
Chapter 10 The First Seven Soul Night

After watching the old man go up the mountain, Ye Jiu turned home. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw the fat people.


"Brother Jiu is back. Let's go to my house for dinner. My mother made vole meat and fried snails." As soon as the fat people saw Ye Jiu coming back from outside the village, they immediately rushed forward to surround him.

"I won't go. I'll go home and pack some clothes and stay in the mountains for a few days. My master is sick and I have to take care of him for a few days."

It's not Ye Jiu lying, but he really doesn't want to admit that his master is dead, and he has other things to do at this time, so he can only compile lies.

"Brother Jiu, let's go up the mountain with you."

"No, you'd better do your homework at home. I'll come to play with you after I go down the mountain. There will be more rabbits in a few days. Let me teach you how to catch rabbits."

"Okay, then Brother Jiu must keep his word!" Fat people's faces are brilliant, but they have been thinking about the ability to learn how to catch rabbits from Ye Jiu for a long time.

"Okay, you've had enough to go back! I have to go, too." Ye Jiu finished speaking and turned around and left. The fat people looked at Ye Jiu's back and discussed for a long time before they dispersed.

As soon as Ye Jiu got home and opened the door, he saw his father squatting next to graphite and sharpening his knife. The sweat beads on his forehead inadvertently slipped to the ground. Ye Jiu suddenly felt sad.

"Dad, let me do it!"

Ye Jiu gently walked over and grabbed the kitchen knife in Ye Tianqi's hand.

"My son has grown up, hehe... I also know how to work."

Ye Tianqi smiled happily. He didn't ask his son where he had been in the past few days. In fact, he didn't have to guess that he must have gone to Xuantianzi on the mountain.

Since his son worshipped Xuan Tianzi as his teacher, he has not only become strong, but also much more sensible, so Ye Tianqi is also very relieved that his son will follow Xuan Tianzi.

"Dad, let me do these miscellaneous chores in the future. I've grown up, and these chores are also capable."

"Well, Dad cooked fish soup for you today."

"No hurry, Dad, I'm going up the mountain later. The master is sick. I'll take care of him for a few days and come back in a few days."

"Oh? Is the real person seriously ill? Do you want to ask a doctor to show him?

"Dad, there's nothing wrong with him. He just suffered a little cold. I'll boil some medicine for him and he'll be fine. Don't worry." Seeing his father's worried look, Ye Jiu felt warm.

"Then Dad will go with you to see the real person later."

"No, Dad, I'll take you to see him when the master is better! The master should take more rest these days.

Seeing his son's strong opposition to going up the mountain to see the master, Ye Tianqi suddenly became a little curious, "Son, to be honest, what's going on?"

It seems that Ye Jiu's ability to lie hasn't arrived yet, but Ye Jiu didn't intend to tell the truth, so he continued to lie.

"Dad, in fact, the master wants to take me out to see the world. During this period, we are going out of the mountain. I just concealed it from you because I was afraid that you would not agree to let me go out."

"Bad boy, is my father such a feudal and unopened person? It's okay for you to see the world. If you stay in this small village, you will never grow up.

"Dad, do you mean you agree?"

Ye Jiu's eyes shined. Since he pretended, he should also pretend to be a little bit, otherwise it would be bad to wear help.

"Go and take care of your master on the way. After all, he is not young."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of the master."

Ye Jiu was relieved at this time. Now he only wants that person to be punished. Ye Jiu is not a good man. He has always had clear grudges. He will try his best to eradicate those who are unfavorable to him.

This evening is Lin Hai's brother's first seven. After the first seven, Lin Hai's brother's body will be buried, and tonight is also the last night his brother's coffin stay at home, but Lin Hai's eyebrows kept jumping tonight, as if he realized that something was going to happen.

"Daw, why are you so restless? Are there really ghosts in this world?" Lin Hai said to himself alone in the yard.

When he looked at his brother's coffin, he found that the white candle on the coffin had been extinguished.

Just as Lin Hai was about to walk over and light the candle, he suddenly said, "Meow..." Lin Hai was almost tripped by the stone steps by the scream of a cat.

"Daw, why did another cat come in? Butler, the housekeeper, drive away the cat quickly.

Lin Hai is so irritable that he doesn't know why he is afraid of a cat.

"Strange, there is no cat?" The housekeeper looked at his owner Lin Hai doubtfully. He didn't know why Lin Hai let himself chase a non-existent cat.

"Are you blind? Can't you see such a big black cat under the locust tree? Lin Hai burst into a curse.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something. Lin Hai's eyes suddenly became frightened. It seemed that Ye Jiu didn't fool himself.

"Housekeeper, hurry up... Quickly burn the rune paper under the locust tree.

Although the housekeeper didn't understand what Lin Hai meant by doing this, he still obediently took the rune paper to burn under the locust tree. Just as the rune paper burned, the black cat disappeared out of thin air.


Just as Lin Hai was about to relax, Lin Yan's coffin suddenly sounded, as if there was something inside that was going to break out.

