All magic

Chapter 4 Interview Tragedy

As soon as Qin Gu entered the hall of the teaching building, he was shocked by its magnificent architectural style. Five-meter ceiling, all kinds of crystal chandeliers. There are busts of people more than 2 meters high hanging on the wall, but Qin Gu, the person in the painting, knows no one. All kinds of decorations and sculptures are staggered. In the center of the hall, there is a transparent sphere more than 1 meter high, with five elliptical cyclones representing the color of the five elements, dragging their long tails and fighting with each other playfully. More than 10 people stood around the ball with serious expressions.

Qin Gu saw the cyclone inside the ball, just like the one he condensed in his body. It seems that this is the evaluation instrument. What do I think it is? Isn't it just to condense the elements and then use some method to make them feel the fluctuations of the contact's own elements? Does this thing cost tens of millions?

At this time, a middle-aged man came to Qin Gu, took out something similar to a tablet computer, and said with a smile, "This classmate, put your hand here to check your identity."

This palm pattern recognizer again, Qin Gu saw it during the written test. No nonsense, tap the screen with your right hand, and "Didi" twice. The middle-aged man saw the message shown above, "Qin Gu, your written test score is 580, which is quite good." The full score of the written test is 600, and Qin Gu's score can be ranked in the top 30. Even if there is no rare magic, and even the basic five magic is not strong, it can be made an exception to be compiled into the laboratory as a scholar. The middle-aged man thought to himself and resolutely regarded Qin Gu as a student here. More than 10 people around the evaluation instrument also have the same idea.

Qin Gu was led by the middle-aged man to the evaluation instrument and pressed his hands on it as required. Qin Gu really felt a force pouring into his body. Before he could react, Dantian suddenly formed a black gaseous ball uncontrollably, which devoured the influx of power. After eating the uninvited guest who broke into the body, the black ball slowly dissipated until it disappeared. Qin Gu only felt as if his body had been hollowed out, and no power could be used.

More than a dozen people next to him are wondering why there is no reaction? Is the instrument out of order? No, the cyclone inside is still swimming. The instrument is not faulty, but there is no response, which can only explain one thing. This person has been rejected by elements. This kind of person has also had it before. Although it can condense elements and release simple magic, it will never become a big weapon, and the comprehensive score can't even reach the first level.

Oh, what a pity. No wonder the written test score is so high. It turns out that people who can't practice magic can only arm themselves with knowledge. However, such a person can't enter the Chinese Magic Academy.

"Qin Gu, I'm sorry, you didn't pass the interview, so you can find another way out." The middle-aged man said regretful.

"What? Didn't pass? Why?" Qin Gu asked weakly.

"I'm sorry, kid. You are excluded by elements and are not qualified to enter our college. The middle-aged man patted Qin Gu on the shoulder.

"Wait, what is a person who is rejected by elements? I can use magic. Moreover, I can also know the wind system, thunder system, and all kinds of magic. Qin Gu is in a hurry. If you can't enter the school, your hope will be ruined. Hard-working mother, gentle fairy. Thinking of these two women, Qin Gu doesn't care whether he can enter any wood department or not. After saying that, he wanted to condense the elements to perform magic, but no matter what kind of element, he did not listen to Qin Gu's order. Qin Gu, full of big men, can't even release the simplest fireball.

Everyone looked at Qin Gu's performance with disgust, and did they still know all kinds of magic? The bragging is too big. This kind of kid is the most annoying. Middle-aged people are also unhappy. "Ok, classmate, go out. There are others waiting for the interview."

"No, wait, I can." Qin Gu shouted hoarsely, but the middle-aged people didn't listen at all and pushed Qin Gu out of the teaching building.

Many students outside the building knew that this was an eliminated person when they saw Qin Gu's lonely appearance. Bei Minghao, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed over and said with a smile, "Brother, how about it going? Which department?"

Qin Gu ignored it and walked alone. There is nothing left. What's the point of living? Damn God, why did it become like this? Originally, I could easily be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University, but why did the world suddenly become like this? Why can't I release magic? By the way, it's the black ball just now. What the hell are you? Why in my body? Come out and give me back my future.

The more he thought about it, the more desperate Qin Gu became, and beat his stomach desperately. Bei Minghao was shocked at first, and then he understood that Qin Gu fell off the list. He hurried to grab Qin Gu's arm that beat his stomach, and Qin Gu jumped directly into Bei Minghao's arms and cried loudly.

Bei Minghao didn't know what to say. Why couldn't this person who defeated him pass the interview? Although he hasn't known each other for a long time, he can feel that he really regards himself as a friend. People around looked at the hugging men strangely, and some people even got goose bumps. These two gays are too bold.

