All magic

Chapter 256 Nangong Linu Murder

Nangong Linu and Beiming Ruoxi looked at each other in horror. They didn't expect that they heard great news after eavesdropping like a prank.

"Do you want to take them directly..." Beiming Ruoxi wiped his neck fiercely and looked at Nangong Linu. I believe that the other party also has this idea at this moment. After all, those people also mentioned Qin Gu in the dialogue. They even have to deal with Qin Gu, which is intolerable by Beiming Ruoxi.

Nangong Linu nodded and squinted at Beiming Ruoxi, which meant that she was in charge of this matter.

"Sister Fangfang, let's go back." After a long silence, Qin Gu said to Wang Fang. He was really not in the mood to tell a story today. After seeing Wang Qiang, Qin Gu didn't expect it to be so uncomfortable.

Wang Fang nodded and followed Qin Gu to leave together. When passing through Beiming Ruoxi's table, the stalking women all lowered their heads to avoid being recognized.

"They're gone." Dongfang invited the spirit to open his mouth to indicate whether he wanted to continue to follow.

"You keep following me. I still have something to do." Nangong Linu gave Beiming Ruoxi a look.

"Let's go." Beiming Ruoxi took the lead in getting up, and then continued to follow in the dark with Ximen Jinglun and the spirit of the East.

"Wow!" With long breath, the expression of Nangong Linu, who was sitting alone, became sharp. Unexpectedly, she met a big fish today.

Nangong Linu has explored the deepest part of those young people's hearts and knows all about their identities. Unexpectedly, they were all from the Xuanyuan family, which surprised Nangong Linu. I didn't expect that those who seemed to be idle would hide so deeply. If they hadn't checked it deliberately, they wouldn't have been able to see their identity. And the man named Brother Feng is actually Xuanyuan Feng, who mastered the rudder of the Xuanyuan family at this stage.

These are nothing. Even if the content they talked about is shocking and reveals some of the actions of the Xuanyuan family at this stage, it has not aroused much interest from Nangong Linu. But like Beiming Ruoxi, they actually mentioned Qin Gu and wanted to harm him, which touched the bottom line of Nangong Linu.

Since you have met it, let's send them directly. Nangong Linu's eyes were full of murder and moved her wrists. This was the first time she had killed a murder.

"Brother Feng, er..." In the private room, a young man just opened his mouth and suddenly fell down with a painful expression.

Xuanyuanfeng was caught off guard by this sudden change. He didn't understand what was going on, but he was stunned, and people fell down like that one after another, and Xuanyuanfeng's eyes were more and more shocked.

Immediately after that, it was Xuanyuanfeng's turn to doom. As soon as he felt a headache, he felt that his brain was like a bomb explosion, and then he was unconscious, staring into disbelief, shocked eyes, and stepped into the footsteps of the young people.

After doing all this, Nangong Linu calmly paid the bill and walked out of the coffee shop.

In just a few minutes, Nangong Linu caught up with Beiming Ruoxi and others. They nodded to Beiming Ruoxi, and they continued to follow Qin Gu. Dongfang invited Ling to think that Nangong Linu just went to the bathroom. After all, it was only a few minutes, and no one could imagine that Nangong Linu had killed several people in such a short time.


"Sister Lily, shall we go to see Xiaogu?" Everyone returned to Nangong's home. After breaking up with Wang Fang, Qin Gu went straight back to his room. Dongfang invited Ling to ask Nangong Linu, and everyone saw Qin Gu's depression.

"Forget it, let him calm down." Nangong Linu shook her head, "I'll find Xiaoyi." She wants to talk to Nangong Shenyi about some information she will get from young people.

Beiming Ruoxi nodded and said to everyone, "Let's disperse. Don't disturb Xiaogu today."


"Sister Li, why did you come here?" Nangong Shenyi stayed in Nangongsi's former study and was dealing with things. The sudden arrival of Nangong Linu gave him a big surprise.

"Why, it's not welcome?" Nangong Linu smiled.

"How can I? I can't wait for you to come here every day." Nangong Shenyi quickly got up to make tea.

"Sister Li, I think it's up to you to be the head of this family. My ability is not good." When the two sat down, Nangong Shenyi said with a wry smile, "During this period, the efficiency of various things in the family was significantly lower than before. However, every time you come to help, the efficiency is restored, even higher than before. I haven't solved the matter of recruiting troops with the escort for three days. You came to save it.

"Little Wing, you have to believe in yourself and don't underestimate yourself. No one is born to know everything. You have done a good job now. Nangong Linu decisively refused, and now she just wants to be with Qin Gu.

Nangong Shenyi was helpless. After several invitations, he was rejected by Nangong Linu, so he stopped talking about it. "Sister Linu, are you free today? It just so happens that I can't make up my mind about some things here. Please help me make suggestions.

