Fist through the nine heavens

Chapter 325: Open

The remaining consciousness of the Lich King said unconvincedly, "Do you think I can't untie it? Are you kidding? I can even destroy the gods? Can't even break such a simple formation? It's just you who are stupid. Don't think of all people as stupid as you."

Yun Feiyang ignored the nonsense of the Lich King's remaining consciousness and directly suppressed him with the light attribute super energy element, trying to put him into a deep sleep again.

"Don't think about it. If I hadn't rescued you, could you have come out of the forbidden seal? I have too much experience in breaking the seal, so I don't need you to talk nonsense here. Yun Feiyang replied in his heart.

However, the remaining consciousness of the Lich King is not wrong. This is the formation laid by the gods. Since it is a formation, of course there is a way to open it. It's just that he hasn't found it yet.

Yun Feiyang overthrew his discordant and unreasonable idea and began to look for the defects of the array. He wanted to take advantage of the defects and get rid of the imprisonment of the array. However, under Yun Feiyang's continuous search, no loopholes and defects were found. This is really an ordinary living place, and there is no place to hide except that gate.

Dig a hole? Dig a corner? Did you hit the door and come out?" Yun Feiyang had to have such an idea.

Give up, except for giving up.

Just after taking action, Yun Feiyang had the idea of giving up. Because this seems to be the solution, but it is the stupidest way.

In this array, you can't release any energy elements at all, relying entirely on your own power, so if you dig a hole, you will definitely starve to death first and will not succeed at all. And the corner is extremely hard and will not succeed. Even the soil under the corner has been tried. The foundation of the corner is so deep that there is no need to try at all.

It's even more ridiculous to hit the door, because Yun Feiyang doesn't know how many times he has tried, but the door is still motionless.

"Alas. What should I do?" Yun Feiyang sighed.

waved his hand and used the dark attribute super energy element to restore the remnant consciousness of the Lich King to his voice. Yun Feiyang said with a straight face, "Give you a chance to perform."

"Well, I knew you still had to beg me and try to hun me again. Let me tell you, although I'm only the remnant consciousness of the Lich King, I still have backbone. You want to know the method from me. If there is no way, you can die together. Anyway, I am not the only one who has the remaining consciousness of the Lich King. If they find the host, they can still resurrect the great Lich King. The remnant consciousness of the Lihu King woke up and immediately trumped endlessly.

Yun Feiyang waved his hand and once again used the light attribute super energy element to make the remnant consciousness of the Lich King fall asleep. At the same time, he despised: "There's so much nonsense."

Lying on the ground again, Yun Feiyang planned to take a break. He turned over and unconsciously looked at the door. At this moment, Yun Feiyang suddenly thought of something. Then, Yun Feiyang strode towards the gate.

After staring at the gate carefully, he slowly stretched out his hand. Damn, I just pushed the door in. Why didn't I try to pull it?"

Yun Feiyang put his hand on the gate and pulled it gently. Yes, the door has loosened a gap.

Looking at the light revealed, Yun Feiyang patted his head in distress and said, "Oh, my God, why am I so stupid? The deadly gods are actually playing psychological games. At this time, Yun Feiyang remembered that the remnant consciousness of the Lich King said that this formation was the simplest and most complex, and the key was in the human heart.

Just as Yun Feiyang opened the door, a group of big-headed dwarfs like dwarfs stood in front of Yun Feiyang. There is no doubt that they are slaves.

"He, that's him."

"It's him who just broke into the slave territory."

"Yes, it was he who destroyed the formation."

Looking at the anxious appearance of this group of big-headed dwarfs like dwarfs, Yun Feiyang knew that he had finally come out. Just come out. If there is any difficulty, that's what happens next. However, there was no unimaginable provocation and the upcoming battle, and this group of big-headed dwarfs like dwarfs shouted loudly.

"What's going on? Aren't they gods and slaves? How can I be so excited when I destroyed their territory? Yun Feiyang thought.

"For thousands of years, only you have lifted this prohibition and reopened the spring of resurrection. We want to thank you on behalf of the gods. Practices in the lower world, you deserve our highest respect. This group of big-headed dwarfs actually said so.

There is such a thing. It seems that he doesn't need tough means to use the Fountain of Resurrection. Yun Feiyang smiled and said, "In this case, can I use the Fountain of Resurrection?"

But this group of big-headed dwarfs showed a surprised expression. Yun Feiyang looked bitterly and pointed inside and said, "Don't tell me that the spring of resurrection is in it? Don't tell me that the spring of resurrection is the square well inside?

"That's right."

"Yes, it's Fangjing."

"It should be what you said."

"We haven't used the Fountain of Resurrection for a long time, because it has been sealed for a long time. Thank you for your help to break this seal."

Yun Feiyang feels a little strange. If this maze is really just the simplest maze, it is impossible that no one can break it for hundreds of thousands of years, so there must be other extraordinary things in it. However, Yun Feiyang didn't have time to delve into it. After all, his goal has been achieved, and he even avoided a possible war.

