Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 286: Looking for Treasure

I have heard the explanation of Miss Wei Weiwei. Yun Feiyang has no good impression on this bully family that is good at bullying men and women and likes to make prostitutes, so he decided to kill a piece of it!

After waiting for a while, they had gathered, and the group of members of the bully family finally opened the inner door and rushed out!

Yun Feiyang didn't even look at their interest. Raising his hand was a beam of shock wave, which directly shattered the gathered crowd!

What a majestic and invincible existence to kill dozens of people in one fell swoop!

The Kuangba family is powerful in Canglan Island, but they have not seen such a strong man, and they have lost the courage to resist!

Most of the members hid in the east, while others knelt down and begged for mercy, and almost no one wanted to fight back.

Yun Feiyang sighed and felt a boring feeling. Before his strength was fully exerted, these people were eager to surrender.

Turning around, Yun Feiyang put his hands together and bombarded a beam of light on the building of the mansion of the hegemony family!

Due to the great damage, the building collapsed and directly pressed all the family members below!

As for how many people can survive, Yun Feiyang doesn't care at all.

The night is heavier!

Since there is still a period of time before dawn, Yun Feiyang is not idle. He walked to the largest square stone wall and kept smashing out the hole with his fist!

It was not until dawn that Yun Feiyang left with satisfaction.

When it was about to dawn, Canglan Island finally boiled like a pot of porridge.

The overlord family collapsed, and no one of the practitioners survived!

And on the stone wall of the square, almost all major families are on the list!

It says the names of each family and the relative crimes committed by committing adultery, and write at the end: If you dare to do evil again, there is only one word in the signature - "kill"

Looking at this, it turned out to be composed of finger marks, which made the members of each family frightened. It was easy to think that the bully family was destroyed because of anger!

In addition to the frightened families, ordinary people go to the streets to celebrate openly. After all, these families are all vicious gangs!

The day was bright, and when the purple sun rose, Yun Feiyang had already made supplies and took Miss Wei Weiwei away in the wind!

Looking at the Canglan Island below, which gradually turned into a black spot, Miss Weiwei finally returned to normal after sighing slightly and proposed to Yun Feiyang with excitement: "Living on the island, I see guests looking for treasures every day. Why don't we go looking for treasures?"

Looking at Miss Wei Weiwei'sxingful appearance, how could Yun Feiyang object? He followed the direction she pointed and flew away in the Holy Unicorn King!

After the last evolution, the Holy Unicorn King at this time already has great strength and disdains other fierce beasts in the sky, and the strong breath emitted by himself also makes other fierce beasts in the air dare not approach!

Because the road is far away, time is not easy to pass, so Yun Feiyang carefully taught some cultivation experience to Miss Weiwei, so that she could avoid taking some wrong roads in order to quickly improve her strength!

Yun Feiyang did not fall down his own cultivation, groping how to compress and refine the two super energy elements of light and darkness.

After practicing, you can enjoy the scenery, eat something, chat, and continue to practice after relaxing and happy!

When two people are together, they are indeed much happier than before when they are alone. Yun Feiyang finds that under this happy state of mind, his improvement in cultivation is also much faster than before.

The sky is blue and the water is green, and the wind is light and the clouds are light.

Yun Feiyang hummed the song leisurely and accompanied the sound by changing the airflow with the palm of her hand. The cheerful song made Miss Wei Weiwei scramble to learn.

This feeling is really good, and there is no mistake in my choice!

Miss Wei Weiwei's long hair stroked her face like a breeze, and Yun Feiyang taught the rhythm of the song with a smile, as well as the combination of gestures and strength!

I spent about a week in this relaxed and happy atmosphere!

Yun Feiyang can keenly see more than a dozen practitioners flying towards the same destination on flying mounts!

The treasure continent should be not far away!

Yun Feiyang can sense the hostility of every practitioner, and this competition is vividly displayed before he enters the mainland!

It seems that the treasure continent really lives up to its reputation!

After getting Miss Wei Weiwei ready, Yun Feiyang also began to ask the Holy Unicorn King to accelerate with all his strength!

Soon, a gray-yellow continent appeared in front of us and was rapidly approaching.

Yun Feiyang watched many practitioners being forced to land on this continent. Of course, more practitioners were left behind by the sacred unicorn. There is no flying mount that can reach such a speed and go hand in hand!

Yun Feiyang estimates that the current Holy Unicorn King has far exceeded ten times the wind speed.

"This treasure continent is really desolate. I thought there were tall trees and grass, looking gloomy." Miss Wei Weiwei said in a dissatisfied tone.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Since we have arrived, let's go down and have a look. If it's not good, just leave!" You sit down and we will land now!"

As soon as the words fell, the Holy Unicorn King began to land crazily, causing Miss Wei Weiwei to exclaim repeatedly!

"Oh, this place is really strange, just like Canglan Island!" Before it completely fell, Miss Wei Weiwei said curiously.

Yes, this place is also selling various items, such as freshwater food and so on. It seems that these people feel that they have not made any business profits to find treasure.

