All magic

Chapter 312 The Artifacts appear

At the beginning of heaven and earth, when there were human beings, virtues such as kindness and love were born. However, in addition to the positive advantages, human beings inevitably have many bad habits, resentment, indifference and so on. However, the vast majority of human beings who are good at camouflage hide these negative shortcomings under their masks.

Over time, these negative energies eventually turned into demons, and there was a demon in the world. Just as there is a small evil under the great good of human beings, there is also a small good under the great evil of the demon.

He is cruel, he is evil, he is the embodiment of all evil, but for the demon, all this is not up to him. He is not only brainless and blindly evil, but he always asks why. However, in this way, he is even more unwilling. Why did he suffer such treatment as soon as he was born? Why is he the embodiment of sin...

When the demon meets the beauty as pure as white paper, this emotion is more prominent. He wants to defeat the beauty and the purest beauty in the world. However, failure again and again, not giving up again and again have strengthened the belief of the demon master. However, he didn't know that all this stemmed from his inferiority.

Finally, in the thousands of years of being sealed, the demon master suddenly realized. Maybe this is an opportunity given to him by God. At the last moment he was sealed, he knew everything about the artifact.

At that moment, he vowed to get the artifact to become the strongest and kill Meimei and Xiao Er together. At that moment, he vowed that one day, when he woke up, he would torture the world with the power of artifacts and turn the world into a horrible hell. However, thousands of years have passed, and the demon has figured out everything.

The artifact is salvation and salvation for the demon. He resented his birth and was unwilling to be humble. But the artifact can change all this. In the end, the demon master thought of the correct use of the artifact, and he wanted to change it.

Therefore, when he woke up briefly, he did not vent his resentment on the Xuanyuan family and gave them another chance. When he had the opportunity to sneak attack Meimei, he did not kill her, but just froze her. However, the evil in the devil's bones made him not care about the ways and methods when ordering the Xuanyuan family to do a series of things. Let him show no mercy when he killed Lin Bo. The reason is that he doesn't like the old man who has taken care of him for a long time.

It can be said that the current Demon Lord is a contradictory collection. He wants to change, but he can't restrain the purest evil in his heart.

"Who are you?" It was Han Zhiyuan who asked this, and he also felt that Xuanyuan Qinghong in the sky had only a pair of skins left.

Mo Zun ignored Han Zhiyuan, but turned his eyes to Xuanyuan's sword held by Xuanyuan. "I didn't expect that I met you here. Why, do you still pretend to be dead? That girl has been disposed of by me.

The devil wants to use the artifact to change himself. The biggest obstacle comes from Meimei and Xiao Er. The three of them work hard and want to return to their peak. Now, Meimei has been frozen by herself, and the current second child, obviously, has been hit a lot. Nowadays, it can be said that no one can stop him.

Seeing the demon get the artifact, it is inevitable to fulfill his wishes. If it is done, how will he treat Meimei and Xiao Er? This pair of men and women who make him heartbroken? The contradictory demon may have forgiven them since then, or torture them to death to relieve their hatred.

Anyway, that's all the afterth, and in front of us, in the face of the "ants" below, the devil did not see them.

The demon master ignored it and naturally stripped Han Zhiyuan's face, but he couldn't get angry. Seeing that the other party gives people an inexplicable pressure, if you act rashly, you may know what kind of consequences it will bring. Han Zhiyuan could only pray that the strange Xuanyuan Qinghong just " passed by" and left quickly.

However, Han Zhiyuan was finally disappointed, and the demon master came here to fulfill his wish in one fell swoop. After dealing with Meimei, even if Xiao Er still pretends to be dead here, there is no threat. In the eyes of the demon master, the second child at this moment is only a little better than those ants in Qin Gu. Now is the best time for the devil.

raised his hand and waved gently, and a soft warm wind burst out from the demon, straight to Nangong Linu, Bei Minghao, and Dongfang invited three spirits. The warm wind has blown without waiting for everyone to react.

Qin Gu's heart tightened and did not expect that "Xuanyuan Qinghong" would suddenly be in trouble, but when he felt the energy contained in the warm wind, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This is a wind full of positive energy, which makes people extremely comfortable from heart to body without any malice.

Turning his head and looked at the target targeted by the warm wind, Qin Gu found that the three people of Bei Minghao were actually refreshed one after another. After exploring, all three people actually returned to normal.

"What's going on?" After Dongfang invited Ling to open his eyes, he saw a bunch of people, but he was confused. Then the next second, she felt the abnormality in the sky and became nervously alert with others.

