
Chapter 15 Secret Agreement

" Director, let me tell you so! I'm a hunter."

Ye Jiu gave himself a good name, because being a hunter has been his wish since childhood, so he used this name this time.

Hunter? What do you mean?

"It's dedicated to hunting those who are evildoers."

"hehe... Since you don't want to reveal your identity, I won't ask, that's it! If you help me do one thing, I won't investigate your arbitrary killing this time, okay? This transaction is very cost-effective.

" Director, it seems that I can't agree."

Dongfang Bai saw that Ye Jiu was very sensible, so he wanted to use him as his underground secret weapon, but now the most important thing is to pull him to his side. If he is taken the lead by that guy, he will not be worth the loss.

"There is no harm to you in this matter. Don't you want to be a hunter? This is a good opportunity."

"Oh? Talk about it."

"I will give you additional information about the specific situation. It's not convenient to say it now. I'll ask Xing Tian to take you to the hotel first!" You take a rest first, and then I will give the information to Xing Tian and ask him to give it to you.

"It doesn't matter. I hope you don't let me down."

Ye Jiu got up and bounced his clothes. It seemed that there was really dust. Xing Tian opened the door, and Ye Jiu went out without looking back.

Along the way, Xing Tian didn't say a word to Ye Jiu, and Ye Jiu didn't bother to talk to him. Maybe there was a age gap! Maybe both of them are too strange to each other.

"Hmm... That... Ye Jiu, right?

"Well, if the captain has something to say, just say it! Don't hesitate."

"You don't have to call me Captain Xing. It's weird. You can call me Brother Tian! That's what my brothers call me."

"Brother Tian."

Ye Jiu is not polite. Since he is specially sent to the door to have a good relationship with him, he is very happy.

"Are you really good at fortune-telling?"

Xing Tian's words made Ye Jiu a little funny. It seems that he took his words on the way here seriously.

"Brother Tian, what do you want me to predict for you?"

"Don't you know how to calculate? Why don't you calculate what's on my mind?

Xing Tian's words made Ye Jiu sweat coldly. There should be no problem with this man's brain! If everything can be counted, is it still a person? Do you still need to live so hard in the world?

"Brother Tian, have you ever seen a doctor prescribe medicine to patients without asking?"

Ye Jiu's words made Xing Tian blush. It seemed that he thought it was simple. Xing Tian was silent for a while before he spoke.

"Brother, I had a sister when I was very young, but she was abducted and sold by human traffickers when I was eight years old, and that's why I chose to be a policeman..."

There were some tears in Xing Tian's eyes, and Ye Jiu's heart was very heavy. He didn't know that there would be such an unknown story on this careless man.

"Brother Tian, don't be sad. When you arrive at the hotel, tell me your sister's birthday. I'll calculate it. Maybe she is still in the world and give each other a hope, okay?"

"Well, thank you, Xiaojiu."

Xing Tian grasped Ye Jiu's hand, which made Ye Jiu a little uncomfortable, as if a big girl was targeted by a young man.

The hotel arrived soon. Xing Tian enthusiastically opened a room for Ye Jiu, and Ye Jiu did not feel uneasy, because they asked for themselves.

As soon as she entered the room, Xing Tian impatiently told Ye Jiu about her sister Xing Yu's birthday. Ye Jiu frowned when she saw Xing Yu's birthday, because she was born on Ghost Festival. This kind of person's yin is very heavy, and generally fortune-telling is not counted.

"What's wrong? Is she no longer here?

Seeing Ye Jiu's frown, Xing Tian's heart was half cold. Obviously, he misunderstood.

"No, no, it's just that your sister's birthday is a yin hexagram, and this kind of hexagram can't be counted. Forget it, it can only be not good for your sister."

"What does this mean?"

Ye Jiu sighed and said, "Your sister is born on the Ghost Festival. All people born on the Ghost Festival are very yin. To put it bluntly, they are ghosts."

"Is there such a saying?"

Xing Tian was stunned. It seemed that his sister was not so easy to find. The disappointment made Xing Tian sit **. Ye Jiu saw that he was still a lively person at the previous moment, but this moment was like a double-beaten eggplant.

"Brother Tian, I will help your sister divination after a while. Now I don't have Tianshi in my hand. When I get Tianshi in a few days, I will definitely figure out where your sister is, and it won't hurt your sister's fortune in the future."

Hearing that there was a turning point, Xing Tian turned sad and happy. He grabbed Ye Jiu's hand again excitedly. Ye Jiu had another chill. He didn't expect that this person had changed so fast.

"Okay, Brother Tian, do you have anything to eat? I've been here for so long and haven't eaten yet."

As soon as he said to eat, Ye Jiu's stomach remembered. Xing Tian smiled awkwardly and quickly took the phone on the headboard and dialed out.

"Xiao Jiu, what do you want to eat? Feel free to order. You're welcome to order whatever you like.

"Then you're welcome."