Without too much entanglement with the big-headed dwarf, Yun Feiyang came to the spring of resurrection after saying hello. Regarding other medical equipment for the resurrection of the remnant consciousness of the Lich King, Yun Feiyang has long been ready, only this most precious spring of resurrection.

Looking at Yun Feiyang's hurried appearance, the big-headed dwarf said together, "The practitioners flying up from the lower world, you must find the spring of the spring of resurrection, otherwise the resurrection will be difficult to take effect."

It turns out that the spring of resurrection is the essence of the whole spring of resurrection. It is difficult to form a spring of resurrection. It can only be achieved after several years of flow and rotation, and only the spring of the resurrection spring has the strongest power of resurrection.

Because the ban has not yet been lifted, the Fountain of Resurrection has not yet begun to operate. After waking up from this group of big-headed dwarfs, Yun Feiyang knew that the best way to not sit and continue to wither is to enter the spring of resurrection and stimulate the spring through external help.

However, the spring of resurrection is another new world, in which a new spring is created, and it is likely to encounter unknown dangers. But Yun Feiyang can't care so much. If he wait, it won't work to wait for hundreds or thousands of years to revive the remnant consciousness of the Lich King, because he may have been completely occupied by the remnant consciousness of the Lich King.

At the urging of this group of big-headed dwarfs, Yun Feiyang finally decided to take a risky attempt. Be sure to fight and fight.

Yun Feiyang has never flinched in the face of difficulties and challenges.

At the moment of touching the surface of the water, Yun Feiyang felt that his body was shrinking rapidly, or the spring of resurrection was being infinitely enlarged. The spring of resurrection is indeed another new world, because the clouds fly and feel that the slight sediment inside is like a huge stone hitting him, and the leaves floating on it are like a moving giant glacier. The flow of spring water is even more powerful.

It is really difficult. Although it seems that the spring of resurrection is in the well, after the clouds fly deep, they know that the spring of resurrection is really a clear spring, but a living spring.

It is difficult to arouse the challenge.

After Yun Feiyang felt that he had shrunk infinitely, it was really difficult to know that he wanted the spring of resurrection to have a spring. However, Yun Feiyang did not give up. He kept stirring up waves with his palms, arms and legs, trying to change the direction of the flow of the living spring and create a whirlpool.

But at this moment, a huge goldfish swam towards the clouds. Although the goldfish did not look malicious, Yun Feiyang was hit by the ripples brought by its swimming, and it was difficult to control its shape.

The hard-earned fluctuations are completely offset by the flow of goldfish.

Yun Feiyang was unwilling to continue to work hard. However, this goldfish is like a monster, constantly swaming around, making Yun Feiyang's hard work completely in vain. Yun Feiyang saw that this goldfish was very** about this, which should be intentional and deliberately came to make trouble.

"Since Lian can't successfully make a whirlpool, how to make a spring?" Yun Feiyang didn't think about killing the goldfish, but he consumed more strength and might waste time and energy.

And there is more than one goldfish here. If he kills the goldfish, it may cause other goldfish to attack, and he may be buried in the belly of the fish at that time.

What is this place? The territory of the gods, who knows if there is anything special about the goldfish here?

He came to make springs, not destroy them. Since this group of big-headed dwarfs proposed this method, this must be a solution, and perhaps his method of creating a whirlpool is simply wrong.

In this case, let's choose another idea.

Spring, what is a spring? It is the place where the spring comes out.

Since this spring is living water, doesn't he just need to find the source of the spring and open up a new spring? Yun Feiyang took a deep breath and began to dive down.

The slippery moss around made Yun Feiyang's action a little difficult. "Alas, I didn't expect that after I shrank, many easy things in the past felt very difficult now." And without the help of external forces, he can only rely on his own strength, but Yun Feiyang feels that he is greatly limited.

Maybe this is a kind of grinding. It is very normal to be oppressed and restrained in the fairyland. If he can't get used to it, he will only suffer losses and be eliminated.

Yun Feiyang held his breath all the way. Fortunately, he has good physical fitness and can't sneak to the bottom of the well without worrying about pressure. Moreover, Yun Feiyang also found the advantage of moss, that is, he can breathe through these plants without worrying about running out of oxygen.

In the process of diving, Yun Feiyang was distracted and didn't want to put too much pressure on himself, so he spent his thoughts on Weiwei and others. Fortunately, I didn't ask them to come, otherwise it would be useless if there were many people. These things must be done by yourself, and I am better at it. Yun Feiyang comforted himself.

After all, the thinner the oxygen is at the bottom of the well, and the fewer surviving moss will be. If you are too nervous, the consumption of oxygen will accelerate. In case he can't hold his breath, it will be futile.

However, although this method is good, in the case of distraction, Yun Feiyang did not find a huge dark shadow at the first time. Due to the shrinkage, everything feels very big. Yun Feiyang can easily tell that this is a turtle through the shadow. This turtle has no malice. After all, in its eyes, he is smaller than dust, which is the same as no one regards ants as opponents.

swimming consumes too much energy, and exercise also consumes a lot of oxygen. Since there is this free transportation, why doesn't he try to use it? And from the perspective of the turtle's swimming, it moves much faster than itself, and it may have the same destination.