What kind of power is this? How strong is this? A trace of nerves that had just been relaxed in Qin Gu's heart tightened again. The abnormality of Bei Minghao and the three people can't be cured even by himself and the Nangong Shenyi, who has the Shennong Ding and takes over the new wooden god. But Xuanyuan Qinghong in front of him just finished it with his hands and feet.

Is he an enemy or a friend? Qin Gu muttered in his heart that not only he, but also everyone was guessing.

Humph! The devil snorted coldly, and the ants are ants. Is this surprising? He was also too lazy to pay attention to the mood of the people below at this moment, and then waved his hand again. This time, there was no warm wind and no abnormal change. But the people who saw this scene below were guessing what he was going to do.

I have to say that the little hand that the Demon Lord inadvertently revealed just now has completely shocked everyone. At this moment, his every move has made these people have a cup of bow and snake shadow.

However, it is not unreasonable for everyone to be cautious. How can nothing happen if the devil simply takes action?

Soon, when artifacts that restored their original appearance appeared in front of everyone, their shock was far greater than when they healed Bei Minghao just now.

In addition to Qin Gu and Xuanyuanxiao's Pangu axe and Xuanyuan sword, the other eight artifacts appeared in front of Bei Minghao and others. Qin Gu and others also saw the appearance of Donghuang Zhong and Haotian Tower for the first time.

And with the appearance of the Eastern Emperor Zhong, there is also the Oriental Emperor who has disappeared for a period of time. At this moment, he is also intact, but like his sister, he does not know what happened.

Seeing all the artifacts appear, and all the ten guardians with the artifacts also appeared, Qin Gu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

But the most gaffe is Dongfang Luyang, who was a little sluggish from the beginning and gradually became more and more excited.

"Artifact, artifact!" Dongfang Luyang was a little hysterical. The ten exquisite objects in front of him were the treasures he had exhausted and wanted to wear.

When everyone saw Dongfang Lvyang's appearance, they frowned at the same time, and the demon Lord disdained the clown. Fortunately, Dongfang Luyang was just excited, but did not rob it. Otherwise, he would have been another corpse under the Demon Lord at this moment.

It's not that Dongfang Luyang doesn't want to rob. Although he is almost crazy, he has not lost his mind. First, he is not absolutely sure at this moment, and second, he only now realizes that when all the artifacts appear, what should he do? Only then did he find that he had never thought of such a critical problem before. Not only him, but even Qin Gu and others have never thought about it, and they are all in a state of confusion at this moment.

Maybe they think it's impossible to collect all the artifacts so easily, and maybe they think it's too late to think about it. When it really came to this moment, they were helpless.

Qin Gu was the first to react and looked at Xuanyuan Qinghong in the sky in fear. The uneasy premonition in his heart also became more and more aggravated. This person, with such profound strength, obviously targets the artifact, and it seems that he knows the artifact well. In this way, this person is not a friend, but an enemy. Will the wish you want to achieve be destroyed by this unknown person?

If Dongfang Luyang is a roadblock for Qin Gu to realize his wishes, Qin Gu only has a headache, but he has not lost confidence. He firmly believes that he will win in the end. However, in the face of Xuanyuan Qinghong in the sky at this moment. If the purpose of the other party is also an artifact, Qin Gu suddenly has a feeling of despair.

"Who the hell are you? What's the relationship with Xiao Er and Meimei? At this time, Xuanyuan Xiao, who had been silent, spoke to Xuanyuan Qinghong in the sky.

This question also awakened Qin Gu and remembered a sentence that Xuanyuan Qinghong said before. What he said was that the girl he had disposed of was beautiful?

Qin Gu was anxious, and then remembered that he had never felt the existence of beauty. He hurriedly called for beauty in his heart, but never received a response.

"What's wrong with Meimei?" At this time, Qin Gu also knew that the beauty probably fell into the hands of Xuanyuan Qinghong and questioned loudly.

However, in the face of Qin Gu and Xuanyuanxiao's repeated questions, the demon master still snorted coldly and disdained the call of ants at all. With a wave of his hand again, Qin Gu, who was still asking loudly just now, suddenly felt hot and painful in his abdomen.

"Ah!" With a shout, he saw three light balls coming out through Qin Gu's abdomen. Then, Qin Gu knelt down and gasped for breath, but was not affected by anything.

But when Qin Gu looked up and saw the three light balls in front of him, his eyes widened. Because these three different colored photospheres are actually the power of fire, dark and earth elements. Unexpectedly, he was forcibly pulled out by Xuanyuan Qinghong in the sky.