Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 317: Invasion

The impact comes and goes quickly. After all, Yun Feiyang is just stamping his feet. After the impact weakened, Nagas used their thick body tails to maintain balance and let themselves get rid of this terrible restraint a little. After recovering from the uncomfortable state just now, Naga found that they had not been hurt at all except that they were a little dizzy. They thought that Yun Feiyang only had this strength, so they continued to charge.

"Do you regard my kindness as weakness? You really don't see the coffin without tears." Yun Feiyang frowned slightly.

When Nagas came back, Yun Feiyang rotated his hands and drew circles and said to Miss Wei Wei next to him, "I can see clearly. This is Tai Chi."

Yun Feiyang's body naturally stood upright. While making gestures, he opened his left foot, raised his hands flat, bent his legs and squatted in the posture of a white crane with bright wings. In the face of the attack of Naga, Yun Feiyang ignored it and slowly played Taijiquan.

The fish people behind them were almost dumbfounded. At this time, Yun Feiyang put on a white crane's bright-winged posture, then put his feet in his arms, stepped back, and then sat on his legs, turned his waist, and broke up. Virtual steps split the palm, put your left arms and knees, swing your right hand forward, then turn your waist and swing your arms to close your feet, bend your arms and step up, bow and push your hands to push your palms...

Yun Feiyang slowly made various postures in this way.

However, in the eyes of Miss Weiwei, every action of Yun Feiyang is round and coherent, and every formula is continuous. It is also in line with the characteristics of large opening and full power. In addition, there are also the characteristics of being comfortable, light and round, loose and smooth, open and orderly, rigid and soft, moving like "flowing clouds and flowing water, continuous". It looks natural and elegant, but also has the rhythm of music, philosophical connotation, beautiful shape and poetic artistic conception, which is simply a kind of high-level enjoyment.

Yun Feiyang is very satisfied with Wei Wei's expression, because she seems to have understood something.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to understand by yourself. Yun Feiyang smiled and explained: "Quiet your mind, breathe naturally; calm and comfortable, soft and slow; the action is curved, round and complete."

Taiji is the process of clarifying the universe from infinite and Taiji to the metaphysics of all things. Infinite and Taiji, Taiji moves and yang, moves extremely quietly, quietly and yin, and statically reproduces. One movement and one silence are each other's roots; yin and yang are divided, and the two rituals stand. The yang turns into yin and creates water, fire, wood, gold, earth, five elements of cloth, and four hours. Five elements are one yin and yang, yin and yang are also Taiji, and Taiji is infinite.

In the slow words, the sea no longer shakes irregularly as before, but begins to hover.

Whirlpool. This is exactly what Yun Feiyang realized in the forbidden land.

The eyes of Yun Feiyang are calm, but the waves are turbulent and unstoppable. Looking at Yun Feiyang's demonstration, listening to his explanation, and seeing all this, Miss Weiwei was also deeply touched. Although Yun Feiyang has never given her any pressure and only asked her to improve steadily and not even say a heavy word, Miss Wei Wei has always been full of motivation.

Because Miss Weiwei deeply knows that if the gap in strength is too big, she will become a tie and burden.

When Yun Feiyang saw Miss Wei Wei's thoughtful appearance, he knew that she was quite touched, so he stopped. Although she can help Miss Wei Wei improve her level and let her know her shortcomings through demonstration and explanation, it is up to her to decide whether it is useful and whether it can be used for her own use.

At this time, the Naga people, who are completely in chaos, are afraid that if they know that everything Yun Feiyang has done is just for their beloved, they will all cry without tears.

In fact, the Naga people are already in great pain. Although there are only two opponents, it is difficult not only to touch the corners of their clothes under their repeated impact, but also difficult to move freely.

In the vast sea, there is like an invisible wall blocking them from moving forward. And in the distance, the fish people are even more shocking. Although the fish people are outside the array and it is not clear how powerful this set of Taijiquan is, they can see the abnormality of the Naga people at this time.

