
Chapter 8 House

Seeing Ye Jiu's red eyes, Ma thought he was not feeling well again: "Little brother, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable again? Do you want the doctor to show you again?"

"I'm fine, hehe... By the way, how long have I been sleeping?"

"It's just two days."

"What? Two days... Oh, my God, I can sleep too well. No, I have to go quickly. By the way, where's my master?"

Ye Jiu quickly got up. If he didn't go home, his father would call 110 to call the police.

His father is the only son. If he disappears, I believe that his father has no idea of living. Although his father is sometimes a little strict with himself, there is nothing to say about his feelings for him.

"Your master? Who is your master?

Ma didn't expect Ye Jiu to have such a big reaction after hearing what he said after two days of sleep.

Ye Jiu calmed down and remembered that his master had passed away. He went down the mountain this time just to find memories of being with him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry. I have to go back, or my father will be in a hurry."

Ye Jiu put on his shoes and stood up and solemnly said goodbye to Boss Ma and Bai. Mr. Ma and Boss Bai intended to keep him for a few more days. But Ye Jiu was determined to go back, so they had no choice but to send someone to drive Ye Jiu home.

However, Ye Jiu insisted on walking back by himself. Boss Bai and Ma had no choice but to send Ye Jiu some food. As for the money, it has been quietly stuffed into Ye Jiu's backpack.

When Ye Jiu returned, he walked to the small foreign building that made him curious before. At this time, there were many people here, and it seemed that everyone was watching the excitement inside.

Ye Jiu also met an old man here, which seemed to be a little Taoist, because Ye Jiu could feel the fluctuating aura on his body.

"Grandpa, what is this in there? Does it seem very lively?"

Ye Jiu humbly asked the old man for advice, and the old man turned his head and smiled kindly at Ye Jiu.

"There is a liar doing it. Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Ye Jiu's mind was guessed by the old man, and Ye Jiu did not keep it: "Sould we go in? They didn't invite us in again.

"Children, something happened inside. If we leave, there will not be one or two people dead there."

The old man's serious look and words made Ye Jiu worried. If the master were alive, he would not have stood by.

When the old man saw that Ye Jiu was speechless, he took Ye Jiu's hand through the crowd and entered the door. However, when Ye Jiu entered the door, he found a baby lying in the small yard.

The baby's face was already a little dark at this time, and his whole body was trembling like an electric shock, and his little mouth was whimpering...

A man in his thirties squatted on the side of the coffin, but when he saw the little baby with a dark face in the courtyard, he suddenly stood up and said.

"We can't delay any longer. We have to go to the county hospital immediately. If it's late, the child can't be preserved."

Boss Lin is really depressed at this time. Since his family engaged in transportation the year before last, the days have become more and more prosperous, and the second brother-in-law also gave birth to a big fat boy near this year.

This should be a big happy event for the Lin family. You know, the Lin family has only two brothers, the eldest Lin Hai and the second Lin Yan.

Elder Lin gave birth to three children in a row, both of whom were daughters. The second son, Lin Yan, gave birth to two children, and he was also a daughter. In the countryside, giving birth to a daughter was basically a dead end, because they were all handed down from generation by boys.

Just when everyone thought that the Lin family was going to end, Lin Yan's daughter-in-law gave birth to a son before the New Year. As soon as the son was born, he was immediately regarded as a treasure by the whole Lin family.

But no one expected that when the life of the Lin family was hot, the second Lin Yan suffered a car accident.

What makes Lin Hai worse is that since his brother Lin Yan had a car accident, his little nephew has also begun to get sick for six days, and he has been crying all day and refusing to take a bite of milk.

With a series of sudden changes in the family, Lin Hai also had some more gray hair on his head. He was only 30 years old, and his back actually bent down. Lin Hai went to the middle of the yard and reached out to pick up the child from the ground, but the Taoist priest in the yard did not stop him.

Because he also knows the seriousness of the matter, if he continues to play, this little life will disappear.

When Lin Hai first walked to the door of the yard, he found two people coming in front of the door.

"Excuse me...what can I do for you?"

Although Lin Hai was a little anxious, he did not lose his courtesy.

The old man took a look at Lin Hai and said unhurdenly, "My grandson and I passed by and accidentally found that your house was extremely gloomy, so I came in to have a look. Huh, it's strange. Isn't there a Taoist practice here? How can it be like this?"

The old man's words made Ye Jiu secretly roll his eyes. Who is his grandson? The old man was so sentimental that he just called him grandpa out of courtesy.

