All magic

Chapter 51 Awakening Without Signs

Qin Gu's indifference to the girl completely angered the blonde teenager beside him.

"Rae, teach him a lesson." The blonde teenager is as arrogant as a few months ago.

"Can you know your name?" Lei politely came forward and asked Qin Gu.

"Let's talk about it later." Qin Gu was rude and directly released the signature ice rain to attack the thunder. At the same time, several people around Lei, together with foreign teenagers and girls, were all within the attack range of Qin Gu's ice rain.

Lei was a little surprised by Qin Gu's sudden attack. When he saw Qin Gu's ice rain, Lei secretly said in his heart. Sure enough, this teenager knew ice magic. It was not accidental that he rushed into his ice cover last time.

Lei waved his right hand, and a small ice mask protected the people around him and looked directly at Qin Gu. "Young man, you are very strong. Are you interested in helping me? Of course, the conditions are up to you. Lei suddenly fell in love with talent. If such a powerful teenager can exercise around him for a few years, he can take over his shift and protect the young master in the future. There was not much hostility between each other. Wouldn't it be better to recover this teenager?

" Ray, what are you talking about?" Hearing Ray's words, the blonde teenager beside him quit, "How can this rude monkey work in our Dean family?"

"Young master, the strength of the teenager in front of you is definitely the best among his peers." Ray persuaded the blonde teenager, "In a Chinese sentence, it is called unconventional demotion of talents. You are the successor of the family and will manage the whole family in the future. It is necessary to recruit more such talents.

Although the blonde teenager is arrogant, he is not a brainless person. Hearing Lei's explanation, he looked carefully at Qin Gu in front of him and was a little familiar. Forget it, just listen to Lei, "How about it? It's rare for Lei to like you when you work under me." The blonde teenager shouted at Qin Gu.

Cut! Qin Gu rolled his eyes and was very disdainful. I don't care which green onion you are, and I still need you to like it? In the future, I want to marry the little girl of the Beiming family, and naturally I have to work for the Beiming family... Wait, thinking of Beiming Ruoxi, Qin Gu reacted. This group of foreigners and A Xiao also have space magic props. What does it have to do with them? Does this group have anything to do with the invisible black hand behind the scenes? Qin Gu never believed Nangong Zhi's words and didn't think that Xuanyuan Qinghong was a bad guy. Someone must have framed him. Then, perhaps these foreigners in front of him were the breakthrough to discover the truth. Qin Gu thought to himself, and then he collected the magic and looked at the group coldly.

The blonde teenager saw Qin Gu accept the move and thought he had agreed. He came to Qin Gu with a high appearance. "Boy, you are very knowledgeable. In the future, you will listen to my instructions and let Lei take you with you for the time being..." Before the blonde teenager finished speaking, Qin Gu punched him in the face and bombarded him back to Lei's body.

Qin Gu, who determined that these foreigners were enemies, no longer hesitated. Today, we can only win or lose, and we must know the truth from them. In the face of Lei, whose strength was obviously higher than himself, Qin Gu suddenly didn't know where he came from and felt that he would not lose. Qin Gu, who followed his intuition, has made a complete realization with them.

From Qin Gu just now, he released the ice and rain, and now he has punched the blonde teenager away. The onlookers were all full of question marks, and I don't know why Qin Gu suddenly took action. * People began to complain about Qin Gu's rude behavior and blamed him one after another.

"Where did you come from? Don't you know how to be polite to international friends? It's a disgrace to us Chinese."

"Get back."

The people around began to shout and curse, but no one dared to go forward. Because of the ice rain just released by Qin Gu, everyone with some common sense knows that it is ice magic. Go forward? That's looking for death.

"Kid, dare to ignore my aunt and take action in front of my aunt. OK, you are fine." At this time, when she heard the shouts of the masses, the girl who had just recovered said viciously to Qin Gu. I haven't suffered this kind of loss since I grew up. No one dares to treat myself as air, and even suddenly attack. The girl took out her mobile phone and was ready to call someone. She must make this unknown guy look good.

"Miss Ling, you don't need to bother with this kind of boy looking for death." The blonde teenager who wiped his nosebleed still maintained the gentleman's appearance and said to the girl, then turned around and fiercely ordered Lei and others, "Bite me to death."

Lei frowned and didn't know why the teenager in front of him was so ignorant. Looking at his expression, he seemed to have a deep hatred with himself and others. However, no matter who dares to attack the young master, he will not let go.

Immediately, Lei and a group of bodyguards rushed to Qin Gu, and Qin Gu also made a good posture to fight. The tentative rounds between you and me on both sides are a feast for the eyes of the people around you. The sound of scolding Qin Gu disappeared, and everyone was appreciating the confrontation between the masters. Naturally, the girl on one side will not obey the orders of the blonde teenager. No matter how they will beat the guy who annoys them in the end, they must catch them back and torture them.

