All magic

Chapter 302 Causes and Consequences

Bei Mingli is angry, first his daughter, and then his son. The original favor for Qin Gu is gone at this moment, and he even has the intention to keep his children away from this stinky boy.

Thinking of his daughter of the northern underworld family, why do you want to work with others? Thinking of the son of his northern underworld family, why do you have to shout at a little brother who has no identity?

However, the anger comes quickly and does not go slowly. Bei Mingli wanted to be more than Qin Gu, but found that the boy was staring at his son attentively, and the brilliance between his son's eyes was also extremely flexible. Although there is not a word between the two, everyone will feel that they are talking.

What's going on? How can there be such an illusion? Bei Mingli swallowed a bunch of curse words, and suddenly shot out of his eyes, staring at Qin Gu.

Isn't this boy proficient in spiritual magic? Although Bei Mingli doesn't know much about spiritual magic, he knows a lot about it. Seeing Qin Gu's appearance at this moment, he became more and more sure of his conjecture.

If Qin Gu can do spiritual magic and his strength is not weak, then he will have to re-examine his value. Bei Mingli calmed down and thought about it carefully.

The spiritual magic and dark magic extending from the light system can be described as the two most unpredictable magic. These two magics can not be mastered by hard work and exercise. All of them are born to be favored by gods and can be mastered by their favorites. And any of the people who mastered these two magics are the top figures. Even if their four families go back to history, there are only a dozen people with such strength. These people are all from their own. It is impossible to attract idle people with spiritual magic or dark magic. These people standing at the top, each with their eyes and high hands, why should they listen to you? Therefore, for such people, the four major families have always been serving as guests. Adhering to the strategy of not pleasing and not offending.

Now, Qin Gu, a master of spiritual magic, is in front of him and has a close relationship with his sons and daughters. Beimingli reassessed the value of Qin Gu. With the current situation of the Beiming family, if it can attract Qingu, it will add a lot of help to rebuild the family.

Thinking this way, Bei Mingli looks at Qin Gu, and the more "cute" it becomes. My daughter really has a unique vision and chooses a top candidate. Besides, who is the boy who is optimistic about at the same time as her daughter? Aren't they all the daughters of the four major families? We are not ashamed. Maybe in the future, you have to persuade your daughter to "cuff" this boy to death in the palm of your hand and let other women be a small one.

Thinking that in the future, his daughter may dominate the daughters of the other three families, and Bei Mingli even wants to laugh loudly.

And Bei Mingli feels that it is very correct for his son to call him Brother Qin Gu. As I thought before, maybe this stupid boy did such a right thing. What's more, their third brother is still the suzerain of the Nangong family. Thinking of this, Bei Mingli even wanted to pat his son on the shoulder and shout hello.

In this way, Bei Mingli ignored Qin Gu and his son there, and thought about how to persuade his daughter to tie Qin Gu to the boat of the Beiming family.

On Qin Gu's side, as Bei Mingli guessed, it is easy to use spiritual magic to communicate with Bei Minghao. After half a day of Q&A, Qin Gu already knew the beginning and end of the matter.

It turned out that the Oriental Yuhuang did choose to stand on his side as Qin Gu guessed. But after all, the other party is his father. Dongfang Yuhuang doesn't want to easily admit that his father will be a despicable villain. He intends to investigate everything first. At that time, if his father really did something out of line, Dongfang Yuhuang still fantasized that he could talk to him openly.

When Dongfang Yuhuang and Bei Minghao said what he thought, Bei Minghao felt that he could not help around Qingu, so he might as well follow Dongfang Yuhuang to investigate. Moreover, if Dongfang Yuhuang conceals Qin Gu, he can also quietly inform him at that time. In a word, Bei Minghao has his own thoughts, but he firmly stands on the side of Qin Gu.

The investigation was quite smooth. The so-called family has a great career, and some things can't be concealed at all. What's more, if the identity of Dongfang Yuhuang is there, it would be easy for him to investigate something.

Soon, Dongfang Yuhuang had some information, and his heart was very painful. He didn't expect that his father was really a robber. What I didn't expect was that my family had been coveting artifacts.

On the one hand, he has an artifact, his own good friend, and even his sister, including himself. On the one hand, there are their own relatives and their own family. When it came to the real team, Dongfang Yuhuang became hesitant.

Is it to help his father and family, assassinated his friends, and grab artifacts? Or help your friends against your father and the whole family? When the facts were in front of him, Dongfang Yuhuang thought for a long time and still couldn't make up his mind.

