All magic

Chapter 307 Demon Lord

"Alas!" Lin Bo looked up at the cloudy sky and sighed deeply.

At the door of the secret road, Lin Bo secretly said in his heart, what does the suzerain mean when he sees that little girl? And how did the little girl get it? Did you show your feet when you went out? But why hasn't anything happened for so long?

In Xuanyuan's tomb, Xuanyuan Qinghong and Meimei sat opposite, but at this time, Xuanyuan Qinghong still had a trace of integrity and old appearance. Not to mention the abnormal spirit, the brilliance in his eyes was also indescribably deep and ghostful.

"Are you not going to do it yet?" Xuanyuan Qinghong broke the silence and opened his mouth with a sneer. After Meimei found herself, she didn't say a word. Naturally, she knew the purpose of Meimei's coming here, but she wondered why the other party did not do it.

"Hmm!" Meimei snorted coldly and cried bitterly in her heart. Xuanyuan Qinghong in front of him is indeed the one who followed Qin Gu and saw Xuanyuan Qinghong many times. But this Xuanyuan Qinghong is not the Xuanyuan Qinghong that everyone knows. In this old body, there is the master that Meimei came to look for this time, the devil who claims to be the devil.

Meimei originally wanted to kill him in one fell swoop, so as to avoid the following series of misfortunes she knew the "future". But after finding the demon according to her "memory", she found helplessly that she had no choice but to take the other party at this moment. Similarly, at this moment, the demon Lord, who awakened soon after awakening, also has no choice but to take beauty.

The two of them went on to such a stalemate, and Meimei didn't say a word and stared at the demon. Because Meimei saw that Xuanyuan Qinghong's body was a mortal after all, and the demon master was trapped here, and there would always be a time of negligence. At that time, it was time for Meimei to take the opportunity to kill him.

Seeing that Meimei ignored herself, the demon who possessed Xuanyuan Qinghong said to himself, "At the beginning, I suffered a lot of losses under you. Unexpectedly, your current strength is like this, which makes me a little unbearable. There is no sense of accomplishment after defeating you at this moment.

The demon master looked up and down at the beauty and added, "However, you must die."

"Well, it's you who are going to die, right?" Meimei finally couldn't stand the eyes and tone of the demon master and replied coldly, "I should have killed the killer at the beginning to avoid future trouble."

The devil smiled without any doubt. If Meimei really had the intention to fight with her at the beginning, she would definitely explain her life. But this beauty is like teasing dogs and animals. She only repels herself, but never kills her. This shame is also one of the reasons why the demon Lord hates beauty.

Touching the coffin beside him, the demon master said leisurely, "If you don't plan to do it, listen to me. In the old days, I will pour out my heart, and I will not be so boring.

The beautiful girl raised her head and knew that the demon seemed to want to tell the past. It just so happens that she also has many questions in her heart. When I heard what Xiao Er said last time, Meimei didn't dare to listen to the bias. I thought I had recovered all my memories and should have remembered these things, but the result was that I didn't know much except those similar to what Xiao Er said. At this moment, the demon wants to narrate, and she is naturally willing to listen and tell the story from another party.

Seeing that Meimei did not mean to refuse, Mo Zun smiled and wanted to speak. In fact, no matter whether Meimei refuses or not, he has to say it. Because today is different from the past, the beauty in front of us can't cause any trouble to itself. Similarly, that stinky boy is now much better than the United States. He just waits to recover his integrity, and no one can stop him.

So, Mo Zun naturally despised the name of beauty a lot. "Woman, what I regret most now is that I should not play with you and that boy on that day, so that I carelessly However, looking at the current situation, it doesn't seem too bad. This long wait has not been in vain.

Meimei's face was cold, and she naturally knew what the demon Lord said was that she and Xiao Er fought against him on that day. At that time, because they and Xiao Er stole each other's strength, their strength was greatly reduced, and they were killed by the demon master. At that time, if it hadn't been for the demon master, the two of them would have died long ago, and they would have won't have sealed the demon at the cost of themselves.

"However, it's not all bad things. At least, when it was sealed, I knew the existence of artifacts and their power. Think about it, the one who sealed this seat at the beginning seems to be a Pangu axe. You girl, it seems to be its spirit. The demon master laughed and raged.

The beautiful face was more gloomy and cold. Unexpectedly, the demon mentioned the artifact. Is he also paying attention to the artifact? Meimei knows that this artifact is the reverse scale of Qin Gu. So, no matter what the "future" is, this demon will definitely go to Qin Gu. In this way, the determination of the United States to kill Demons has become stronger.

