The promise nodded. Dashan was right. If not, he would not be willing to use this extreme method and said, "There is no time to explain now. If you believe me, do as I say."

There is no doubt that they all believe in promises, no one speaks, and everyone's eyes express what they want to say to the promise.

"Good!" He nodded and was very satisfied with everyone's enlightenment and said, "Now, everyone loses their spiritual power to Dashan."

Dashan's body can't preserve spiritual power, so it's just a waste to lose spiritual power to him, but at this moment no one asks why. They unconditionally believe in the promise, and now they will do whatever they promise them to do.

Except for Long Aotian and Wei Ruoting, the other four people put their hands on the mountain and unreservedly transported their spiritual power to the mountain.

This requires a certain process, and the promise explained to everyone at this time, saying, "Although Dashan's body can't preserve spiritual power, it will not disperse immediately when it enters his body and can still be used for him, so my idea is to give him all the spiritual power of the four of us and let him explode all the spiritual power of us. With one blow, it should be possible to break these stone walls.

The spiritual power of the four of them is combined, which is an unimaginable force. In addition, these spiritual powers are only used to make a blow, and you can know the power of that blow just by imagination.

Originally, there is a limit to the amount of spiritual power that normal people can withstand, and the amount of spiritual power of people with different cultivation will have a corresponding limit. If the spiritual power exceeds his limit is sent to that person's body, his Dantian will explode and lead to death. In the thought of the promise, Dashan does not have that limit. His Dantian can't preserve spiritual power in the first place, and there will be no danger that Dantian can't bear, so such an extreme practice can only be used on him, which is not feasible for others.

Of course, the promise had never done such a thing before. All this was just his guess, and he didn't know whether it would work, so he took a risk.

Soon, several people transported all the spiritual power in their bodies to Dashan's body. At this time, Dashan's body already had an unimaginable power. He tried his best to control this power and prevent them from rushing out of his body. But this feeling made Dashan feel painful. Those forces came from different people, and they could not get along well in his body at all. He had been looking for a way out of the mountain's body and wanted to rush out of his body.

Dashan has only one feeling now: he needs to vent and vent these forces! However, he still has to deliberately control these forces so that they can't be lost, otherwise the behavior of several people will lose their meaning.

"Quickly, break through these stone walls now!" With the promise, he could see how he felt until the mountain now, and his friend suffered and felt uncomfortable.

"Ah!" The mountain seemed to be crazy, rushing to one of the stone walls and roaring out his fist!

"You must succeed!" The promise clenched his fists and calmed down as if he was a little nervous now. Almost all of them have poured their spiritual power into this blow, and if they fail, they will really die. He doesn't know how thick the stone wall is, so he is not sure.


Dashan punched the stone wall suddenly. This punch was no longer as simple as hitting a hole, directly hitting a huge hole in the stone wall and leading to the outside!

"Quick, rush out!" She shouted, but she didn't rush out immediately. He didn't forget Wei Ruoting. Wei Ruoting has been stunned since just now. If no one brought her, she would not go out by herself. As soon as he wanted to walk to Wei Ruoting, Hongluan had already pulled Wei Ruoting and began to rush out.

Several people quickly rushed out of the stone wall and came outside.

"How can you break my stone wall!" The earth gate god was shocked. He couldn't imagine what kind of power it needed. He thought that if such an attack hit him, the stone armor on his body surface would be difficult to prevent.

"Although we have come out, we have almost no spiritual power now, and it's still a dead end!" The promise was bitter in his heart. It was impossible for the rest of the people to defeat the god of the earth. That man was so strong that they couldn't win with all their strength, not to mention that he has lost the power of so many people now.

"It seems that you have used more power than yourself, which will have serious consequences!" The earth gate god stood up, left the ground with his hands, and no longer sent spiritual power to those stone walls.

