Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 265: Learning

As if responding to Yun Feiyang's conjecture, the legs and feet of the three crazy blades swept towards Yun Feiyang's avoidance direction!

At this time, Yun Feiyang finally felt a little difficult, and at this time, the remaining seven crazy blades took the opportunity to attack and wanted to forcibly blockade and suppress!

The leader's war blade still hasn't moved!

But now Yun Feiyang has to do his best to resist and dodge, and has been analyzing the real plan of the war blade led by him!

While analyzing and thinking, Yun Feiyang is not slow at all in avoiding.

Although the bodies of these war blades have broken the limits of the human body because they are refined by the flames, they still can't take any advantage of Yun Feiyang, who has better physical quality!

Yun Feiyang avoids quickly with the obvious improvement of body and footwork advantages!

After avoiding the entanglement of dozens of arms and long legs, Yun Feiyang didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief and saw that the eleven crazy blades ran the flames to different parts and sprayed out through the enlarged pores!

At this time, these fierce flames were shot from different directions like countless sharp arrows. Yun Feiyang quickly curled up his body and immediately turned on the effect of the immune necklace to protect the body to resist!

Although Yun Feiyang knows this offensive method, he can't defend himself. These war blades are also insidious and cunning. They even sneaked Lie Yan to different positions on the body, which makes it difficult for people to react at the first time and make effective preparations.

Looking at the fierce arrows sprayed on the body protection, Yun Feiyang secretly shouted that he was lucky. Without this powerful defensive shield, I'm afraid he would be more or less lucky. It's really careless!

However, Yun Feiyang still has no time to relax, because * Egg's body protection is falling at a very fast speed under the shooting of the fiery arrows!

At this moment, Yun Feiyang saw that the head of the bald man also rushed over!

"Oh no!" My current body posture is just to deal with the eleven crazy blades in front of you. If you change it now, I'm afraid it will be easy for them to take advantage of it, but if you still guard it like this, then this crazy blade will have another opportunity to take advantage of it!

Before Yun Feiyang could come up with a wonderful strategy, the war mad blade that had been transformed rushed to his eyes and attacked!

Like those crazy blades just now, the leading fire broke the sky and released fierce arrows in the same posture!

Fortunately, Yun Feiyang observed such a situation in advance. Although he was in a difficult environment, he still escaped this deadly attack!

At this time, the protective gas has fallen to a very shallow level. I believe that supporting two or three more attacks will be destroyed, but this reaction time is enough to make your own changes!

As long as there is a flaw in the Crazy Blade, it is time for you to fight back strongly!

However, Yun Feiyang suddenly found that the leading war mad blade jumped above his head and pricked the top of his head with a long dark red needle in his hand!

At this time, it is impossible to resist and can no longer dodge. Yun Feiyang can only pin his hopes on the shield of * egg.

However, the leading battle blade must be particularly special, otherwise it is impossible to enter such an attack. Yun Feiyang can only pray for good luck in his heart!

But when something like a long dark red needle touches the protective gas, the protective gas actually dries up like a balloon being sterilated, and the long needle is constantly getting shorter!

Obviously, these two energies conflict with each other, resulting in offsetting!

Suddenly, the body protection was burst, and the dark red short needle plunged into the top of the flying head!

Yun Feiyang felt a splitting headache and collapsed to the ground uncontrollably!

After seeing Yun Feiyang retreat repeatedly and lying to the ground in pain, the leading war mad blade proudly said, "You are the first one to taste the dark attack skill I just refined in the battle! In the face of the burning of dark inflammation, the sense of torture like bone runny will be endless. Although you are very strong, but..."

With the proud voice, Yun Feiyang kept rolling on the ground as if he had suffered great pain!

However, before Yan Potian's words could be finished, at this time, he thought that the opponent would gradually burn into a mummified corpse, but found that he suddenly sat up!

"This is your last killing move, right? If it's just such a trick, then you can wait to die!" Yun Feiyang gave the strongest psychological blow to the sky with a carp-like posture.

Yes, that move just now was indeed unexpected by Yun Feiyang, and no precautions and resistance measures were made. If it was put in the past, then Yun Feiyang had been plotted and had no chance to survive!

But now, once the operation and cultivation, those energies can't match the divine power contained in the body. Suddenly, Yun Feiyang found that the pain deep into the bone marrow disappeared without a trace!

Since this attack is not fatal, Yun Feiyang also feels that there is no need to be involved with them any more. He already has certain insights into the characteristics and disadvantages of this war blade, and there is no need to continue to test it.

After Yun Feiyang stood up, he immediately began to fight!

The overwhelming breath of God gradually spread around the flying body!

In the face of this impeccable and flowing continuous attack, the Crazy Blade of the 12th World War is not only irresistible, but also feels a sense of subjugation, just like energy elements suppressed by attributes!

Since the Crazy Blade of World War 12 is like this, not to mention those practitioners!

