All magic

Chapter 66 Oriental Emperor

"Bang!" Xuanyuan Qinghong slapped the table fiercely and roared angrily, "Xiao Xun, what have you done? I have always trusted you, and there are some things you can do without reporting. But now... you really disappoint me."

Exhausted and embarrassed Xuanyuan half knelt in front of the table, silently lowered his head and dared not say a word.

For a long time, Xuanyuan Qinghong's anger decreased slightly and regained his usual demeanor. He asked Xuanyuan, "Try, what happened? How can you cause such a big disturbance?"

"The suzerain..." Xuanyuan opened his mouth and described all the events.

"Do you mean that Qin Gu can also have spiritual magic? How can you even control it?" Xuanyuan Qinghong got up fiercely with an incredible face.

"Yes, patriarch. If it is a wooden plant that can manipulate other people's nerves, it has no effect on its subordinates. But Qin Gu really controlled his subordinates, so he thought that what he released was definitely spiritual magic. Xuanyuan looked for a way.

"Qin Gu, Qin Gu, you are too unexpected." Xuanyuan Qinghong meditated and whispered, "How far will you grow up?" Xuanyuan Qinghong can't say what attitude he has towards Qin Gu at this moment. In the past, he appreciated his potential and strength, but when his strength exceeded his expectations, Xuanyuan Qinghong had a kind of uncertainty in his heart.

"Master, I think that all hidden dangers should be eliminated as soon as possible." Xuanyuan proposed, "His strength and friendship with the descendants of the four major families. My subordinates feel that sooner or later, he will be a big problem for us.

"Didn't he think that all this was done by the Nangong family? Then give it a try. If then..." Xuanyuan Qinghong was a little sad and sighed, "Everything is up to you, but don't make any more mistakes."

"My subordinates take orders." Xuanyuan Xun understood the meaning of Xuanyuan Qinghong and showed a fierce smile on his face.

"Why are you here?" By the way, Qin Gu let go of Meimei and asked curiously to the person in front of him.

"What? Not welcome?" Dongfang invited Ling to joke, and Dongfang Yuhuang nodded and said hello. Yes, it's not just America and Sack. There are also brothers and sisters of the Oriental family.

"How can it be, fast forward..." Qin Gu just wanted to let everyone into the house. Sac suddenly gave Qin Gu a hug. And gave a warm French kiss, "Oh, dear Gu, it's really great to see you."

"If you are so disgusting, I won't let you into the house." Qin Gu had goose bumps all over his body and was really not used to this way of greeting. He pushed Saak away, wiped the saliva on his face, and said threateningly.

"Oh, you're not a gentleman, this is..." Sack said with an aggrieved face, but was dragged into the house by the East. "Ok, hurry into the house."

Everyone entered the house by themselves, and Dongfang Yuhuang was quite polite and sat silently on the single sofa. Meimei went straight to the second floor with her luggage, which is half her home anyway. Sak and Dongfang invited spirits who came to Qingu's dormitory for the first time as if this was their own home. One was very skilled to open the refrigerator to find food, and the other poured water by himself, regardless of whose cup it was, and they picked it up and drank it. The originally deserted room suddenly became very lively.

Seeing this picture, Qin Gu shook his head with a smile. In fact, he also likes this feeling of not being seen outside, which is like a friend. Qin Gu closed the door casually and came to the sofa next to Dongfang Yuhuang to sit down.

"That..." Qin Gu looked at the cold face of Dongfang Yuhuang and didn't know how to speak. After all, it was all a misunderstanding, and it was really stiff at that time. However, since he is already a friend with Dongfang Yiling, he can't see Dongfang Yuhuang like a stranger in the future, can he?

"Attear the funeral." Dongfang Yuhuang said with a blank face.

"What funeral?" Qin Gu didn't react for a moment and asked strangely.

"The Nangong family." Dongfang Yuhuang replied.

"Oh." Qin Gu nodded. As a saint of the church, Nangong's daughter should go to her father's funeral. However, this Oriental Emperor is really cold.

Qin Gu didn't say anything, and Dongfang Yuhuang didn't say anything. The two sat awkwardly and looked at the oriental invitation and Sack eating happily at the table. Then, the beauty of the luggage was put in and joined in.

"Would you like to eat something?" Qin Gu asked politely.

"I'm not hungry."

"Then I'll eat?" Qin Gu asked again.


Qin Gu raised his buttocks halfway, sighed, and sat back again. Although I didn't have dinner, I really don't have any appetite now. Besides, you can't leave him here alone, can you? Forget it, although it's not easy to talk, there are questions and answers, which is also communication.

"Well, I went a little too far yesterday. I'm sorry." Qin Gu felt that no matter what, it was always right to apologize first.

"Nothing." Dongfang Yuhuang still can't see happiness and anger. Qin Gu didn't know that he was angry? Or is it really no longer taken seriously?

