
Chapter 23 Chinese Business Alliance

Lin Feng's incident was spread to the media by eventful reporters. Unfortunately, Ye Jiu is now in a very remote place and does not know what happened to Lin Feng at this time, but another person is very interested in Lin Feng's appearance at this time.

"Brother Hui, are you also interested in this kind of thing?" An obscene man poured wine to the middle-aged man with a hippie smile.

"Don't underestimate those ugly things. Those things are much more useful than you. Go and bring him here at all means."

"Yes, Brother Hui."

The obscene man went down, and the middle-aged man smiled at the disgusting things in the video. The wine glass in his hand was still bright red **, as if that ** was irresistible to him.

"Roar... Roar..."

Lin Feng's mind has long been unconscious. His eyes have become blood red and he is constantly killing. This is his current thinking. It seems that the death of others is what he wants most.


The voice of a little girl came over. She was about six or seven years old. She looked very cute, but her face turned pale. Lin Feng, who faced this matter, was indeed a monster. How could she not be afraid of trembling?


The little girl's monster made Lin Feng lose his mind. What he hates most is that others say that he is a monster. Even a little girl who is only six or seven years old can't say those two words.

"Don't... Don't kill me..." The little girl trembled and hid under the table, but how could she avoid Lin Feng's eyes?


A miserable voice came from a ward in the hospital again, but the hospital had already gone empty by this time. Those who could run had already run away, and the rest were only those who had not had time to escape.


Lin Feng's roared with a trace of excitement and joy, as if everything he hated had been eliminated. Looking at the sky outside, it was still scarlet, but Lin Feng was used to it.

"You are Lin Feng!"

A obscene man stood in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng turned his head and looked at him for a while. He was sure that he had never known him. Roar... Roar..."

"My name is Wang Xingcheng, the head of the "Chinese Business Alliance."

Wang Xingcheng tried to keep smiling. Although he wanted to vomit, he still endured, because once he showed an unfriendly expression at this time, he believed that he would die miserably.

Some people, in order to survive, even in the face of disgusting things, they still have to keep smiling and endure some compliments.


"Mr. Lin, although I don't understand what you said, please listen to me first. When I came, our boss said that as long as you can provide the source of the virus in your body, we will provide a good treatment team to treat you."


When Lin Feng heard that it was related to the virus on his body, he immediately became quiet. It seemed that a nerve in his body had been touched. He could dream of that place, but it could never be a nightmare for him.

Wang Xingcheng did not know that he had angered the other party, but he could feel the anger of the other party, so Wang Xingcheng immediately took a step back.

"Mr. Lin, don't be angry. There is actually a way to solve this virus on you. We have invited foreign management teams. For the virus, they are one of the best. You should try it. If you don't try it, it's also you who will lose. Anyway, I don't Loss or something."

"Roar..." Lin Feng's mouth dropped a disgusting black and red**, with a big slap, but it was disgusting enough.

Wang Xingcheng really wants to vomit. He endured so much. If possible, he really wants to escape from here quickly, but he knows that he can't, because the task has not been completed, and those who have not completed the task are doomed to die miserably.

"Mr. Lin, believe us once and give you a chance! We know that you have been treated in this hospital for a long time, but you also know that no one in this hospital can eliminate the virus on you at all. Believe us, we will definitely cure you.

Wang Xingcheng paused, pushed his glasses, and continued to say, "Even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about the people who care about you and care about you."

Wang Xingcheng's last words moved Lin Feng's compassion. Yes, she is still there. She can't stay alone in this world. He wants to go back and he wants to find her...

Wang Xingcheng is a powerful master who can observe words and colors. Although Lin Feng has become human and ghostless at this time, his instant transformation of Wang Xingcheng can still be observed.

"That's right. For that important person, you must cooperate with our treatment. Let's go! We have arranged a special car for you. I believe that when you come back again, it will be when you recover.

"Roar..." Lin Feng roared hard at the sky, and his blood-red eyes were not so red at this time.

Wang Xingcheng knew that he had talked about Lin Feng's weakness. After being ill for so long, everyone wanted to recover! What's more, Lin Feng? He has someone he cares about, so returning to normal is also what he wants most. Even if there is only a little hope, it can't be missed.

Lin Feng was arranged in a sealed truck by Wang Xingcheng. The truck has been specially modified, which is both strict and safe to ensure that drivers and personnel are not infected. It seems that this "Chinese Business Alliance" still has a certain ability.

"Brother Hui, he is already on his way back, and now he is waiting for safe passage."

"Well, okay, the road has been arranged smoothly. I'll pick you up when I come back."

"Brother Xie Hui!"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Xingcheng was relieved. He suddenly felt a little proud. Now he finally raised his eyebrows in front of Brother Hui. When he thought that the ghost-faced man would be trampled under his feet in the future, Wang Xingcheng laughed happily twice.