Suddenly, Bei Minghao felt that Qin Gu in his arms was trembling. He looked down and saw a faint black fog around Qin Gu. Seeing this ominous black fog, Bei Minghao instinctively pushed Qin Gu out. The students around also saw the strange change of Qin Gu and avoided it one after another.

Gradually, the black fog on Qin Gu became clearer and clearer, and people more than ten meters away could clearly see it. The uneasiness about the unknown made the crowd panic, and some students simply ran to the teaching building to ask adults for help.

A dozen people who were interviewing freshmen were interrupted by the riot and came out. When he saw a figure engulfed by darkness, the middle-aged man just now said that he was not good. He turned to the crowd behind him and said, "You should evacuate the crowd quickly and try to let them all hide in the teaching building."

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, dozens of black lights burst out from Qin Gu and attacked indiscriminately. The nearest Bei Minghao didn't have time to react. He abruptly hit two, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground unconscious. Dozens of people around who didn't have time to escape were also tricked and suffered various major or minor injuries. For a moment, the scene was miserable.

The middle-aged man didn't have time to think about it and subconsciously released a ten-meter-long fire dragon to attack Qin Gu. Everyone behind him also showed their unique skills, and the big moves of various elements were instantly sent to Qin Gu.

The screams and the riots also shocked the old and young in the administrative building.

"Teacher, what's going on outside?" The young man asked uneasily.

"It's okay. There are so many teachers here, and there can't be a big mess. Let's get your student registration first, and let's go out and have a look." The old man continued to fill in the information.

"But, teacher, I always have a bad feeling. Last time I had such a hunch..." The young man said, bowing his head sadly, as if he didn't want to recall the past.

"Okay, okay, let's go out and see what's going on first." The old man smiled and shook his head, got up and walked out with the young man.

This old and young man was the two people who talked the most when Qin Gu and Bei Minghao fought. When the two walked out of the gate of the administrative building, they witnessed the biggest tragedy since the establishment of the school outside the teaching building in the distance.

A dozen teachers made big moves, all of which hit Qin Gu firmly. However, the black fog wrapped around Qin Gu, like a black hole, swallowed up all the tricks. The black fog is like a blowing ball, which expands countless times in an instant. The next second, the black fog burst, and there was a loud noise. Tens of thousands of black light, dozens of times thicker than just now, shot in all directions. With some prepared students, they hurriedly used all their strength to build protective walls and slightly resisted, but were seriously injured. But more unprepared students were hit by a series of black lights, smashed into bones, blurred blood and flesh, and could not die. It also includes two teachers who didn't have time to defend. Fortunately, Bei Minghao, who was in a coma just now, was really blessed by misfortune. Because he was close and lying on the ground, he did not suffer this fatal blow.

The black fog receded, and Qin Gu fell straight to the ground without a sound.

"Yi'er, hurry up and contact the hospital and church and ask them to send all the people who can release light magic." The old man shouted at the young man and turned around and rushed to the scene of the incident.

"No, no, no." However, the young man was crazy at this time. He stared at Qin Gu, who fell to the ground with blood red eyes, and shouted with his head in his hands, "It's him, it's him."

Seeing this, the old man came back and hit the young man's back neck with a knife, knocking him unconscious. He frowned and flew to Qin Gu again. The loud noise attracted the girls and teachers who were interviewing in the experimental area, as well as many parents waiting at the door. Everyone came to the position of the noise at the first time.

When they arrived at the scene of the incident, the miserable scene and the wailing everywhere may become an eternal nightmare in the hearts of these people. Many parents cried to find their children, and many female students who came were even more frightened and howled.

The old man came and looked at Qin Gu, who fell to the ground, and was very surprised. Why is it him? Before thinking too much, the old man came to the middle-aged teacher, "Mr. Zhi, how is your injury?"

Nangong Zhi covered his chest, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth, and said weakly, "It's nothing serious, but I have to cultivate for a period of time."

"Okay, you contact the hospital and church and ask them to send all the people who can release light magic. By the way, let your daughter come again.

Nangong Zhi nodded, got up with difficulty, and walked back to the teaching building. The old man came to the opposite side again and came to the teacher who interviewed the girl, "You quickly evacuate the crowd and let everyone enter the teaching building. Remember, don't let anyone go out or vent anything.

The teachers took orders and carried out their own. Then the old man came to Qin Gu again and sighed. Alas, what should I do with you? I didn't think of a solution, but trouble came. Many parents gathered around from all directions.