Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 270: Unicorn

However, most people don't mean to step on the seven-color rainbow bridge, they just watch and join in the fun.

Yun Feiyang couldn't help laughing at all kinds of lucky jewelry and various flavor snacks along the way. It seems that most people are content with the status quo and are unwilling to take risks for the unknown.

Of course, it is very good to join in the fun and regard this as a rare blessing for several years. It is compared with festivals, selling things, shopping, and creating a different atmosphere.

Such a scene is not sad at all, just like visiting relatives and friends.

After buying some good snacks, Yun Feiyang refused the lucky jewelry promoted by the hawkers, and happily stepped on the bridge of the seven-color rainbow. Of course, there was no lack of contempt.

"Let's go!" The owner of the virtual family urged Yun Feiyang.

"What are you doing so fast? Anyway, the positions are randomly assigned, and we can't be together!" Yun Feiyang laughed at himself.

At the urging of the virtual family owner, Yun Feiyang stood on the seven-color rainbow bridge reluctantly. This light feeling is more enjoyable than driving the wind energy element to fly.

No wonder so many people yearn for Wonderland, which is indeed much more comfortable than going to Wonderland.

Seeing many people below waving to the people above, they also said, "Since they are leaving, let's throw something memorable, such as crystal nuclei and so on."

The people above think the same. If they succeed this time, these virtual masters may look down on them. If they fail, they don't need these virtual masters at all, and then start to pour out like throwing beans.

Of course, the people below are crazy.

Yun Feiyang thinks it's really interesting, just like those people.

It's just that Yun Feiyang has too many space items, which makes too many people below scream like crazy. Of course, he picks up and screams at the same time.

"I really don't know why you are so happy about these meaningless things, or the youngest person to squeeze into the Weapon Spectrum Ranking. It doesn't look like it!" The owner of the virtual family hit Yun Feiyang with a contemptuous tone.

"Hahahaha, you won't understand this feeling, and cultivation has something to do with the mood. Maybe you will know it later!" Yun Feiyang didn't care about the ridiculing of the virtual family owner and continued his behavior.

The higher you get to the top, the faster the speed of drifting, but there is no feeling of bumps, even the sound of the wind and the impact of the wind, which is much more comfortable than taking the elevator.

At this time, because of the height, the people below can no longer be seen.

It should not take long to reach the middle of the colorful light group, which should be the destination of this trip!

While chatting in a low voice with the head of the virtual family and friends, although some of them still have a lot of contradictions, they are now much smaller in this environment.

Only the virtual family owner is as calm and stands on it with his eyes closed.

Yun Feiyang is completely enjoying this process. It's very interesting to sit, lie down and exercise.

I don't know why, the more you improve your strength to the end, the more relaxed Yun Feiyang feels, just like the ties are much less, and there is no huge pressure at the beginning. Maybe it may be the impact of the level improvement!

Looking closer and closer, like a colorful light mass like cotton, the clouds are flying very natural, without any pretentious opening of arms, as if welcoming the arrival of an old friend!

Yun Feiyang can clearly feel that there is a clear difference between Wonderland and Wonderland.

In the fairyland, it is like a brand-new world, with all kinds of wonders, too many wonderful things and opportunities. Yun Feiyang likes this world very much and is willing to stay there for ten minutes.

And the wonderland is completely different. There is no beautiful scene like in the fairyland, and there is no scene of ten miles of different days, which looks closer to reality.

Of course, there is no bustling crowd here, only a chaotic group of mythical beasts, who play and play various games.

Yun Feiyang still remembers the frequent exhortations of the owner of the Xu family, especially pointing out that it is a process of killing monsters and picking up treasures in fairyland, but this way is absolutely not feasible in Wonderland.

There are countless kinds of mythical beasts in Wonderland. You can find opportunities to subdue them and then drive them, but if you want to kill them, you will face endless all kinds of mythical beasts, so don't have this crooked idea.

Mythical beasts, like their names, are similar to fierce beasts, but they can change their bodies at will, run fast, spread their wings and swim under the water. In addition to the waterway and air, they can also transform into human beings.

Except for the mythical beasts without completely transformed tails and wings around him, Yun Feiyang did not find a human existence. It seems that his luck is not bad.

The mythical beast is the main specialty of Wonderland. If you are lucky enough to find the most suitable mythical beast for your cultivation, you can tame it and integrate it

In this way, the practitioners will have more powerful strength than practicing weapons, that is, the explosive skill combined with the mythical beast. Its attack power can open mountains and crack stones at the lowest, which is not inferior to the combat effectiveness of practicing weapons.

Of course, this opportunity is rare. Even if you are lucky enough to meet a mythical beast that suits your cultivation attributes, whether you can tame it and integrate it successfully is the question.

Although mythical beasts will not take the initiative to attack and don't have to worry about life danger, they are not kind people. They often harass human beings at any time and surround themselves in layers, just like treating all kinds of animals in the zoo, not only onlookers, but also teasing them.

