
Chapter 62 Strange Child

Ye Jiu found a strange thing in Chang Xinqiang's office. It was a doll, which looked a little unnatural, so he looked carefully and found that the doll was cursed.

"Boss Chang, what's wrong with this doll?" Ye Jiu asked Chang Xinqiang with a dirty but strange-eyed cloth doll in his hand.

"This doll belongs to a friend's son. He came to play with me last time and forgot to take it back."

"Didn't you call him to pick it up?"

Chang Xinqiang thought for a moment and shook his head: "It's not that I don't call, but his father can't get through at all, and I haven't seen anyone for a long time."

"How could this happen?"

"I don't know. He wants to suddenly disappear from this world. I also looked for him, but I got nothing."

Chang Xinqiang doesn't look like he is telling a lie, so there is a possibility that that person is already dead.

"I will have a thousand-mile tracing technique later, and maybe I can solve the problem."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Ye Jiu did not continue to be polite to Chang Xinqiang and directly used magic to inquire about the news of the doll owner, but it was strange that more than an hour later, the doll was still a doll, and Ye Jiu did not see any useful information at all, which made him a little puzzled.

Seeing that Ye Jiu no longer used spells, Chang Xinqiang came over curiously: "How's it going? Is there any news?"

"No, I can't see any news. It seems that there is only one possibility."

Ye Jiu's face was very heavy, and Chang Xinqiang looked frightened. Although his friend's relationship with him was not very good, if he really died, Chang Xinqiang would still be more or less sad.

"Are their father and son dead?"

Chang Xinqiang still asked a question that he did not want to admit, but Ye Jiu just shook his head.

"No, they are not dead. They should be locked up somewhere, and there are no magic around, so I can't find their information."

"But who will spend so much effort to control their father and son?"

"You don't know, how can I know? I'm just an outsider. Think about it, did your friend say anything strange or something strange about him the last time he saw you?

Ye Jiu guided Chang Xinqiang, hoping that he could come up with something, but Chang Xinqiang's mind was very confused at this time. How could he come up with anything? After half an hour, Chang Xinqiang could only shake his head helplessly.

"Forget, this matter is not urgent. Take your time and think about it. If you want to call me, I'll go to Ding Lao first."

After saying that, Ye Jiu turned his head and went back. As soon as he got to the door, he suddenly thought of something, so he turned back.

"Give it, you should take this charm with you and can't take it off."

"Then I have to take it off when I take a shower, right?"

"No, this rune paper has been specially processed. It can't be burned, and water can't destroy it either."

Chang Xinqiang was relieved. After sending Ye Jiu away, he picked up the doll and looked at it carefully. Suddenly, the doll's eyes turned around, which scared Chang Xinqiang to throw it away casually.

When Chang Xinqiang came to his senses, he carefully picked up the doll, but the doll did not turn its eyes, as if it had been so dead.

"Strange? Am I dazzle?

Chang Xinqiang said to himself freely, and then put the doll in the file cabinet. After sorting out his emotions, he sat at his desk and became busy. It seems that what happened just now has already been thrown out of the sky.

Ye Jiu returned to Ding Lian's house and fell asleep without saying a word. Ding Lian didn't say anything. Ding Lian just covered him with a quilt and left the room without saying a word.

Ye Jiu slept until dark. He didn't know what was wrong with him. He was so sleepy. It seemed that since Chang Xinqiang came back, he had become sleepy.

"How could this happen? Am I also on the road?"

At the thought of this, Ye Jiu shudled all over his body, and the person who could make him unconsciously say must be very powerful, and he could not compete with it.

After burning a piece of rune paper, Ye Jiu rinsed a glass of water and drank it. After drinking the rune water, he felt comfortable and his eyes became clear.

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

Seeing himself squatting on the grave, surrounded by mass graves, Ye Jiu sweated coldly. This sudden change made it difficult for him to accept for a moment.

"It seems that someone is really fooling me."

Ye Jiu snorted coldly. He still admired this man's means. He could unconsciously walk here and sleep. I'm afraid this person is really a strong enemy.

"Hey, Uncle Ding, I'm in trouble. I won't go back tonight. Don't worry. I can solve it myself. If Boss Chang comes to me, ask him to come to me tomorrow."

After saying that, Ye Jiu hung up the phone, then grabbed a handful of rune paper and burned it and sprinkled it around. He knew that he had disturbed the creatures here, so he could only burn some paper to comfort them. Otherwise, they would make trouble, and Ye Jiu could not guarantee that he could retreat all over.

After all, fierce ghosts are different from people, and people still have weaknesses to break. fierce ghosts are completely depending on their mood. Although they may die unjustly, they can't be pitiful.

Slowly moved out of the mass grave. Ye Jiu used his magic. After he arrived at a safe place, he was relieved and made sure that he was fine. Then he went to the restaurant for a full meal.

