
Chapter 82 Road Obstructed

Lan Jian's panicked appearance made Ye Jiu look lively for a while, and he was in a better mood. There were more and more insects in the grass. It seemed that they had gone the wrong way and ran to the dense parts of the grass.

After feeling that he was running the wrong way, Ye Jiu hurriedly called Lan Jian to stop, but at this time, there was no Lan Jian's figure. The boy had long known where he had gone.

"Lan Jian, where have you been? Lan Jian..."

Ye Jiu shouted a few times in the empty valley, but only his echo came around him and did not hear Lan Jian answer himself. At this time, Ye Jiu was a little panicked. Is it possible that the guy was attacked by those bugs?

Thinking of this, Ye Jiu panicked. He hurried to the nearby grass to look for Lan Jian's figure, but after looking for more than 20 minutes, where could he be?

"Damn, isn't this forcing me to use magic?"

Ye Jiu roared impatiently, and then got up and used the tracker to locate Lan Jian's wheres, but what annoyed Ye Jiu was that the tracker did not move forward, but stayed in the pile of grass next to Ye Jiu.

"Strange? How could this happen?"

Ye Jiu looked at the grass pile next to him, but there was nothing left except that clump of weeds.

"Huh? What is this?"

Just as Ye Jiu was about to give up, he suddenly saw a trace of hair. The hair was very thick and long, and red as blood. Ye Jiu tried to pick up his hair and check it carefully, but found that the hair grew out of the soil.

Such a strange scene made it difficult for Ye Jiu to calm down. He hurriedly made a villain with a charm, and then controlled the villain to go underground to help him check. The villain soon came up, and the information he got really surprised Ye Jiu.

Ye Jiu didn't have time to think much, and a formation directly dived into the ground. There were many such hairs growing in it, and the roots were as hard as silk, and the hair in the ground wrapped around the rock wall like tree roots.

"Strange, why is there such a big cave here?"

Ye Jiu's curiosity became more and more serious. At this time, there was a call for help in front of him, and the voice was exactly Lan Jian's.

"Lan Jian..."

"It's me, I'm here..."

Hearing Lan Jian's answer, Ye Jiu was relieved. Although he still had many questions in his heart, the most important thing now was to quickly follow him to find Lan Jian. If this person died inexplicably, his previous strength would be in vain.

"Damn, what's wrong with you boy? Why did you go to such a damn place?"

"How do I know? I remember walking in front of me and suddenly saw a woman with a big belly. She said that she was about to give birth and asked me to sit down. As soon as I stepped forward, I felt black in front of my eyes, and then I was already here when I saw the light.

Lan Jian's words shocked Ye Jiu a little. Did he meet a ghost pregnant woman who died unjustly? It seems that this boy is very lucky.

"Oi, are you all right?"

"It's okay, by the way, where is this? Why is it so horrible?"

Lan Jian looked around and found that he seemed to be under the root of the tree, but those things were not the root of the tree, and his hair was blood red. Lan Jian felt a little nauseous.

"This should be the nest of the wronged ghost you met. Let's go to the ground first."

Ye Jiu pulled Lan Jian and returned to the ground with a rune array, but he didn't expect that he could never break the ground above his head.

"What's going on? The formation seems to have disappeared.

Seeing that he could not leave here, Ye Jiu was also depressed. It seemed that he could not go back without getting rid of the damn thing, while Lan Jian snuggled close to Ye Jiu, and his courage was really about to break.

"Look at your promising point, can you look like a man?"

Ye Jiu pushed away Lan Jian, who leaned on him. He was not a fan. He was so close to a man. If he was seen, he didn't know what to say about him.

"No, you know I'm timid."

Lan Jian hurriedly returned to Ye Jiu, but he did not lean on Ye Jiu this time. He was afraid that he would be pushed away again. His face was nothing. Now the most important thing is to save his life.

Ye Jiu glanced at Lan Jian, but didn't say anything. He grabbed a handful of rune paper from his pocket, and then burned around him. After the purification of the rune paper, the blood-red hair directly emitted white smoke.

"What's going on?"

Lan Jian was stunned. It was difficult for him to believe what was happening in front of him, but he had to believe it.

"What we see are all illusions. These are not hair at all, but the blood vessels of the wronged soul. If I guess correctly, we are in her stomach now."

"What? In my stomach..."

Lan Jian stood unsteadily and squatted directly on the ground, but Ye Jiu seemed to be a fine person. In fact, he was holding on, and his heart was already disgusting and wanted to vomit.

It got into other people's stomachs alive. I'm afraid this feeling is really unimaginable by ordinary people, but Ye Jiu has also figured out the other party's way. As long as he finds its heart and then destroys it with rune paper, he and Lan Jian can be saved.

"Xiao Jiu, are we still alive now?"

Life and death are what Lan Jian is most concerned about at this time, because they have entered other people's stomachs, and the probability of living is really slim.

"Don't worry, you won't die with me."

Ye Jiu really can't do anything about this coward. If he can, he really wants to slap this coward to death. He is so bold that he dares to learn from others to rob tombs, and he is not afraid of jokes.

