All magic

Chapter 226 Painful Beauty

Hearing Wang Fang's question, Ximen Jinglun, who was walking towards her, was stunned for a moment, and then came to her with a wry smile and asked, "Do you really know what it is?"

Wang Fang did not deny it and sighed, "Let's talk about this later. Let's talk about the situation first?"

Ximen Jinglun did not investigate immediately and told Wang Fang in detail what had just happened.

"This is my mistake, which was previously omitted." Wang Fang became in trouble. She looked at Meimei and listened to Ximen Jinglun. She was the only one who could fight against Nangong Linu. But if she attacks, what should Xuanyuan Qinghong do? Damn Qin Gu didn't hold back Xuanyuan Qinghong. Now he is trapped again. What should he do at this time? Wang Fang felt a little sad in her heart. Although Nangong Linu's sudden trouble surprised her, if Qin Gu is here now, she doesn't have to have such a headache.

Ximen Jinglun also saw Wang Fang in embarrassment for the first time, so she guessed that she might be helpless, and then asked tentatively, "Would you like to ask Xiao Gu? Maybe he will have a countermeasure?"

"Oi, ask him first." Wang Fang agrees with Ximen Jinglun's opinion that we can't work hard here. He is free alone. Although it was a little joke, Wang Fang really hoped that Qin Gu could come back and immediately ordered Meimei to tell Qin Gu about this place.

At this time, several bodyguards in the principal's office were left by Xuanyuan Qinghong to monitor Qin Gu, and their ears were about to cocoon. For the past half a day, they listened to Qin Gu's endless chatter alone. Several times, they couldn't wait to rush out and sew Qin Gu's mouth. However, Qin Gu's nagging is not ineffective. At least these bodyguards seem to have been brainwashed and have special resentment against Dongfang Luyang. Originally, the Xuanyuan family and the Oriental family were not two-sided, but it was easy to understand that Qin Gu was so restrained and deepened their hatred.

Huh? Why doesn't this boy talk about it? Suddenly, these bodyguards found that Qin Gu had been quiet for a long time, and his expression was not as relaxed as before. What was the boy thinking about?

Qin Gu is like this precisely because of the latest news from the United States. He didn't want to believe that Nangong Linu would take action for Xuanyuan Qinghong at this moment. At the first time, Qin Gu wanted to contact Nangong Linu, but he had no choice but to find that the other party had cut off all the communication between spiritual magic and the outside world and could not be contacted at all.

What should I do? The Nangong family is now in crisis, and Qin Gu also knows that if Xuanyuan Qinghong and Nangong Linu join hands to attack, Meimei alone can't stop it at all. Moreover, there is also a weak Lin Bo, who is going to fall into a passive situation. In case of carelessness, this action may fail. Of course, Qin Gu didn't know that Lin Bo had been appointed by Xuanyuan Qinghong.

Looking at the location of several bodyguards, Qin Gu hesitated. These people have already been locked by Qin Gu, and he doesn't want to be controlled by others. At this moment, he was thinking about whether to control them with spiritual magic and then rush over. But in this way, his plan to blame the Oriental family is likely to come to an end.

At this moment, Qin Gu suddenly felt an inexplicable throbbling in his heart. He grabbed the clothes on his chest sadly, and a feeling of panic and pain hit his whole body. Is this beautiful? Has anything happened to her? Qin Gu could deeply feel that this pain came from beauty. He couldn't help worrying about the girl and shouting desperately, but he couldn't get a response from the other party. Qin Gu couldn't sit still anymore. At this moment, he couldn't care so much. He hurried out of the window and rushed to Xuanyuan's home.

Those bodyguards were stunned when they saw Qin Gu's painful appearance, thinking about what the boy was doing. But when they didn't react, Qin Gu had left quickly, which caught them off guard.

"It's wrong. How did you let him run away?" Several bodyguards exclaimed and quickly followed.

"Beautiful, hold on, I'll be right there." Qin Gu, who sprinted with all his strength, ignored the few people behind him. At this moment, he is very worried about the comfort of Meimei, Ximen Jinglun and Beiming Ruoxi. Thinking of Qin Gu, Meimei and others may have been attacked. Perhaps in the worst case, as Wang Fang guessed just now, Xuanyuan Qinghong, Nangong Linu, Lin Bo and others joined hands to fight back.

"Meimei, how are you? Is it all right?" Ximen Jinglun and Wang Fang supported Meimei from left to right, and Ximen Jinglun asked worriedly.

How's it going? Is everything all wrong with her?" Wang Fang also anxiously asked the medical staff who were examining Meimei, and the rest of Nangong Shenyi and others were also worried.

"There is nothing abnormal. Should she be fine?" After the examination, the medical staff said strangely that they were not even sure whether the examination was correct, because Meimei's current appearance did not seem to be okay.

