
Chapter 80 Grave Robber

After cleaning up Wumen's enemy, Ye Jiu walked out of Xuan Mingzi's room, but he met a grave robber on the way, which made him interested and did not plan to rush back to Wushan.

The group of tomb robbers did not know that he had been targeted at this time. He got into a seemingly distant grave. Although the hole was small, it was enough to make him lean in.

Ye Jiu saw that the group of people went in one after another, and he jumped into the tomb without hesitation. It was dark and smelled very bad, but Ye Jiu still endured and walked in. In the dark, he could see clearly.

The tomb is full of bats. This tomb is very large. It seems that the previous project is very large. Ye Jiu was a little surprised. Although it is not the first time he has entered the tomb, it is the first time he has seen such a large tomb.

If it weren't for these tomb robbers, Ye Jiu believed that he would not have come here in his life, of course, except that he was buried in such a place after his death.

"It's strange, why don't you see them?"

Ye Jiu was originally behind them, but after a corner, he couldn't see where they were.

"Is there any mechanism in it?"

Thinking of this, Ye Jiu's expression became very solemn. If there is really any mechanism or something in it, he must be vigilant, otherwise he will have the heart to die.

Although the injury is not a big deal for Ye Jiu, he doesn't want to be attacked for nothing. He is just curious to see the bustle, and there is no need to take his own life or something.


Just as Ye Jiu was considering whether to return or not, a painful scream suddenly came from the front, which made Ye Jiu sweat very coldly. After struggling, he still planned to go to the front to see what happened.

If something really happens to him, it's not too late for him to return. Anyway, with his skills, it's not difficult to leave here.

When Ye Jiu walked slowly into it, he found that there was red blood on the ground. The pungent smell of blood made Ye Jiu a little disgusting. It seems that a very scary scene just happened here. Unfortunately, Ye Jiu came late and did not see the fight.

"Daw, how could this happen?"

Ye Jiu used magic to find out the exact location of the grave robbers, but the result was at his feet, which made him a little confused. His feet were just human flesh and dregs. Did they really encounter something wrong?

After careful identification, Ye Jiu found that the residue on the ground was only one person. A total of five people came in. Where did the other four go? Also, what did they encounter? Or they kill each other.

All kinds of ideas hovered in Ye Jiu's mind. At this time, he was a little in a dilemma, because he was a tangled person. At this time, when he encountered this kind of multiple choice question, he really didn't know whether to move forward.

"Alas! Forget it, let's move on!"

After thinking about it, Ye Jiu finally sighed and decided that it was better to move on. If that group of people really encountered something ferocious, he would also help them. Anyway, he would charge a protection fee.

But if that group of people kill each other, then Ye Jiu also decided to teach them a good lesson so that they can't get out of this cemetery for the rest of their lives. After making sure to pay attention, Ye Jiu moved forward with trembling.

Originally, it was ten minutes away, but he forced Ye Jiu to walk for half an hour. He didn't know why he felt panic and sweated coldly. He hadn't had this fear for a long time.

"Strange? Why is the atmosphere around it getting more and more solemn?

Ye Jiu was very nervous. He looked around and didn't find anything wrong. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

"Damn, it almost happened."

Ye Jiu hit his head with his fist, and then used magic to hide his breath and figure. At this time, he was completely like a lonely ghost. He was not popular at all. Ye Jiu was very sure that he succeeded in pretending to be a ghost. When those real ghosts saw him, they would feel that they were the same kind of them.

And as long as those living people don't open their eyes, they can't see themselves. After everything is done, the atmosphere around Ye Jiu has changed back to the original, without the previous sense of oppression.

"So that's it!"

Ye Jiu suddenly felt that he was really smart. This is a tomb, a place for those dead people. Although people died, their breath still exists. Once outsiders break into their world, they will naturally notice the breath of the intruders.

If the intruder wants to steal the tomb owner's things, the tomb owner will naturally kill them with resentment. Although few people can detect the tomb owner's breath, as long as ** people, he will definitely feel a sense of pressure, just like Ye Jiu.

With the smell of ghosts, Ye Jiu suddenly recognized the whereof of those tomb robbers. It seemed that he had deceived the tomb owner by pretending to be a ghost, and the next thing was to find those tomb robbers.

Although Ye Jiu is not used to this method of tomb robbers, he does not dislike tomb robbers. If there is no tomb robber, how can he get those good things? Ye Jiu is not a good man or a good man. He just wants everything he wants.

Now Shimen is not in the mood to think about it. He is tired enough about Xuantianzi and Xuanmingzi, and Ye Jiu decided that if he was really cheated, he would definitely leave Wumen.


While Ye Jiu was on his way, there was another roar in front of him. It seemed that they had really encountered something wrong. It was not an internal fight. Ye Jiu accelerated his pace. Unfortunately, he was still late in the end.