"Hey, Qin Gu, is there a fire in your school? I saw the fire over there, and the situation was not small, and many people were running there. Dongfang, who was eating, asked Qingu in real time.

"There is a fire in the forest. It's nothing serious." Qin Gu replied casually, but remembered the forbidden curse. No longer paying attention to the saying that he would go to see the lively Oriental Invitation Spirit for a while, he turned his head and asked the Oriental Emperor curiously, "Will you forbid the curse?"

"Yes." As if he didn't understand Qin Gu's meaning, Dongfang Yuhuang finally had some puzzled expressions.

Good phenomenon, Qin Gu then asked curiously, "What's your forbidden spell? How to release it?"

"Water system." Dongfang Yuhuang replied and then asked incredulously, "Don't you forbid the curse?"

Qin Gu nodded awkwardly and muttered in his heart, why did he ask you if he wanted to curse?

"Aren't you a saint?" Dongfang Yuhuang was a little unhappy. Will the person who can defeat himself not even be holy? Does this guy still want to play tricks on himself?

"No, it's difficult to explain it to you for a while." Qin Gu saw that the other party seemed to have misunderstood him, but he didn't know what to say.

"Hmm!" He confirmed that Qin Gu was snorting coldly with his happy Dongfang Yuhuang and no longer paid attention to Qin Gu.

Alas, Qin Gu is speechless. It seems that there is a long way to go if he wants to have a good relationship with this guy.

Then, after dinner, Dongfang invited the three Lings to go to see the fun, but Qin Gu was afraid that someone would recognize that he had just been emberson and would not go to death. Also, there is the Oriental Emperor who didn't go. In this way, the room that was lively just now became deserted in a blink of an eye. It should be said that it was colder than when Qin Gu was alone.

"Are you really not a saint?" For a long time, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that Qin Gu was not joking. Dongfang Yuhuang asked Qin Gu.

"No, really not. I think it's a holy level, but my situation is a little special." Hearing Dongfang Yuhuang's question, Qin Gu hurriedly answered. It's not easy. This guy finally took the initiative to open his mouth and seemed to believe in himself.

Seeing Dongfang Yuhuang looking at himself strangely, Qin Gu had no choice but to release a small fireball in the palm of his hand, "Look at it, this is my current strength."

"What's going on? Why is it so much worse than yesterday? Dongfang Yuhuang is really confused. This fire magic is obviously only nine-level strength. If it is really his current strength, why did his strength drop so much in a day? Wait, didn't he get beaten by himself at the beginning yesterday? At that time, he should have been his current strength, so how did he suddenly increase his strength to the point where he was helpless?

Dongfang Yuhuang suddenly developed a strong interest in Qin Gu. He had no hobbies in his life. The only thing he liked was the study of magic and the pursuit of power. Qin Gu, an unprecedented example, made Dongfang Yuhuang seem to have discovered a new continent and looked at Qin Gu with full of light.

Well... Seeing the appearance of Dongfang Yuhuang, Qin Gu's back was cold. This guy can't be Sack II, is he? Does he like masculine style?

"What do you want to do?" Qin Gu exaggeratedly protected his chest with his hands and dodged backwards.

"Hahaha..." After a moment, the two laughed at the same time. The relationship between them also got better in this laughter.

"Well, I really don't know how to explain it to you. Yesterday, I didn't know what happened. Suddenly, my strength increased so much. Qin Gu sighed, "If I knew, I wouldn't have to worry so much." Qin Gu once thought that it was Pangu Axe that improved his strength, but the axe was denied by Meimei. Qin Gu also thought about whether he temporarily improved his strength when transforming his body, but he couldn't explain it. The power of fire elements only raises its strength to level 9, but what kind of conditions did the sudden holy strength yesterday catalyze? Qin Gu, who was puzzled, had left this problem behind. At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little helpless because Dongfang Yuhuang mentioned it again.

"Is it caused by that strange axe?" Dongfang Yuhuang thought for a moment and analyzed. Yesterday's fight began to change after Qin Gu took the axe that came from nowhere. Dongfang Yuhuang was also curious about the axe of Qin Gu.

"Do you mean this?" Qin Gu took off the small axe on the ring, "Big!" With an order, Ruyi Qingu Axe returned to its original size, but he looked at the Dongfang Yuhuang beside him and almost stared out.

"What the hell is this?" Dongfang Yuhuang saw something so beyond cognition for the first time, and his face was full of horror.

"This is not a ghost. This is called Ruyi Qin Valley Axe, which is my weapon." Qin Gu explained.

"No, I mean, why did it suddenly get bigger?" Dongfang Yuhuang asked directly.

Unexpectedly, Qin Gu shrugged his shoulders directly, "I don't know." Dongfang Yuhuang, who listened directly, almost fell to the ground.