Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 260: Defeat

When Promise heard everyone's words, he came back and looked at everyone. A smile appeared on his face and said, "You're all fine. That's great."

Everyone is very happy. Everyone is alive. There is nothing better than this.

"Lao Yan, how did you kill the god of the earth? That guy is so strong that he can hardly defeat it! Also, how did you let us out of the stones? You don't seem to have the ability to break these stones. Rong Xing is very confused. Now there is little spiritual power in his body, and supplementing spiritual power is the top priority, but he wants to know what's going on first.

"I also want to know." Hongluan opened his mouth, and almost all the other people had the same idea.

"Me?" The promise was stunned and said, "Who told you that I knocked down the god of the earth?"

Several people looked at each other and said that it was not him. Who is that?

"Lao Yan, don't joke, who else is there?" Rong Xing frowned and felt that the promise was a joke.

Promise smiled and shook his head, pointed to the stone wall in the middle, and said, "Look there."

Several people turned their heads doubtfully, and then saw the figure sitting next to the stone wall, and their eyes widened.

"Is it him? He is not..." Several people felt dry and speechless.

"Do you think... Yun Feiyang defeated the Earth Gate God?" Hongluan stared at the figure in the distance and felt a little unreal. Previously, Yun Feiyang was the first to be sealed by the stone of the Earth's Gate God. How could it be that he saved everyone?

The promise smiled and said, "I was sealed by the distribution of the Earth Gate God like you. When I woke up, I saw Yun Feiyang sitting there practicing. I think he defeated the Earth Gate God and saved us from the stone."

"He... saved us..."

Several people looked at the flying figure, and all of them were stunned. Since the promise said so, it is very likely that all this was done by Yun Feiyang. They don't dare to believe that Yun Feiyang has such strength? But through the fluctuation of spiritual power, he only has three disasters!

At this time, Yun Feiyang has replenished enough spiritual power and opened his eyes. Seeing everyone, Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Are you all awake? Is everyone all right?"

It is difficult for everyone to calm down, and Yun Feiyang's tone made them confirm that kind of speculation more.

"Yun Feiyang, did you kill the god of the earth?" Hongluan was straight and the first to ask a question.

Although others did not speak, they also wanted to confirm this matter. They all looked at Yun Feiyang and waited for his answer.

Yun Feiyang was slightly stunned, and everyone's expressions made him feel uncomfortable. He said, "What's the problem?"

Yun Feiyang's question is equivalent to answering yes, and everyone's heart trembled. Rong Xing jumped up directly and rushed to Yun Feiyang and grabbed his shoulder tightly. He was very excited: "You... you killed the Earth Gate God alone? Did you save us?"

Yun Feiyang was shocked. Rong Xing actually had strength and said, "Are you all right?"

Rong Xing said excitedly, "Tell me first, isn't it?"

Yun Feiyang frowned and nodded. It's not that he doesn't want to admit it, but that these people's reaction is really exciting.

"" Rong Xing opened his mouth for a long time and finally said, "You are so tough!"

Others also came up, and at this time, everyone's hearts were a little calmer.

"Yun Feiyang, how did you do it?" Hongluan felt unimaginable that such a person was defeated by Yun Feiyang with one arm.

"Aren't you the first to be sealed by a stone before? How did it come out?" The promise is equally doubtful.

Yun Feiyang was helpless. Originally, he didn't want to say more, but when everyone asked, he could only talk about the process. Of course, his black ice was hidden by him, and he only said that he was a variant.

"So it is." Promise nodded and said, "But your alien is really domineering. You can actually cross such a distance to suppress the god of the earth."

Yun Feiyang nodded. He couldn't tell how horrible Black Ice was. So far, he hasn't experienced how strong Black Ice is.

Yun Feiyang said plainly, but several people sweated for him, especially the last adventure, which made people feel that Yun Feiyang was too bold. They asked themselves if they didn't know if they had such charm. So far, people have different eyes on this young but witty and bold teenager. Look at each other.

What they don't know is that the cost of all this is not what they can imagine. It is the suffering of countless nights that make Yun Feiyang's heart far beyond ordinary people.

"But why didn't you know you had such an ability before?" Rong Xing is puzzled.

Yun Feiyang said, "I don't know much about cultivation. I have never known that aliens still have such an ability. Up to now, I still know a little about this ability."

Promised: "A foreign body is born, and it belongs to nature, unlike human spiritual power, which is acquired and violates the laws of nature. But the alien is naturally born in the human body and controlled by people. Your ability is to control your natural power to dominate other things and change the essence of those things. It's just that simple. However, the abilities of different aliens will be different. Assimilation is only basic. For example, the earth gate god should also be a foreign body. His ability is to absorb other people's spiritual power. I don't know much about the specifics. After all, I'm not a foreign body.

Yun Feiyang was surprised that there were so many things he didn't know about the alien. It seemed that he knew too little about cultivation and didn't know these things before.

"But you'd better use less of this ability. As far as I know, it's very risky." The promise is solemn, and he knows more than Yun Feiyang.