"How can it be okay? She is in so much pain." Ximen Jinglun was really anxious and wiped the sweat on Meimei's forehead and said, "Meimei, what's wrong with you? Don't scare us."

At this moment, the beauty is covering her head with her hands, moaning in pain and sweating. If it hadn't been for the help of Ximen Jinglun and Wang Fang, she would not have been able to stand still.

Wang Fang was not as excited as Ximen Jinglun. She didn't doubt the words of the medical staff, but just wondered what happened to Meimei? It was fine just now. Why was it so painful all of a sudden? If Ximen Jinglun hadn't caught her quickly, I'm afraid Meimei would have fallen directly to the ground.

" By the way, there should be some green flowers at the East Gate. You can pick some. The flower is very inconspicuous. You should look for it carefully. Wang Fang suddenly remembered that he asked Qin Gu to release some therapeutic plants at the East Gate, so he immediately ordered people to pick them back to see if it would be effective. After all, it was holy magic.

Hearing Wang Fang's words, Nangong Shenyi and others immediately separated and quickly picked some green flowers that were only the size of a thumb cover.

"Senior sister, is this it?" Nangong Shenyi took one and handed it to Wang Fang to ask.

"Yes, that's it." Although Wang Fang has never seen it, she can feel the breath on this inconspicuous flower like Nangong Shenyi. Immediately, the flower was fruited and sent to Meimei's mouth and said, "Meimei, eat it."

But Meimei just covered her head in pain, as if she couldn't hear Wang Fang's words at all. However, Wang Fang had to ask Ximen Jinglun and Nangong Shenyi to help her and feed the flowers into Meimei's mouth in person.

"Eat it quickly and chew it." Wang Fang was helpless. The flower was sent into Meimei's mouth, but she had no intention of swallowing it. Wang Fang even wanted to pull the beautiful chin to help her eat the flowers.

At this time, Qin Gu had rushed outside Xuanyuan City at a very fast speed. At a glance, he saw the beauty supported here and landed immediately.

"Mei, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Meimei's crying expression, Qin Gu's heart ached. The rest were first surprised by the sudden arrival of Qin Gu, but they didn't care so much at this moment. They were all worried about beauty.

When Ximen Jinglun saw Qin Gu coming, she directly asked him to come and hug Meimei and told him about Meimei's sudden attack just now.

"How could this happen?" Qin Gu also panicked, holding the beautiful crying in his arms, and his face was full of worry. Like the examination of medical personnel just now, Qin Gu helped Meimei check it at the first time and constantly released the healing magic. But as a result, like the medical staff just now, not only can't check what's wrong with Meimei, but also the healing magic is useless.

At this time, the bodyguards who followed Qin Gu also saw the following scene.

"What should I do?" However, their attention was attracted by the war situation in Xuanyuan City. Unexpectedly, the family suffered this disaster? They couldn't wait to rush down and fight immediately. But reason told them that they could not do this. In the face of the current situation, one of them asked at a loss.

"Report it to the suzerain first." Another person took a deep look at Qin Gu's side and decided. Then, several bodyguards flew back to Xuanyuan's home.

I don't know whether Qin Gu's healing magic worked, or the green flowers that Wang Fang stuffed into her mouth just now worked. The beautiful expression was no longer so painful. Her hands drooped and her eyes were closed, as if she were sleeping peacefully. Ximen Jinglun wiped her sweaty forehead. After wiping it again, Meimei no longer sweated.

Everyone was relieved to see Meimei quietly snuggled in Qin Gu's arms.

"What's wrong with this girl?" Wang Fang breathed a sigh of relief. Among the people in Qin Gu, except for Ximen Jinglun, only Meimei has the best relationship with her. Because the "hold" has always been managed by Meimei, Wang Fang is often with her. As soon as the two go, the relationship between the two is getting better and better. Wang Fang sincerely likes this little girl who is a little simple. Although she knows that she is not a human, it does not affect their friendship at all. Although she remained calm just now, her heart was already confused. At this moment, she was finally relieved and touched her beautiful and calm face. This picture is a little strange. What does this little Lori think of it? It is not beautiful and mature, but it shows such an expression. But now, who still cares about this?

Wang Fang's words asked the voices of everyone present, but no one knew the answer to this question, including Qin Gu, who knows beauty best. He also wanted someone to tell him what was wrong with Meimei.

At this time, before Qin Gu had time to examine Meimei again, his whole face was extremely serious and quickly turned his head to the direction of the Chinese Magic Academy in the distance. Like Qin Gu, Ximen Jinglun also looked in that direction with a solemn face.

I was shocked by the reaction of Qin Gu and Ximen Jinglun. Wang Fang and Nangong Shenyi looked over together. Is there anything over there?