All magic

Chapter 300 Suffering Sark

"Xiao Gu, we..." After a long kiss, Beiming Ruoxi's tears had gradually stopped, and he looked at Qin Gu with confused eyes and whispered.

Qin Gu has long been itchy, although it seems a little inappropriate to do this thing at this time, especially Beiming Ruoxi's emotions are so angry. But now, he can't care so much, and everything is driven by his own will.

Qin Gu kissed Beiming Ruoxi's lips again and pressed her slightly rudely to ** and put her hand up and down.

"Lightly, okay?" Beiming Ruoxi struggled slightly to break free from Qin Gu and seemed to be aggrieved, but his breath was getting softer and softer. Calling on Qin Gu's face, it made him "beast blood boil".

He tore open the skirt of Beiming Ruoxi, and a few buttons rolled to the ground. Qin Gu looked at a pair of jade rabbits jumping out in front of him and his breathing aggravaged...

"It hurts." Beiming Ruoxi shouted coquettishly and held Qin Gu's arms tightly, with a trace of trembling in his hands.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Beiming Ruoxi's reaction finally recalled Qin Gu's human nature, which reminded him that although he had once in the physical world with Beiming Ruoxi before, this was the first time in reality.

Seeing the usual tenderness restored in Qin Gu's eyes, Beiming Ruoxi shook his head with a smile, loosened Qin Gu's arms, and wrapped his arms around Qin Gu's neck. "Xiao Gu, kiss me..."

"I'm sorry, I..." Qin Gu, who regained his senses, was very distressed and gently wiped the tears on Bei Ming Ruoxi's face.

"Don't say anything, kiss me, want me..." Beiming Ruoxi stared at Qin Gu affectionately and slowly closed his eyes.

"Xiaoxi, I love you." With a gentle sentence, Qin Gu lowered his head and buried it in Beiming Ruoxi's chest

"Well..." Beiming Ruoxi's body trembled and felt the gentleness of Qin Gu. The two were intertwined and finally brought what they had done in the world of Qin Gu's body to reality...


"Good morning, Uncle Xuanyuan, Xiao." Sack politely greeted the father and son in front of him.

"Hehe, don't be polite, just think this is your home." Xuanyuan said with a smile, "I still have something to do. Let him take care of you."

Xuanyuan pointed to Xuanyuan Xiao beside him, turned his head and said, "Say hello to others and have dinner together in the evening."

After saying that, Xuanyuan was getting up and leaving, leaving only Xuanyuan Xiao and Sac in the living room.

"Hu..." As soon as Xuanyuan was leaving the door, Sac exhaled a long breath. He was still relatively relaxed in front of Xuanyuan Xiao, "Xiao, every time I see your father, I dare not breathe."

"Ha ha, he is not a monster." Xuanyuanxiao smiled. Xuanyuanxiao was not unrestrained about this, the first friend he made after coming to this world.

"But is this guy getting stronger again? Uncle Xuanyuan already has the momentum. Is it really blood-related? Your father doesn't need to talk about it. Whether it's you or Gu, you are all perverts. Sark looked up and down at Xuanyuanxiao and said with a wry smile.

"hehe." Xuanyuanxiao smiled and didn't say anything.

"I'm still not used to drinking this." After sip of the tea on the table, Sack hesitated and said, "The list given to Uncle Xuanyuan last time..."

"Well, thank you very much for this." Xuanyuan nodded and motioned.

The list mentioned by Sack is the hidden hidden forces assigned by the oriental families to the major families. With this list, Xuanyuan not only found out the spies in Xuanyuan's family, but also learned from them about the kidnapping of Bei Mingli and Nangongsi.

Then the following things were simple. After dealing with his own traitors, Xuanyuan was taking the opportunity to let Song Li, who was far away in France, rescue Bei Mingli and Nangongsi.

"Thank you, as long as you can help." Sack waved his hand politely.

"Xiao, let me talk about our relationship directly." Seeing that Xuanyuanxiao was silent again, Sac was a little helpless. This guy became more and more like Xuanyuan, looking unfathomable.

"Say whatever you want." Xuanyuanxiao tasted tea pleasantly.

"What will Uncle Xuanyuan do when he comes back this time?" Sack asked seriously.

"Don't you know what he did when he came back? Ha ha, you have found the list that he can't even get. Why don't you even know what he has to do when he comes back? Xuanyuanxiao put down the teacup and looked at Sack with a smile.

In an instant, Sack felt that he was sweating all over. Xuanyuanxiao gave him a feeling at this moment, and the degree of horror even exceeded that of Xuanyuan. Is this really the Xiao you know?

Did not dare to relax any more. Sack straightened his body and said respectfully, "Xiao, don't misunderstand. That list is a clue that we inadvertently grasped when investigating your family's treasure. We never dare to do anything unfavorable to Uncle Xuanyuan.