There are countless battles between the fish people and the Naga people. Of course, we know the strength of the Naga people. With this power, millions of Naga can't control themselves. Unless the Naga clan surrenders voluntarily, this battle will be defeated. You can imagine what kind of peak the strength of the benefactor has reached.

When the benefactor is in the forbidden place, you can't see the performance of the benefactor. But now, the fishmen present can see clearly that millions of Naga are like puppets being played with, which is amazing.

Yun Feiyang is simply as powerful as a god.

In this situation, the fish people only have admiration in their hearts, and there is no doubt at all. The wise old man also feels that this is simply a blessing for the fish people. And in the beautiful pupils of those mermaids, there is a deep love. Unfortunately, the wise old man clearly stressed that he was not allowed to harass his benefactors again, otherwise he would be deprived of the rights of the fish people and be deported again.

After the Nagas swayed left and down for a period of time, Yun Feiyang stopped. Yun Feiyang has no intention of killing at all. He just wants to use this hand to deter the Naga people. Otherwise, with his strength, they would have died long ago, and even the extermination of the clan was just a matter of hands.

Yun Feiyang knew that the ecological balance should not be broken by him, and these Naga people are just for survival. In order to be obedient and no longer invade the territory of the fish people, Yun Feiyang knew that in addition to using tough means to make them submit, he must also use Huairou means to subdue them and convince them. Only when they are completely subdued will there be real peace. Even if he leaves, there will be no more war between the Naga and the Fishmen.

After seeing Yun Feiyang stop, the female leader of the Naga clan knew that such a strong opponent could not be provoked by the Naga clan at all, so now she can only withdraw. Otherwise, it will annoy this human being and lead to a great disaster of extermination. When Yun Feiyang saw the expression of the female leader of the Naga clan, he knew that she had been soft, so he moved his mind and waved to the female leader of the Ghana clan to come.

The female leader of the Naga clan followed the water to the flying clouds. He also thought that Yun Feiyang wanted to kill him. In addition to killing chickens and monkeys, he also wanted to leave the Naga group and dragons without leaders, so that Naga did not dare to invade the fish-man territory again. Despite her deep fear, the female leader of the Naga clan still can't resist, because she feels that she is super bound. In addition to normal behaviors such as blinking, breathing and talking, she can't even do small instructions such as bending her fingers.

"If you want to kill, please let my people go." The female leader of the Naga clan knew that she was already a fish on the cutting board, so she had to give up first.

Yun Feiyang shook his head and said coldly, "It's easy for me to kill you. I don't have to lead you here at all. You said that the sea is so big, why do you want to invade the territory of other ethnic groups?

The female leader of the Naga clan was stunned and knew that Yun Feiyang had the strength of Tongtian. She did not dare to hide it, but said it. Through the narrative of the female leader of the Naga people, Yun Feiyang realized that the Naga people were not warlike by nature, but because the environment of the Naga people was too bad.

There is no reason. The Naga clan is located in the position of the main torso of the Lich King's body, so the killing affects their mind. If it is not stained with blood and murder, they will fall into endless pain. Unless the body of the Lich King is removed, but if he wants to remove the body of the Lich King, which has turned into a boulder, Yun Feiyang has no idea. After all, the Lich King is a god and demon. Even if he dies, he is still the body of a god and demon. Although his strength is strong, he is only the capital of mortals.

If you want the forbidden area to be full of green grass and flowers, you only need to borrow the power, but if you want to destroy and move away the body of the Lich King, you need the power of heaven. You must fight against it on the spot, and you can't be false at all. In this way, it is really the best choice for the Naga people to choose to occupy land externally.

Miss Wei Wei saw Yun Feiyang's hesitation and said, "Although it's difficult, we can try it. After all, it helped the Naga people and the fish people. For the sake of peace, it is worth a try.

Yun Feiyang nodded vibly. If he can't do his best, he really has a clear conscience.