The girl still dialed the phone, and soon, a cold voice came from the other end of the phone, "What's the matter?"

"Brother, call someone to come quickly. I've been bullied. I'm here now..." The girl said coquettishly, but she was interrupted by the other party before she finished speaking.

"Ouch, don't make trouble all day. Take those people around and come back quickly. There are still a lot of things to deal with here. The girl's brother knows the girl's character very well. She must be making trouble again.

"Brother..." The girl still wanted to say, but the other party hung up the phone. The angry girl stamped her feet fiercely, and even counted all these missteps on Qin Gu. Seeing that Kaizi's men besieged Qin Gu made Qin Gu look very embarrassed. The girl rushed over without saying a word, and it seemed that there was no need to call someone. Today, her aunt ruined you with her own hands, and the girl thought fiercely.

Although Qin Gu seems to be a little overwhelmed, there is always a feeling of becoming more and more relaxed. At first, I occasionally hit a few moves, but now I gradually deal with it more and more freely. I even have time to resist and think. Is this your strength? Qin Gu divided his will to walk in his body to feel whether there was any change in his body.

Is this? When Qin Gu sensed Dantian, he was even a little surprised. I don't know when a red cyclone will stay there quietly. Fire cyclone? No, it should be the power of the fire element. What's going on? When did it appear? Why did it appear? Why don't you know anything about yourself? Qin Gu is very confused.

I think that the dark system was formed because of the impact of the elements in the evaluation instrument. The water system and the wind system were condensed at the cost of half their lives. The gold series is more a product of shame and desperate. What's going on with this fire system now? I don't feel any discomfort, but feel very comfortable. At this moment, Qin Gu can clearly feel that from the power of the fire element, he constantly provides himself with strength, and provides extremely strong self-confidence and belief.

Just as Qin Gu planned to feel more of the power of the fire element, suddenly, he was inexplicably cold. Qin Gu hurriedly concentrated and looked up. He saw that the girl who had just played monkey rushed to him, releasing the ice dragon that had just appeared in her hand.

Lei and other people who besieged Qin Gu found that the girl's ice dragon was coming indiscriminately and quickly dodged and retreated aside. Qin Gu, which reserved space to dodge, could have used wind magic to avoid the attack of the ice dragon. However, Qin Gu felt that the power of the fire elements in Dantian was ready to move, as if he wanted to prove something to himself.

Okay, I'll see what you can do. Qin Gu secretly said, and then gave up avoiding, and his body felt the rhythm of the power of the fire element. The hands seem to be slow, but in fact, they keep drawing circles in front of their chest very fast.

In an instant, the people around suddenly felt that the air was a little dry and the temperature was a little high, as if they had returned to early summer. Lei looked at Qin Gu's changes in disbelief. This was the second person to release this move in front of him. No, the teenager in front of him is a little better than that man.

In front of Qin Gu's chest with his hands in circles, a ferocious red dragon rushed out with a roar. From time to time, the red dragon was mixed with a little golden light, and blue crystal fragments fell behind the dragon's head. The most frightening thing was the deep black eyes of the red dragon, which seemed to swallow everything.

The ice dragon, which was obviously smaller than the red dragon, seemed to see the king, stagnated in an instant, crawled on the ground, and slowly melted into **.

The girl who wanted to beat the water dog just now suddenly had a fear in her heart. She stopped rushing forward, her legs trembled a little and looked at the red dragon, and Qin Gu, who closed her eyes behind her.

The blonde teenager in the distance was also shocked. He was so scared that he skimmed a few drops of indecent ** and howled hysterically, "Rae, take me away."

Hearing the teenager's shouting, Ray couldn't say it. The left arm is in front of the forehead to resist the air pressure released by the red dragon. Young master, it's not that I don't want to take you away. Lei narrowed his eyes and looked at the red dragon staring at him through the gap under his left arm. It's just that this monster is locking itself now.

Yes, Qin Gu is "communicating" with the giant in front of him with his eyes closed. It is a kind of communication that integrates into the heart, and sometimes it can even know the general tacit understanding in advance that it will think of the next second.

Wait, a picture suddenly flashed in Qin Gu's mind. Is this? Qin Gu slowly opened his eyes and looked carefully at the red dragon in front of him. Although there were some slight differences, Qin Gu was sure that this must be it.

"What does your appearance mean?" Qin Gu said helplessly to Honglong, as if he was asking him and talking to himself. It's just that there is an idea in my mind that seems to be night, but it is becoming more and more real.