Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 313: Thrilling

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "I don't seem to be too late."

Time and distance did not make the relationship between the two strange. Miss Wei Wei has a lot to say to Yun Feiyang, and so does Yun Feiyang. It took a lot of time for Yun Feiyang to get all the reasons from Wei Wei's mouth.

Since Miss Weiwei returned from Wonderland, her strength has been strengthened, but the sacred power has not been fully integrated, resulting in the combat effectiveness not rising but falling, coupled with keeping her promise, so she came to this place. However, due to the invasion of powerful forces, Miss Weiwei may be in danger of her life, so she contacted Yun Feiyang to help through the gain magic weapon.

After learning that the violent family belonging to the three masked men in black is the largest among them, Yun Feiyang, who is determined to defeat it! It was getting dark, and Yun Feiyang knew that this night would definitely make the violent family suffer. After all, the strength of these three masked men in black was definitely above the family, but after waiting for most of the day, there was no news. There must have been an accident.

Recently, Miss Weiwei has been nervous, and her tired from repeated battles. After learning that Yun Feiyang now has super strength and a strong backer, she finally relaxed and took a nap against the corner of the wall! Yun Feiyang looked at the tired Wei Wei girl and smiled lightly.

For your safety, you can only rest in the wall for the time being. If the violent family dares to invade tonight, all members of their family will never see the sun tomorrow morning! As long as all the hatred is solved, then I can take you away from this dangerous place!

When the night came, Yun Feiyang, who was in a state of practice, finally felt the fluctuation of strange energy elements! Humph, it's still here. I wanted you to live until tomorrow, but it seems that you don't have this awareness!" Yun Feiyang said slowly.

After hearing Yun Feiyang's words, the fluctuations of those energy elements became flat.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Why don't you show up? OK, then let you see it!"

stood up, Yun Feiyang crossed his hands, and the dazzling degree of light in his palm instantly surpassed the stars in the sky! Waving his hand, the ten fingers swing rhythmically, and the bright light diffuses around! Those practitioners hiding in the dark never thought that these lights could penetrate obstacles and directly hit the fatal place.

These practitioners couldn't even make a sound, so they died quietly. Seeing his companions around him die like this, an obscene young man trembled with fear and even forgot to escape!

Yun Feiyang was energetic and strode to this obscene young man and said in a low voice, "If you don't want to die, take me to your family mansion!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" The obscene young man nodded repeatedly and agreed.

Yun Feiyang smiled and deliberately left this coward who was afraid of death, just to let him take him to the violent family. When leaving, Yun Feiyang specially arranged a trigger barrier. If someone approaches, there will be special feedback to prevent anything from invading.

Yun Feiyang believes that he can come back in a very short time, and he is guaranteed not to let Miss Wei Wei suffer any harm during this period! The night is like water and the wind is like a knife. This is definitely a rare night of murder.

When he came to the gate of the violent family, Yun Feiyang smashed the gate with a punch and announced his coming with a loud bombardment. As soon as the guard sounded the alarm, it was easily erased by Yun Feiyang with his fists and feet!

Looking at the blood hole on the guard's body, the coward leading the way was directly scared to faint. Yun Feiyang shook his head and frowned. Is this the only thing in the violent family? Even if this kind of person has super strength, it is difficult to achieve great things.

After hearing the urgent alarm, the inner door of the violent family immediately became lively. It can be said that chickens and dogs jumped, and all kinds of voices sounded in unison! Yun Feiyang nodded slightly. What he wanted was this effect. If he sneaked in quietly, he had to kill them one by one. How troublesome it was. It's better to come together!

After listening to Miss Wei Wei's explanation, Yun Feiyang has no good impression on this violent family that is good at bullying men and women and forcing prostitutes, so he decided to kill a piece!

After waiting for a while, they had already gathered, and the members of the violent family who formed various squares finally opened the inner door and rushed out! Yun Feiyang didn't even look at them. He raised his hand with a beam of shock wave, which directly smashed the group of people gathered together!

What a majestic and invincible existence to kill dozens of people in one fell swoop!

The violent family is powerful on Canglan Island, but there has never been such a strong man. They even lost the courage to resist on the spot! Most of the members hid around, while others knelt down and begged for mercy, and almost no one thought of fighting back.

Yun Feiyang sighed and felt boring. Before his strength was fully exerted, these people were eager to surrender. Turning around, Yun Feiyang put his hands together and bombarded a beam of light on the building of the violent family mansion! Due to the great destructive power, the building collapsed and directly crushed all the people below under the rubble!

As for how many people can survive, Yun Feiyang doesn't care at all.

The night is heavier!

Since there is still a period of time before dawn, Yun Feiyang is not idle. He walked to the largest square stone wall and kept smashing out the hole with his fist! It was not until dawn that Yun Feiyang left with satisfaction.

When it was almost dawn, Canglan Island boiled like a pot of porridge. The violent family collapsed, and no practitioner survived!