Yun Feiyang exudes an irresistible momentum between his hands and feet. Under the fierce attack, every punch and every foot hit the body of the war mad blade like a cannonball!

The strong impact brought by each blow also falls into pieces of weak practitioners!

Although the physique of the Crazy Blade of World War 12 is strong and powerful, it can only passively defend under the continuous attack of Yun Feiyang and can no longer effectively counterattack.

But the divine power is not so easy to resist. Even if it takes the physical attack of fists and feet, the breath of divine power is constantly immersed in the body and can't be defended at all!

In fact, this battle was over when Yun Feiyang decided to take it seriously.

Although the 12th World War Blade can pose a threat to Yun Feiyang, this threat is not fatal. As long as a certain buffer time is given, there is only one result, that is, failure!

Yun Feiyang is naturally gaining momentum. He continues to take advantage of the victory and pursue. While hitting the crazy blade of the 12th World War, he also does his best to expand the ripple effect to the surrounding practitioners.

Even if one more practitioners are killed, their losses can be expanded, and the losses of the coalition will naturally be reduced.

Soon, the Prime Minister was invincible, and the fierce 12th World War Blade was hit by Yun Feiyang's punch and foot, and finally his bones were broken and collapsed to the ground!

Yun Feiyang secretly said, "It's not easy. I'm tired of fighting, and I haven't been killed yet. When it comes to the physical quality of resistance, they are indeed top-notch. However, the defense is useless. If you have to reach the peak of the attack, you can really be proud of the heroes!"

Looking at the fierce blade of the 12th World War with more air and less air intake, Yun Feiyang knew that they were destined to be killed by this injury!

"Okay, okay, it's worthy of what Qin Hong said - the best successor after the wind, but you are much more backbone and responsible than that old guy!" Just then, a delicate voice came.

Although the sound is not loud, it is extremely clear!

Yun Feiyang followed the direction of the sound and saw a beautiful man dressed in expensive makeup standing in the brightest place.

Yun Feiyang knew that what he said was for himself, and he also compared Feng Feilong with himself.

"Hahahaha, I dare not do it, I dare not do it! May I ask your name, Miss?" Yun Feiyang looked at the guy with light makeup and dressed up sarcastically.

The beautiful man was not only not angry, but stared at Yun Feiyang with a smile and said, "If you don't believe today, you will still not follow the slave like the wind. No matter how clever words you say this time, I will never trust you!"

After hearing this, Yun Feiyang's expression returned to normal and did not continue to talk, but looked at his mouth, nose and heart, and stood straight as if he were fixed!

Yun Feiyang has heard of this beautiful man for a long time, but since he has not returned to the peak of his strength, he naturally dares not act rashly and can only rest and rest on the spot!

Seeing Yun Feiyang's state, the beautiful man did not mean to be strong at all, but gestured to everyone to rush inside the base!

Then after giving instructions, the beautiful man quietly looked at the clouds with beautiful eyes without blinking!

At this time, in the wall, because of the strong pressure array of Yun Feiyang, there are no practitioners in it at all, so everyone is resting as much as possible under the command of the head of each family to keep their strength and state at a high level.

After Yun Feiyang rested, an offensive force finally came in.

The combat effectiveness of these troops is similar to that of the elite troops just now, so there is no problem of adaptation. Due to the short-term challenges and depression, everyone is aggressive and wants to take this opportunity to show their strength.

Although Yun Feiyang is now resting and adjusting, he knows everything about what is happening around him.

Because of the extremely excellent combat performance just now, there is no one else around. Yun Feiyang is naturally willing to devote more energy to practice.

This person from Emperor Yan is not an ordinary person!

Indeed, it is impossible to be an ordinary person to regard the Crazy Blade of the Twelve World War as the master of the th Fighter.

I didn't expect that this battle was provoked by a yin and yang man with hundreds of years of life. It's really a unique face.

Although Yun Feiyang is in the middle of rest, he feels that this near-end battle is really not easy to deal with!

If the other party is a man, he can naturally be cruel.

But if the other party is a beautiful woman, can she still be cruel and destroy flowers?

However, the other party is not a man or a woman, known as a beautiful woman among men. How can you fight?

On the one hand, Yun Feiyang adjusts his state and strength, and adjusting his mentality is the most critical.

Alas, it's not that I'm reluctant to do it, but I feel a little disgusting.

But no matter what, you must pass this level, but you must do your best!

After all, this beautiful man far surpassed the famous 12th World War Blade in terms of strength, but he was still faintly beyond the front line in the wind!

However, over the years, his strength has not only not improved, but has been decreasing. The only thing that has not changed is his appearance!

Then let me, the refiner of the fifth level of the imperial realm, come to meet this legendary figure of the sixth level of spiritual control realm!

Anyway, I have to win this game!

Opening his eyes, Yun Feiyang clenched his fist again, leaned forward, and rushed in the direction of the beautiful man like a tiger out of a cage!

Along the way, Yun Feiyang, who has adjusted his state to the peak, showed his majestic style and killed the practitioners who were still hesitant next to him!

