
Chapter 66 The Temptation

Ye Jiu felt that he was about to collapse. The charming hand seemed to have tentacles, and he absorbed the spiritual power in Ye Jiu's body all the time. Looking at the beautiful man in his arms, he released another electric shock to Ye Jiu.

"If you don't let me go, be careful that you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Ye Jiu released harsh words. Unfortunately, the charm is not a good role, and he is not interested in the harsh words at all. If this beauty is released today, the charm will definitely regret it.

Because the next person may not be as delicious and attractive as Ye Jiu, in his charming heart, Ye Jiu has already become delicious food, not a living person.

How's it going? Do you feel so uncomfortable all over?"

With a crazy smile, Ye Jiu's face gradually turned pale. He could feel that the spiritual power in his body was getting less and less, and his strength was also rapidly losing.

Just when the evil spirit thought he was about to succeed, the golden snake in Ye Jiu's body suddenly surged out and directly penetrated into the evil spirit's body. In less than five minutes, the evil spirit was left with a pile of gloomy bones.

After absorbing the magic power of the golden snake, it leisurely returned to Ye Jiu's body. When the golden snake just came back, Ye Jiu's body obviously changed.

The original mana not only came back, but also improved a lot. It seems that this enchanting cultivation has helped Ye Jiu, and this time he was also blessed by misfortune.

"Golden Snake, thanks to you this time, otherwise I will definitely be absorbed at all."

Ye Jiu is not exaggerated, and he is not willing to praise the golden snake. After hearing Ye Jiu's flattery, the golden snake fell asleep happily. The charm was suddenly eliminated, and Ye Jiu's heart became empty.

All the information about the charm appeared in his mind. It turned out that she was the eldest lady of a mansion before she died, but she was found when she was with her lover, and those people directly drowned her and her lover in the water. The charm was unwilling to die in vain, so she practiced the demon method, and then became what she is now. They revenge when they see people. .

"Alas! After all, he is also a poor person, but also a hateful person.

Ye Jiu sympathized with him, and then returned to his previous cold blood. In fact, he was almost emotional just now. His charming body was very smooth and soft. Ye Jiu liked that feeling very much.

If it weren't for the difference, Ye Jiu believed that he would be with her. Unfortunately, there was no if in the world. If it were true, the charm would not be absorbed by gold now.

"What's the use of thinking so much? It's just empty."

Shaking his head, Ye Jiu put on his clothes and left, but he didn't know. After he left, the evil bones stood up strangely again, and then reunited again at a speed like lightning. Another evil spirit appeared in the cemetery, but Ye Jiu didn't know it.

When he got home, it was already bright. Ye Jiu simply took a shower and had breakfast and slept soundly. Ding Lian was no different from usual, and he was still busy with his work.

The business of Xiangyun Hotel and Restaurant is very popular. With the help of Ye Jiu, Ding Lian is also very busy. Just as he was worried, Boss Zhang and Boss Qian came.

"Oh, why are Boss Zhang and Boss Qian interested in coming to my small store today?"

Ding Lian knew what happened last time, so he didn't dare to neglect them for fear of making them unhappy again. Boss Zhang and Boss Qian responded politely, but their eyes were constantly looking at the searchers in the crowd, as if they were looking for something.

"What would you like to eat today?"

"Boss Ding, is Master Ye Jiuye there?"

Seeing that there was no Ye Jiu in the restaurant, Boss Qian asked eagerly.

"He just came back from outside this morning and just slept for a short time. If you two come over at night, he won't be able to get up at this time."

Ding Lian is a little embarrassed, but he knows Ye Jiu's temper. Ye Jiu hates being disturbed when he sleeps. If he is unhappy and something happens again, Ding Lian dares not think about the consequences.

"Oh, that's it! Well, let's come back to Master Ye tonight. Sorry to bother you. Boss Qian and Boss Wang politely left for a moment. Ding Lian really stared at their figure depressedly.

"Strange, did Xiaojiu's words become true?"

Thinking of what Ye Jiu once said, Ding Lian felt cold all over. Fortunately, he stood in the right team, otherwise he would have been counted.

"Alas! You'd better do your own work!"

After shaking his head and getting rid of the idea in his mind, Ding Lian began to be busy serving food to everyone. Although he was the boss here, he would come to help when the waiter was too busy.

At present, it is the point of eating, and people come in endlessly. He is really embarrassed to sit alone in the office. Ding Lian grew up with hardships and knows how difficult it is for the bottom, so even if he is high now, he will experience the life of the bottom.

Ye Jiu felt that it was dark. He was such a person. His biological clock was not on time. For his type, he was really helpless, because that kind of thing was generally expelled at night.

At the beginning, Ye Jiu was not used to this life habit, but after so many years, he had already become indifferent.

"Xiao Jiu, Xiao Jiu, get up quickly..."