The more ugly the beautiful face is, the happier the Demon Lord is and has been humiliated for so long. The pleasure of the battle alone cannot eliminate the humiliation in the Demon Lord's heart. Moreover, the result of the battle is even more humiliating for him, and he has been sealed for so long. Nowadays, if you can take advantage of your mouth, the devil's heart is also extremely happy.

"Don't you want to know why I am here?" Mo Zun smiled and said, "However, I also don't know anything. How did you find it here?"

"If you want to say it, just say it." Meimei said angrily and had no intention of answering the question of the demon master.

The demon was choked, slightly surprised, and smiled again, "That's all, you don't want to say it, and I don't force it. If you don't have this ability, it's strange to miss your magnificent Pangu axe.

"Alas." After saying that, the demon master sighed, "I didn't expect that the girl who had humiliated me for so long was actually just a spirit. This god with the essence of heaven and earth can't even beat a small spirit. I really want to get those magics as soon as possible and study them.

Bah. Meimei and softly said, "The god of shit, it's just a clown."

The demon was not angry or annoyed, as if he hadn't seen it. He talked about the past like a memory. "At that time, you trapped me with the mood of going to die together, so that I was taken by the boy and sealed into the Pangu axe. But at the last moment, I released a trace of consciousness and entered this guy's body.

As he spoke, the demon master patted the coffin again, but the smile on his face disappeared. "I didn't expect that this boy was simply useless. The family has inherited for so long, but they haven't even done a little thing, and I have given him the magic weapon in vain.

After being angry, the demon master looked at the seemingly incomprehensible expression and explained, "At the beginning, I 'trusted' the divine consciousness to this person at the last moment, as if it was called Emperor Xuanyuan. Not only that, I was still at the last moment, using the remaining power to make two treasures for him. The purpose is also very simple, that is, looking forward to the day when this seat wakes up, and he can put ten artifacts in front of this seat.

"But now you can have a look." The demon master glanced around helplessly, "Except for this useless coffin, there is not even a fart."

"Are you talking about the ten-arm compass? What's the other thing?" Meimei asked in surprise. She always wondered where the ten compass and other objects that could find artifacts come from. Before she recovered her memory and just woke up, like a "stupid girl", the information of these ten compasses hovered in her mind.

"Ha ha, you are finally interested in talking? It seems that you also know the ten-arm compass?" The devil asked a rhetorical question and affirmed the beautiful saying.

Meimei's heart is more suspicious. Sure enough, the ten-arm compass was made by the demon master. But this doesn't make sense. If it is true as the Demon Lord said, the ten-arm compass should have been sealed when it came out. How can I know its existence?

After turning through the memory in her mind, Meimei could never find any information related to it. As if she knew about the ten compasses, it should have been like those clear "futures" in her memory. However, while searching for memories, Meimei was also surprised to find out. In my memory, I did not come to Xuanyuan Qinghong, that is, the demon master.

But now, the two are clearly facing each other, and it seems that the future is destined to have changed. Somehow, Meimei suddenly relieved and didn't care about the ten compass. He muttered to himself, "Since the future has changed, will the 'future' in my memory also change? In this way, even if the demon can't be killed, the unfortunate 'future' may not appear again.

Mozun didn't find that Meimei was thinking about it, and then answered Meimei's second question, "Since you know the ten-arm compass, you know the function of these ten-arm compass. Since there are props to look for, naturally there must be props to control. If you can seal this seat, you can only be a weapon, and you will humiliate this seat for a long time. The power of this ancient axe can be seen. In this way, the power of other artifacts goes without saying. So you should have guessed it, right? The second thing I gave to this waste is the control card. With this thing in hand, no matter what the situation of the artifact was at that time, it can be easily controlled in anyone's hands.

After explaining, the demon master was so angry again that he slapped the coffin fiercely and patted the whole coffin into powder, together with the skeleton inside, which was assimilated into dust. "I didn't expect this waste to hold such a prop in his hand and achieve nothing. I'm really angry."

This palm of the demon will also take back the beautiful thoughts. The sudden appearance also gave Meimei's strength at this moment. Sure enough, he did not reach his heyday, and he could only be defeated by both sides. But this strength can't be dealt with by those people in Qin Gu. Even if you join hands with them, I'm afraid you won't get a discount. Unconsciously, Meimei actually thought of Xiao Er, if she added him...