Now, Yun Feiyang is full of firepower, focusing the attack on the practitioners around him, but his mental attention is focused on the beautiful men from Emperor Yan's clan.

The beautiful man, who seemed to stay forever, just looked at Yun Feiyang with great interest and had no intention of taking action at all.

The patriarch of Emperor Yan wandering is such a person. He is superior in strength, self-appreciating, and stands out from the crowd. As long as the situation is not the most critical moment, he will never take action easily!

Yun Feiyang doesn't care about these at all. He continues to punch the flesh, and no longer uses the offensive of the attribute special effects of various energy elements. Instead, he uses practitioners as an attack tool to make them fly like cannonballs, causing a blow to more practitioners around them!

This attack skill is a bit like the battle mode of the 12th World War Crazy Blade. It relies more on physical quality and uses explosive power to attack the opponent without spending too much cultivation.

Yun Feiyang naturally accepted all this attack method, and sold it now, and gave it back to him!

At this time when Yun Feiyang was fighting, the courtyard was also vigorously carried out.

Now there are too many practitioners rushing into the courtyard to launch a strong turbulent impact like feng shui!

After a period of cultivation and adjustment by the coalition, but the opponent can be said to be turbulent, and waves have arised again and again!

In the face of a steady stream of attacking troops, sooner or later, the defeat of the coalition forces will be defeated!

However, Yun Feiyang did not pay attention to it. First of all, he believes in the leadership ability of the owners of each family, and then he has made targeted deployment of it. Finally, of course, there is a devastating killer that has not been used!

Now Yun Feiyang feels that the most important thing is whether his attack can work.

Only by defeating the actual helmsman of Emperor Yan, Yan Wandering, can we successfully disintegrate all threats in the provincial cities of the waterjie!

So now, we still try our best to warm up and lay the foundation for the upcoming final battle!

Yun Feiyang knew that when Yan wandered, he must be tough, flawless, and guaranteed to be impeccable!

If you think that there is a loophole like the Crazy Blade of World War 12 just now, then you may only die!

Huan wanders, this man who looks like a woman is extremely delicate. As long as there are more subtle loopholes than needles, he can see clearly and grasp it successfully, so as to break it in one fell swoop!

The legendary figure in the temple royal family is not a joke, otherwise how could his tentacles be so connected that he could spread his sphere of influence to the important provincial cities second only to the temple!

Now he is fighting with all his strength against the practitioners around him, that is, Yun Feiyang wants to be vigilant and make his nerves completely tightened, and there must be no mistake.

Even in the wind, he was defeated by this lingering in those years, and you can imagine how strong his strength is.

Although Yun Feiyang's hidden strength has far exceeded the strength that practitioners can achieve at this time, due to the effect of some magic weapons that have just been consumed, and their own strength has only stopped in the fifth level of imperial air realm, whether it can be equal to this legendary figure in the sixth level of spiritual control, now It is still unknown!

The only good news is that Yun Feiyang already has a measurable range in his heart for the strength of Yan.

And Yan lingered to judge Yun Feiyang's strength, that is, through the one-sided battle against the Blade of the Twelve World War and the way to attack the practitioners.

However, no matter what, you must be ready to fight with all your strength!

Now Yun Feiyang has been comprehensively enriched in actual combat experience and combat skills, no longer just has a certain understanding of various realms. With the struggle with various characters, Yun Feiyang is becoming more and more profiant in competing with the strong!

Yun Feiyang keeps shaking the practitioners who can't avoid it by punching and kicking, making it hit more practitioners around him!

After the blood vessels of the whole body rustled like boiling, Yun Feiyang shouted loudly, and his left and right feet suddenly stepped on the ground, making the ground immediately vibrate violently up and down!

This strong fluctuation makes the surrounding large practitioners shake and stand unsteadily at all, but no matter how strong the shock power is, there are no cracks in the Qinggang stone floor!

Yun Feiyang was very satisfied with his current expression, so he opened his mouth and drank, " Transform!"

As soon as the words fell, Yun Feiyang's body was bathed in a holy light, looking like a saint wrapped in a soft white light!

But soon, the white holy light penetrated into the body, and the black light emerged again.

Just looking from afar, this black light has a frightening feeling, just like infinite magic that can be immersed in the heart and lungs, making people feel depressed from the bone marrow!

White represents rebirth, and black represents destruction. Yun Feiyang makes the blood reach the extreme of combustion through full warm-up, and at the same time makes muscles, bones and other aspects of body functions tacitly match, so as to have the special effect of transformation!

"Papa! Not bad, that's great! No wonder you would rather be injured just now than show the strongest strength of the 12th World War. It turns out that you want to steal a teacher!" Yan wandered and patted his hands gently, clapping and preaching to Yun Feiyang.

Yun Fei smiled and sighed, "Don't you find that my transformation is more reasonable than them and makes yourself stronger? But you have been watching my performance without stopping it, don't you want me to improve my strength?"