As soon as Ye Jiu got up from **, he heard Ding Lian's call outside the door, which seemed to be very eager. Ye Jiu went out doubtfully, but saw Ding Lian being surrounded by several unknown people in the middle, and the group of people were still holding guns in their hands.

"What do you want to do?"

Ye Jiu's voice sounded coldly from behind these people, and everyone shuddered. This was the coldest voice they had ever heard, as if it were from hell.

"Are you Ye Jiu?"

The leading man came over coolly. He looked like a gangster on the street. It seemed that he was not the mastermind, otherwise he would not have asked his identity.

"Say it! What can I ask Ye for advice today?

After saying that, Ye Jiu sat in a chair, as if the violence in front of him had nothing to do with him. Ding Lian was frightened while looking at it. He could see that this group of people were not kind.

"Our boss asked us to invite you."

"Your boss? Who is your boss?"

The man did not expect Ye Jiu to have no tension in front of them, which frustrated him, as if his careful dress had been ignored.

"Then you will know what to do if you go and ask so many questions."

Seeing that the leading man was unhappy, Ye Jiu snorted coldly: "Humph! Am I the person you said you could take away? In addition, there is a price to pay for being wild in my territory.

As soon as Ye Jiu finished his words, the gunmen suddenly fell to the ground, and the gun in his hand also turned into snakes of different colors. The snakes spit out letters and stared at the gang of bandits in front of them.

"Ah...no, don't...don't come here..."

A younger thriller shouted. Ding Lian saw that he was safe and then walked to Ye Jiu's side. Ye Jiu motioned him to leave first, but Ding Lian was unwilling to leave Ye Jiu alone to face this group of gangsters, and Ye Jiu was too lazy to persuade him.

"Who is your boss?"

"Yes... it's Boss Qian..."

The leading man told the truth in horror. In fact, he was just a gangster on the street. Today, he was inadvertently recruited by Boss Qian, and Boss Qian gave him a large amount of money. After it was done, he said that there would be another high bonus and could not stand the money**, so he took his brothers to invite Ye Jiu.

If I had known that Ye Jiu was not so easy to deal with, it would have been impossible to take the boss's money at the beginning, but what's the use of thinking about these now?

Seeing that he told the truth, Ye Jiu also let them go, but their guns were confiscated by Ye Jiu. Although these were fake guns, they were enough to make up the truth. If Ye Jiu hadn't seen the truth, he would have been fooled.

After being released, the gangsters immediately ran out. Ding Lian saw that they fled so fast and his eyes were surprised. It seemed that Boss Qian had nothing good to eat today. If he offended Ye Jiu, Ye Jiu would also return ten times.

"Uncle Ding, I'll go to Boss Qian's. Don't worry about me."

"Xiaojiu, Boss Qian is not easy to provoke. I'm afraid it's more or less auspicious for you to go this time. Anyway, he hasn't sent anyone here yet. Hurry up and escape! The farther you escape, the better, and save yourself from being killed.

Ding Lian persuaded Ye Jiu painstakingly, but Ye Jiu was not moved. His expression was still cold. Ding Lian saw this and stopped persuading him. Since he wanted to suffer, let him go! I just hope he can come back alive this time.

After taking the necessities, Ye Jiu went to Boss Qian. At this time, as soon as he heard the words of the gangsters, his face turned red. He didn't expect those people to be so vulnerable, and he even said that he was behind the scenes.

Boss Qian was just afraid of sending his own people to be seen through, so he had no choice but to invite a few hoodlums. Unfortunately, his wishes failed.

When he thought of Boss Wang being teased last time, Boss Qian sweated coldly all over. For Ye Jiu's means, he can also guess ten *. At present, it is not that Ye Jiu wants to escape, but he wants to escape quickly from this place, leaving Qingshan without worrying about firewood!

After paying attention, Boss Qian quickly bought a ticket to the United States, and then took a bus to the airport without looking back. Unfortunately, he was intercepted by Ye Jiu on the way.

"Boss Qian, where are you going in such a hurry?"

Ye Jiu stared at Boss Qian fiercely, and Boss Qian trembled all over. Although he was also an old ginger in the mall, he was still very afraid of warlocks like Ye Jiu.

"It turned out to be Master Ye! It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm going on a business trip abroad for a while, and the plane is about to take off, so I'm in a hurry to go to the airport, hehe..."

Boss Qian wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a guilty heart, but Ye Jiu was not in a hurry to expose him. Instead, he walked to Boss Qian leisurely and then squinted and looked down at him.

"Boss Qian, do you mind if I go with you?"

The gloomy and cold voice made Boss Qian kneel directly, "Master Ye, please forgive me this time. I was confused by lard, and the water washed the Dragon King Temple... Please let me go! There are old and young people in my family, and I..."

Before Boss Qian finished speaking, a lot of blood flowed from his neck. Two seconds later, his head rolled down. The driver in the car fainted in shock, while Ye Jiu just sneered twice, and then burned two runes and left.