As soon as Ye Jiu was about to deny it, the old man clenched Ye Jiu's hand with force, and Ye Jiu suddenly felt a very comfortable true air wandering in his body.


Ye Jiu said to himself, and the old man said to Ye Jiu with sound insulation: "Children, let me act as your grandfather once. My grandson is the same age as you. He passed away some time ago. I was in a bad mood and came out to relax and accidentally saw you, so..."

The old man's words made Ye Jiu's heart tremble slightly. He could understand the pain of losing his loved ones. Although the old man is bigger than himself, his heart is fleshy. Who can be painless about the death of family affection?

"Grandpa, my name is Ye Jiu."

"Good grandson, grandpa's real name is Huang Chaochao."

After the old man briefly introduced himself to Ye Jiu, he put away the echo.

"Grandpa, let's cure this little brother together this time!"

Ye Jiu let go of the old man's hand and used his magic. The scene in front of him suddenly changed a little, which was a little different from what he had just now.

On the coffin on the left side of the mourning hall, a faint gray-black fog overflowed, and the baby's head was also wrapped in the gray-black fog.

Although the sun is shining at this time, it is covered by canvas on the other side of the mourning hall, so the repeated fog is condensed and clear from the sunlight in the middle of the yard.

"Is this the theory of yin and yang?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, this strange idea came to Ye Jiu's mind.

"What's the matter? Why are you in a daze?"

Just as Ye Jiu was thinking about how to crack the yin and yang spell, he suddenly felt that his arm had been pulled, so he immediately came to his senses and found that he had stood in the middle of the yard.

"Grandpa, I'm thinking about how to resolve the evil spirit in this yard."

Being imped by the old man, Ye Jiu was obviously a little unhappy. The scene in front of him returned to its original state, but the faint gray-black fog could no longer be seen.

"Little brother also sees that this house is gloomy!"

After hearing Ye Jiu's words, the Taoist priest who had been doing it in the yard came over.

Lin Hai held the child but did not go out. He looked at Ye Jiu suspiciously, saying that the old man around him knew that he could understand the evil spirit, but what does this little child know?

"Today is the hottest day in dog days, and this moment is also the most yang every year, but this place is gloomy, and there are many evil spirits in the coffin, so even children are infected. How can I not see it?"

In order to hide his immaturity, Ye Jiu tried to look like an adult, but his appearance and tone still gave people a sense of nondescript.

After saying that, Ye Jiu pointed to the location of the gray-black fog he had just seen: "That's it. If you don't believe it, it's much colder than the center of the courtyard."

Lin Hai walked along the place where Ye Jiu pointed, which was the place where the master came to mourn the guests. In the past few days, his sister-in-law has been sitting here with her child in her arms.

Originally, Ye Jiu didn't care much before he said it. Now after listening to Ye Jiu's words, Boss Lin walked over there. As soon as he arrived here, he really felt something wrong. He didn't say anything coldly, and he was uncomfortable all over.

Ye Jiu then said, "Uncle Lin, since your brother passed away, this child has been crying until this morning!"

Ye Jiu said what happened in the past few days, which shocked Lin Hai's face and pulled Ye Jiu's arm excitedly.

"Little brother, you're right. You must have a way to solve this disaster in our family, right? There is only one seed left in our Lin family. You and your grandfather must save this child. The child is innocent..."

Ye Jiu shook off Lin Hai's hand: "The child is not a big deal. It's just because he is haunted by evil spirit and a little frightened by the well. That's why he is like this. When I cast the spell, he will be fine."

"Little brother, please, please save my child! I will listen to your command to be a cow and a horse in the next life..."

After hearing Ye Jiu's words, the child's mother couldn't help crying and knelt on the ground, but the fast-eyed old man helped him up with one hand.

"Don't kneel down to me. I will live a long life. Don't worry, my grandson is awesome."

Looking at the baby with a black face and twitching all over, Ye Jiu stretched out his hand and carefully held him in his arms, and then said to the child's mother, "Go around the coffin and the house where the child usually sleeps and shout the child's name."

"Ah? What? Shouting...calling the child's name?"

The child's mother was stunned for a moment and didn't know what Ye Jiu meant for her to do this.

"Oh, sister-in-law, don't dawdling. Listen to your little brother quickly. Go, I'll help you."

After hearing Ye Jiu's words, Lin Hai quickly pushed his sister-in-law to the coffin and the room where the child usually slept and called the child's name.

There is a saying called soul in rural areas. Although it has been classified as superstition, this method is still very popular in some remote villages.

The child's mother is an outsider. It's normal that she hasn't heard of it, but Lin Hai knows it, so he believes Ye Jiu's words.