Yun Feiyang didn't have time to play with them. At the moment of entering, he used the effect of hidden body shape and acceleration.

These play-loving mythical beasts are only at the lowest level. Of course, Yun Feiyang has little interest in them. Wonderland is a higher than fairyland. How can they be so hasty to determine their fusion objects?

For the mythical beast that can act as its own combat partner, Yun Feiyang is of course more demanding. Of course, the stronger the companion who can improve his strength, the better.

In addition to combat pets, Yun Feiyang also knows that he can subdue mounts in it.

Unlike other practitioners who want to subdue a fast marching beast, Yun Feiyang wants to find an amphibious mount, and he must be the best among them, or the hegemony.

Because there are still some tasks to complete in Wonderland, if there is no excellent mount, the difficulty of the task will increase exponentially.

Therefore, as soon as he stepped into the wonderland, Yun Feiyang began his task and made a choice, instead of searching for his preferences aimlessly like other practitioners.

There are too many mythical beasts in this wonderland, which can be seen everywhere, but they are more suitable for fighting, are not willing to be human-driven mounts, and are qualitatively different from those born mounts in terms of movement and weight.

Under Lei Fang's reminder, Yun Feiyang knew that there was a mount of a blue water cloud beast that was very suitable for him, so he could run to the direction of the river non-stop.

Under Yun Feiyang's deliberate search, it didn't take much time to find the kind of mount creature described by Lei Fang.

Fortunately, I listened attentively that day and did not take these ethereal legends as a breeze, so I was able to seize the opportunity in this once-hundred-a-century event.

The blue water cloud beast is good at stepping on water and driving clouds, and is an absolute leader in amphibious mounts.

Originally, I was still imitating and imagining how to tame it quickly according to Lei Fang's prompt, but before Yun Feiyang could get close, I saw the blue water cloud beast jumping up from the wide river, stepping on its limbs and soaring in the sky.

The reason why the blue water cloud beast is so urgent is that there is an animal that looks like a horse behind it.

It looks like a horse, but it has two unfolded wings. It is said to be a ape, and it has sharp horns.

is a little similar to the legendary unicorn, but it is as dark as ink, and there is no extraordinary feeling of vulgarity, but it is a little cool.

Needless to say, this black unicorn is definitely more than the blue water cloud beast. You can know from the frightened appearance of the blue water cloud beast.

Although the speed of the blue water cloud beast is fast, it is still caught up by the black unicorn. This black unicorn has no malice, but like a few years old, it carries out all kinds of threats to the blue water cloud beast.

Suddenly, Yun Feiyang had no interest in the blue water cloud beast, but felt that this black unicorn was a little interesting.

I didn't think about it any more. If I delay, I will lose both of them.

After quickly making bold ideas in his mind, Yun Feiyang took control of the wind attribute energy elements and soared into the air, chasing them at a speed that was not inferior to that of the clear water and cloud beasts!

The strength has already been greatly improved, and it is not at the back of these flying mounts in terms of fast flight.

It's just that this can only break out in a short range. If you want to compete for a long-distance flight, then Yun Feiyang must be willing to bow down. People are indeed not birds, have no wings, and it is normal to be weak in flight.

The feeling of the black unicorn seems to be very sensitive, and it feels it at the moment when the clouds fly up and accelerate.

Maybe he was dissatisfied with Yun Feiyang's reckless behavior, and the black unicorn turned back slightly and sprayed a black breath from its sharp horn.

Black destruction energy.


This power is not inferior to the divine power given to it by the sacred nine-headed dragon.

Yun Feiyang hurriedly dodged.

No wonder the blue water cloud beast will avoid it in fear. It turns out that any blow of this black unicorn is the destruction energy used.

Obediently, is the divine power so worthless here? It's everywhere.

Complaining, Yun Feiyang became more interested in this black unicorn at this time.

If you can control this mount, then you will definitely have the strength to fight against the four warriors in the temple.

After knowing that he had the opportunity to step into the wonderland, Yun Feiyang began to plan and arrange it early. With this purpose, he is naturally full of motivation, so he can take his strength to the next level in such a short time.

In the face of the attack of the black unicorn, Yun Feiyang was not angry but happy, and even felt that it was the type he wanted.

The hands are raised back, the clouds are accelerating again, and all the energy elements of the wind attribute are activated, and some elixirs and magic weapons that can speed up are also used.

After this effort, Yun Feiyang's figure is closer to the ink-black unicorn.

Judging from the action expression of the black unicorn, it was even more dissatisfied with Yun Feiyang's behavior and opened its mouth angrily, revealing a horse's mouth that had not yet grown teeth.

What kind of attack is this? Yun Feiyang dare not be careless. After all, this is a wonderland, and his knowledge of this place is almost zero.

Although he just opened his mouth and did not emit a substantial attack light effect, various flying mounts that kept falling from the air found unusual.