This reminds Yun Feiyang of a story, which is rich in gold mines opposite a big river. Many people crossed the river in groups to collect gold. When they returned home with satisfactory gold, the boatman asked him to give one-fifth of the gold he had harvested!

Even though they were reluctant, these people still had to take out gold in order to go home. In the end, the boatman gained the most.

Of course, the characters in this story are just following the rules. If they have force, they may eat black, and the boatman's gold will become their own.

Besides, those who come to this treasure continent are extraordinary practitioners, and it is easy to grab some freshwater food!

"Let's go shopping too!" Falling to the ground, he took back the Holy Unicorn King, and Yun Feiyang naturally took Wei Weiwei's little hand and said.

Wei Weiwei blushed and nodded shyly to agree.

Difference from other people's hurried treasure hunting appearance, Yun Feiyang and Wei Weiwei are mostly discussing the strangeness of this place!

From the sky, it is gray and yellow, in a desolate state, but after being down-to-earth, Yun Feiyang feels that this place is like ruins, and it is a ruin after hundreds of years.

Have you experienced any war here?

Is the treasure hunt really looking for something?

These are just guesses, and they are also the shallowest guesses. The practitioners around are busy and it is impossible to ask.

Seeing Miss Wei Weiwei staying on the edge of a deep pit, Yun Feiyang quickly walked over and asked, "What did you see?"

"You will know when you come and see!" Miss Wei Weiwei's face was full of doubts.

Yun Feiyang looked at the deep pit, and his eyes became blurred!

There is clearly a rotten building below.

This made Yun Feiyang more believe in his guess, and the participants in this war are so powerful that they can bombard the location of the building out of the deep pit, but without destroying the building, which is really amazing!

Yun Feiyang thinks he can't do it to this extent.

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyang immediately looked at Miss Wei Weiwei.

Miss Wei Weiwei also seemed to think of something, also looking at the clouds!

The two of them said together, "The ground!"

After saying that, he smiled at the same time.

Yes, if this continent really has treasure, then it is definitely hidden underground!

"Would you like to go down and have a look?" Yun Feiyang asked.

The one responded cheerfully, "Okay!"

Yun Feiyang jumped, and the height of this deep pit is nothing at all.

After a moment, Yun Feiyang fell down safely!

"Crop down, I'll catch you!" Yun Feiyang looked up and whispered.

Miss Wei Weiwei didn't say anything and jumped straight down!

In order to reduce the buffer, the clouds jumped high and held Miss Wei Weiwei in her arms.

Miss Wei Weiwei is no longer as shy as she was just now. I don't know whether it's because of timidity or something, she closed her eyes tightly!

After landing, Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "We're here!"

When Miss Wei Weiwei opened her eyes, Yun Feiyang put her on the ground and said, "Let's look for it. Maybe we can find some clues, but be careful, this building should collapse!"

After Miss Wei Weiwei nodded and agreed, Yun Feiyang acted separately to find clues from it!

With the careful search of the two, they soon found something extraordinary!

First, the deep pit is smooth and there are almost no other marks; second, the building is complete and almost destroyed; thirdly, and most importantly, Yun Feiyang actually felt the existence of a trace of energy element!

This energy element is not fluctuating at all and is in a state of complete immersion. It is precisely this state that will still exist in hundreds of years!

Through the soul talent, Yun Feiyang can identify that this energy element actually belongs to the dark attribute super energy element!

Is this war related to the Lich King?

Thinking of the abnormalities he saw before going to Canglan Island, Yun Feiyang felt more and more suspicious.

The Lich King has come to this continent, so is the object of the battle God?

If the treasure is real, you can imagine its importance!

Yun Feiyang, who was originally not interested in treasures, also began to look forward to it.

Without speculating these ideas to Miss Wei Weiwei, Yun Feiyang just said, "I want to find the treasure!"

"Okay, but do you know where the treasure is?" Miss Wei Weiwei asked curiously.

Yun Feiyang nodded and said, "I have a little idea, but I don't know if it's workable yet!"

"Then let's try!" Miss Wei Weiwei proposed.

Yun Feiyang nodded and took off in the air with Miss Wei Weiwei in his arms. There is no need to step on the wall at all, and even the energy elements do not need to be stimulated. It can be achieved only with extraordinary jumping power!

Fly to the ground smoothly, Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Let's go!"

Miss Wei Weiwei is a little used to the flying arms, and she is simply standing on the ground reluctantly.

"How do you know where the treasure is hidden?" Looking at the desolate continent, Miss Wei Weiwei asked curiously.

Yun Feiyang carefully looked at the surrounding energy elements and whispered, "Follow me and you will know."

In fact, the method is very simple, that is, just walk along the traces of this unique dark attribute super energy element. The strongest place of these dark attribute super energy elements should be the most intense position of the battle. When you find the place of the war, it becomes much easier to find the treasure.

did not summon the Holy Unicorn King, because after thousands of years of erosion, the dark attribute super energy elements have become very light. If the distance is too far away, the soul sensing cannot be identified at all.

Miss Wei Weiwei looked at the bow and bent her back, carefully searching for the mark, spit out her tongue, following her like a leisurely walk, occasionally looking up at the sky, and occasionally looking at the practitioners who hurried by.

