Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 297: Willow Dark Flowers

Yun Feiyang's current soul talent has already reached the peak, with an all-round sense of touch, hearing and smell, so he knows the next behavior of this hundred beast!

The bodies of hundreds of beasts were extremely twisted and soon dispersed, and hundreds of independent beasts flew towards the clouds!

Even the ability to transform itself dares to attack itself. If it weren't for the large number, the Zebra Unicorn King could have won a big battle!

Although Yun Feiyang was sarcastic in his heart, his face was not careless at all, and his left and right hands posed a shooting trend!

When hundreds of beasts attacked in an surrounded situation, Yun Feiyang quickly took action. The light attribute super energy element and the dark attribute super energy element were like bullets, shooting out of the flying gun-shaped gesture!

One shot, one shot, sometimes there are cases of continuous piercing and headshots!

Looking at the hundreds of beasts falling one by one, the happiest thing is the zebra unicorn king!

Because these hundred beasts are not strong, but they have spiritual core elixir in fairyland. In addition, their strength is average, the resistance of spiritual core elixir is of course not strong!

Of course, the zebra unicorn king smiled rudely at the big gift given by Yun Feiyang, swallowing these spiritual nuclear bombs one by one!

As soon as he sucked in, the zebra unicorn king immediately used the Taiji method learned from Yun Feiyang to absorb the aura into his body, which was transformed into his own cultivation in a blink of an eye!

Hundreds of spiritual cores are enough to upgrade several levels in a row, and the zebra unicorn king is naturally extremely excited!

After Yun Feiyang easily eliminated these hundreds of beasts, he stepped in front of the zebra unicorn king and said, "Although this is a shortcut, it will also cause damage to your future growth, so you need to rest and practice more during this period, and your strength will naturally advance by leaps, but you also need to remove impurities and retain essence, so that you can fight A solid foundation is good for you!"

Of course, the Zebra Unicorn King kept in mind Yun Feiyang's advice. When he was about to receive Yun Feiyang to continue flying, Yun Feiyang waved his hand and said, "Just practice here. I'll go by myself!"

Give a hidden breath for the zebra unicorn king. Similar to the prohibition of independent space, the clouds flew down!

At this time, the slave territory with the spring of resurrection is in front of you!

Yun Feiyang doesn't know much about the hundred beasts that he wants to attack. Although he feels wonderful in it, after all, this is a slave territory. How can there be such a weak beast?

However, Yun Feiyang was not afraid, and the soldiers came to block the water and cover the earth!

Since I killed him, I have never been afraid!

The clouds flew to the ground and began to look at this magical slave territory!

I have to say that the slave territory is much more powerful than the spiritual land!

Because the spiritual land is only used to blind the eyes, the spiritual land is real, but it is only covered by some method!

And the slave territory is completely the opposite. Although the slave territory is exposed, Yun Feiyang knows that it is not here at all. If he goes rashly, he will touch the prohibition!

It's really interesting, from which you can distinguish the strength of god slaves and people!

Yun Feiyang paced slowly, thinking in his mind!

Since there is a prohibition, there must be a way to crack it!

Forcibly breaking the ban will cause the vigilance of your own strength and the divine slaves, so it is impossible, so you can only take cleverness!

Although it is a coincidence, we must take the opportunity to lift the ban, that is, to find the trick!

Yun Feiyang spent a lot of time studying the array. Of course, he is very interested in this prohibition!

Prohibition, like the array, has a way to crack it, so Yun Feiyang is not impatient. He began to surround this shift and change position, and the false slave territory began to be studied!

The first thing Yun Feiyang thought of was to detect with soul sensing, just like going to the restricted area, to search for the array and crack it!

But in fact, Yun Feiyang has made efforts, but there are no useful discoveries!

In a blink of an eye, Yun Feiyang was relieved. After all, the forbidden area was caused by the gods and the Lich King!

They have a destructive power, so that the mainland can be scattered into two pieces. Naturally, they disdain to use any prohibition. After all, prohibition is a coincidence, and in front of arbitrary power, no fancy can resist!

