All magic

Chapter 91 Battle of Ximen 4

"Lao Zhao, what's going on?" Han Zhiyuan turned his head and looked at Zhao Qing. No matter how good the relationship is, if it violates the principle problem, it is not easy to say.

"Alas!" Zhao Qing sighed. With this Qin Gu here, it seems that he has to say it without saying it. Zhao Qing lit a cigarette and slowly told what happened at noon.

In fact, things are also very simple. Xuanyuan Qinghong collected and sorted out a lot of evidence, wanted to impeach the Ximen family, and wrote a special book on the violent murder of the Ximen sisters. At first, Zhao Qing was also suspicious and dissatisfied with Xuanyuan Qinghong's unwillingness to introduce Qin Gu to his door. However, Xuanyuan Qinghong opened up extremely attractive conditions. He promised Zhao Qing that all the best students of the Chinese Magic Academy would be sent to Zhao Qing in the future so that he could form a strong army. At the same time, Xuanyuan Qinghong also guaranteed that if this is done, promotion is inevitable. Listening to Xuanyuan Qinghong's tone, it seemed that there was someone else on him.

Zhao Qing, who has long envied Han Zhiyuan's holy-level division, was moved. Promotion is secondary. There is such an army that has always been a dream of Zhao Qing's dream. With such an excellent descendant of Huaxia Magic Academy, I believe that my dream can really come true in the near future. Moreover, what he has to do is very simple. He just takes the evidence to report it, and the rest will be handled by others.

"Lao Zhao, you are really confused." Han Zhiyuan shook his head. Obviously, people took him as a robber.

"Alas, now that I think about it, it's really a little..." When Zhao Qing recalled, he stood from the perspective of a bystander and found how inappropriate his decision was at that time.

So, all this seems to be a conspiracy. Han Zhiyuan secretly told himself that although Qin Gu didn't say it directly, there were also tricks in it. And Han Zhiyuan did not dare to act too hastily for Qin Gu that he was a murderer.

"All of you in the Ximen family." Han Zhiyuan said to Ximenluo, and then pointed to Qin Gu, "And you, all of you stay here honestly. You are not allowed to go anywhere. I will make a decision after I investigate." After saying that, Han Zhiyuan turned around and shouted at the team, "The team is closed." Then he left with his own troops.

"General, what shall we do?" The young man beside Zhao Qing asked reluctantly. He thought that the reinforcements could teach the Ximen family a good lesson, but he didn't expect to leave like this?

"What else can I do? Tell everyone to surround the Ximen's house, and don't allow them to escape or our people to act rashly. Zhao Qing ordered and then left with Han Zhiyuan's troops.

When the young man saw this, he had to follow his orders.

"Lao Zhao, this Qin Valley is not simple." On the way back, Han Zhiyuan said to Zhao Qing beside him.

"Yes, I didn't expect him to know spiritual magic. If he is good, if he is evil, then..." Zhao Qing said worriedly.

"Spiritual magic..." Han Zhiyuan muttered and then looked up and said, "Let's just take his murder and erase him directly." No matter whether Qin Gu killed or not, or why he killed, he has turned himself in anyway. Just use this as a reason to kill Qin Gu, an uncertain factor that may endanger society and the country. Although Han Zhiyuan also appreciates the strength of Qin Gu, the country is the most important.

"There's nothing we can do." Zhao Qing supported Han Zhiyuan's decision and sighed helplessly, but also regretted Qin Gu as a talent.

"Let's not talk about this. Gather people as soon as you go back. Be sure to find out this matter as soon as possible." Han Zhiyuan said seriously, "If you encounter anyone who obstructs from above, report to me immediately."

"I know." Zhao Qing frowned and nodded and agreed. This time it seemed very tricky, and he didn't know what kind of person would be involved.

"Who are you? Can you tell me what's going on?" Han Zhiyuan and others left, and Ximenluo ordered some people to arrange to clean up the mess, and then came to Qin Gu to ask, with an extremely kind attitude. Although it is not clear what happened, it was this teenager who solved the crisis of the Ximen family. For this alone, he should be respected by the Ximen family.

"President Ximen, my name is Qin Gu, your daughter's younger brother. It's a long story about this." Qin Gu didn't know how to explain to Ximenluo. After all, everything is unfounded. Unlike the Simon sisters, Qin Gu can casually say some of his own guesses, but he should pay attention to the president of the Magic Association.

"Oh, it's really a hero. Let's go and talk about it. Ximenluo enthusiastically wanted to take Qin Gu into the house to talk. Will Simon Luo miss such a talent? Through his daughter's relationship, he encircled Qin Gu, which is Ximenluo's idea at this moment. As for the reason for this series of things, Commander Han Zhiyuan will investigate, which also saves him a lot of effort. I believe that he will give himself an order.

The people in the Ximen family are cleaning up the site, moving the bodies and rescuing the wounded. Qin Gu followed Ximen Luoao all the way through the front yard, through the atrium, and was about to go to a house, but suddenly he heard some familiar voices behind him.