It was past 10 p.m. when he came out of the restaurant. Ye Jiu did not return to Ding Lian, but went to Chang Xinqiang's office building. He felt that something would happen there tonight, and he also thought of some problems.

Hongxinda Building is shrouded in a black fog and looks very gloomy. The security guard on duty looks a little strange, because his eyes are not focused at all, and he walks straight and his legs are not bent.

"Can you walk in this way? It's really strange."

Ye Jiu sighed for a moment, and then let himself walk through the security door with an invisible charm. Instead of taking the elevator, he climbed the stairs, because the elevator was monitored. He was now in the dark and could not be easily exposed.

After climbing the stairs for a few minutes, he finally arrived at Chang Xinqiang's office. On the 25th floor, Ye Jiu burst into tears. Although he was physically strong, it did not mean that he liked to climb the stairs.

sneaked into the office and found the doll, but at this time, the doll was glowing red all over, and there were murderous eyes in his eyes. Ye Jiu looked frightened.

"How could this happen?"

Ye Jiu just finished talking to himself, and the doll actually seemed to have come back to life, with horrible treacherous laughter in his mouth. This stimulation made Ye Jiu interested, and his combat effectiveness was completely aroused.

"Brother, shall we play the game of ghost wall? Hee..."

The doll suddenly spoke to Ye Jiu. Ye Jiu's scalp was hairy. It didn't seem easy for the doll to see himself.

"Say, who the hell are you?"

Ye Jiu knew that now was not the time to be afraid. Although he was a warlock, he was still afraid of this kind of doll, because he saw that kind of thing from this doll.

"Brother, I'm the little friend you're looking for."

"What? Are you the son of Mr. Chang's friend?

"Yes, if you don't believe it, come and see me..."

The doll attacked Ye Jiu as he spoke. Ye Jiu quickly turned his body and looked at him out. He didn't look like a fierce ghost, but Ye Jiu was curious here. Since he was not a fierce ghost, why was he sealed in the doll?

"Why are you sealed in the doll?"

Ye Jiu ignored the doll's words and directly asked his own question. The doll tilted his head and thought for a moment, and then smiled, "It's an uncle. He said give me this doll. As soon as I picked up the doll, I was sucked in."


Seeing that Ye Jiu doubted himself, the doll became angry: "I never lie to people. If you don't believe me, try to get close to me."

The doll walked into Ye Jiu again. Ye Jiu quickly took out the rune paper and put it on the doll. Suddenly, black smoke came out of the doll, and then a little boy appeared in front of Ye Jiu.

Seeing that the doll was burned and the little man was rescued, Ye Jiu felt a little relieved. He picked up the little boy and checked it. Seeing that he was fine, Ye Jiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, or I'll blame myself."

The little boy woke up quietly and panicked when he saw himself being held by a strange man.

"Don't worry. I'm your uncle's supernatural consultant here. It's your uncle Chang who asked me to help find you and your father. Well, you see, this is still his office."

With Ye Jiu's guidance, the little boy looked around and saw that he was really in Chang Xinqiang's office. Then he was relieved, but when he remembered his nightmares these days, he trembled again.

"Don't be afraid. It's all right. The nightmare is awake. By the way, where did your father go?"

After Ye Jiu finished caring, he asked about the business, but the little boy just shook his head to show that he didn't know.

After a phone call, Ye Jiu began to cast a spell to drive away the ghost in the building, and then sat in Chang Xinqiang's office and waited for him to come over. Just now, he called Chang Xinqiang and told him that his friend's child had been found.

Now that the child's problem has been solved, there is only the problem of Chang Xinqiang's friend. Ye Jiu can feel that the man is also sealed in this building, but he can't see it yet.

Chang Xinqiang drove to the office building and didn't dare to stop for a moment. He directly took the elevator and went up. As soon as he saw that his friend's son was fine, he was relieved and then quickly thanked Ye Jiu for his help.

"Okay, you take the child back first. I feel that his father is also sealed somewhere in this building. I'll look for him again. You take him back first."

"Do you need my help?"

Seeing Ye Jiu rushing back by himself, Chang Xinqiang was a little anxious. After all, he was familiar with this place. If he wanted to go, he would lead the way.

seemed to see Chang Xinqiang's idea. Ye Jiu smiled and said, "I don't need your help. I can do it myself. Don't forget that this child was also saved by me. It's not that I don't want you to help you, but you don't know magic. If something happens, I can't protect two adults at the same time. "

To put it bluntly, he is afraid that Chang Xinqiang will drag his feet. After all, Chang Xinqiang is an ordinary person. For magic, he still can't involve too many people, otherwise it will not be worth the loss.

Chang Xinqiang is also a smart person. He knows what Ye Jiu is worried about, so he is not forced to stay. He directly picked up the little boy and left. The little boy did not cry. Because he knew this uncle, he was not worried about anything.