Yun Feiyang and Zheng's key, which he still knows. Although there is no such performance in this use, the risk must exist. For example, Verus may be killed by his own foreign body. It is better to use less this ability before it is clearly understood.

"Now that the earth gate god is dead, we will not be sucked away by absorbing spiritual power here. Everyone has no spiritual power now. Hurry up and replenish spiritual power now, otherwise the next door will not be able to pass through." The promise said to the crowd, the first to sit on the ground and practice.


Everyone also sat down cross-legged, closed their eyes and began to replenish their spiritual power.

Judging from the first door, everyone knows that there are many difficulties behind, and it is even more difficult to go out. But no one retreats. If you want to get zìyóu, you have to fight with your life. They all made it clear.

Yun Feiyang wanted to ask where Wei Ruoting had gone, but when he saw him close his eyes to practice, he closed his mouth. Now everyone is undoubtedly weak, and we should supplement spiritual power as soon as possible.

Although Dashan can't preserve spiritual power, he has to absorb it if he wants to recover his physical strength. He also has a way to absorb spiritual power, otherwise he would have starved to death in prison.

Everyone began to practice, but Yun Feiyang had completed the supplement and waited for everyone.

After a long time, everyone opened their eyes one by one.

Yun Feiyang couldn't wait to make a promise and said, "What about Wei Ruoting? Why didn't you see her?"

"Wei Ruoting?" The promise was stunned, and then realized that Yun Feiyang was talking about the girl and said, "I'm sorry, she was captured by Long Aotian."

"What?" Yun Feiyang was shocked. He had some speculation that he had not found Long Aotian before, but he was not sure. Now he knows that his heart will be in a mess in the future. It is difficult for people like Long Aotian to treat Wei Ruoting well.

"They went to that passage and should have gone to the next door." The promise pointed to the passage where Long Aotian left.

"That idiot!" Yun Feiyang was angry, and the earth gate god was so strong that Long Aotian went to the next door without corresponding power, which was simply an act of death. It doesn't matter if he dies. The most important thing is that he still takes Wei Ruoting with him. If he dies, Wei Ruoting will definitely not survive.

"Let's go quickly. I'm afraid that Long Aotian will push Wei Ruoting in front of danger." Yun Feiyang was anxious. It was not impossible for people like Long Aotian to do such a thing. Even if he left Wei Ruoting, he would put her in danger.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't take good care of her for you." Apologize, he has always felt that it is his job to take good care of everyone, because he gathered these people together.

"Now is not the time to say this, let's go!" Yun Feiyang was anxious.


Several people nodded. They had replenished enough spiritual power. It was time to go to the next door.

The promise is still ahead of the most dangerous, leading the way for everyone. The group entered the passage that Long Aotian had taken before, left the place, headed for the next door, and set out!

Two people walking in the dark passage.

"Are those people dead?" Long Aotian looked back and looked a little annoyed: "Huh! I had hoped that they could play their due role and survive through a few doors. I didn't expect them to die so soon.

Long Aotian actually hates those people: "I'm not that stupid to use me as cannon fodder and hitters for you. Unfortunately, you all died too early. You only opened a door for me, and then you will be in trouble.

Wei Ruoting lost her soul and slowly followed Long Aotian and was silent.

"Take this girl, throw her out if there is danger behind, and I will escape by myself. Although she is good-looking, the most important thing is to let me get out of here, otherwise I wouldn't have a burden. Long Aotian made a plan in his heart and gradually walked away in the channel step by step.

After a long time, Long Aotian stopped his footsteps. There was a fork in the straight passage, and Long Aotian frowned before the fork: "Is it something like that maze again?"

The previous danger made Long Aotian have to treat everything in it carefully. The appearance of this fork made him feel that it was not so simple and he did not dare to choose at will.

There are three fork roads in front of Long Aotian, one straight forward, and two leading to the left and right, which are cross-shaped.

"Where should I go?" Long Aotian hesitated and dared not continue to move forward. He stood there for a long time. The previous maze left a shadow in his heart, and now he dares not act recklessly even if it is just an intersection.

The ground suddenly began to tremble slightly, and Long Aotian could clearly feel the ground under his feet shaking slightly.

"What will it be this time?" Long Aotian's heart sank and looked at the passage in front of him and was silent. He caught Wei Ruoting beside him, and if necessary, he would push Wei Ruoting out as soon as possible.

The vibration is becoming more and more obvious, coming from the channel directly ahead. Long Aotian felt in his heart that he stared ahead vigilantly. The channel is not straight, but constantly curved. There is a corner ahead, and Long Aotian can't see far.


Finally, something vibrating rushed out of the corner.

"This is!" Long Aotian's eyes suddenly widened and stared at what appeared.

Wei Ruoting's eyes were dull and unconscious.


Long Aotian's scream spread far away in the passage, and then his cry quickly disappeared, and he couldn't scream for a moment.