"I didn't expect that your few words could make Han Zhiyuan leave. You are really surprised." Xuanyuan Nanxun was extremely angry and could wash Ximen's house, but because of Qin Gu, all this was turned into a bubble. He also blamed himself for his inconsideration. He knew that Qin Gu would use spiritual magic to spy on other people's thoughts, but he did not prevent this. He can't forgive his mistakes, let alone Qin Gu's troubles. At this moment, Xuanyuanxun can't take care of Xuanyuan Qinghong's instructions and must kill Qin Gu to vent his hatred.

Disturbed by this sound, Qin Gu and Ximen Luo both turned around and found that there were five people standing behind them, among which Xuanyuan Xun was the leader.

Qin Gu didn't think much about it at all and subconsciously launched a spiritual magic attack immediately, hoping to find out all the situation from the depths of his heart. But as soon as Qin Gu invaded Nangong Xun's consciousness, he was blocked by a force and then forced out of Nangong Xun's body.

"Your name is Xuanyuanxun?" Qin Gu looked at the other four people opposite him and didn't know who stopped him at all. Although only Nangong Xun's real name was found out just now, this was enough to shock Qin Gu and thought of more possibilities at the same time.

"That's good. I've made a lot of progress." Xuanyuanxun didn't care that Qin Gu knew his name, even if he knew more. Because in Xuanyuan's eyes, Qin Gu is already a dead man.

Xuanyuanxun didn't say much nonsense, but directly condensed the thunder around him, and thousands of thunder and lightning rushed to Qingu crazily. Qin Gu dodged and resisted. This attack is nothing for Qin Gu now.

"What a young saint, his blood is boiling." Xuanyuan looked for the shemale around him. When he saw Qin Gu's skills, he immediately judged Qin Gu's strength. It also explains why he couldn't find out what level Qin Gu was just now. It turned out that this teenager had reached the holy level like himself.

The shemale, who had been holding back for a long time, seemed to see his prey, shuttled through thousands of thunder and lightning, and instantly forced into Qingu.

"Handsome man, have fun with others." The shemale smiled evilly, released countless water balls with both hands, and formed an encirclement net with thunder and lightning, locking Qin Gu to death.

"Let's see how you solve this trick." The shemale suddenly clenched her fists, and each water balloon with thunder and lightning instantly turned into an ice blade. These thousands of thunderous ice blades attacked Qin Gu from all directions, and there was no room to avoid and resist.

Looking at the ice blade rushing towards him, Qin Gu did not panic and gently raised his right arm. In a blink of an eye, an ice blade that was exactly the same as that hit him gu from Qin Gu's body.

Except for Xuanyuanxun, everyone was stunned, especially the shemale. Seeing that the tricks used by himself and Xuanyuan were easily released by him alone, he was shocked.

The sound of "Zizi... Bang..." around Qin Gu kept ringing, and the ice blade released by Qin Gu continued to offset the ice blade that attacked him. After a moment, in a cold fog, the sound disappeared, and the ice blade in the sky disappeared. When the smoke gradually dissipated, Qin Gu stood still safe and sound.

"Don't be deceived by his age. He is not easy to deal with." Xuanyuan warned the shemale, which seemed to remind the rest of the people not to be careless. Although he knew some details of Qin Gu, he was also surprised by the growth of Qin Gu. Unexpectedly, the progress is so fast. If you are the only one who can compete with Qin Gu, what is the outcome? What's more, he also knows the horrible spiritual magic.

"Let me help you." Xuanyuan looked for the man beside him and rushed forward to fight side by side with the shemale.

This happened, Qin Gu muttered in his heart. Just now, I have tried to feel their strength, and I can't feel it at all. Obviously, these four people are also holy. Now there are two holy levels together, and Qin Gu is not arrogant enough to think that he can defeat them. Qin Gu subconsciously looked at Ximenluo, hoping that he could help himself.

It doesn't matter. Qin Gu found that Ximenluo actually showed a look of fear. What's going on? What is he afraid of? Qin Gu only wondered for a moment and didn't think about it, because the first two holy levels had attacked him.

After Qin Gu dodged two water magics in a row and released the earth wall to resist the close attack of the two, a dodge temporarily left their attack range. Qin Gu did not dare to neglect for a moment. He took out the Pangu axe and was ready to go all out.

"Ha ha, do you still have this strange thing?" The shemale saw the axe that appeared in Qin Gu's hand and said in surprise, "This axe will be my girl's collection in the future." The shemale girl spoke and rushed to Qin Gu with her eyes shining. The men who supported him also followed closely and attacked Qin Gu again.

"What are you going to do? Didn't I take care of the Beiming family? What does it mean to come to me now? When Qin Gu was fighting hard there, Ximenluo, who had been silent for a long time, finally came to Xuanyuanxun and asked timidly.