So the array laid by gods and demons is very simple. As long as you can resist in front of such a domineering force, then finding the array is victory!

And the power of the divine slave is limited. If you can't use your strength to arrange the prohibition, you can only use the method of cleverness!

After Yun Feiyang woke up, he smiled, so he made a breakthrough, so what?


It's not violence or brute force, and you also need to use wisdom!

Yun Feiyang decided to test it himself, which has a forbidden void territory!

I don't know whether it is because the prohibition of the slave territory is difficult to be broken, or because no one dares to think about the territory, there is no guardian in the slave territory!

It is precisely because there is no guardian to guard that Yun Feiyang has the determination to go in and test!

Push the door and step into the territory of the god slave!

The appearance of the divine slave territory looks colorful and extremely beautiful. In fact, when stepping into the territory, Yun Feiyang has a kind of down-to-earth real touch!

The fence carving wall, everything is truly presented in front of you!

Yun Feiyang did not feel any illusion, and even touching it with his hand was real.

I'm afraid this is the highest level of true or false, false and true!

Because the abnormality has been known for a long time, the flying heart has not been impacted, and it is still normal!

If there is no mistake in guessing, finding falsehoods from this extremely real environment is the way to break the array and lift the prohibition!

Clouds fly around and put all objects within sight!

Bamboo forest, grass house, square well, small pavilion, flowing water...

The bamboo forest made a rustling sound in the breeze!

Yun Feiyang carefully observed the wind direction, as well as the swing direction of the bamboo, and the swing posture, and did not find anything abnormal at all!

The grass house has a window, and it is ventilated and bright. The decoration is simple, the door opens inward, and everything is normal!

The square well is not equipped with a well cover, the edge of the well is not high, the well water is transparent, and there is no impurities. There is a little moss on the wall of the well, and there is still no mistake!

The pavilion is simple, with five pillars and one door. The pavilion is just enough for people to sit side by side. The top of the pavilion has a reverse curve to avoid the rain!

The flowing water is gurgling, fast and slow, the slope is not oblique and uneven, the direction of the water flow is normal, and there is no difference!

Yun Feiyang analyzes this one by one, trying to find out the existence of different and unconventional!

While looking for it, Yun Feiyang found that the environment was not big and there were not many objects, just like an ordinary life. Everything was normal!


Yun Feiyang began to feel a little difficult. If he had the idea of spending time and fighting for intelligence, of course, he would try to solve it!

However, I don't know whether it will be attacked by the god slave. Wouldn't it be a pity if time is wasted like this?

However, Yun Feiyang does not mean to solve it violently, because using violence is not a good solution!

These things are normal. If you destroy them by yourself, you will need to distinguish them by yourself, which directly increases the difficulty of breaking the prohibition!

Therefore, Yun Feiyang adjusted his mentality and calmed down. He planned to seize the time to solve these difficulties!

The soul talent rotates like radar, scanning everything around it into the mind, and Yun Feiyang quickly makes an all-round analysis in his mind!

To no results!

Yun Feiyang can't help doubting whether his ideas are biased or not looking for abnormal objects at all!

Or, the appearance of these objects is normal, and what you need to see clearly is their inside!

Thinking of this, Yun Feiyang immediately began to take action and no longer looked at these objects from the surface, but analyzed them more deeply!

Toss and turns, toss and turns, digging to the bottom, digging deep and deeper and deeper!

Yun Feiyang kept working hard and even looked at every object carefully twice!

I tried my best and sweated profusely, but I still didn't find what I wanted!

Are you really wrong?

The clouds illuminated by the purple sun in space are dizzy and can't help asking themselves.

Push the door, smash the door, knock on the door, attack the door, but the door is still tightly closed!

Yun Feiyang has already guessed this result. If he can't break the ban, he will be locked in it, but he still fights with beasts and wants to try!

It's useless. No matter how Yun Feiyang attacks this door, it has no effect!

