All magic

Chapter 169 Messenger of the Wood God

"You'd better get out of here quickly. I mean the school. If you are here again, it will be easy to be recognized. I can recognize you, and others can recognize you. I can not call the police, but others may not. If it is discovered by the Xuanyuan family, I guess your end will be even worse. The girl shook her head, ignored Qin Gu's fierce appearance, and said worriedly, "As for it, if you can't feel it, it only means that you are not the person it is looking for." As the girl spoke, she withdrew her hand and stroked the grass. "It seems that it will be disappointed again."

Qin Gu was confused by the girl again, and her words were full of concern for herself. Which side of her is real? However, Qin Gu was a little relieved to know that the girl did not call the police. But what is the origin of this girl? You seem to be very familiar with your own affairs. Are you really a fan? Qin Gu became more and more curious.

"You should at least tell me your name, right?" Qin Gu's tone became relaxed, smiled on his face, and looked at the girl carefully again.

"My name is Wang Fang. Come on, you'd better go quickly." Wang Fang said, got up and opened the window, "You'd better fly away from here directly. Although I don't know why you came back to school, if there is anything, I can help you. It's too dangerous here."

Wang Fang? Qin Gu said in his heart, but there was no action. He could see that this girl really cared about himself. Maybe it's true that she is her fan as she said? The bad attitude just now is just a warning, so that you can stay away from here. However, I still have a lot of things to ask, so it is impossible for me to leave.

"Xiaofang, don't be nervous. Come and sit down first." Qin Gu waved to the little girl, but now she thought the little Lori was very cute.

"Why don't you know anything about it?" Wang Fang was a little angry. When he said this, how could he still be so leisurely? I didn't care about your life and scolded in my heart. Wang Fang closed the window, sat back on the sofa, played with the grass in her hand, and sighed, "Well, just tell me what you're doing when you come back first. I'll try my best to help you if I can."

"Is your little girl with a bad memory? Didn't you tell me the reason when I first came here? Otherwise, how do you think I can find this place? By the way, what is your relationship with Master Wang? Qin Gu thought that this girl should not be Master Wang's little lover. She really misunderstood me just now.

"He is my father." Wang Fang said something, and then looked at Qin Gu curiously, "So, are you really the new boss of Weimei Ramen?"

"If it's fake, it will be replaced." Qin Gu wanted to pose a POSS, but found that his shape was really not good, so he had to scratch his head awkwardly, "You said he was your father, but what did you call Uncle Wang just now?"

"Not my own father, I'm an orphan." Wang Fang smiled, but there was not much loss. Obviously, she had passed that sad time, "Why did you come to school to do business? There must be some conspiracy." Wang Fang looked up and down at Qin Gu, and then smiled enlightened, "I know, you're going to take action against the Xuanyuan family."

"Wait, wait!" Qin Gu was scared into a cold sweat. This girl was too good at guessing, and how did she know the hatred between herself and the Xuanyuan family? Seeing that the conversation between the two sides was relatively normal, Qin Gu asked directly, "How do you know about me and Xuanyuan's family? How can I be so sure that I came to school to take action against the Xuanyuan family?

"It's not easy." Wang Fang waved her hand gently, and the black grass disappeared in an instant. "Because I happened to see you release it that day... I investigated it, but I didn't expect you to be a celebrity. The champion of the freshman test has an absolute future. However, I wonder why you returned to Beijing when you should participate in the competition in Shanghai since you are the champion? Following the clues, I slowly found some unusual ones. Until the end, when you were wanted because of the tragedy at the beginning of school, I can be sure that you have absolutely something to do with Principal Xuanyuan. Later, the two families of Ximen Beiming were destroyed, and the Xuanyuan family suddenly emerged, so I really saw some of them clearly. To be honest, Qin Gu, do you know any secrets of the Xuanyuan family? Are those two families the work of Xuanyuan families? What happened to the tragedy at the beginning of school? Is it also made by the Xuanyuan family?

Looking at Wang Fang, who is curious about the baby, Qin Gu doesn't know how to describe this little girl. Unexpectedly, I only met myself, but I can investigate so many things. Especially about the Beiming family, there are still different opinions, but she said the destroyed words in one mouth. What is the beginning of this girl? Is it really Master Wang's daughter?

"Hey, why don't you say something?" Wang Fang saw that Qin Gu didn't say anything and hurriedly urged her. These questions have been haunting her for a long time. Now that she sees her, since he doesn't run away, she naturally needs to ask her clearly.