Nangong Shenyi spoke and was about to get up to get the documents on the table, but was stopped by Nangong Linu.

"I'm not busy. I'll tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Nangong Shenyi asked and sat down again.

"I met Xuanyuanfeng today." Nangong Linu said.

"Xuanyuanfeng? Isn't that the leader of the Xuanyuan family now? Nangong Shenyi was very surprised that Sister Li actually met him?

"Well, I killed him." Nangong Li's words are amazing.

"Kill?" Nangong Shenyi widened his eyes and looked at Nangong Linu. Seeing the other party's calm face, I was sure that I heard it correctly.

"Xuanyuanfeng was killed, and now Xuanyuan's family will definitely be more chaotic." Nangong Shenyi quickly recovered, and this period of exercise has allowed him to think from a higher perspective. What does the news brought by Nangong Linu mean to Nangong Shenyi and the whole Nangong family? This is something that Nangong Shenyi needs to consider immediately.

"That's not the point I want to say." Nangong Linu interrupted Nangong Shenyi's thinking and continued to say.

Isn't this the point? Nangong Shenyi looked up at Nangong Linu doubtfully. Nothing was more important to him than this news. He never dreamed that Nangong Linu would kill Xuanyuanfeng at this time.

"After our last withdrawal from Xuanyuan City, there was a battle between the Xuanyuan family and the Oriental family. Although there is no ten-thust war like us, the destructive power of the confrontation between many masters cannot be underestimated. Nangong Linu said the information peeped from Xuanyuanfeng's heart.

Did the Xuanyuan family have a battle with the Oriental family? Nangong Shenyi couldn't react and casually asked, "Is it planned by Big Brother and Xiao Yu?"

"I don't think so. I'm afraid there are still some secrets in it." Nangong Linu shook her head.

"Then I have to tell my eldest brother quickly." Nangong Shenyi felt that the situation was serious, as if he had asked the leader for instructions. The first thing he wanted to hear Qin Gu's opinion.

Seeing Nangong Shenyi take out his mobile phone, Nangong Linu immediately stopped it, shook her head and said, "Don't tell Xiaogu, I'm afraid he already knows."

"Do you think the big brother already knows? But why didn't he say it?" Nangong Shenyi asked uncertainly.

"I'm just guessing, but I'm completely sure. I still remember that Xiaoyu and Xiaogu went to the balcony to talk alone last night. I think that's what they said at that time. As for why Xiaogu never mentioned it, I think he should have his own plans. Nangong Linu explained.

Nangong Shenyi thought for a moment, and it was indeed as Nangong Linu said. Not to mention other channels, Wang Fang's ability to find out the news alone, if there is really such a tragic battle, she will not know, and then Qin Gu will not know. But what's the purpose of doing this? Nangong Shenyi asked himself, so he didn't guess. As the saying goes, don't guess what the eldest brother thinks. You can't figure it out. Anyway, in the end, he will definitely solve everything. Blind trust in Qin Gu now occupies the whole body of Nangong Shenyi.

"What I told you, don't tell others. Oh, by the way, the stream may also know. Nangong Linu continued, "Tell you this mainly to tell you the next action of the Xuanyuan family. You can arrange countermeasures early."

Nangong Linu finally talked about the key points, and Nangong Shenyi listened carefully. As for how Nangong Linu learned this news, Nangong Shenyi didn't care about it. It's normal to kill Xuanyuanfeng and get some news. The trust between Nangong Shenyi and Nangong Linu is only for Qin Gu.

"Xuanyuan Qinghong has completely disappeared and has not appeared yet. This is the most important thing for Xuanyuan family at present. Find Xuanyuan Qinghong." Nangong Linu paused and looked at Nangong Shenyi, but she didn't say a word. The missing people are not only Xuanyuan Qinghong, but also Lin Bo, who Nangong Shenyi has been looking for.

Seeing that Nangong Shenyi's face was calm, Nangong Linu nodded in her heart. The child really grew up and was no longer the submissive little boy. She mentioned Xuanyuan Qinghong. Nangong Shenyi should be easy to guess, and Lin Bo is also missing. Otherwise, Nangong Linu will tell him Lin Bo's news.

Everything is considered in the overall situation and will not be influenced by his own private feelings. This is the quality that a qualified suzerain should have. At this point, it has to be said that Nangong Si is not as good as Nangong Shenyi, and it is right to choose him as the new suzerain.

"In addition, the Xuanyuan family is currently integrating their power, and they are ready to temporarily lie dormant like their ancestors. However, they will take some actions in private so that they can fight back in the future. As far as we know, they are contacting some military and political figures and preparing to make an article from them. And the first step of their plan is to provoke us and the Oriental family and let us go to war. Nangong Linu smiled, and also Nangong Shenyi, who heard this, also smiled.