As if in response to the words of the Earth Gate God, Hongluan, Rong Xing, Xiaodi and Dashan immediately fell down after leaving the stone room. The first three were consumed too much. As for Dashan, although it consumed other people's spiritual power, the blow beyond his limit also damaged his body. The promise was relatively better and did not fall down immediately.

"What should I do? Now more than half of the combat power has been lost, and only the girl and Long Aotian are left. It is impossible to defeat this person! Do you really want to die here?" Calm as I promise, I can't think of any way now, and I feel desperate.

The Earth Gate God walked to the crowd step by step, with a smile on the corners of his mouth and said, "Now, what else can you do? Even if you come out of the stone wall, you can't escape death. Don't you understand that I am called God by people? God's will is unshakable. If God wants you to die, you can only die!"

Endless darkness.

Yun Feiyang closed his eyes and thought about how to get out of the stone. His consciousness unconsciously came to Dantian, and the black fog surrounded by light was floating in Dantian, constantly overflowing with silky fog.

The flying consciousness was involuntarily attracted by it and floated before the light mask.

The black fog in the light mask is extremely deep, which seems to contain a world. Yun Feiyang can never guess what is in the world. The black fog covers everything in that world, and he can't feel it.

"Why is it sealed, and its coldness can still come out through the seal?" Yun Feiyang suddenly thought of this problem, and his consciousness stopped in front of the light mask and felt the coldness coming out of it.

"Is this thing related to the previous black scales?" Thinking of the black scales that had appeared before, Yun Feiyang felt strange. The thing appeared abnormally and was not controlled by him. After that time, Yun Feiyang did not know how to call out that scales.

The black scales are undoubtedly horrible. As soon as it appears, Yun Feiyang feels that every part of his body is full of endless power. Now if he can awaken that power, he believes that these stones will not trap him.

Yun Feiyang can only associate the appearance of that scale with this black fog. He really can't think of anything else. His consciousness floated before the black fog, feeling the fluctuation from it.

Except for Wei Ruoting and Long Aotian, everyone has lost the power to fight again. The earth gate god walked towards them step by step, and they couldn't even escape.

"Thank me and worship me! I will keep your faces forever, which is something that only God can do!" The god of the earth gate walked to the side of the crowd and stopped next to several people who fell to the ground.

"Bastard, what do you want to do?" The promise has the intention to stop it, but there is no strength in the whole body, and I can't stand up.

"Hmm!" The earth gate god squatted down. The person next to him was the Xiao Emperor. He stretched out his hand to the Xiao Emperor and said, "Isn't it good to keep your appearance forever so that you will never disappear from the world?"

" Stop it!" The promise wanted to stand up and stop it, but his body did not listen to it. Seeing the movement of the earthly door god, he could only be anxious.

The god of the earth gate smiled coldly. How could he listen to the promise? The stone condensed in his hand and slowly covered the body of the emperor, turning him into a stone statue, lifelike.

"Bastard, stop it!" The promise kept struggling, but his spiritual power had been exhausted and there was no extra strength at all.

The Earth Gate God sneered, walked to Hongluan again, turned her into a stone statue again, and said, "Isn't this good? There is always an end to human life. Once you die, you will disappear from this world and be forgotten. I make you eternal with my divine power. Shouldn't you thank me? He continued to walk to the fallen mountain, as well as Rong Xing, and soon the mountain was turned into a stone statue by him.

"Enough, let them go. Is it a divine act to deal with people who have no ability to resist?" The promise trembled and could no longer keep calm.

"I will die if it goes on like this!" Long Aotian was anxious and thought of a way. He looked around and soon saw a passageway, which was exposed because the stone wall was removed, except for the place where it came.

"That must be the place to leave!" Long Aotian's heart was shocked. He took a look at several people, suddenly rushed to catch the dazed Wei Ruoting, and then quickly rushed to the channel with her: "Yun Feiyang, you are dead. Now I see how you can protect this girl!"

The mutiny suddenly emerged, and the promise face changed greatly: "Long Aotian, you bastard, put that girl down!"