This is actually a sub-sound group attack skill.

Yun Feiyang secretly congratulated himself, but fortunately he was prepared.

After Yun Feiyang trembled slightly, he immediately surrounded himself with a new white breath and quickly eliminated this negative state.

After Yun Feiyang used the white new breath, the dark unicorn became violent in an instant.

The black unicorn no longer concentrates on flirting with the blue water cloud beast as before, but explodes the mane at its neck in an instant, quickly turns around and rushes straight towards the clouds.

"Good luck!" Yun Feiyang shouted excitedly when he saw the Moheda unicorn bumping into him.

Before the white new breath was withdrawn, Yun Feiyang immediately released the black destruction breath and muttered, "You are still too young, or I will teach you my latest promoted yin and yang two qi skills!"

In the words, the black destruction breath instantly turned into a sword shape, while the white new breath turned into a sword handle.

Yun Feiyang calls the divine power he has now the two qi of yin and yang.

Now, the latest form of yin and yang, integrated attack defense, not only has a significant improvement in power, but also does not require additional conversion and can coexist at the same time.

After discovering that Yun Feiyang avoided his two long-range attacks, the Mexican unicorn planned to fight in close range.

Yun Feiyang felt that the black unicorn was simply too young. It had the obvious advantage of flying and moving, but he chose to fight in close combat and connect with his short soldiers. In this way, isn't he attacking his strengths with his own short strength?

Since the black unicorn has been sent to the door, how could Yun Feiyang retreat? He intends to take this opportunity to tame it and become his new mount.

At the moment when the black unicorn attacked, Yun Feiyang came out of the sword in advance.

The sword is like a knife, obliquely cut on the sprint line of the black unicorn.

Although it does not cause substantial damage, the black unicorn will cause heavy damage if it does not stop the momentum.

Sure enough, under this sword, the black unicorn quickly turned around and dodged, still taking an offensive.

However, because of the obstruction of this sword, the black unicorn has a certain stagnation, so the momentum is not as good as before.

However, Yun Feiyang still did not choose a hard block, but turned around with a sword, and continued to cut off the sprint line of the black unicorn.

The dark unicorn was forced to turn again, and then rushed again.

With the change of the black unicorn, the flying figure turned again, continued to wave his sword, and still impartially fell on the forward line of the black unicorn.

Three consecutive swords predicted the line in advance. Although Yun Feiyang, who used the micro-attack method, did not directly kill his opponent, the morale blow was more serious than the real damage.

Just when the momentum of the ink-black unicorn weakened, Yun Feiyang stopped using this sword momentum. He rose up and picked up a sword flower at a high speed.

This time, Yun Feiyang completely showed his strength.

Only then did the ink-black unicorn find that it was completely shrouded in sword light. No matter how it rolled and moved, it could not reverse this situation.

This is the gap in strength.

Even though the black unicorn is a transcended hegemon in the wonderland, there is still a huge gap in the face of the divine power taught by the sacred nine-headed dragon.

This gap comes from race and bloodline, and the sacred nine-headed dragons are ancient mythical beasts anyway.

Collect the sword, withdraw the sword, stand still, and fly like a fixed one.

And the appearance of the black unicorn is similar, which is obviously stunned by Yun Feiyang's magical swordsmanship.

After waiting for a long time, the dark unicorn shook its body uncomfortably.

Suddenly, while the black unicorn was moving, the black fine hair flew, one by one of the same length, without any deviation.

In an instant, a furry black unicorn shines on the stage.

However, although Yun Feiyang has been attacking, he is not willing to stab the black unicorn. Using the subtle realm to use swordsmanship has only been cutting its hair.

"Sss..." A series of coquettish sounds came from the mouth of the black unicorn.

Yun Feiyang showed a smiling face and knew that his behavior just now finally moved it, so the next step was the process of taming it.

In Wonderland, whether it is a mythical beast or a mount, as long as you have absolute strength, you will gain their admiration, so that the possibility of taming will be greatly improved.

If you don't even have the strength to protect yourself, how can they recognize the Lord obediently?

With Lei Fang's reminder, Yun Feiyang has already made preparations, so he put psychological pressure on this dark unicorn, which naturally prevailed from the beginning!

The next step is to tame this unicorn and let it begin to adapt to its identity!

After feeling that everything was going according to the steps described by Lei Fang, Yun Feiyang jumped and flew to the dark unicorn!

Although the black unicorn is a little afraid of Yun Feiyang's strength, it can't adapt to Yun Feiyang's riding on his body. Of course, it began to become violent again and sprint to the distance.

Because Yun Feiyang has already been psychologically prepared, he naturally let it be crazy, blindfold it, and drive it to the direction he wants.

I believe that it won't be long before the black unicorn is exhausted and gives itself any benefits, and it will adapt to its new identity!

At present, the top priority is to arrive at thousands of evil prisons and find a clean spring!