The thing that caused the shock gradually faded away, and the figure of Long Aotian and Wei Ruoting disappeared in place. There seemed to be nothing here. Everything returned to its previous appearance without any change.

The people didn't hear anything or know anything. They are coming towards this place, which is still some distance away from this place.

The channel was dark, and everyone could move forward quickly in this dark passage by relying on the firelight of the Xiaodi.

This channel does not go to the previous channel. It is curved and surrounded by dirt, which is completely different from the previous channel. The only thing that is the same is that there is no fork in this passage, where everyone moves forward quickly.

There are two footprints on the ground, one is slightly larger and the other is smaller. Obviously, they are the footprints left by Long Aotian and Wei Ruoting. Yun Feiyang and the people kept following this footprint and wanted to catch up with them.

After another bend, the crowd stopped. The footprints on the ground disappeared.

"Why did it disappear here? It's strange!" The promise face is heavy, the monk can't fly, and there is mud in front of him. The footprints should not disappear out of thin air here.

"Did they meet the enemy?" Hongluan thought and said his guess.

"It shouldn't be." Promise shook his head and said, "There are only these two footprints here. If you meet the enemy, there will be other footprints approaching. Of course, if someone can fly, you can also approach them without leaving footprints, but that's impossible."

Everyone stopped and thought about it, and the footprints suddenly disappeared. Such a thing was very strange.

"Who!" The promise suddenly turned around and shouted behind him.

There was darkness behind him, and no one could be seen, and there was no response.

"What's wrong?" Rong Xingdao.

"Maybe it's my illusion." The promise shook his head and didn't want to cause uneasiness to everyone.

Yun Feiyang looked at the passage behind him for a long time, which was the direction they came from. At the moment, he also had a feeling of being stared at behind him. The feeling of promise was sharper than him, and he shouted first. At this time, looking back, the feeling disappeared.

"It can't be an illusion." Yun Feiyang was very sure and his heart was heavy: "I also felt the promise, which means that someone is really following us, but who will it be? Is it the god of the earth? But he is already dead!"

"There is a fork in here. Let's go to the front and have a look." The promise walked in front, and walked to the front passage first, and the other people also followed at the same time.

Yun Feiyang looked behind him and thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of anyone. After everyone moved forward, Yun Feiyang also went out, but not to follow the crowd, but to the fork on the left. It's useless for everyone to gather in one place. Yun Feiyang wants to go to the left to have a look.

At this time, the channel began to vibrate slightly, which was exactly the same as the situation encountered by Long Aotian before.

"Be careful, everyone." Promise stood in front of everyone and prepared to be the first to face the unknown danger.

Yun Feiyang was also alert, standing in the left passage waiting for that unknown thing.

The vibration was getting louder and louder, coming from the right corner of the crossway. Soon, that thing rushed out of the corner and rushed to the crowd.

"It's water!" The face of the promise changed greatly, and what came was water. It filled the whole channel and rushed to the crowd.

"Don't be scattered!" The promise just wanted to get everyone together, but the water had come, and the corner was too close to them.

As soon as the water surged, the firelight of the Xiaodi immediately went out, and the place fell into darkness. Moreover, everyone was submerged, unable to speak, and it was impossible to echo each other.

Promise and others only felt a stream of water coming, and the momentum was very urgent. Everyone was powerless in the water and was immediately washed away by the water.

Yun Feiyang also felt that he was submerged by the water, and his body flowed far away with the water, and soon left the original place.

Promise and others were rushed to an unknown place, where it was dark, and the currents dispersed.

"Is everyone all right?" The promise opened his mouth in the dark and said, "Answer me everything you hear!"

Only one voice said, "I'm fine."

In these voices, there were Dashan, Xiaodi, Hongluan and Rong Xing. He listened to the voices one by one, and his heart became wider and wider. When he heard it at the end, his heart suddenly sank.

"Where's the cloud?" He shouted, "Answer me when you hear it."

Quiet, no one answered.

"Brother, shine a place with fire." The promise was uneasy, and he had a bad feeling.

The emperor did it according to his words and lit up here with fire. The fire shone on the mountains, Hongluan, Rong Xing, Promise, and the Emperor himself, and there was no one else.

"Yun Feiyang, where have you been?" The promise face is ugly. Now it is very dangerous for people to separate, especially a person's clouds.

Yun Feiyang was also washed away by the water, but in the other direction.

Yun Feiyang was rushed to a relatively bright place, which was not so dark to promise them, but Yun Feiyang didn't know where it was at all.

The outlet of the water flow is in a very high place, and the clouds are washed down by the water. At that height, Yun Feiyang can still go out with vines, but he doesn't want to go back from the original road.

If he encounters those currents again, he will be washed down again when he goes out from there, which is useless. Now it is best if there are other exports.

This is a cave-like place, very wide and light, and there is no source.

"Where should I get out?" Yun Feiyang tried to find other exits in the cave.

This cave-like place has passages on all sides, and there are many of them. Yun Feiyang doesn't know which one to take is right. At this time, he must be careful. If he goes wrong, his life may be in danger at any time.