Holding the psychology of carrying a ride, Yun Feiyang climbed on the back of the turtle.

"Hatch it, it's so fast." Just then, Yun Feiyang heard a voice coming.

It turned out to be a shell. It seems that he is not the only one who intends to carry a hitchhiker.

"Ha ha, yes. Where are you going?" Yun Feiyang said to the shell that reminded him with a friendly meaning.

Shell said in an exaggerated tone, "No, the ban has been lifted. Of course, we are going to a new place. After staying in this well for 800 years, it's really suffocating me. If you don't leave now, you may have to wait another 800 years.

I can't see that this shell has lived for more than 800 years. Yun Feiyang was shocked and quickly asked, "Do you know where the spring is?"

Shell said proudly, "Of course, how can we change places? Do you also want to go, but you look weak. It's a question whether you can pass this unformed spring. Forget it, whoever let you meet the kind-hearted Brother Shell, I will protect you.

Hearing Shell's mouth, Yun Feiyang suppressed his smile and said, "Okay, okay, then thank you first."

It seems that he is lucky to not only find free transportation, but also get a warm guide. In this case, his industry is much more convenient.

Yun Feiyang made up his mind that as long as he opened a new spring next to this spring, he would complete the task. No wonder the group of big-headed dwarfs said that it would take years to form a new spring. These monsters who have been practicing for hundreds of years have to risk breaking through this unformed spring. You can imagine how slow the spring is formed.

Yun Feiyang did not forget to learn something about the Fountain of Resurrection from Shell, so he began to ask for advice. After talking, Yun Feiyang learned that his idea of creating a whirlpool was simply a taboo, because it would affect the spring, so the goldfish would stop it.

In the Fountain of Resurrection, most monsters are very friendly, except for a few.

And after the spring appeared, a large number of monsters want to move and change places, because after hundreds of years, the springs here have almost lost their spiritual power. Although there is live water injection now, the time is too slow and there are too many monsters to score, so they choose this way.

One more thing is that the small and powerful monsters choose to go out first, and those larger and weak monsters then go out. Everyone has an agreement that the first monster to go out must find a way to dredge the spring so that the subsequent monsters can go out more easily.

Yun Feiyang listened quietly and occasionally asked questions, let alone that he was the one who lifted the ban. Shell is very happy, because no one has ever liked to listen to its nonsense, and the newcomer in front of him is its most loyal listener.

In conversation, time always passes quickly.

Carrying a turtle, when Yun Feiyang was still talking with the shell, he was about to reach the position of the spring. At this moment, Yun Feiyang and Shell both heard the call for help in front of them.

What's going on? Yun Feiyang was unknown, while Shell looked panicked and shouted at the turtle, "Brother Turtle, hurry up. I heard Mercury's call for help. It must be crabs and turtles who want to destroy this operation."

"Then sit down. I'm going to speed up." The turtle let out a dull roar, and then his limbs slid violently.

The speed is only a little faster than before.

But the shell leaned back harder and shouted, "Brother, pose quickly, or you will be thrown out."

Yun Feiyang's head is full of black lines. I don't know if he should pose and echo its words.

Under the explanation of the shell, Yun Feiyang knew that crabs and turtles had long wanted to attack other monsters everywhere, and wanted to improve their strength by killing and then sucking. Because the monsters have taken precautions and united, crabs and turtles have no way to start, but now, they certainly want to take the opportunity to fish when everyone wants to shift their positions.

Yes, they just took the opportunity to fish. They have long coveted those goldfish. Mercury is one of the weakest of all monsters. For crabs and turtles, there is no possibility of winning. Of course, they can only ask for help.

Mercury is an invertebrate, not a fish, flat, star-shaped and wrist. The wrist is hollow, covered with short spines and fork spines; there are rows of tube feet in the lower groove, and some have suction cups at the end, so that Mercury can crawl in any direction and even climb steep walls.

Low Mercury feeds food grains that enter the mouth along the wrist groove; higher types of stomachs can be turned over to the bait for in vitro digestion, or swallowed whole. The endoskeleton is composed of lime bone plates, which can breathe through the skin and have photosensitive points at the wrist. Most hermaphrodite, a few hermaphrodite, and some will also undergo asexual division and reproduction. Mercury doesn't look like an animal, and it's hard to imagine what kind of combat effectiveness it has from its appearance and slow movements.

"Little turtle, hurry up, the crabs have already done it." Shell urged.

The turtle roared and did not say anything, but Yun Feiyang obviously felt that its speed had improved a little. Er, in fact, it was not obvious, but because Yun Feiyang's feeling was very keen that he could detect it.

Crabs are crustaceans, and their bodies are protected by hard shells. There are five pairs of appendages in the crab's chest cavity, called chest feet. A pair of appendages in the front have strong clams. The other four pairs of appendages are the feet of crabs. Crabs rely on these four pairs of appendages to walk. They walk uniquely and interestingly, and most of them walk horizontally rather than straight forward.