All magic

Chapter 58 Ruyi Qin Valley Axe

"Have you changed the golden staff of Ruyi?" Qin Gu jumped up from ** and stared at the axe that had obviously narrowed in front of him.

"You can make it smaller." Qin Gu tried to order, and sure enough, the axe became obedient and smaller.

"Can it get bigger?" Qin Gu tried to say that in a blink of an eye, the axe returned to its original size.

"No, can you become bigger? Like a golden staff, it goes to the sky. Qin Gu fantasized about what his sea god axe would look like to the sky. But after waiting for a long time, the axe did not respond at all, and it was still the original size.

"Well, it seems that you are still far from the golden staff." Qin Gu sighed that the axe could only be small, not large.

But that's enough. Qin Gu turned the axe into a thumb-sized and played with it in his hand. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that it was exactly the same as Meimei's little axe. Why aren't you a Pangu axe? After all, Qin Gu, who was sighing, found that the end of the axe was a little strange. The end of the Meimei axe is a nine-color ball, and the end of this copycat Pangu axe is just a dark red ball.

It turned out that the difference was here. Qin Gu shook his head careless. Why didn't he see such an obvious difference? Forget it, that's it. Since you are not a Pangu axe, I now order you to be the Qin Valley axe. From now on, you will be my best partner for expanding my territory.

However, the problem comes again. Qin Gu frowned at the little axe. He couldn't stuff it into his ears like a monkey, could he? But if you put it in your pocket, you are afraid that you will lose it. Where should I put it? Yes. Qin Gu urged the gold element, and after a while, a golden ring appeared. Qin Gu made a small set, narrowed the axe a little more, pinned it on it, and then put the ring on the middle finger of his right hand.

Qin Gu nodded with satisfaction and liked his masterpiece very much. Qin Gu lay back** and solved the problem of the axe. It's time to study the next problem.

Qin Gu's consciousness entered Dantian and felt the power of those quiet elements. Unexpectedly, the cyclone I desperately condensed was a magical thing called the power of elements. However, as Meimei said, it was formed over time. How can you make this by yourself? Am I a monster, not a human? Qin Gu thought mocking himself.

Qin Gu casually released a small flame at his fingertips. Hey, his strength really declined again. Qin Gu was helpless. When he fought just now, he clearly felt that he had reached the holy level after breaking through. But now, it only has nine levels of strength. It's really one more element, and the strength will rise. Qin Gu, who has now broken through level 8 and reached level 9, has become a little greedy and dissatisfied after experiencing the holy level of the change just now.

When will the power of other elements appear? Qin Gu knew that he was not in a hurry. He had tried it at the beginning, but failed. Maybe the remaining elemental power will be the same as that of the dark and fire, right?

Qin Gu extinguished the flames and looked at his hands. It hasn't changed, but what's wrong with the feeling of rebirth just now? Forget it, I won't think about it. Qin Gu closed his eyes and began to recall the short holy experience just now. Unparalleled speed, powerful power, clear perception, that seems to be detached from nature. It's a pity that I won't ban the curse, or let's see what the effect is. Qin Gu thought without regret and unconsciously felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier...

"It's gone." Qin Gu, who accidentally fell asleep, opened his eyes and found that the sky outside the window was dark, and the whole city was lit by colorful lights. Looking up at the watch hanging on the wall, it was almost 10 o'clock.

Qin Gu quickly got up and rushed to the beautiful room. It's so late, won't this girl starve to death?

"Knock..." Qin Gu knocked on the door while thinking about what to eat with Meimei for a while.

Soon, the door was opened. Meimei stared at Qin, snorted coldly, pouted, turned around and left.

Qin Gu smiled, followed Meimei, turned around and closed the door, "Mei, don't be angry, I accidentally fell asleep. Are you hungry? I'll take you to eat delicious food.

"Hmm! Do you know how long Meimei has been waiting? Liar, big bad guy." Meimei said and hit Qin Gu, and the crystal ** could be faintly seen in the corners of her eyes, "Meimei is so boring and scared."

Qin Gu stood still, allowing his beautiful fist to hit him. Seeing the beautiful appearance, Qin Gu felt that he was the most damned person in the world. How can you leave such a little girl alone?

After playing for a while, Meimei directly got into Qin Gu's arms and hugged Qin Gu tightly. "Mei will never let you go again. Wherever you go, Meimei will follow you."

This girl, do you know that a man can't stand saying such a thing? Qin Gu also hugged Meimei and touched her long hair with pity, "Good boy, it's all my fault. I will never leave you alone again."

Meimei nodded and obediently snuggled in Qin Gu's arms. Are you hungry?" Qin Gu asked self-reproach.

"Beauty is not hungry. Beauty doesn't need to eat." Meimei shook her head.

"Do not eat?" Qin Gu asked back, and it was suddenly clear that she was a tool. How could she be measured by human standards? However, isn't it a pity not to eat so many delicious food?

