All magic

Chapter 291 Wang Fang's Countermeasure

He said goodbye to Han Zhiyuan and Zhao Qing's Qin Gu and took Meimei back to Nangong's home. He was depressed all the way until he returned to his home and didn't see a smile.

Meimei didn't understand why Qin Gu was like this. She wanted to persuade but didn't know how to persuade her. Moreover, she had many thoughts, so she ignored Qin Gu.

When he came back, he met Wang Fang, who "escaped" from Ximen Jingtong, and found that Qin Gu was unhappy and "enthusiastically" pulled Qin Gu back to his home, which seemed to help Qin Gu enlighten him, but in fact it was to find a place to hide.

"Is it confirmed?" Wang Fang waited for Qin Gu to finish the phone call and inquired, but looking at Qin Gu's expression, Han Zhiyuan must have said the truth.

"Well, Sack also apologized to me, and he didn't expect it to cause such a sensation. However, these are all small things. I don't care too much. What do you think Commander Han asked me to do these things? Especially in the end, he almost fell out with the people of the Holy Alliance, and I still understand his intention. Alas, I don't know how to face him again in the future. Qin Gu said depressedly, how could he not understand Han Zhiyuan's intention, but in this way, he really couldn't refuse anything in front of him in the future.

"You are such a stupid donkey. They sold you, and you still help count the money. He is taking advantage of you and eating you to death. Wang Fang said helplessly and looked at Qin Gu strangely, as if to say that your boy was hopeless.

"Isn't this a little heavy? He is so supportable that he has something to do. In addition to the previous things, it is also appropriate for me to help them. Qin Gu asked.

"What's heavy? It's light to use you. I think he just regards you as a 'useable' little brother. Wang Fangbai replied to Qin Gu at a glance.

"I don't quite understand..." Qin Gu smashed his mouth and looked at Wang Fang for advice.

"Okay, one by one. First of all, he asked the Nangong family to cooperate with their upcoming announcement. Why don't you go directly to the people of the Nangong family? It's obvious that I used you as a gun, and this time I helped them do it. As long as there is something inconvenient for them to do in the future, I guess they will come to you. Wang Fang said quietly.

"However, what we did last time..." Qin Gu also wanted to defend, but was interrupted by Wang Fang and said viciously, "Don't be naive. Do you think we can succeed at that time without their acquiescence? And why they acquiesced, because it's good for them to do so.

"But if they pursue..." Qin Gu continued to defend, Wang Fang continued to interrupt and continued to say viciously, "Wake up, they will investigate? Who will be prosecuted? The whole Nangong family? Do you think they will do this? Do they still want to give you small shoes? Don't forget that the whole Nangong family is behind you, and they can't do anything to you at all. What's more, now you... Forget it, let's not talk about this, and then go on.

Qin Gu was trained to shrink her neck, and this royal female tiger is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"The second thing is about Dean Group, which seems to be a small matter, but Han Zhiyuan told you your influence clearly. Normally, everyone should be tacit about such a thing in private, and there is no need to talk about it in front of you. Even if you don't know this, he only needs to mention it a little bit, and you will know as soon as you check it later. After all, such a thing is well known and not a secret. But he not only said it, but also said it so bluntly that it should not be done for people like him in officialdom. Wang Fang paused, picked up the water cup on the table and took a sip of water before continuing.

"If you think a little more, it's not difficult to understand what Han Zhiyuan means. He is warning you not to get carried away. If you think about it together with the topic just now, the meaning will be more obvious. He is telling you that the power you have will be used by him in the future. To put it bluntly, he will still treat you as a cheap laborer. These old foxes..." At the end, Wang Fang's tone was obviously a little excited.

"Sister Fangfang, calm down, calm down..." Qin Gu hurriedly opened his mouth to persuade him, with a cold sweat on his head.

"Hmm." Wang Fang snorted coldly and did not calm down her anger at all. "These are all good. The most sinister thing is the last request for you to contact the Xuanyuan family? Although your background is a little unexpected, is this possible? Not to mention our previous quarrel with the Xuanyuan family, I'm afraid that the people of the Xuanyuan family can't wait to give you a good look. Moreover, did they forget everything they did to the Xuanyuan family as soon as they turned around? I think they were scared by the sudden appearance of Xuanyuan, but this announcement had to be issued, so they wanted to send you, a little white sheep, to relieve them first, and then adopt a soft policy towards the Xuanyuan family.

