All magic

Chapter 207 Several Phone Calls

Qin Gu did not interrupt, took the phone and quietly listened to Sack's narrative over there.

"Gu, the problem I want to talk about is not Xiao, but his father..."

Is Xuanyuan Zheng? Qin Gu meditated in his heart, and the man who had a fate came to his mind.

"Do you know that we once smuggled with the Xuanyuan family? This matter has always been in contact with Uncle Xuanyuan. Many negotiations and the list of goods were formulated by him, and some processes were also decided by him. It can be said that Uncle Xuanyuan is not only our partner, but also plays a leading role in smuggling. After saying that, he was silent for a moment. Qin Gu thought that he was finished. Just as he was about to ask a question, he heard Sak continue to say, "The last time, my father suddenly wanted to cut off the smuggling deal with Xuanyuan family. In fact, it was also because of a conflict with Uncle Xuanyuan."

What's going on? Qin Gu's heart is really getting more and more strange. Originally, I just planned to ask Sac to help find Xiao, but now it sounds like Sac is going to say something amazing.

"I also learned this because I began to take over the management of the family during this period." What Sack said was a little hesitant and seemed to have some concerns. "General, in a word... Gu, if you want to deal with the Xuanyuan family, I advise you not to contact Xiao or his father."

Qin Gu was looking forward to hearing some shocking secrets from Sack, but Sak said a word, which made Qin Gu a little disappointed, but it showed that the matter seemed to be very serious. Even Sak hesitated not to say it. It seemed that Xiao's "cheap" father did have a lot of suspicious things.

"Forget the matter of Axiao. Let's find my mother first." Qin Gu did not embarrass Sac. Since he was a little worried about A Xiao or A Xiao's father and didn't want to contact them, he would listen to him for the time being.

"No problem, this matter is up to me." Sack smiled boldly on the other side of the phone and hung up the phone without saying a few words to Qin Gu.

Alas, Qin Gu sighed. Xuanyuan Zheng? What kind of character is he? Didn't Xiao say that his father cut off his relationship with the family and went to France because he quarreled with Grandpa Xuanyuan and didn't even want the position of the head of the family? Why does it feel that he still seems to be working for the Xuanyuan family, and the position seems to be very important. If Xuanyuan is really a hidden chess piece of the Xuanyuan family, then it is necessary to re-examine the power of the Xuanyuan family.

Sak once said that there are only three space magic devices, except for their father and son, the remaining one was given to a very important friend. And A Xiao happened to have used it at the beginning. So, the important friend mentioned by Sack should be Xuanyuan Zheng. Being given such a prop is enough to see the weight of Xuanyuan. If he kidnapped Nangong Xiang and the patriarch of Beiming Nangong, could it be equivalent to the kidnapping of Xuanyuan's family? If so, then a series of analyses with Fangfang will be pushed back to the top. But there is a very important question in it. Does no one in Xuanyuan's family know this? The last time I snooped, there was no news about this at all. Is Grandpa Xuanyuan's secret too well, or doesn't he even know it? Is Xuanyuan really a secret trick of Xuanyuan's family, or does he have another purpose?

Qin Gu suddenly saw the Pangu axe placed aside. Is it all about the artifact? Qin Gu always felt that he had caught something, but because of too little information, he didn't seem to catch anything.

After a moment of hesitation, Qin Gu still called Wang Fang. The two didn't talk much. Qin Gu went straight to the point and talked about Xuanyuan and asked Wang Fang if there was any way to extend the matter of wood magic eavesdropping intelligence to France. After getting Wang Fang's positive reply, he hung up the phone. It can be heard that what Wang Fang said to Qin Gu is difficult to sort out for a while, and she also needs to think about it carefully.

Qin Gu walked to the window and saw the "new" Nangong family outside, which exuded great vitality. No matter what kind of work they were doing, everyone had a bright smile on their faces. I thought that the withdrawal of the Xuanyuan family would make things clear and smoother in the future, and even solve the Xuanyuan family in a short time, but now it seems that everything is just the beginning.

At this moment, Qin Gu's phone rang again, and now the caller is Beiming Ruoxi.

"Little stream? What's the matter?" When the phone was connected, Qin Gu heard the other party gasping for breath, as if he was running in a hurry.

"Hu...Hu...Otani, Nangong Lini is missing." Beiming Ruoxi said anxiously as he calmed his breath.

Ah? Miss Li is missing? What's the matter?" Qin Gu didn't understand the meaning of Beiming Ruoxi. What does it mean to disappear?