And on the stone wall of the square, almost all major families are on the list! It says the names of each family and the relative adultery, and at the end of it is written: "If you dare to do evil again", there is only one word - "Kill!"

Looking at the handwriting on it, it was actually engraved with finger marks, which made the members of each family tremble. It is easy to think that the violent family was destroyed because of the anger of this person! Although each family is frightened, ordinary people go to the streets to celebrate, after all, these families are all vicious gangs!

The day was bright, and when the purple sun rose, Yun Feiyang had already made supplies and took Wei Weiwei away in the wind!

Looking at the Canglan Island below, which gradually turned into a black spot, Miss Wei finally returned to normal after sighing slightly. She excitedly proposed to Yun Feiyang: "Living on the island, I see tourists looking for treasure every day. Why don't we go looking for treasures? "

Looking at the excited appearance of Miss Wei Wei, how could Yun Feiyang object? According to the direction she pointed, she flew away in a zebra unicorn king!

After the last evolution, the zebra unicorn king at this time already had great strength and disdained other fierce beasts in the sky, and the strong breath emitted by it also made the fierce beasts in the air dare not approach!

Because the road is far away, it is not easy to pass the time, so Yun Feiyang carefully taught some practice tips to Wei Wei, so that she could avoid some wrong roads in order to quickly improve her strength! Of course, Yun Feiyang did not fall behind his own practice, groping how to compress and refine the two super energy elements of light and darkness.

When you are tired of practicing, you can enjoy the scenery, eat something to chat, and then feel relaxed and happy, and then continue to practice. When the two were together, they were indeed much happier than when they were alone. Yun Feiyang found that he had improved much faster than before in this happy mood.

The sky is blue and the water is green, and the wind is light and the clouds are light.

Yun Feiyang hummed the song leisurely and accompanied the sound in the way of changing the airflow with the palm of his hand. The cheerful song made Miss Weiwei shout that she wanted to learn. It feels really good, but it looks good. Her choice is really right.

Miss Wei Wei's long hair brushed her face like a breeze, and Yun Feiyang taught her the rhythm of the song with a smile, as well as the combination of gestures and strength. I spent about a week in this relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Yun Feiyang keenly saw more than a dozen practitioners in the sky flying mounts flying towards the same destination, and the treasure land should not be far away.

Yun Feiyang can feel the hostility of every practitioner. This competition is vividly displayed before entering the mainland. It seems that the treasure continent really lives up to its reputation.

After making Weiwei prepare, Yun Feiyang also asked the Zebra Unicorn King to accelerate with all his strength. Soon, a gray-yellow continent appeared in front of us and was still rapidly approaching.

Yun Feiyang watched many practitioners descend towards this continent. Of course, more practitioners were left behind by the Zebra Unicorn King. No flying mount could reach such a speed enough to drive side.

Yun Feiyang estimated that the current zebra unicorn king has far exceeded ten times the wind speed.

"This treasure continent is really desolate. I thought there were tall trees and grass, looking gloomy." Miss Wei Wei said dissatisfiedly.

Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Since we have arrived, let's not go and have a look. If it's not good, just leave. Sit down and we will land now.

As soon as the words fell, the Zebra Unicorn King began to land quickly, causing Miss Wei Wei to exclaim repeatedly.

"Oh, this place is really strange, just like Canglan Island." Before she completely fell down, Miss Wei Wei said curiously.

Yes, this place is also selling various items, such as freshwater food. It seems that these people think that finding treasure is not as profitable as doing business. This reminds Yun Feiyang of a story: there are many gold mines across a big river, and many people cross the river in groups to mine gold. When they dig the amount of gold they are satisfied with, the boatman asked him to give him one-fifth of the gold they harvested. Although reluctantly, these people still had to take out gold in order to go home. In the end, it was the boatman who gained the most.

Of course, the characters in this story follow the rules. If they have force, they may be black, and the boatman's gold can become their own. Besides, those who come to this treasure continent are extraordinary practitioners, and it is easy to grab some fresh food.

"Let's go shopping, too." Falling to the ground, he took back the Zebra Unicorn King. Yun Feiyang naturally took Wei Wei's little hand and said. Wei Weiwei blushed and nodded shyly to agree.

Different from other people's hurried treasure hunt, Yun Feiyang and Weiwei are mostly discussing the strangeness of this place.

From the sky, it is gray and yellow, in a desolate state, but after being down-to-earth, Yun Feiyang feels that this place is like a ruin, and it is a ruin of dust and smoke after hundreds of years. Have you experienced any war here? Is the treasure hunt really to find something?

These are just guesses, and they are also the most obvious guesses. The practitioners around are busy, and it is impossible to ask more questions at all.

Seeing Miss Wei Wei staying on the edge of a deep pit, Yun Feiyang quickly walked over and asked, "What do you see?"

"You will know when you come and see." Miss Weiwei's face was full of doubts.