"Brother Xing, what are you so happy about? Say it and make the brothers happy. The driver, Xiao Li, interrupted.

"D drive your car, don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Have you forgotten what the boss said, do more, talk less, especially don't ask questions casually."

"Yes, yes, Brother Xing, I was wrong. It's all my fault..." The driver Xiao Li slapped himself twice with his hand.

The crisp applause reached Wang Xingcheng's ears, and Wang Xingcheng snorted coldly. Many years ago, he was the same. At the beginning, the ghost-faced man was his superior, and he was a driver like Xiao Li.

At that time, he also asked a question that should not be asked, but he was slapped in the mouth fiercely by the ghost-faced man. He remembered that his two teeth fell to the ground at that time.

Seeing that Wang Xingcheng's face was not good, Xiao Li suddenly realized that he had made a serious mistake. Although others did not know the origin of Wang Xingcheng, he knew it.

"Xiao Li, remember, you should know. Naturally, I will say, you shouldn't know. You know what will happen if you ask."

"Brother Xing, no, Master Xing, please let me go! There are old and young people in my family. I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. Please give me a chance to atone for anything I can do. Please..."

Xiao Li knelt on the ground and kept kowtoming. The blood on his forehead had flowed down, but Wang Xingcheng felt that those red ** were so charming.

Xiao Li saw that Wang Xingcheng had been staring at him strangely. He didn't let him go, but he didn't say anything about punishing himself. This made Xiao Li's heart suddenly lost. Is it possible that this bastard wanted to kill himself?

"Ah... Go to hell..."

Xiao Li took advantage of Wang Xingcheng's inattention and directly pulled out the knife in his waist and cut it at Wang Xingcheng, but unfortunately, he cut it wrong. Wang Xingcheng had taken out his gun at this time.

"Touch..." With a gunshot, Xiao Li opened his eyes in disbelief. He couldn't understand why Wang Xingcheng robbed him until he died. And what's taking is the robbery.

"Xiao Li, oh no, it should be called Officer Li! You can finish your underground work today, and you can meet your brothers under the nine springs." Hahahahaha..." Wang Xingcheng laughed loudly, as if he had endured for so many years, and he finally didn't have to endure it today.


Lin Feng heard the gunshot, and he was uneasy again. The roar made Wang Xingcheng come to his senses. He walked to the car where Lin Feng was placed and shouted, "Mr. Lin, I disturbed you. A lawbreaker just wanted to be unfavorable to you and was killed by me. You can rest assured. Please sleep first and I will wake you up when you are there."

Wang Xingcheng said very sincerely, as if Xiao Li really wanted to deal with Lin Feng just now. Lin Feng heard Wang Xingcheng's words and then calmed down. Although he knew that things might not be like this, what does it matter?

The car continued to drive for about five hours, and then turned to a private jet to fly again to a beautiful place that no one could imagine.

Lin Feng walked out of the plane to house him. When he saw the beautiful scenery around him, the ice in his heart melted a corner. If possible, he hoped that he could bring her here, because she liked these beautiful scenery the most.

"Mr. Lin, please, our boss has been waiting for you for a long time." Wang Xingcheng made an invitation gesture, but Lin Feng was a little puzzled. Didn't he come to treat himself? How can there be a boss waiting?

"Roar... Roar..."

"Don't worry, our boss has no malice. In fact, he funded your treatment. Without him, we can't treat you. Believe us, our boss is very good. He is the vice chairman of the Chinese Business Alliance and specializes in charity."

Lin Feng has doubts about Wang Xingcheng's words, but now he has reached this point. If he believes it, there is still half a chance. If he doesn't believe it, he can only be a monster that everyone hates in the future.

"Mr. Lin, you can not believe what I said, but you should be familiar with the words of the Chinese Business Alliance. Our vice chairman believes that you have read it in the newspaper. When you see him in person, you will know whether what I said is false."

Wang Xingcheng's expression in front of Lin Feng was so focused and serious that he could not see that he was the obscene and disgusting man. It seemed that Wang Xingcheng changed his face faster than turning over the book.


"Don't worry, we won't do anything to you. Besides, even if we want to harm you, we don't have that ability, you say."


"Very good, please follow me."

Wang Xingcheng took Lin Feng to the secret room. The moment he turned around, he showed a serious treacherous light. His dream was just a few steps away, so Wang Xingcheng knew that he would have to endure for a few more minutes, or his efforts would be in vain.

No one knows what will happen to Lin Feng's next road. Maybe the virus in his body will be completely eliminated, or it will be a failure, but this is always an opportunity, often in front of him. If he gives up, it will really be gone...