Is that right? That Xiaogu thing..." Xuanyuan leaned forward, played with the teacup on the table with both hands, and still looked at Sac with a smile.

The air seemed to condense at this moment, and Sack subconsciously swallowed his saliva, but he couldn't say a word.

One second, two seconds... A few seconds are centuries long in Sack's eyes.

"Haha." Finally, Xuanyuanxiao put down the teacup in his hand, laughed, leaned back and leaned on the sofa. "Sak, what are you nervous about? Tell me, what are you going to do this time?

Xuanyuanxiao returned to the familiar appearance of Sac, and the atmosphere seemed to ease a lot, but Sak did not dare to make it again and did not dare to regard Xuanyuanxiao as his peer.

"Young Master Xiao..." Unconsciously, Sack used his honorific title.

"Master Xiao, aren't I still me? Why are you so polite, just like before? Xuan Yuanxiao interrupted Sac's words and seemed to complain.

"Xiao..." Sack called carefully. Seeing that Xuanyuanxiao didn't say anything, he continued to say, "This time it was because of Gu's entrustment that we Di'an Group resumed some business contacts in China. I also want to hear your opinion on this matter with Uncle Xuanyuan.

"Commercial things..." Xuanyuanxiao dragged a long voice, "That should be your group's business, but why does this have anything to do with Xiaogu again?"

Sark couldn't figure out Xuanyuanxiao's intention, so he had to tell the story. Of course, there are some hidden things about his speculation with his father, Dean.

"Well, it's hard to say. Since it's Xiao Gu's thread, you can go straight to him. Xuanyuanxiao tasted tea again and suddenly seemed to remember something. " By the way, didn't you ask me what he was going to do when he came back? Let me tell you directly that our Xuanyuan family wants to deal with the Oriental family.

Sark has never felt so uncomfortable, but he didn't expect to be killed by Xuanyuanxiao today. Just now, he said that he couldn't take care of business matters and let himself go directly to Qin Gu. But what does this last supplement mean? Tell yourself that the Oriental family is their enemy and let yourself not intersect with them? Especially if it is possible to strengthen the Eastern family, don't you want to do it?

"Ha ha, I think you misunderstood." Xuanyuanxiao smiled playfully when he saw Sac's ugly face, "Well, I'll go with you to see Xiaogu in the afternoon. You should be fine, right? However, you can't rest."

"It doesn't matter. It's okay. Let's meet Gu together." Sack was amnesty, and in such a moment, his heart was as undulating as a roller coaster. Now such a result is the best. Xuanyuanxiao goes to talk to Qin Gu, and he only needs to know what to do.

"Bear by the way, last time I saw Koya, I didn't talk much. It's time to meet that guy as a 'brother' this time. Should I bring him some gifts? Xuanyuanxiao whispered to himself, whether it was intentional or unintentional, but this was really heard by Sak. Is this an opening for a gift? I brought a lot of things, aren't you satisfied? I don't know whether he asked for this gift for himself or for Gu. Forget it, let's buy some later.

"Bear by the way, you just got off the plane, I'm afraid you don't know about it yet." Xuanyuanxiao seemed to suddenly remember something, said something, and got up and left.

Oh, God, Sack is really going crazy to be tortured by Xuanyuanxiao. What else is he going to sing? Chinese traditional Peking Opera?

"This is today's newspaper. Take a look." After a while, Xuanyuanxiao took a pile of newspapers and threw them on the table in front of Sack.

"Oh, I forgot that you have difficulty in recognizing Chinese. There is an English version below. Can you understand it?" Xuanyuanxiao explained a sentence.

Newspaper? Saak's mind was full of question marks and began to look for the newspaper in front of him. But it can be turned over and over... Isn't this all a Chinese newspaper?

Sak looked up at Xuanyuanxiao doubtfully, but the latter turned a blind eye, as if he was thinking about some profound question and closed his eyes. Well, keep looking for it.

The helpless Sack had to continue to look for clues from the newspaper. Looking through it more carefully than before, he finally found that there was English content, as if it was just a notice, which should be this.

Sak pulled out the newspaper and read the English content carefully, but the more he read it, the more he frowned. This notice is obviously the one issued by the officials.

What does it mean for Xiao to see this? Sack raised his head doubtfully and found that Xuanyuanxiao seemed to have finished thinking about the problem and was looking at himself with a smile. And that smile... Sark shivered for no reason.


At the same time, in a reception room of the Magic Association.

Master Dongfang Luyang sat on the sofa tasting tea, surrounded by eight staff of the Magic Association. Opposite Dongfang Lvyang, there is the vice president of the Magic Association.

"Hehe, the battle is really not small." Dongfang Luyang looked around, smiled, and said disdainfully to the vice president opposite, "Let Ximen Luo come. You are not qualified."