"I don't know what to say. I'm probably right about you." Qin Gu looked at Wang Fang seriously, "But how did you investigate these things? Are you really a junior high school student?

"Who do you think is a junior high school student?" Hearing Qin Gu's answer, coupled with her most** question, Wang Fang's face turned a little hot and turned red, and finally ran away, "I'm your senior sister. How can you be big or small? Look at you, a little girl on the left and a little girl on the right. How can you be so rude? Fortunately, I was looking for you everywhere, but I didn't expect you to be such a person. I was really right. You are a ruffian. I despise you.

"Senior sister?" Qin Gu was stunned, but he still heard what she said, but the content was a little "thrilling". Did the girl say that she was a senior sister?

"Of course, I'm a sophomore. Now I know. If you apologize, I will consider forgiving you." Wang Fang stood up and looked down at Qin Gu, like a victorious general.

"Are you really a senior?" Seeing Wang Fang's arrogant appearance and determined tone, Qin Gu really believed it a little, "If you are a senior, shouldn't you start school today? Why haven't you gone to class yet?"

"If you still don't believe it, go back and ask the girl of the Simon family. It's my sister, not my sister. I know that your spiritual magic should be able to communicate with her. Again, it's my sister, not my sister. She should be with you now. Wang Fang saw that Qin Gu was still suspicious, so she directly asked him to ask the people around him. Just thinking of Ximen Jingtong, I couldn't help sweating behind my back.

"Do you know Sister Lun and Sister Tong? Are you really a senior sister? Qin Gu has believed at this moment. Although her appearance is really unconvincing, she should not be able to fake it if she dares to meet someone. It's just that she even knows Sister Lun and Sister Tong? There have been rumors outside that they are dead. Why... She will know, and she will know that they are with me. However, she doesn't seem to know about Sister Tong yet.

"Hmm!" Wang Fang was very satisfied with Qin Gu's reaction. He nodded and sat back on the sofa. "Okay, apologize to me."

"Little girl... Oh, no, senior sister. Can you tell me how you know these things? Is it also an investigation? How did you investigate it?" Qin Gu has completely cared about whether Wang Fang is a senior or not, but is interested in her source of intelligence. Although there are omissions and mistakes, at least 90% are correct.

Hearing Qin Gu's senior sister, Wang Fang showed a child-friendly expression, "Since you want to know, I'll tell you. However, you have to tell me what I want to know. You didn't say anything when I asked you just now.

"Definitely, as long as I know, I will tell you whatever you want to ask." Qin Gu felt that he accidentally found Bao. If he could grasp her source of information, many things would be much easier. Qin Gu paid attention to this little Lori.

"The first time I saw you was because of it." Wang Fang spoke and released the black grass again, "Do you know what it is?"

Qin Gu shook his head. Up to now, he doesn't know the name of the grass, but only that it is very strong.

"That's true." Wang Fang sighed, "Its called the messenger of the wooden god, and only the selected people can feel its existence. And its mission is to choose the next wooden god from these people.

"Wood God? Is it a wooden god? Because I sensed it and released it, I was also the chosen one? Is that why you investigated me? So what do you think it complains about me?" Qin Gu felt a little clear that Qin Gu still respected the gods of these elements. Nothing else, just because all the forbidden spells borrow their power. Although Qin Gu, who can release the forbidden spell now, has not been used once, he has already felt the high majesty of the gods of various systems. Although he doesn't even know what's going on, Qin Gu knows that it does exist.

I didn't expect this black grass to be a divine envoy. Qin Gu immediately rose to respect and was also worried that he had offended it? It seems that I haven't communicated much with it.

"It's not that simple." Wang Fang said seriously, "Although all the selected people can feel its existence, no one can communicate with it, let alone release it. It will only watch silently..."

"Wait, you said no one could release it, but I have released it, and now you have released it." Qin Gu interrupted Wang Fang's words. Isn't she staring and telling lies? Are you going to play with yourself again? Just now, I misunderstood that she was a child, so I didn't feel anything. But at this moment, she has changed into her own senior sister. Qin Gu is worried that there will be a second sister Tong. Anyway, I know her now, and her adoptive father is still working in his store. In case she really wants to torture herself like Sister Tong, it's really a headache.

"Don't stop talking, I haven't finished yet." Wang Fang glanced at Qin Gu with dissatisfaction, and she couldn't know what Qin Gu thought.

"Wow!" Qin Gu was secretly relieved, and it turned out that there was a follow-up.