All magic

Chapter 284 Low-key Ceremony

Not long after calling his mother last night, Qin Gu received a call from his mother. She has helped Qin Gu agree on the time and place to meet Xuanyuan. However, when it comes to Pangu Axe, his mother told Qin Gu that Xuanyuan would tell him about it in person after meeting.

After the call with his mother, Qin Gu originally planned to discuss with Wang Fang with her with his bold ideas, but it was too late, so Qin Gu had to give up. Let's wait until the ceremony is over.

This ceremony is naturally the ceremony of Nangong Shenyi to take office as the wooden god, but even Wang Fang is not clear what kind of ceremony it is.

In the early morning, everyone got up early and stood outside the courtyard of the patriarch's room. Nangong Shenyi and ordered Nangong Ming in advance to isolate the surroundings and not allow anyone to enter. The ceremony is about to begin.

Everyone surrounded the circle and wrapped the Nangong divine wing in the middle, and beside the Nangong divine wing was the inconspicuous grass, the messenger of the wooden god. There is nothing else.

"Senior sister, is that really the case?" Nangong Shenyi asked uncertainly, is this the ceremony? It's too simple and monotonous, isn't it?

"I don't know. It's good that I can find the successor of Mu Shen, and I don't know how to take over. In a word, try to communicate with it and try to contact the previous wooden god, who is the old man in your dream, to see what the reaction is. Wang Fang spread her hands and said helplessly.

"Xiaoyi, don't worry, we are all here with you." Qin Gu said to comfort Nangong Shenyi, who smiled at Qin Gu and nodded.

Everyone doesn't know what God's office is like. At this moment, they are nervous and looking forward to it. This is a rare scene.

Nangong Shenyi closed his eyes and was highly focused, removing all external factors. At this moment, he could only hear his own even breathing.

Feeling the existence of the messenger of the wooden god around him, Nangong Shenyi quickly got in touch with it. And in my mind, a picture gradually appeared. It is what he always dreamed of these nights, the old man and the grass.

Nangong Shenyi tried to communicate with the old man in his mind, but this time it was not as smooth as when he communicated with Xiaocao. Perhaps because the old man in his mind was just a virtual shadow, Nangong Shenyi could never talk to him and only saw him smiling kindly at himself.

"Old man..."

There is no response.

"Lord Wood..."

still has no response.

Once, twice, several times, Nangong Shenyi has been sweating profusely. But no matter how she summoned, the old man did not respond at all.

A long time has passed, and the audience is becoming more and more nervous. Even the depressed Oriental Invitation Spirit is holding Nangong Linu's hand tightly at this moment.

"MB, old man, you are talking." I don't know how many times I called, but Nangong Shenyi, who has always been polite and polite, couldn't help swearing. It's enough to see that this boy is about to be driven crazy.

It's strange to say that after Nangong Shenyi scolded, the smile on the old man's face suddenly disappeared, and he also felt an unnamed tingling in his mind. But these were fleeting. Immediately, the ting disappeared, and the old man's face returned to a smile.

"I'm sorry..." Nangong Shenyi hurriedly apologized, but this gave him confidence. The swearing just now has obviously been heard by the old man, which shows that they can still communicate with each other.

With this situation, Nangong Shenyi is calling harder, and its strength is also consumed more and more.

It seems that I can't get along with Nangong Shenyi for a long time after that. No matter how Nangong Shenyi called, the old man did not say anything, but every time he tried to swear, the old man would react immediately. This makes Nangong Shenyi laugh and cry. Can't she only scold?

In fact, this only shows that Nangong Shenyi's strength is still not enough to communicate with the elderly. And the old man is a god anyway. How can he tolerate other people's casual abuse, which makes Nangong Shenyi look a little tragic.

His physical strength was finally limited. When Nangong Shenyi's physical strength was about to be exhausted, he had no choice but to summon Shennong Ding. Although this artifact cannot provide Qin Gu with continuous power like Pangu Axe, it can help Nangong Shenyi speed up the recovery of physical strength.

He is not a person who gives up easily. He has seen hope. Nangong Shenyi gritted his teeth and insisted until the end. With the help of Shennong Ding, the battle of Nangong Shenyi is still going on.

"Why don't you go to dinner first? Xiaoxi, go and take care of Haozi." Seeing that the morning has passed, the Nangong Divine Wing in the circle is still fighting. Qin Gu looked at the tired look of the crowd and said.

"Now is the most important moment for Xiaoyi. Let's stay by his side." Bei Ming Ruoxi shook his head and looked at several other people. Everyone looked back with affirmative eyes.