"Oh my God... The body was cheated..." The housekeeper ran out of the yard in horror.

Lin Hai had collapsed on the ground in shock at this time. He lived such an old age and saw these supernatural things for the first time, and they all happened in his home.

The sound in the coffin became louder and louder, and the things inside seemed to be possible to come out at any time. Lin Hai did not escape, because his feet were wrapped in a nameless black fog, and he couldn't run away.

Lin Hai spit out a lot of black feathers in his mouth, like the hair on a cat. His eyes were frightened but looked at his brother's coffin with pain.

Above Wushan, Ye Jiu was holding a ball of black fluff and stuffing it into a doll's mouth. The doll's feet were covered with a black foot chain, and his whole body was also full of silver needles.

"Okay, Xiaojiu, stop playing enough!"

The old man did not expect that Ye Jiu would find his residence, let alone that Ye Jiu would use such a sinister witchcraft against Lin Hai. The old man did not know how Ye Jiu could do such witchcraft.

But he didn't ask, because everyone has their own privacy. If Ye Jiu wanted to say it, he would naturally say it to himself, so he would let nature take its course.

"Grandpa, the good show has just begun. How can it stop? Such a person should be severely punished, otherwise how could he know that chili is spicy?

Ye Jiu didn't know what words to use, so he put together the words randomly, but the old man muttered a few times, as if he was a little dissatisfied with Ye Jiu's words, but he didn't stop them any more.

Lin Hai's breathing became weaker and weaker. The black fluff spit out beside him almost covered his body. He knew that today was his brother's first seven, and it was about to be his end.

More than an hour later, Lin Yan's coffin had stopped ringing, and a middle-aged man sat in the middle of the empty yard, but by this time he was lifeless.

His pale face looked at the side of the coffin in horror, and his hands were inserted into the land, which had overflowed with black and red blood. It seemed that he abruptly inserted his hands into the soil.

And his feet didn't know how to run into the soil. The bones in the bare feet had broken, but there was no blood flowing out. It was a strange way to die.

"Grandpa, it's done. No one will threaten you again." Ye Jiu wiped the sweat on his forehead and finally smiled relaxedly.

The old man suddenly felt a little afraid of the grandson he picked up for nothing. He couldn't say why, but he knew that Ye Jiu was also for his good, so he didn't say anything.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Jiu saw the old man looking at him strangely, so he felt a little uncomfortable. He was not used to the old man looking at him with that kind of eyes, as if he had done something wrong.

"Xiao Jiu, can you promise Grandpa something?"

"What's the matter?"

"From now on, you are not allowed to use those strange spells until you are less than 20 years old."

"Why, Grandpa? I didn't do anything wrong. Can't I punish the wicked?"

"Everyone's life is doomed. If you abuse witchcraft like this, Grandpa is also afraid that you will be devoured. You don't have enough energy now. If you use those spells again, you will die sooner or later."

Ye Jiu was extremely uncomfortable with the old man's words, but he knew that the old man was also for his own good.

"Grandpa, Xiaojiu will not abuse these spells. Xiaojiu promises you that he will never use these spells again when he is less than 20 years old."

"Well, well, you've been tired all night. Go and have a rest!"

The old man left after saying something faintly, leaving Ye Jiu alone in the room to reflect. He really couldn't figure out why the old man's face changed so quickly. Did he do something wrong?

Ye Jiu lived with the old man for two days and went down the mountain to go home. As soon as he entered the house, he fell down and fell asleep. Ye Tianqi asked Ye Jiu to eat several times. He ignored it, and Ye Tianqi's temper also came up.

"Bad boy, I didn't even recognize you after going out with your master for a few days, did you?"

"Dad, you're so annoying, can you make me quiet?"

Ye Jiu was irritable, and he didn't know why he was so upset. It seemed that he was stunned.

"Bad boy, how do you talk? Looking for a lottery, isn't it?"

Ye Tianqi Mao, kicked the door directly and entered the room, but when he saw his son looking at him strangely with a pale face, his anger did not come out.

"Son, why do you look so ugly? Are you sick? Tell Dad what's wrong."

Looking at Dad's anxious look, Ye Jiu also felt guilty, "Dad, I'm fine, but I'm too tired these days. I'll be fine after a few days off."

Ye Tianqi saw that his son did not want to say anything more to him, so he left the room. He knew his son's temper. If he wanted to say something, he would also say it without asking himself. If he doesn't want to say it, even if he asks himself, it's useless.

"I'm sorry, Dad."

Ye Jiu looked at the back that left and felt guilty.

After seeing Ye Jiu go down the mountain, the old man packed up his bag, then left a letter and went down the mountain with the bag.

"Alas! I hope my apprentice can listen to my truth.

The old man shook his head and turned away. This time, he left with extraordinary determination.

The day after the old man left, Ye Jiu went to the old man's residence again, but when he saw the letter left by the old man, Ye Jiu's expression changed.