"Hmm!" Long Aotian smiled coldly and didn't care what the promise said. He believed that the earth's god was not good at speed, and it should not be possible to stop him from escaping.

The fact is that the earth gate god didn't care about Long Aotian at all. He only looked at him indifferently and said, "Oh? It seems that you are not as united as I thought. But forget it, just let that fool play with Xiaoshui. I think Xiaoshui will be as happy as me.

"Long Aotian is a fool!" The promise face is ugly. Long Aotian can only die when he walks to the next door alone. Doesn't he understand? It doesn't matter if he dies, but he still has to take Wei Ruoting, which makes the promise deeply blame himself and feels sorry for Yun Feiyang.

"It doesn't matter. He will come with you soon." The god of the earth smiled, walked to Rong Xing, stretched out his hand to turn him into a stone statue again, and then he got up and walked to the promise, "You are the last one, hehe, thank me, thank me as a god!"

"Is everything over like this?" He was unwilling to make a promise. Looking at the people who had been turned into stone statues, his heart was trembling.

"Do you regret it?" The earth gate god walked to the promise, stopped and looked down at him, and said, "Do you regret coming here? If you stay in prison, at least you don't have to die, do you?"

The promise was shocked, looking at the stone statues on the ground, and his body began to tremble faintly: "'s all my cause! I killed you, if it weren't for me... If I hadn't summoned you to escape from here... you wouldn't have died. It's me... It's all my fault. I killed everyone. I'm sorry!"

"It seems that you know that you regret it." The earth gate god raised his hand and smiled, "But don't worry, I'm a god. Because of my greatness, you won't have to regret it soon. Soon you will be free. I will send you to a world without pain and regret. Thank me and worship me!"

The promise looked at the stone statues around him and closed his eyes: "Everyone, wait for me, I won't leave you, wait for me to atone with you..."

The earth's door god stretched out his hand and put it on the promise, and his stone gradually covered the promise's body...

Among the four walls, Yun Feiyang turned into a stone statue and fell into it. Almost no one had time to take him out when he escaped before.

Inside the dark stone, in the cloudy Dantian.

The cloud-flying consciousness floats before the black fog in the center and feels the fluctuations from it.

"This feeling..." Yun Feiyang has a very mysterious feeling in his heart, like he is going to catch something, but he can't catch it. This feeling is very strange.

At this moment, Yun Feiyang couldn't help but put his consciousness on the light mask. At this time, he finally clearly grasped the feeling.

"This fluctuation, this strange feeling, turns out to be..."

The outside world.

The stone constantly covered the body of the promise, gradually turning him into a stone statue almost no different from that of a real person. So far, everything here has been turned into stone statues by the Earth Gate God.

"Hum...haha...haha..." The earth gate god looked up and laughed: "I'm the greatest, I'm God! Only I can have the ability to make others eternal. I am the greatest god in the world! Hahaha...hahahaha..."

His laughter spread far away, making this dilapidated space vibrate slightly, as if it was about to collapse.

"That man is crazy!" Long Aotian grabbed Wei Ruoting and ran quickly in the passage. The man's crazy laughter came from far behind him. This laughter made Long Aotian run more crazy, almost desperate to run with all his strength in the dark passage, just to escape from the crazy sound.

The earth's door god laughed crazily in the broken stone room, shaking around him.

"What's so funny?" A cold voice was like a basin of cold water, pouring an exciting spirit on the earth's gate god.

"Who!" The earth gate god was shocked, and there was still someone alive. He quickly turned his head and looked at the place where the sound was emitted. At first glance, his heart sank: "It's you!"

In the hole where the four stone walls were broken, Yun Feiyang was slowly crawling out of it. His face was as heavy as water, and he stared coldly at the earth pole door god.

"Impossible! You are obviously sealed by my stone. How can you come out!" The god of the earth is uneasy. If his stone loses its effect on Yun Feiyang, he will be very dangerous.