"Beautiful, although you don't have to eat. However, there are many delicious foods in the world. Do you have any effect on your health? Qin Gu hopes that Meimei will not have such regrets, but he is worried that food will have a bad impact on the United States.

"It doesn't matter." Meimei shook her head again and replied.

"Well, let's go and take you to eat good food." Qin Gu took Meimei's hand and was about to leave, but suddenly remembered that he was now in Shanghai, not Beijing. He didn't know where to find a good restaurant.

By the way, didn't Sister Li leave a phone number for herself? Isn't it clear to ask that person? Qin Gu remembered that Nangong Linu had mentioned to her before and arranged someone to take care of herself.

"Wait for me, I'll get something." Qin Gu said to Meimei beside him.

"No, Meimei wants to be with you." Meimei grabbed Qin Gu's arm fiercely and didn't let him leave.

Qin Gu smiled and said, "Okay, come with me. Don't you have to dress up and put on makeup?" Qin Gu knew that women love beauty, and naturally bought a bunch of cosmetics for Meimei.

"Dress up? Makeup?" Meimei looked at Qin Gu strangely.

Forget it, Qin Gu shook his head. This girl doesn't understand anything. Anyway, no one has watched it at night. Let's explain it to her when you come back.

"It's okay. Let's go." After closing the door, Qin Gu took Meimei back to his room. Finding the note left by Nangong Linu, Qin Gu called according to the phone number above.

"Hello, excuse me, is it a spirit?" The phone was connected, and Qin Gu asked shyly. This sister Li is also real. Why don't you leave a full name? This is obviously a love name between friends. It's really awkward to shout like this.

"Who are you?" A doubtful female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'm sorry to bother you so late. Sister Li told me that I could call you if I had something to do. Qin Gu also felt sorry that it was so late that he might have disturbed others.

"Oh, you are the student Sister Lily said." The other party suddenly realized, "What are you looking for me for?"

"Well, I want to ask where I can eat delicious food at this time. I'm not familiar with Shanghai." Qin Gu was a little difficult to say. The first time she called someone was to ask about food. Shouldn't she think I was a rice bucket?

Would you like to have a midnight snack? Isn't it too early?" The other party was obviously a little surprised.

"It's not a midnight snack, it's dinner." Qin Gu explained, "I want to eat some authentic Shanghai food."

"Oh? That's it." The other party thought for a moment, "Then go to the Old City God Temple. The snacks there are not bad."

"No, I don't know." Qin Gu said shyly, but complained in his heart. Who is this girl looking for? If I knew, would I still call you? When you say the Old City God Temple, I don't know where it is.

"So where are you? I'll come to you and take you there." The other party said hospitablely.

"Don't bother you so much, do you? Tell me how to get there, and I'll just go by myself." Qin Gu was a little flattered by the enthusiasm of the other party, but how could he bother others so late?

"It doesn't matter. It just so happens that I'm going out for a walk. Hey, something nasty happened today." The other party sighed.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you." Maybe something bad happened to her, Qin Gu thought. Since you have to trouble others to take care of her in the coming month, it's good to enlighten her and accompany her. With the little confusion of Meimei, I believe she can be in a better mood.

Then, Qin Gu told the other party his location, hung up the phone, and took Meimei to the door of the hotel early to wait.

"Remember, when someone comes, don't talk nonsense." Taking advantage of this time, Qin Gu warned Meimei to pay attention to some places, especially her instrumental identity, which must not be mentioned.

"I know, you are really talky." Beauty took a look at Qin Gu. After listening to his treatment for more than ten minutes, his ears were almost cocooned.

"You guy, you are so bold that you dare to whiten me?" Qin Gu saw the beautiful and lovely appearance and knocked her on the head with a smile.

"Ouch! Bad guy, how dare you beat the beauty." Meimei did not show weakness. She touched the place where she was knocked by Qin Gu with her left hand and hit Qin Gu's arm with her fist in her right hand. Meimei reflected alone for a long time after flying Qin Gu to the wall because she had no control of her power for the first time. As long as the beauty now appears in the real world, it will suppress its power.

While the two were fighting, Qin Gu found a man in the distance, looking around. After seeing himself, he slowly walked towards himself with some hesitation.

Qin Gu was the first to think of the spirit introduced by Sister Li. Should it be her? Taking advantage of the light at the door of the hotel, Qin Gu saw that the man was wearing close-fitting jeans and a small black leather jacket. His long hair that had just crossed his shoulders fluttered in the wind, but his face could not be seen clearly. However, judging from the dress and the voice on the phone just now, it should be young.

Qin Gu told Meimei to wait in place, and he quickly walked to the people.

When approaching, Qin Gu bowed his head politely and stretched out his right hand, "Hello, is it Lingling?"

However, the other party did not say anything. Qin Gu, who was deadlocked, wondered if he had recognized the wrong person? But she didn't refute or leave. What's going on? He looked down and saw Qin Gu, where the other party was still standing in place, and thought puzzledly.