
Chapter 84 Mistaking into the Ghost Road


"What's wrong?"

Ye Jiu felt a strange place as he walked, so he stopped and said to himself.

"I don't think there's something wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Lan Jian didn't understand what Ye Jiu meant, so he asked puzzledly.

"Don't you think it's quiet around you?"

"It's very quiet. What's wrong?"

"You don't even think it's strange that there is no sound of an insect, and there is no sound of wind blowing leaves, and there is silence around?"

Hearing Ye Jiu's words, Lan Jian also felt incredible.

"So what should we do now?"

"Go back."

"Isn't it? Go back..."

Hearing Ye Jiu's words, Lan Jian suffered a lot and has been walking for most of the day. Now he actually says to go back. Isn't this his life? Although he often climbs mountains and wades, he hasn't eaten all day and hasn't rested yet. He has no strength to go any further.

"You can continue to move forward. If you don't like your long life, I will leave if you don't leave. Don't regret it in the future."

Ye Jiu said and went back. Lan Jian had no choice but to follow Ye Jiu back, but there was another question in front of them, that is, where should he go when he goes back?

"Xiaojiu, we're going back like this, so we can't spend the night in the mass grave, can we?"

"No, do you remember when we saw those dense supernatural cars just now?"

"Remember, what's wrong?"

"I suspect that it is not the entrance and exit of hell, but the entrance and exit of Yangjian."

When Ye Jiuyi said this, Lan Jian immediately sweated coldly. What is the entrance and exit of the Yangjian? Are they in the underworld at this time?

"Don't doubt that we are in the underworld now, and now we feel like we are rushing back to the sun. Otherwise, after three o'clock midnight, we can't go back, and the fake ghost will become real ghosts."

Lan Jian didn't dare to complain any more. He walked to Ye Jiu without saying a word. It seemed that he was really afraid of missing the time to return to the sun. Ye Jiu was also happy to see this and didn't need to rush him to go. This was a good thing.

Time seems to have passed much faster at this time. It's already 2:30 at midnight, and there is still half an hour left. Whether he can return to the sun or not depends on this half an hour. Ye Jiu's face is not full of sweat. He is a little uncertain.

What if that place is not the entrance and exit of the sun? In addition, there is only half an hour left now. Whether you and Lan Jian can safely return to the sun is really a question.

There are too many supernatural cars there, and they are not given a chance to approach at all. Ye Jiu is now the first two big, and Lan Jian is not a big boy. He will only drag him down, but since he has promised to take him back safely, he must fulfill his promise.

"Lan Jian, wait, let's discuss what to do when we get there? You can't just rush over like this, can you?"

"Well, can't you do anything about it?"

Ye Jiu is sweating coldly. What does this boy mean? Do you think of yourself as a god?

"You are really interesting. Let me solve any problems, so what do you do? Will you only enjoy the results?"

Ye Jiu was angry, but Lan Jian covered his ears. The most annoying thing for him was Ye Jiu's nagging, and he didn't know who he learned from.

Seeing that Lan Jian didn't want to listen to his lecture, Ye Jiu also shut up. Now is not the time to scold him. You have to find a way out quickly. Time doesn't wait for anyone, and you can't wait a second later. Thinking of this, Ye Jiu felt a lot of pressure.

"Alas! Not afraid of god-like opponents, but afraid of pig-like teammates.

Ye Jiu shouted this sentence angrily. After roaring, he immediately calmed himself down. Although he calmed down, he still ran to that place quickly. He would reach that place when he came up with a way, otherwise it would be useless to come up with a solution now.

Lan Jian was really afraid of death. He kept rushing to the dense point just now, regardless of whether Ye Jiu had kept up with him. He was very anxious for fear that he would die here slowly.

Seeing Lan Jian walking fast, Ye Jiu smiled bitterly in his heart. This boy was too anxious. If he was found by those things at this time, it would be bad.

"Lan Jian, you have to watch the road even if you run. Also, don't forget to hide yourself. If you are found by those things, I can't save you."

Ye Jiu shut up after saying that. He has to maintain his physical strength to avoid trouble at that time. In this way, he also needs to save his physical strength and escape. In Ye Jiu's heart, if he can beat him, he will fight, and if he can't beat him, he will run away. Anyway, he will stay with Qingshan, and he is not afraid of no firewood!

He is not a dead brain and won't force heroes. Those stubborn people are just a second-minded person in Ye Jiu's heart. There is no need to take their own lives to work hard. At most, they only leave a few words of mourning words and get nothing.

Only those who are alive can enjoy all the fruits of labor. Ye Jiu now also knows that he is destined to be alone, so he will not think about women. He decides to practice magic all his life until he becomes the first person in the world.