"Before, after Sister Lun told me that she would discuss moving to the Nangong family in the evening, she went to Meimei's place. I'm thinking that if I really want to move to the Nangong family, there are some things that need to be clarified first, so I want to ask Nangong Linu. Bei Ming Ruoxi explained, "As a result, I searched all over the church, but I didn't find her shadow. That's when I remember that I haven't seen her for two days.

Qin Gu can hear the worry of Beiming Ruoxi on the phone. In fact, Qin Gu is very taboo to mention Nangong Linu in front of her. After all, she was unhappy with her because of Nangong Linu. But at this moment, Beiming Ruoxi's worry about Nangong Linu made Qin Gu find that there seemed to be no estrangement between her and Linu's sister. I thought that if Xiaoxi saw Sister Li, she would look like an enemy, but from the current situation and the last time Xiaoxi complained about herself coquettishly, she seemed to get along well with Sister Li. Qin Gu didn't understand what the girl was thinking, but it was always a good thing to get along peacefully.

"Xiaoxi, don't worry about it. Sister Li is not a child. Didn't she disappear for a while last time? Maybe Sister Li will do something again this time. She is a saint and will definitely be very busy. Qin Gu comforted Beiming Ruoxi, but his heart was a little awkward. What is Nangong Linu going to do? Is it to help Xuanyuan's family again? Qin Gu will not say these words.

"No, it's not." Who would have thought that Qin Gu's explanation was not accepted by Beiming Ruoxi. After a veto, she was silent for a while, and then said carefully, "This time I always have an inexplicable uneasiness in my heart, and it seems that someone is always following me today. I'm afraid that something will really happen to Nangong Linu. I always have a feeling that the Eastern family seems to be a little scary on the side of the church. Therefore, I am very agree with Sister Lun's saying that she wants to live in the Nangong family. Xiaogu, I can't tell Lingling about these things. What do you think I should do?

This girl's sixth sense is really accurate, Qin Gu sighed in his heart. Regarding the matter of the Oriental family, she has actually found that something is wrong. Although Qin Gu felt that Dongfang Lvyang should not do anything out of style for the time being, he would send someone to stare at Xiaoxi, which means that he should have been preparing. It seems that it should not be too late. Anyway, we must let everyone leave the church as soon as possible.

"Brook, don't worry about it. It's okay. Don't tell everyone these things, just keep your usual natural appearance. I don't think I need to wait until the evening. I'll go there in a moment and ask Sister Lun to call everyone here. We will move to the Nangong family now. Qin Gu thought for a moment and decided to leave the church immediately to avoid any unexpected situation and reassure Xiaoxi.

"Hmm." Hearing Qin Gu's words, Beiming Ruoxi agreed gently.

Qin Gu hung up the phone and wanted to contact Ximen Jinglun first, but he thought that the Nangong girl mentioned just now that Beiming Ruoxi had disappeared. There is always a pimple in Qin Gu's heart. He doesn't worry about what will happen to Nangong's daughter. He always feels that she is going to work for the Xuanyuan family again. How can she get her sister out of the Xuanyuan family? Why did she help the Xuanyuan family so much? Has she been mastered by the other party? Is it about her background? The more Qin Gu thought about it, the less he felt. He didn't know how to describe this feeling. It's like my own woman, throwing herself into the arms of others, entangled, entangled!

Just ask Sister Linu directly. Qin Gu thought it was useless for him to worry about this. He would persuade Nangong Linu to leave the Xuanyuan family again. However, when Qin Gu dialed Nangong's number, it reminded that the other party had turned off the phone. Why did it turn off? Qin Gu, who couldn't get in touch with Nangong Linu, became more and more unhappy. This feeling was no longer his own woman. She threw herself into other people's arms, but her own woman, who had already gone to other people's bed. Qin Gu was a little broken down.

"Sister Li, where are you?" No matter whether others will hear their own shouts or not, Qin Gu raised the spiritual magic to the maximum and shouted crazily in his heart.

Fortunately, Qin Gu's strength and voice have really been conveyed to the Nangong Linu in the dungeon. But as Qin Gu himself thought, not only Nangong Linu heard this cry, but also several people who also know spiritual magic heard the words conveyed by Qin Gu's consciousness.

"Xiao Gu, you..." In the church, Beiming Ruoxi, who had just hung up the phone with Qin Gu and walked to his room at ease, suddenly stagnated. Listening to the message received by consciousness, he muttered to himself. She could hear that in addition to worrying about Nangong Linu, Qin Gu's tone also had some different emotions.

Beiming Ruoxi showed a wry smile on his face, but there was no surprise. Then he took a step back to the room.