Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 280: Go

The strong hind limbs suddenly kicked the ground, and the angry bull rushed out in a straight line, and the dust flew behind him!

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Seeing the bull coming aggressively, these students couldn't help screaming!

Satisfied to see everyone's exaggerated reaction, Yun Feiyang then changed to roaring tigers, agile jade rabbits and so on.

Yun Feiyang is like a trick, changing the green smoke into twelve zodiac animals in turn, and letting them all float up close above everyone's head.

When I saw the green smoke randomly and quickly change into all kinds of good pets and beasts that I have never seen before, everyone present felt very novel and shocked, screaming excitedly!

While performing, Yun Feiyang is also trying to improve his control of energy elements, hoping to make the twelve zodiac animals more delicate and lifelike.

The reason why it is so harsh is that in battles with the same title and level, details often determine the final success or failure, so Yun Feiyang strives for perfection in control skills!

When the last lazy pig made several playful and cute action expressions, in the cheers of the crowd, Yun Feiyang ended the control of energy elements!

Seeing the green smoke as if it was strongly attracted, after receiving Yun Feiyang's body, everyone's shining eyes suddenly faded, and there was also a "woo" cry in their mouths. Dissatisfied with the wonderful performance ended like this.

Seeing this situation, Yun Feiyang deliberately paused and shouted in a sensational tone: "The first performance is over! It's about to show the magic weapon of energy elements!"

"Wow, wow!" Hearing Yun Feiyang's exciting words, everyone immediately shouted excitedly!

Of course, the acting is to perform the whole set. After mobilizing the enthusiasm of everyone present again, Yun Feiyang used the energy elements of wood attributes to transform into mace with wooden thorns, long pointed guns with patterns, and daggers engraved with blood grooves...

Yun Feiyang showed his soul talent vividly, and everyone was also impressed by the control skills of this amazing skill. They were stunned and couldn't move!

"You don't need to underestimate these details. A mace with a mace with wooden thorn can enhance its lethality; and a long pointed gun with patterns can play a role in anti-skid; a short sword engraved with a blood tank can increase the strength of the sword body..." This has completely become a personal performance, and Yun Feiyang does not forget to illusionize and control. Teach everyone some theoretical knowledge, so that they can benefit from happiness.

This kind of farming performance not only reflects Yun Feiyang's control skills of energy elements, but also shows its unique and novel creativity and imagination.

No one expected that this final farewell performance was so interesting. Suddenly, the people applauded, and no one was stingy with their own praise.

Even the most reluctant and dissatisfied Lei Fang was infected by this atmosphere. Although she did not applaud hard, she was also full of joy.

Although there are many types of weapons transformed, Yun Feiyang only consumes a small part of energy elements with the super control of his soul talent. Anyway, these illusion weapons are only temporary and will not be used for combat.

Finally, Yun Feiyang spent a little bit of wood attribute energy element transforming into a willow branch rattan in his hand.

Just as everyone looked at the willow vine with surprised eyes, Yun Feiyang seemed to know what they thought in their hearts, and his hands flew up and down like a butterfly, rubbing, kneading, pinching and pulling the willow vine!

Willow branches and vines are constantly changing in Yun Feiyang's hands. Sometimes they are tied into mini scarecrows, then turn into a warcraft shape, and then they are woven a big grass basket, and finally they are regarded as a rattan chair that can rest their feet!

In the warm and cheerful applause of everyone, Yun Feiyang finally ended the show.

Seeing that everyone gathered around, Yun Feiyang did not give any explanation, but quickly stepped into the corridor with a smile, leaving a chic back.

Now there is still a period of time before dusk, and Yun Feiyang suddenly has a certain feeling through the performance just now.

Yun Feiyang doesn't want to waste a minute and a second. He just wants to take the time to transform those ideas into practical improvement, so he doesn't mean to stay here at all, but intends to go straight back to the dormitory.

The rest dormitory you belong to has already been set up as a forbidden area, which is just enough for your own practice.

Yun Feiyang took off his shoes and socks and sat cross-legged **.

As usual, the calm Yunfeiyang, who has recovered in his heart, did not intend to rest in **, but immediately took out the wooden attribute energy stone for elemental cultivation. At the same time, the summoned simulated split also began to exercise nervously and rhythmically!

Because Yunfeiyang's physical fitness has reached a very high level, there is no need for deep physical exercise at all. He just uses simple and common sports postures such as push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and leg-ups to carry out simple warm-up.

It is precisely because these movements are simple that Yun Feiyang can be distracted. When exercising, he can also practice elements. At the same time, he also has the shaping of divine power, the change of the shape of yin and yang, etc.