If you want to fight, you can fight. If you want to fight, you can fight. Yun Feiyang has a sense of powerlessness!

What should I do?

Yun Feiyang lay down on the ground!

At this time when Yun Feiyang had nothing to do, the remaining consciousness of the Lich King felt Yun Feiyang's decadence and unwillingness, and recovered from the awakening state!

The remnant consciousness of the Lich King said in a sarcastic voice, "Kid you give up like this? In fact, it's really simple to break the magic array laid by those hypocrites, but you didn't use the right method!"

Yun Feiyang lay motionless on the ground and didn't pay attention to the residual consciousness of the Lich King!

The remnant consciousness of the Lich King chattered endlessly: "Well, I always thought you were a smart person and had great strength and means. How could you not even break this magic array? To tell you the truth, this magic circle is the simplest of all magic arrays, but it can also be regarded as the most difficult, because breaking it is the inner one. One level, I don't know if you understand! If you don't understand, you don't understand. If you really don't understand, I will tell you how to break the array! Because I don't want to be trapped in this lowest-level magic array!"

"I only know how to say sarcastic words. You can't even deal with me. Do you want me to use the super energy element of light attributes to make you fall asleep again!" Yun Feiyang said cruelly.

The remnant consciousness of the Lich King was unconvinced and said, "Do you think I can't untie it? Are you kidding? I can even destroy the gods? Can't you even see such a simple magic array? It's just you who are stupid. Don't think all people as stupid than you!"

Yun Feiyang ignored the nonsense of the remnant consciousness of the Lich King, and directly suppressed it with light-attribute super energy elements to make him fall asleep again!

"Don't think about it. If I hadn't rescued you, would you have been able to get out of the forbidden seal? In terms of breaking the seal, I have too much experience, and I don't need you to eat here!" Yun Feiyang replied in his heart.

However, the remaining consciousness of the Lich King is not wrong. This is the magic array laid by the gods. Since it is a magic array, of course, there is a way to open it!

It's just that I haven't found it yet!

Yun Feiyang overthrew himself to find discordant and unreasonable ideas, but began to look for the defects of the array and want to use the defects to get rid of the imprisonment of the array!

However, Yun Feiyang kept exploring and found no loopholes and defects in it. This is really an ordinary living place. Except for that gate, there is no place to hide!

Dig a hole? Dig a corner? Hit the door and come out?

Yun Feiyang had to make such an idea in his mind!

Give up, give up, give up!

After putting it into action, Yun Feiyang gave up repeatedly!

Because this seems to be the solution, but it is the stupidest way!

In this array, the other party can't release any energy elements, relying entirely on its own power, so if you dig a hole, you will definitely starve to death first, and you will not succeed!

And the corner is extremely hard and will not succeed at all. Even the soil under the corner has been tried. The foundation of the corner is extremely deep, so there is no need to try at all!

It's even more ridiculous to hit the door, because Yun Feiyang doesn't know how many times he has tried just now, but the door is still motionless!

"Alas! What should I do?" Yun Feiyang sighed.

waved his hand and activated the remaining consciousness of the Lich King with the dark attribute super energy element. Yun Feiyang said with a straight face, "Give you a chance to perform!"

"Well, I knew you asked me to be unconscious. Try to comatose me again. Let me tell you, although I'm only the remnant consciousness of the Lich King, I still have backbone. If you want to get a way out of my mouth, there is no way! If you want to die, you will die together. Anyway, I am not the only one who has the remaining consciousness of the Lich King. If they find the host, they can still resurrect the great Lich King!" After waking up, the remnants of the Lich King immediately lingerted!

Yun Feiyang waved his hand and used the light attribute super energy element to once again put the remnant consciousness of the Lich King into a deep sleep. At the same time, he despised: "There's so much nonsense!"

Lying on the ground again, Yun Feiyang is ready to take a break!

turned over and looked at the door unnaturally. Just then, Yun Feiyang suddenly thought of something!

Then, Yun Feiyang rushed to the gate!