In this case, Qin Gu no longer persuaded him and continued to cheer for Nangong Shenyi.

When Qin Gu focused his eyes on Nangong Shenyi again, his pupils suddenly shrank and suddenly found that the color of the black grass beside Nangong Shenyi was gradually changing. And this situation, not only Qin Gu, but also the rest of the people have found it. Is this going to succeed? Everyone became nervous and excited again.

The color change of the grass is slow, gradually rising from the root. Slowly, black turned green, which complemented the huge Shennong tripod behind Nangong's divine wings.

His eyes moved from the grass to Nangong Shenyi. His face was no longer as ugly as before, his eyebrows were no longer frowned, and even the sweat on his forehead disappeared. At this time, Nangong Shenyi's face was peaceful and peaceful, as if there was a fresh breath from him.

Qin Gu was suddenly stunned and became highly vigilant. Has it started? Qin Gu was prepared for the emergency. Once something happened, he could respond to it. Because he could clearly feel that Nangong Shenyi was gradually emitting a powerful force, and this power was also increasing rapidly. Soon, even Qin Gu couldn't see what kind of strength this was, and then it was so powerful that it made Qin Gu have a trace of fear. Finally, this powerful force actually brought pressure to Qin Gu, the shadow he once saw in the ten compass.

However, the power seems to have reached the spiritual point, and it seems that Qin Gu can no longer see through this power. The pressure brought by Nangong Shenyi to Qin Gu suddenly disappeared in an instant. Is it the inevitable dissipation of things? Or is it high enough to make people look down? Qin Gu didn't know, but he was even more afraid to relax his vigilance.

Suddenly, Nangong Shenyi opened his eyes, and then the Shennong tripod behind him disappeared, and then the green grass next to him broke apart, split into ashes and dispersed with the wind.

"Small, little wing?" Qin Gu saw that Nangong Shenyi opened his eyes and shouted in surprise. Because the one standing in front of him at this moment is undoubtedly his third brother, but Qin Gu can't feel any power fluctuation in him. Instead, it is a strange breath. It seems that Nangong Shenyi has integrated with the surrounding environment, and it seems that there is an indescribable affinity, which makes people unconsciously want to be close to him.

The appearance of Nangong Shenyi, even Nangong Linu, who broke through the holy level, was a little unbelievable. At this moment, she couldn't see through her cousin. Except for the beauty, who was not surprised?

"Well, brother, why are you looking at me with this expression?" Nangong Shenyi asked awkwardly when he saw Qin Gu's big mouth that could be stuffed into eggs. Then, when he saw that almost everyone looked at him with such an expression, he scratched his head and didn't know what to say.

"It's over, it's over?" This question came from Wang Fang. Such plainness and calmness are completely different from what Wang Fang expected in her heart, or even completely different from what she expected. In Wang Fang's opinion, why does the divine appointment have to be stronger than the effect of the forbidden spell? Not to mention the change of heaven and earth, at least there must be a strong wind, right? But why is it so simple?

The reason why Wang Fang is so sure is that she feels that her wooden magic strength is constantly declining. And the messenger of the wooden god, she can no longer feel it anyway. This should be the change brought about by the succession of the wooden god. That is to say, the current Nangong god wing is not only the suzerain of the Nangong family, but also the highest existence of the wooden system, the wooden god.

"Ye, it should be over, right?" Hearing Wang Fang's question, Nangong Shenyi looked at his body awkwardly. Even he didn't know whether he had completed the ceremony. Was he already a wooden god?

"What's wrong with it?" Qin Gu woke up from surprise at this time and hurriedly asked.

"No?" Nangong Shenyi's uncertain answer.

"What's your strength?" Qin Gu continued to ask.

Nangong Shenyi raised his arm and felt his strength, "Isn't there any change? Or the holy level? Breakthrough? Decreased? I, I don't know either."

I don't know if this boy is confused enough. Qin Gu was speechless and looked at Meimei. If she was knowledgeable, she would be counted here.

Seeing Qin Gu's inquiring eyes, Meimei turned her head and spit out a fragrant tongue at Qin Gu. Besides, I don't know what that means. Don't look at me.

"Forget it, anyway, as long as there is no accident. As for whether it is a wooden god or not, he will always know in the future. Don't be in a hurry. Qin Gu comforted the confused Nangong Shenyi and then said to everyone, "It's noon. Let's go to dinner."

Hearing Qin Gu's words, everyone also felt that their stomachs were protesting and nodded one after another, preparing to leave for dinner together. But just as they were about to leave, the change suddenly happened.