Yun Feiyang looked at the deep pit, and his eyes became blurred.

Below is clearly a rotten building. This made Yun Feiyang more convinced his own speculation, and it was amazing that the participants in this war were so powerful that they could blow this place out of the deep pit without destroying the building.

Yun Feiyang thought that he could not do it to this extent. Thinking of this, Yun Feiyang immediately looked at Miss Wei Wei. Miss Wei Wei also seemed to think of something and also looked at the clouds flying.

The two of them said together, "In the ground."

After saying that, he smiled at the same time.

Yes, if this continent really has treasure, it is definitely hidden underground.

"Would you like to go down and have a look?" Yun Feiyang asked.

The man responded cheerfully, "Okay."

Yun Feiyang jumped, and the height of this deep pit was nothing to him. After a while, the clouds flew down safely.

"Cover, I'll catch you." Yun Feiyang looked up and whispered.

Miss Wei Wei didn't say anything and jumped down. In order to reduce the buffer, Yun flew high and held Wei Wei in his arms. Wei Wei was no longer as shy as she was just now. She didn't know whether it was because of timidity or other reasons, she actually closed her eyes tightly.

After landing, Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "We have arrived."

When Miss Wei Wei opened her eyes, Yun Feiyang put her on the ground and said, "Let's look and find some clues, but be careful, this building may collapse."

When Miss Weiwei nodded and agreed, Yun Feiyang acted separately, trying to find clues from it.

With their careful search, they soon found some extraordinary things. First, the deep pit is smooth and has almost no other marks; second, the building is complete and hardly damaged; thirdly, and most importantly, Yun Feiyang actually felt the existence of a few energy elements.

This energy element does not fluctuate at all and is in a state of complete sleep. It is in this state that will survive in hundreds of years. Through the soul talent, Yun Feiyang can distinguish that this energy element actually belongs to the dark attribute super energy element.

Is this war related to the Lich King?

Thinking of the abnormalities he saw before going to Canglan Island, Yun Feiyang felt more and more suspicious. The Lich King has come to this continent. Is the object of such a battle God? If the treasure is also true, you can imagine its importance.

Yun Feiyang, who was not interested in treasures, also began to look forward to it. Without speculating these thoughts into Miss Weiwei, Yun Feiyang just said, "I want to find the treasure."

"Okay, but do you know where the treasure is?" Miss Wei Wei asked curiously.

Yun Feiyang nodded and said, "I have a little idea, but I don't know if it's workable."

"Then let's try." Miss Wei Wei suggested.

Yun Feiyang nodded and rose into the air with Miss Wei Wei in his arms. He didn't need the help of pedaling on the wall at all. Even the energy elements did not need to be stimulated. Just by relying on the extraordinary bounce power, he could rise into the air.

Fly to the ground, Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "Let's go."

Miss Wei Wei is a little used to Yun Feiyang's arms, and she is reluctant to leave his arms.

"How do you know where the treasure is hidden?" Looking at the desolate continent, Miss Wei Wei asked curiously.

Yun Feiyang carefully looked at the surrounding energy elements and whispered, "Follow me and you will know."

In fact, the method is very simple, that is, just follow the fluctuation of this unique dark attribute super energy element. The strongest place of these dark attribute super energy elements should be the most fierce position of the battle. When the place of war is found, it is equivalent to finding a treasure. The Zebra Unicorn King has not been summoned, because after thousands of years of erosion, the breath of the dark super energy element has become very light. If the distance is too far away, soul sensing cannot make effective identification at all.

Miss Weiwei looked at Yun Feiyang, who bent her back and carefully searched for the mark, and spit out her tongue. She followed her like a leisurely walk. Occasionally, she looked up to the sky and occasionally looked at the practitioners who hurried by.

Yun Feiyang is getting more and more frightened, and more excited. The dark attribute super energy element seems to be strongly sensed, generating a sense of excitement, and is actually ready to move. As the dark attribute super energy element became stronger on the way, Yun Feiyang had to suppress it with soul power and guide it, for fear that the dark attribute super energy element in the body would be lured and burst out.

After walking for a while, Yun Feiyang felt that he could not suppress his soul talent. At this time, he had to mix out the super energy element of light attributes to suppress it. Because light and darkness are relative, it has the effect of attribute suppression. Although the body is uncomfortable, it is better than making the dark attribute super energy elements too abundant and powerful.

Discovering that Yun Feiyang's performance was becoming more and more abnormal, Miss Wei Wei asked with concern, "Are you all right? Do you want to sit down and rest for a while?"

"It's okay." Yun Feiyang sat down with difficulty and quickly adjusted.

Miss Wei Wei helped Yun Feiyang wipe off the sweat on his head, knowing that the body of a super strong man like him could not be in a bad condition at all, so this situation is definitely not a good omen. Miss Wei Wei knew that she could help very little, and in the end she could only rely on Yun Feiyang herself.