After staring at the gate carefully, slowly reach out your hand!

Mom. Yes, I just pushed the door in!

Why didn't I try to pull the door?

Yun Feiyang put his hand on the gate and gently pulled it!

Yes, the door has loosened a gap!

Looking at the light revealed, Yun Feiyang patted his head in distress and said:

Oh my God, why am I so stupid!

The deadly gods are actually playing psychological games!

At this time, Yun Feiyang remembered that the remaining consciousness of the Lich King said that this formation was the simplest and most complex. The key is to look at the human heart!

Just as Yun Feiyang opened the door, a group of big-headed dwarfs similar to dwarfs stood in front of Yun Feiyang!

There is no doubt that they are divine slaves!

"He, that's him!"

"It's him who just broke into the divine slave territory!"

"Yes, he destroyed the formation!"

Looking at this group of big-headed dwarfs accusing themselves, Yun Feiyang knew that he had finally come out!

Just come out. If there is any difficulty, just solve it on the spot!

However, there was no imaginary provocation and the upcoming battle. This group of big-headed dwarfs similar to dwarfs actually began to cheer!

What's going on!

Aren't they slaves? How can they be so excited to destroy their territory?

"For thousands of years, only you have lifted this prohibition and reopened the fountain of resurrection. On behalf of the gods, we want to thank you! Cultivators in the lower world, you deserve our highest respect!" This group of big-headed dwarfs similar to dwarfs actually said together.

There is such a thing!

It seems that you don't need to use the spring of resurrection.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "In this case, can I use the Fountain of Resurrection?"

When this group of dwarf-like big-headed dwarfs unexpectedly showed a surprised expression, Yun Feiyang looked bitterly and pointed inside and said, "Don't tell me that the fountain of resurrection is in it? Don't tell me that the spring of resurrection is the square well inside?

"That's right!"

"Yes, it's Fangjing!"

"It should be what you said!"

"We haven't used the Fountain of Resurrection for a long time, because it is sealed here. Thank you for your help!"

Yun Feiyang feels a little wonderful!

If this maze is really just the simplest maze, it is impossible that no one can break it for hundreds or thousands of years, so there must be other extraordinary things in it.

However, Yun Feiyang didn't have time to delve into it. After all, his purpose was so easily achieved that he thought there would be a big war!

There is not too much entanglement with this group of big-headed dwarfs like dwarfs. After saying hello, Yun Feiyang came to the spring of resurrection!

Regarding the other medical equipment for the resurrection of the nine-headed dragon, Yun Feiyang has long been ready, and the only thing missing is this most precious spring of resurrection!

Looking at Yun Feiyang's hurried appearance, this group of big-headed dwarfs similar to dwarfs said together: "The practitioners from the lower world, you must find the spring of the spring of resurrection, otherwise the spring of resurrection will be difficult to take effect!"

It turns out that the spring of resurrection is the essence of the whole spring of resurrection. It is difficult to form a spring of resurrection. It can only be achieved after several years of flow and rotation. Only the spring of resurrection has the strongest power of resurrection!

And because the ban has not been lifted, the spring of resurrection has not yet started to operate!

Through the explanation of this group of big-headed dwarfs like dwarfs, Yun Feiyang knows that the best way not to pass the passage of time is to enter the spring of resurrection and stimulate the spring of resurrection through external help!

However, the spring of resurrection is another new world, in which new springs are created, and it is likely to encounter unknown dangers!

Yun Feiyang can't care so much. If he wants to wait for hundreds or thousands of years to resurrect the nine-headed dragon, it doesn't work at all, because he may have been completely occupied by the remnant consciousness of the Lich King!

Under the instructions of this group of big-headed dwarfs similar to dwarfs, Yun Feiyang finally decided to take a risky try!

You must work hard!

In the face of difficulties and challenges, Yun Feiyang has never flinched!

At the moment of touching the surface of the water, Yun Feiyang felt that his body limit was reduced, or the spring of resurrection was infinitely enlarged!