Lan Jian followed Ye Jiu closely. Although his legs and feet have been trembling, he dare not leave Ye Jiu casually. Whether he can go out alive depends on whether he can persist now.

Ye Jiu walked around casually. He kept checking the position of his heart. At this time, he could not open the heavenly eye or use the tracker, but Fortunately, he could also use the rune paper to avoid evil a little.

Half an hour has passed, but I still can't find where the heart is, and the air is becoming more and more scarce at this time. It seems that if I don't finish it quickly, I will definitely be suffoed to death.

"I can't delay any longer, Lan Jian. Listen to me. Whether you can get out alive now depends on the efforts of the two of us. You must help me."

"I... I'll help you?" But...but I..."

Lan Jian was trembling. He didn't know what Ye Jiu wanted him to do, but he could feel that he must be separated from Ye Jiu. It was difficult for him to accept the thought of being alone in the belly of the wronged soul.

"You must be strong. If you continue like this, we will both die."

Lan Jian's forehead kept sweating. He knew that he would die if he didn't make a decision, but he couldn't convince his heart. Seeing that Lan Jian was so useless, Ye Jiu also had a headache.

"Forget it, since you want to die here, it will fulfill you."

Ye Jiu said this and left, paying no attention to Lan Jian. When Lan Jian saw Ye Jiu leaving, he hurriedly caught up with him.

"Okay, I promise you."

**The method was successful. Ye Jiu smiled secretly behind Lan Jian's back, and then returned to indifference: "I'll borrow your boy to pee."

Lan Jian was stunned by Ye Jiu's sudden words, but he came to his senses.

"How do you know I'm still a virgin?"

"Don't forget what I am, don't talk too many, give me, just pee on this rune paper."

Ye Jiu was also fierce. Although it was a little disgusting, compared with his own life, he still endured it. When he got out of here, he vowed to greet all the 18 generations of the female ghost's ancestors.

Lan Jian carried Ye Jiu on his back and spilled it as soon as he urinated. The strong smell made Ye Jiu unconsciously cover his nose. After everything was done, Ye Jiu did not go to get the rune paper, but used magic to let the rune paper automatically find a way out.

After walking in mid-air for a while, the rune paper landed on a reef. Ye Jiu sneered and took out another rune paper from his arms, but this rune paper was different from others, and only a strange symbol was drawn on it.

"What is this?"

"Sky thunder charm, specially designed to attract lightning."

Ye Jiu briefly explained, and then urged Tian Leifeng to hit the reef directly. No wonder he couldn't find the heart of the wronged soul just now. It turned out that it used the blinding method and almost fooled it.

After everything was ready, Ye Jiu urged the thunderbole. In a few seconds, a powerful thunderbolt hit the reef. After the explosion, a big hole appeared in front of Ye Jiu and Lan Jian.

"Let's go." Ye Jiu picked up Lan Jian and flew directly out of the belly of the wronged soul. As soon as he went out, Ye Jiu breathed fresh air. At this time, he felt that the air was the most beautiful thing.

As soon as Lan Jian came out, he spread out on the ground. At this time, the ghost also destroyed himself with the thunderstorm. Everything was over, but Ye Jiu felt that this was just the beginning. As long as Lan Jian, the unlucky guy, would happen sooner or later.

"Lan Jian, you are very lucky. I plan to use the formation to keep you in a ghost state, so that you won't attract that kind of thing."

"What...what? Then I won't have any sequelae, will I?" Lan Jian asked worriedly.

"No, as long as I get home safely, I will restore your state."

Lan Jian closed his eyes. At this time, he had no attention. As long as he could get home safely, it doesn't matter if he became a pig now, but the premise was that there were no sequelae.

"Let's go!"

Hearing Lan Jian agree, Ye Jiu cast a spell, and Lan Jian's figure suddenly disappeared from Ye Jiu. Ye Jiu picked up the porcelain bottle in his pocket and then took Lan Jian in. After everything was done, Ye Jiu walked at ease.

He could have returned home directly with magic, but he doesn't have so much spiritual power now. He has used too much magic in the belly of the wronged soul just now. If he uses it again, his life will not be saved.

Although walking is a little hard, it is nothing for Ye Jiu. He is a mountain baby and has been used to climbing mountains since he was a child, so this little hard work is nothing. Without Lan Jian's drag, Ye Jiu is obviously much faster.

After an hour's journey, the road appeared in front of Ye Jiu. At this time, a bus happened to be parked at the road sign. Ye Jiu got into the car impatiently. After sitting down, he closed his eyes and refreshed.

The car drove very fast on the highway. The driver seemed to be on the road. Suddenly, Ye Jiu felt much colder around him and hurriedly opened his eyes, only to find that they had walked to the inside of the mountain. Didn't the car go back to the city? Why did you come here?

Ye Jiu felt the seriousness of the matter more and more. He hurriedly opened his eyes and found that he had done the wrong car and actually got into a supernatural car. The car was full of ghosts who were going to be reincarnated. In a cold sweat, Ye Jiu hurriedly used magic to get him off the car.