The female leader of the Naga clan faced Yun Feiyang with some trembling, because at this time, he could see the difficulty of this matter from his hesitant expression. If even this human can't do it, then there should be no one else in the world who can do it.

"I need to adjust for a while, and then I will do my best to help you." After thinking for a long time, Yun Feiyang said this re peace of mind to the female leader of the Naga clan.

The leader of the Naga clan asked tentatively, "Then can we go back first?"

"Go back and enjoy the pain? Well, now the population of the fish people is not large, and the territory is not small. You can live here. But you should also promise me that you must restrain your subordinates and stop causing trouble. Yun Fei said harshly.

The female leader of the Naga clan dares not refute at all, and there is no reason to refute it in terms of morality or strength. After hearing Yun Feiyang's decision, Miss Wei Wei immediately walked to the wise old man. Although no one can refute Yun Feiyang's current decision, after all, it is better to greet the fish and human race first.

Looking at the back of Miss Wei Weiwei, Yun Feiyang silently thanked her for her careful thoughtfulness and understanding.

After completing this matter, Yun Feiyang asked to be alone. The reason why Yun Feiyang needs to adjust for a period of time is that he realizes that his strength is insufficient and needs to be further improved. If the light attribute super energy element and the dark attribute super energy element can be merged to form a new Taiji pattern, it is not impossible to remove the body of the Lich King.

However, it is easy to think of, but difficult to do. After all, light attribute super energy elements and dark light attribute super energy elements are not like other ordinary energy elements. It is even more difficult to successfully integrate them. Therefore, during this period, Yun Feiyang did not improve her strength and fell into a stagnation; while Wei Weiwei, on the contrary, because of her feelings, she made breakthroughs and made rapid progress in strength.

Yun Feiyang is very happy about the rapid improvement of Wei Wei's strength. Miss Weiwei was even happier, because she could finally help Yun Feiyang, instead of assisting from the side as before. Since her strength has improved so smoothly, Miss Wei Wei only needs to improve again, so she can join hands with him to go to the fairyland.

It is only one step away from soaring.

Although Yun Feiyang has not made any substantial breakthroughs, he does not have the anxiety of the past, because the joy brought by Miss Wei Wei has diluted a lot.

Looking at the more and more expectant eyes of the female leader of the Naga clan, Yun Feiyang paid attention to it. Recently, she has begun to start recently. Yun Feiyang decided to take this test as an touchstone. If you succeed, of course, it is the best; if you fail, there is no loss.

Through the transparent crystal palace, the clouds flew to the extreme and saw the purple sun gradually rising from the sea level, knowing that a new day was coming. At this time, the female leader of the Naga clan led the vast Nagas to wait outside the palace, because today is the time for the benefactor to take action.

As soon as Yun Feiyang walked out of the Crystal Palace, he heard thunderous cheers, so he raised his hand with a smiling face to signal everyone to calm down and prepare to start immediately. The female leader of the Naga clan led the way, followed by Wei Wei and Yun Feiyang, followed by Naga warriors and some fishman warriors.

This time is related to the future of the Naga people, the safety of the fish people, and the peaceful coexistence in the future. Yun Feiyang knows the success or failure in this move!

Although there is no substantial improvement in strength, Yun Feiyang has been studying all the time and has failed after hundreds of experiments. If it hadn't been for Wei Wei's real-time treatment with wood energy elements, I'm afraid there would have been countless scars all over her body.

It's difficult. Although it's very difficult, Yun Feiyang has not lost confidence. Even when he was traveling, Yun Feiyang did not stop experimenting with the new Taiji pattern!

Failure, failure, or failure. Several times, the uncomfortable state was found by the considerate Wei Wei, who quickly treated it with wood energy elements. However, Yun Feiyang did not stop because of this, but continued to experiment repeatedly.

It took three days for the group to finally come to the sea where the Naga people belong. Unlike the blue sea, there is a black sea in front of it. A huge stone tens of thousands of feet high stands above the Black Sea. The huge stones are as majestic as mountains, which is daunting.