Bei Minghao looked at all these on the side. Seeing that Dongfang Yuhuang did not intend to tell Qin Gu about the matter, he planned to inform Qin Gu in private. Because at this time, he happened to know that Qin Gu was going to leave for a while.

Bei Minghao was worried about Qin Gu's departure. He didn't know when he would come back, and he was worried about what would happen here. Therefore, he intends to communicate with Qin Gu about some of the things investigated by Dongfang Yuhuang during this period before Qin Gu went abroad.

Unexpectedly, before Bei Minghao could inform Qin Gu, his mind was known by Dongfang Yuhuang. The two even quarreled about this. Finally, Bei Minghao finally compromised for the sake of the pain of the Oriental Emperor. Promise the latter to make a choice as soon as possible. If he chooses to stand with his family, he will not be able to stop Bei Minghao from returning to Qin Gu.

Dongfang Yuhuang is grateful to Bei Minghao. The reason why he doesn't want these things to be known by Qin Gu is that it involves too many oriental families. In his heart, he still doesn't want his family to be hurt. Imagine that Qin Gu dared to lead people to the old nest of the Xuanyuan family. What else can't he do? And is Dongfang Yuhuang himself really ready to stand against the family?

Although Dongfang Yuhuang knew that Qin Gu had known most of the things, he had never responded. In Dongfang Yuhuang's view, on the one thing, it may be to estimate the feelings of himself and the spirit, and on the other, it may be that Qin Gu has no bottom in his heart. But if he investigates the matter, he is told by Bei Minghao to Qin Gu, and the evidence is conclusive. It's hard to imagine what Qin Gu will do. At this moment, Qin Gu is going abroad, and Dongfang Yuhuang adopted the drag-and-word formula and intends to talk about it after he filters everything out.

Of course, if Dongfang Yuhuang intends to break with Qin Gu at that time, he will also release Bei Minghao back as promised.

However, the world is always unpredictable. Just when Dongfang Yuhuang was still struggling and didn't know what to do, he got an important information. The two suzerains Nangongsi and Bei Mingli were actually imprisoned by his father Dongfang Luyang. This news immediately made Dongfang Yuhuang cool from his head to his feet. He didn't even dare to tell Bei Minghao about this.

Secretly based on this intelligence investigation, some secret situations about the four oriental families were soon investigated. These things that should have been known when he succeeded to the suzerain, but they were mistakenly known by Emperor Dongfang in advance.

It was not until this time that the Oriental Emperor understood that as long as Qin Gu and others held artifacts, their relationship with their own family, the Oriental family, could never be reconciled. Even judging from some clues, Dongfang Yuhuang felt coldly that his father, who had always loved their brother and sister, would even attack them if possible.

However, the "naive" Dongfang Yuhuang still wants to talk to his father Dongfang Luyang, hoping that his father can give up the artifact. Dongfang Yuhuang's idea is very simple. After all, he is the next suzerain. If he inherits the family business, in any case, he will end the family's task of searching for artifacts. Anyway, sooner or later, whether my father should continue to dwell on this at this moment should also be carefully considered.

However, Dongfang Yuhuang did not expect that his father Dongfang Luyang, who had always loved him, was crazy for the sake of the artifact. Crazy, even the big one beside him was a little unbearable. At this moment, Dongfang Yuhuang recognized his father's true face. And A Da finally understood how persistent his master and his good friend Dongfang Luyang was to the artifact. What was said before for his son and for the great cause of the family, all this now seems to be a lie. But A Da can't change anything and can't stop anything. He can only watch Dongfang Yuhuang fall in front of him...

Of course, Dongfang Yuhuang is not very ignorant. Before he went to see his father Dongfang Luyang, he made some small moves. Not long after the accident, the person he arranged outside found Bei Minghao and forwarded a handwritten letter from Dongfang Yuhuang to the latter.

It was this letter that let Bei Minghao know everything. Dongfang Yuhuang in the letter did not hesitate to not only tell everything, but also warned Bei Minghao to leave immediately after seeing this letter and take refuge in the Nangong family.

But the Eastern Emperor ignored one thing, that is, the Northern Pluto. When Bei Minghao learned that his father had been kidnapped by the Oriental family, he was ferocious to ask Dongfang Luyang for an explanation. If it hadn't been blocked by the people from the Dongfang Yuhuang, I'm afraid Bei Mingli would have really rushed to Dongfang Luyang.