The clouds are getting more and more frightened and more excited. The dark attribute super energy elements in the body seem to be stimulated by strong induction, and they are actually ready to move!

As the dark attribute super energy element became stronger on the way, Yun Feiyang had to suppress it with soul power and soul induction to guide it, for fear that the dark attribute super energy element in the acupuncture point would be lured out.

After another period of time, Yun Feiyang felt that the soul talent could not be suppressed, and he had to allocate the super energy elements of light attributes. Because of the relative light and darkness, it has the effect of attribute suppression. Although the body is uncomfortable, it is better than making the dark attribute super energy elements rich and powerful!

Discovering that Yun Feiyang's performance was becoming more and more abnormal, Miss Wei Weiwei asked with concern, "Are you all right? Shall we sit down and rest for a while?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Yun Feiyang sat down with difficulty and quickly adjusted.

Miss Wei Weiwei helped Yun Feiyang wipe off the sweat on her head and knew that a super strong man like him could not have a bad physical condition at all, so this situation was definitely not a good omen, but Miss Wei Weiwei knew that she could help few, and in the end, she had to rely on Yun Feiyang herself!

Yes, now Yun Feiyang seizes the time to let the super energy elements of light and darkness flow all over his body for fear that a little stagnation will bring great damage to himself!

If my physical fitness had not been improved by leaps, I'm afraid I would have died long ago!

I didn't expect that the dark attribute super energy element after thousands of years was still so powerful. I don't know whether the dark attribute super energy element I greedily absorbed in the left arm of the Lich King is a blessing or a curse!

No longer thinking nonsense, Yun Feiyang knows that if he can't reach this hurdle, he will be on the verge of death.

Yun Feiyang didn't know for a long time, but Miss Wei Wei knew that after Yun Feiyang sat down, she changed from day to night, and then from night to day. It was not until the light of the purple sun greedily shone on the earth that Yun Feiyang woke up!

He sighed for a long time, and Yun Fei showed a heartfelt smile!

The more you face death, the more chances you have to break through!

Because there is no choice, Yun Feiyang can only tighten his teeth and adjust himself to the extreme in order to overcome the difficulties!

After spending one night, he finally passed the dangerous period. In order to seize this rare opportunity, Yun Feiyang absorbed all the passing dark attribute super energy elements together and compressed and refined them. It took a day to finally complete it!

Watching Yun Feiyang stand up, Miss Wei Wei showed a strange look, because Yun Feiyang clearly stood in front of him, but he did not feel it at all, as if there was no such person!

If it weren't for seeing it with my own eyes and vision, I'm afraid I would have been deceived!

What the hell is going on?

The hearing, touch, smell, and even feeling have completely disappeared. Even though he was surprised, he smiled and said, "Congratulations on your strength!"

Yun Feiyang stood up and said, "Let's keep moving forward!"

Miss Wei Weiwei looked at Yun Feiyang's increasingly mysterious* and couldn't help admiring, because after a day and a night of sitting, Yun Feiyang was not stained with dust. Can he deceive the dust?

Yun Feiyang had already found that Miss Wei Weiwei was shocked by herself, but she did not break it.

If necessary, you can even deceive your vision. The dark attribute super energy element is definitely the most suitable for hidden special existence!

It is precisely because of the improvement of his own strength that it has strengthened Yun Feiyang's motivation to continue to move forward!

Even if there is a great horror between life and death, there is also a dream!

This time, Yun Feiyang is no longer as passive as before, but magnifies the soul sensing and soul power at the beginning, and the super energy elements of light attributes are also released in advance, occupying the initiative at the beginning, so that he has a much greater right to choose.

With the deviation of the purple sun, when Yun Feiyang continued to go deep with Miss Wei Weiwei, he also found that the practitioners around him cast surprised eyes, because there was a blood-red wood carving erected in these places, which said - the forbidden place of death!

Not far from the forbidden place of death, an elderly man muttered in a worried tone, "Young man, I remind you again and again that you don't listen! We are here to look for treasure, not to die. Even if you find the baby, you have to use your life! I don't know how many people I've seen here and haven't come out. Even if you don't have confidence, you can't pull such a lovely girl in and bury her!"

Miss Wei Weiwei still grabbed Yun Feiyang's hand and turned her head and shouted, "Grandpa, thank you for your advice, but I believe him!"

At this time, although Yun Feiyang opened up his strength, he still felt uncomfortable and could not even use his ability to speak. He had to hold Miss Wei Weiwei's hand and move forward slowly step by step.

At first, Miss Wei Weiwei didn't understand why Yun Feiyang felt difficult, but when she stepped into this so-called forbidden place of death, she finally felt something. This gloomy and terrible uncomfortable state that can weaken vitality is indeed a little horrible, but it is impossible for Yun Feiyang's pale face to be so ugly now!

It seems that Yun Feiyang felt it from the beginning and was suppressed by strong attributes. Although Miss Wei Wei was very worried, she did not show it at all in reality. Instead, she firmly grasped Yun Feiyang's hand and wanted to give him courage and confidence!