This is the boulder turned into the main body of the Lich King. No wonder there is inexplicable pressure. Unlike Naga and Fishman, Yun Feiyang resisted the pressure and was still struggling to move forward. Although Yun Feiyang felt that the pressure was not great at this time, he could tell that his strength was still a long distance away from the Lich King. Because Yun Feiyang can feel the oppression brought by the Lich King's body. If the Lich King is still alive, his momentum will far exceed himself.

Yun Feiyang looked up at this Tongtian boulder and analyzed in his heart, "If I really want to remove this Tongtian boulder, I really need Tongtian means."

Only when there is pressure can there be motivation, and only when there is motivation can there be a breakthrough. Yun Feiyang decided to take action immediately. Although it has not been possible to integrate the light attribute super energy element and the dark attribute super energy element into a Taiji pattern, Yun Feiyang did not retreat, but surged with the intention of struggle.

A sprint flew and suddenly surfaced from the bottom of the sea. Then, the sun gently shines on the body, making Yun Feiyang feel very comfortable.

If you want to fight against the torso of this Lich King, of course, his strength alone is not enough, and you still need to borrow "power". The "power" referred to here is of course light. It is because of the opposition between light and darkness that Yun Feiyang has such a choice.

After surfaced, Yun Feiyang suddenly had a pleasant and warm feeling. Even though he was within the scope of the boulder, he was not shrouded in shadow and had a sense of unblocking the shackles. After the whole body was warm, Yun Feiyang began to tentatively impact the boulder.

Light attribute super energy elements and dark attribute super energy elements surge out of the flying left and right palms, like two twisted rays of light, surrounding this boulder. Yun Feiyang also pulled hard. After feeling very strong, he stepped on the water and surrounded the boulder.


While the clouds circled around the boulder, it also let the light attribute super energy element and dark attribute super energy element tighten the boulder. It was not until the two super energy elements were almost completely entangled that Yun Feiyang stopped. Having been in the dark shadow, Yun Feiyang felt a chill from his whole body, knowing that this was the killing left in the body of the Lich King, but these wills could not invade his brain, but would only bring negative discomfort to his body.

He took a short break and let himself slow down.

began to move again. Yun Feiyang moved like a movie in slow motion! Although the clouds are flying on the surface at this time, they are as steady as being down-to-earth.

Yun Feiyang put his shoulder on the boulder, entangled his hands and exerted his strength. Toes, soles of feet, calves, thighs, back, waist, shoulders, arms, wrists, palms, fingers, clouds make the whole body start to exert force at the same time.

There is still no movement. As long as there is a slightest loosening, Yun Feiyang believes that he can take advantage of the situation to make the boulder collapse. However, no matter how hard Yun Feiyang tries, the boulder still remains motionless.

Even though today's clouds are not what they used to be, their strength is still consumed quite quickly.

It seems that this road will not work, and Yun Feiyang does not want to make unnecessary struggles. Looking at the scorching sun in the sky, Yun Feiyang sighed with some distress and said, "If you can give me a fulcrum, I can lift the planet. But where can I find such a long lever?

Moreover, even if he pried open the boulder, it is unknown whether he can destroy the body of the lich. It seems that without the Taiji pattern, it is difficult to pose a threat to this Tongtian boulder. Just when Yun Feiyang felt powerless, he suddenly felt that this cold meaning gradually became cold and piercing.

Yun Feiyang knew that this was the intention of the Lich King's killing. The killing intention of the Lich King took advantage of the virtual...

"Wait, I seem to understand something." Yun Feiyang patted his head and woke up. Why do I always think of fighting and killing? Since the Lich King still has a residual consciousness, why not communicate to solve it?

Of course, communication does not mean that there is no danger, nor does it mean that there will be no fighting and killing, but it will not be such an obvious conflict. Feeling that the analysis was reasonable, Yun Feiyang made up his mind to have a try. Slowly opening his heart defense, Yun Feiyang no longer defended as before, but allowed the killing intention of the Lich King to invade his body.