"No, it's not as pessimistic as you think, is it? Commander Han said, even if Xuanyuan was contacting him. Moreover, Xuanyuan is coming back now. I guess he is in charge of the whole Xuanyuan family. It won't be too difficult for me, right? You know, he didn't embarrass me much when I was in France. Qin Gu was unwilling to defend, but he was quite helpless. He had basically believed what Wang Fang said and was used as a gun. But this gun has to be itself. Let's not talk about other people's feelings for themselves, but talk about the people's representative... Forget it, quickly collect all the artifacts and return to the original world, be our little citizens, and stay away from these things.

"Is this the same as France? Even if Xuanyuan is in charge of the whole Xuanyuan family, even if he does not intend to pursue you, can he calm the anger of the whole Xuanyuan family? Don't be afraid to say it bluntly, you have long been the number one unpopular person in the Xuanyuan family. Don't forget that you killed Xuanyuanxun before. And the women around you, which one is not the sworn enemy of the Xuanyuan family? It can be said that the relationship between you and Xuanyuan's family is basically immortal. If you ask me to say something, you can simply forget your background and be your Qin Gu. Don't expect that you will be called Xuanyuan Gu. Wang Fang said angrily.

"Xuanyuan Valley... It's really unpleasant. I won't call this even if I beat him to death." Qin Gu muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Wang Fang didn't hear clearly and asked.

"I mean, what should I do now?" Qin Gu spread out his hands and was very helpless. He really couldn't think of anything.

When asked by Qin Gu, Wang Fang fell silent, and then quickly laughed, just this smile...

"Fang...Sister Fangfang, are you all right?" Qin Gu asked carefully. This smile was too obscene...

"Go." Wang Fang glanced at Qin Gu and then smiled mysteriously, "If we use this well, it may be good for us."

"Come and listen?" Qin Gu's eyes lit up, and Wang Fang said so, and he had a bottom in his heart.

"First, let's talk about the easiest thing about Dean Group. Didn't Han Zhiyuan want to convince you to continue to cooperate with Chinese enterprises? To put it bluntly, it is to continue to cooperate with the Oriental family. Then you might as well promise him directly, and it's better to ask Sack to bring more cooperation projects to cooperate with them. Wang Fang said.

"Sister Fangfang, did I hear you correctly? Do you mean that you want me to promise Han Zhiyuan to help the oriental family grow? Qin Gu asked incredulously.

"Do you have a long brain?" Wang Fang stared at Qin Gu angrily, and the latter nodded like a small bottom.

"Then tell me, what is the most important thing we need to do now?"

"Collect all the artifacts."

"That's enough. All the artifacts have been born. As long as we collect the artifacts and return to that incredible world, what else should we do here? And if the Oriental family is involved by the Dean Group, isn't it more beneficial for us to gather artifacts? Therefore, the more projects we cooperate with, the better, and the busier the Oriental family, the better. Wang Fang said with a smile that she yearned for the original world in Qin Gu's mouth. Moreover, she also believes that all these people with artifacts remember that world, which shows that it is the real world. And what's going on in this magical world? Many incredible things, for Wang Fang, there is nothing more exciting than this. She wants to understand all this.

Qin Gu gave Wang Fang a sinister look. I'm still very happy. Fortunately, it's Wang Fang. As soon as the problem is reversed in her hand, it will change.

"Bear by the way, Sister Fangfang, didn't Sister Tong go to Uncle Ximen with Sister Lun? Why did I catch you?" Qin Gu, who was in a much relaxed mood, asked doubtfully. As the saying goes, one thing drops another, but Sister Tong should be the top of the food chain, right? Lian Fangfang, such a wise man, was also eaten to death by her.

"It's not all your fault." Wang Fang curled her lips and stared at Qin Gu and said, "Take that thing back, let the damn girl get the treasure, hand over all the things to Xiaolun and drill into her laboratory. My unlucky life... Don't stop me and tell you the truth."

"Yes, yes, you say, you say." Qin Gu said submissively.

"The rest of the following, in fact, whether it is to ask the Nangong family to assist them or let you contact the Xuanyuan family, it must be for one thing, that is, the next announcement they will announce. At that time, I'm afraid it may cause an uproar not only domestically but also internationally. Wang Fang said seriously.

"Yes, I think so too. This matter is really a headache." Qin Gu was in a dilemma.

"If you have a headache, don't worry about it." Meimei, who hasn't spoken for a long time, interrupted coldly.

"Yes, I don't want to care about it." Qin Gu subconsciously nodded and then was shocked, "Mei Mei, don't talk nonsense. Commander Han has made it so clear. How can I stay out of the matter? Right, Sister Fangfang, tell me what you can do."

"What method? Meimei is right, don't care." Wang Fang has an innocent face.

"Ah?" The boss of Qin Gu's mouth is open.