It's human flesh debris all over the ground, and even the bones are broken into scum. Now there are still three people left. As long as you find those three people, you can clear what they have encountered.

Ye Jiu used trackers to find their figures again, but now there is a problem, that is, the three of them have different directions. They ran in three directions at the same time. It seems that they are flying separately!

"This group of scattered sand still wants to learn from others to steal tombs, and they can't even save their lives."

Ye Jiu despised several of them. Although professional tomb robbers may run around in times of disaster, they are also disciplined and will not easily abandon their companions. After all, many people are powerful and easy to go out. If you are alone, the probability of going out is very slim, and the probability of death will be very high.

These tomb robbers seem to be just amateurs. They don't even understand such a simple truth. Ye Jiu really doesn't know why they chose this road. At present, they die, it's just that they die and can't blame others.

"Let's choose one!"

Ye Jiu withdrew his thoughts. He chose the man in the west. After selecting, he quickly moved over. This time, he did not leave and went directly with the teleporter. Ye Jiu was a little surprised to see the man.

This person is not someone else, but his friend Lan Jian. He has bought ghost beads from him before, and he has also been doing business with his father. It seems that after Lan Jian, Ye Jiu's eyebrows frowned deeper.

This boy actually came here. It seems that he was right when he came in this time, otherwise he would probably die in this grave, and Ye Jiu showed his prototype at this time.

"Lan Jian."

Lan Jian was running away when he suddenly heard someone calling him. He was so afraid that he didn't dare to look back. He still continued to run trembling. He was afraid that he would become like them as soon as he turned around.

"Ok, coward, it's me. I'm Ye Jiu. You're not afraid of being laughed at when you come to rob the tomb."

After hearing the sound of ridicule, Lan Jian squatted on the ground and turned his head. After seeing the people coming, he cried loudly. He was scared this trip. This was something he had never bumped into in his life.

"O all right, why does the big man cry? Is it okay to be a little promising? Tell me what's going on? When I came in, I found that the two people had been smashed by something.


"All right, calm down."

Ye Jiu saw that Lan Jian opened his mouth and didn't say anything for a long time, so he motioned him to calm down first. While Lan Jian was calm, Ye Jiu used magic to hide his and Lan Jian's living breath. At this time, the two of them were like two ghosts.

"Is it better?"

"Well, much better..."

Lan Jian also calmed down at this time. With Ye Jiu, the protector, he also calmed down, as if Ye Jiu was his savior.

"The five of us were attacked not long after we came in, but it was strange that we couldn't see what was attacking us. Lao Li was the first to be torn to pieces, and then A Si came down. We were so scared that we ran away."

"Is it that simple?"

Hearing what Lan Jian said was so simple, Ye Jiu was dumbfounded. What does it mean that he couldn't see who was attacked? How to say that?

"I also know that no one believes it, but the truth is, as if there is something in the air, but we really can't see it. We always feel a sense of oppression, and we always feel like something is following us behind us. Now we don't know what's going on with Lao Zhang and Xiao Wang."

After listening to Lan Jian's description, Ye Jiu fell into meditation. If it was really what he said, it must be haunted by the wronged soul. If the wronged soul did not want to be seen, the person would not see it unless he opened his eyes.

And there are many ways to kill the wronged soul, and it is also common to tear people into pieces. In this way, Ye Jiu also figured it out. They disturbed the tomb owner, and it is natural for the tomb owner to show his power.

"Bearby the way, why did you come to Xiangxi?"

"Alas! I was originally in my hometown. A few days ago, Lao Li called me and said that he found a large number of antiques in western Hunan. I listened to him and rushed over. Who knew that I would encounter such a thing here? If I had known it, I would not have come.

"You are really bold. Didn't I tell you before! Try to get less contaminated with this kind of thing in the future. Your bad luck itself is heavy, you... alas! Forget it, let's not talk about you, and I haven't said anything. Now things have happened.

Ye Jiu really wants to beat him hard. Why does this man take money so seriously? Don't you care about your life? I have told him before that if he is contaminated with this kind of thing again, he is likely to die.

"Xiaojiu, thank you very much this time. I wanted to wash my hands after finishing this ticket, alas! Now I don't want to wash my hands.

"Oi, don't be sad. Let's find those two people first before going out!"


Ye Jiu led the way, and Lan Jian followed closely, as if he was afraid that he would accidentally separate from Ye Jiu. The two walked for half an hour, but they never found where the other two had gone.

Just as Ye Jiu and Lan Jian were about to give up, suddenly there was a vibration of the coffin in the left ear room. It seemed that something wanted to break out of the coffin. Because of curiosity, the two went to the ear chamber and found a more frightening scene...