Although almost everything has reached or is close to the peak now and has the ability to be alone, it is difficult to perform it at the same time. Even if it is performed, it cannot guarantee its peak strength.

At this time, Yun Feiyang intends to slow down and adjust himself in the simplest way of practice. He wants to find a degree from which he can make his strengths run smoothly!

This is the realization that Yun Feiyang conceived through the elemental performance just now!

However, this method is too difficult to think about. Just like combining energy elements, it takes time and energy to get tired.

I felt that the efficiency going on like this was too low. Yun Feiyang simply stopped and guided the energy elements of the wood attribute to stimulate such inspiration as just now.

After several experiments like this, Yun Feiyang has a kind of uncomfortable feeling that he has vaguely caught but can't make it!

Is it going to be like last time?

Must the body be on the basis of extreme weakness to give them room for play?

Yun Feiyang knows that if he does not integrate these advantages, there is no advantage against the top three martial artists.

In this way, Yun Feiyang did what he said and vented his anger, desperately consuming his physical strength in an extremely high-intensity exercise method.

Continuously impact, keep experimenting!

The wood energy element is worthy of being the first auxiliary attribute. Although every time Yun Feiyang feels almost exhausted, after a short rest, the physical energy can recover quickly, the fatigue is swept away, and it can continue to enter the subsequent special training.

With the support of wood attribute energy elements, Yun Feiyang is not afraid that his body will be hurt by excessive fatigue, so he began to unscrupulously increase the intensity of physical exercise and deliberately double the number of movements in each group!

In the process of exercise, although Yun Feiyang was so tired that he gasped and felt that his lungs were going to explode, he could always stand firm under the therapeutic effect of wood energy elements!

Since it has the unique advantage of rapid recovery, it must not be wasted. Anyway, there are still many wood attribute energy stones, and there is no need to be stingy at all.

Yun Feiyang knows that this is definitely the best opportunity. If you can grasp it, you can get a transformation.

Yun Feiyang believes that as long as he becomes stronger, he will win weight and have enough strength to protect everything.

Because Yun Feiyang has expectations and strong beliefs in his heart, he seems to be so hardworking and serious!

It is with this mentality that with the continuous improvement of intensity, Yun Feiyang clenched his teeth in this difficult exercise process and survived with the belief in his heart!

Sweat dripped one by one, and Yun Feiyang grasped the time of one minute and one second, exercising while practicing elements.

In fact, the reason why Yun Feiyang exercises like he is not only wants to integrate the skills to achieve perfection, but more importantly, he wants his body to continue to transform and continue to climb in strength!

After all, if you want to go to the fairyland, your body must meet the most basic needs, otherwise the violent and mixed yin and yang will definitely destroy **!

Although the world is composed of seven ordinary energy elements, there are still special mutations and special upgraded energy elements!

Special mutant energy elements refer to special mutant energy elements that are more aggressive, such as water energy mixed with earth attributes.

Special upgraded energy elements are the products of fusion by refining the same energy elements, such as water energy elements to ice energy elements, electrical energy to thunder energy elements, earth energy elements to rock energy elements, etc.

As long as you have a special mutant energy element, you will have a high chance of winning against a higher-order opponent. Even if you face an opponent with a higher title, you will not fall behind!

What's more, you have the top yin and yang. If you can integrate them, you will have a stronger attack advantage!

When people focus on something, time always passes quickly.

With Yun Feiyang's distracted practice and exercise, the afternoon was not wasted at all!

After hearing the alarm bell outside, Yun Feiyang stood up tremblingly.

After standing up, Yun Feiyang immediately used the wood energy element to recover his body. At the same time, he also seized the time to cool down and changed into a set of clean clothes.

After sweeping away the sweat on his body through bathing, Yun Feiyang suddenly felt refreshed, grabbed his clothes, opened the door and quickly walked out.

At this time, the sky is dark and the purple sun is about to fall.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "I'm ready, and the final battle is about to begin!"

As long as you have a special mutant energy element, you will have a high chance of winning against a higher-order opponent. Even if you face an opponent with a higher title, you will not fall behind!

What's more, you have the top yin and yang. If you can integrate them, you will have a stronger attack advantage!

Yun Feiyang can't care about the shocking world and summons the sacred unicorn to fly out of the water province.

With the advantage of high air, Yun Feiyang has seen an extremely large-scale army gathered outside the city.

Before the sacred unicorn could flap its wings a few times, the ready army began to move and march towards the shortcut to the Wanshui Forest.

Because the command power has been completely handed over to Xu Chong and those commanders, they have no intention of waiting for Yun Feiyang at all.

Besides, Yun Feiyang now has flying mounts, and there is definitely no need to march together.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the owner of the virtual family to convey his worries to Yun Feiyang through the communication ring.