Ye Jiu really ordered eight meat dishes in one breath. The chicken, duck and fish were all served, and Xing Tian did not frown. For the bold people, Ye Jiu still likes them very much.

After ordering the food, it was a long wait. While waiting for the food, Ye Jiu calculated for Xing Tian, but the gossip was not so good. Xing Tian has been in trouble recently, and he may not even have his life.

"Brother Tian, have you offended anyone?"

Ah? What?"

"Have you offended anyone?"

"Hey, what are you doing in this industry? It's inevitable to offend people."

Ye Jiu nodded. It seemed that Xing Tian still had to help solve this problem by himself. Ye Jiu did not tell Xing Tian what would happen later, because he didn't want Xing Tian to have any pressure.

Just as Xing Tian was thinking about it, the waiter knocked on the door, and it seemed that the meal was coming. Ye Jiu opened the door, and the waiter arranged the meal and went out politely.

Faced with the big fish and meat on the table, Ye Jiu suddenly remembered the sweet and sour fish made by his father and the rabbit roasted by his father...

"Why don't you eat it?"

Xing Tian came to his senses and saw Ye Jiu in a daze at the dishes, so he asked curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just think of my father's craftsmanship."

"Why, is your father's craftsmanship better than that of a five-star chef?"

Ye Jiu lives in a five-star hotel, so the quality of the food must be up to the test.

"No matter how delicious the food outside is, it is not as warm as the light meal made by my father."

"It's true."

Xing Tian suddenly had a strange feeling about the boy in front of him. He felt that the boy would definitely not be confused by the secular world in the future. Maybe this person can really get to know him with his heart.

Xing Tian left after having dinner with Ye Jiu. Ye Jiu lay quietly alone at this time, but what he missed more was the hard fire kang.

"Alas! I just wanted to come out and wander. It's only been a few days since I came out, and I just wanted to go back.

Ye Jiu sighed, and then covered his head with the quilt and fell asleep.

"I don't know if this boy is eating well outside? Alas..."

Ye Tianqi sat in the yard and looked at the stars in the sky, but his mind was full of his son's figure. His son had been out for several days and there was no message, so Ye Tianqi was a little worried.

"Lao Ye, why are you sitting alone in the yard in a daze?"

Chen Meng came with wine and shouted when he saw Ye Tianqi sitting alone in a daze.

"Oh, it's Lao Chen. What's wrong? Are you leaving?"

"Well, tomorrow morning's car, I'll come with you for a few drinks tonight."

Ye Tianqi's heart suddenly felt sad. Chen Meng was his forgetful friends, and his personality was very good at his temper, but he was about to leave and leave this small mountain village...

"Lao Ye, there is nothing to be sad about. You can also take Xiaojiu to Shanghai to visit me when you have time. I'm just going back to my hometown, not to heaven, hehe..."

Although Chen Meng half joked, he was also uncomfortable in his heart. He felt that this parting must be an eternal separation, and it was difficult to see his old friends again.

"Well, let's not talk about sad topics. Let's have two drinks. I remember when we first met, you were still very drunk. With only one bottle of Erguotou, you were drunk and unconscious, hahaha..."

"Who said that? I'm pretending to be drunk. I'm just letting you. How can you be as good as me..."

The two brothers who are not brothers also let go and talk about the past at this time. No one has said a uncomfortable topic. Maybe they just want to remember these beautiful nostalgias! Maybe this is a good brother...

When Xing Tian came home, he picked up his sister's photo and was in a daze. Looking at the cute little girl in the photo, Xing Tian smiled at the corners of his mouth.

"Brother, wait, my brother will definitely find you..."


A slight noise woke up Xing Tian.


Xing Tian put down the photo in his hand and walked to the place where the sound was made. Just as Xing Tian walked to the balcony, a dagger was fiercely inserted into his left shoulder, just a little short of his heart.

"Damnly, I dodged a little, otherwise my heart would be pierced by you."

"I don't mind giving you another knife."

A gloomy woman's voice came to Xing Tian's ear.

"Are you a woman?"

Xing Tian wondered that there was no woman among the people he offended, because his most taboo thing was to offend women.

"Women can also kill you..."

After speaking, the woman stabbed Xing Tian again, but Xing Tian was already prepared at this time, and his combat effectiveness was also stimulated.

"I can't offend women, but if a woman dares to provoke me, then I have no reason to give up. Hey, take off your mask! Let me see if you are beautiful or ugly?

Xing Tian got up. He was injured and it was not easy to do a lot of activities, so he had to delay the time and wait for his colleague Zhang Huirui to come back to help him.

"Don't wait. Your helper can't even help himself. How can he come to help you?"

"What?" Xing Tian was stunned for a moment.

"Ouch, you will know when you see the bathroom."


Xing Tian was a little surprised. He knew Zhang Yurui's ability and could beat Zhang Yurui, which showed that the woman in front of him was not an ordinary gangster. It seemed that the other party had spent a lot of effort.