Yun Feiyang had to fly to the sky and serve as a reconnaissance guard for the time being.

"Nothing was found! Don't worry, even we don't know that we are going to march today, so how could they set up an ambush? Yun Feiyang understood the worries of the head of the virtual family, so he tried his best to comfort him.

In addition to comforting the head of the virtual family, Yun Feiyang especially urged Xu Chong and other commanders.

After a while, Yun Feiyang circled the sky again and found that there was indeed nothing abnormal in the Wanshui Forest before flying to the temple.

Because through the accommodation, Yun Feiyang has completed his skills. Even if he breaks through now and escapes into the fairyland, he also has the ability to protect himself and will not be crushed by the strongest yin and yang, so now he only needs to win this decisive battle, and linger for Yan and rushing this hatred.

Yun Feiyang reported this mentality and intends to challenge the imperial power again!

The last time, I haven't made a breakthrough in my strength, and I'm single and I can't rely on it, so I can't get an advantage.

Now, I have taken a step further and have the strong backing of the vertical and horizontal coalition, coupled with no worries, so I will be invincible and win the final victory!

Yun Feiyang's face is calm, flying at a uniform speed under the sacred unicorn.

The speed of the sacred unicorn is very fast, so it won't be long before the clouds in the sky will have a panoramic view of the temple.

Sure enough, as expected, the situation in the temple was the same as last time. The street was bustling and lively.

This time, Yun Feiyang was not in the mood of wandering last time, so he flew straight to Zijin City in the center of the temple.

My goal is not these ordinary people, but the imperial power controllers in Zijin City who want to override this continent!

Yun Feiyang doesn't have many views and ideas about the uprising that Yan wants, but just wants to implement and carry it out.

Challenging hegemony, overthrowing the current imperial power, and establishing a free and peaceful regime is also the purpose of the allied forces!

You don't need to participate in these things.

You only need to defeat the three titles of warriors, and then the balance of victory will be greatly tilted for the vertical and horizontal coalition lock!

Zijin City in the center of the temple!

Zijin City is protected by inexplicable abundant energy elements, and Yun Feiyang obviously feels a kind of boundary to stop his intrusion.

This kind of boundary is somewhat similar to the boundary at the fairyland level, but the fluctuation frequency of energy elements is much higher. In contrast, it is less stable and easier to expose.

After discovering this boundary, Yun Feiyang strengthened his conjecture between the lich and the gods.

"Then let me step through this Zijin City today!" Since it can no longer fly, Yun Feiyang floats to the ground and enters Zijin City in high spirits!

The gate guard knew that it was not good when he saw Yun Feiyang's aggressive appearance. He didn't even ask basic questions, so he directly bombarded him with energy elements!

The daily-level operator may be a high-level in other places, but if you want to cause damage to Yun Feiyang, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream!

Yun Feiyang did not fight back at all, but simply stamped his feet, which not only resolved these attacks invisibly, but also shocked the guards one after another through subtle attacks!

Looking at the guards lying on the ground one by one, Yun Feiyang smiled maliciously.

This is the first hybrid attack after the completion of my own skills, but this attack is only a few levels higher than before!

Between the stamped feet, Yun Feiyang has controlled his strength, spread a mass of yin energy along the ground to the feet of the guard, and then transmitted it to the internal organs of the body through his legs.

Ordinary people's internal organs are very fragile, even practitioners are no exception, because they have not been specially trained at all, so they encounter this yin, which can neither resist nor resolve. However, the fainting is all Yun Feiyang's mercy and does not want to kill these unarmed and cannot be effective for themselves. The person who fights back.

After solving these guards, Yun Feiyang immediately began his revenge.

Since he said he would step through Zijin City, Yun Feiyang is not ambiguous at all!

The feet stepped on the floor very rhythmically. Although the floor is still the strongest and hard steel diamond, it is still smashed under the penetration of the clouds!

Even if it becomes smashed, Yun Feiyang will not let go. Through the tapping of his legs, he shakes up the gravel, and then kicks them away like kicking them one after another!

The impact of these rubble far exceeded that of bullets, and soon knocked out all the statues of heroes and those monuments in the distant square one by one.

Soon, it didn't take much time for Yun Feiyang to smash those heroic statues and those monuments, as a price, all within a radius of a few miles!

Since the three warriors with the title of heaven and earth have not yet come out, then you will step through the hall until they come out!

Looking at the guards lying on the ground one by one, Yun Feiyang smiled maliciously.

This is the first hybrid attack after the completion of my own skills, but this attack is only a few levels higher than before!

Between the stamped feet, Yun Feiyang has controlled his strength, spread a mass of yin energy along the ground to the feet of the guard, and then transmitted it to the internal organs of the body through his legs.