"Can you hurry up!"

Lan Jian turned his head and saw Ye Jiu walking slowly behind him. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"What's urgent? I haven't figured out how to escape. You just run over now. In addition to death, there is only death left. I said, can you be more rational in case of trouble? What's the big deal that you can do in such a hurry?

Dissatisfied with Lan Jian's urging, Ye Jiu took the opportunity to educate him again. Lan Jian heard Ye Jiu's words and began to slow down, yes! Now I don't even think of a way to escape, so I can only die in vain.

"So what do you think we should do now?"

"Save your physical strength first. If we really encounter an emergency, we can also run away."

When Ye Jiu said this, Lan Jian felt that the hope of running out was getting more and more remote, but he was not discouraged. Unless there was really anything he could do, Lan Jian belonged to Xiaoqiang who could not be killed. As long as there was a little hope, he would not give up, which was also the reason why he could live for so long.

Ye Jiu thought about ways all the way, and Lan Jian is now also trying to calm himself down. As the saying goes: Three stinky cobblers, top Zhuge Liang! Now there are only two of them, so there should be no problem with half Zhuge Liang.

"There is a way, or we can use the invisibility spell." Ye Jiu suddenly shouted excitedly.

When Ye Jiu shouted like this, Lan Jian also cheered up. He cheered up and hurried to follow Ye Jiu. Now there are only ten minutes left from three o'clock, and the supernatural cars on the roadside are becoming more and more dense.

Ye Jiu took this opportunity to quickly cast a spell to hide his and Lan Jian's figure. Whether he can succeed or not depends only this time. When the supernatural car was a little evacuated, Ye Jiu quickly pulled Lan Jian through the space of the supernatural car, and then found an opportunity to jump directly into the entrance and exit of the Yangjian.

As soon as he jumped into the entrance, a burst of light appeared in front of Ye Jiu. He closed his eyes directly. After slowly adapting, he opened his eyes, but found that he and Lan Jian were in the middle of the road at this time.

"What's going on?"

Lan Jian also opened his eyes at this time. After seeing the scene in front of him, he was shocked. Isn't this the place where he just jumped into the entrance of the yang room? Why does it appear here again now? And at this time, the sun is already shining brightly.

"It's broken. We're in the wrong place. Let's go. Hurry up."

Before he had time to explain, Ye Jiu hurriedly used his spell to pull Lan Jian all the way to a big pit. He pushed Lan Jian, and then jumped in himself.

This big pit is not somewhere else. It was the mass grave that Ye Jiu fell into when he first got off the supernatural car. Ye Jiu remembered that he was behind those ghosts, but those ghosts did not fall into the pit, and he fell alone, so this place must be suspicious.

When Ye Jiu jumped into the big pit, it was just three o'clock at midnight, and when Lan Jian felt that there was no way to live, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.


"Enough, don't yell."

Ye Jiu kicked Lan Jian's buttocks fiercely. He really didn't know that the boy would have such a loud sound. His roar made his eardrums hurt.

"I'm so happy that I find that only living is the best!"

Lan Jian deeply sniffed the flowers on the roadside. Since he successfully escaped from the underworld, he has been in a good mood all the way. Although they have not yet walked out of western Hunan, he has been very excited to see the real sunshine.

By the saying, when they jumped into the big pit, the time just arrived. They thought they could not leave the ghost place, but they didn't expect to return to the sun in the blink of an eye. Although it was still dark at that time, there was the sound of insects around them, which showed that the space they existed was alive.

After saying goodbye to the underworld, Lan Jian's mood also became much better. Naturally, Ye Jiu needless to say, but both of them had a shadow on the shuttle bus and refused to take the bus out of the mountain.

"Xiaojiu, how did you judge that place was the exit?"

"I'm just trying."

"But don't you think it's strange? It took us hours to walk from that big pit to the dense point of the supernatural car, but it took us less than a minute to return. What kind of logic is this?

"In fact, it's all a blindfold. If you look at it carefully, you will definitely see the way out. If it were all like you, we wouldn't know how many times we have died."

Without life danger, Ye Jiu also joked. Anyway, they are not far from the mountain now, so they are not in a hurry. They roasted a few rabbits on the road. After they were full, they walked out of the mountain freely.

Of course, they have changed their clean clothes when they walk on the road, and their previous clothes have already been broken into ruins. If they are still wearing them, they will definitely be sent to the insane asylum as a psychopath.

"Lan Jian, what are you going to do back?"

"Open an antique shop! Anyway, I have a lot of inventory, and my ancestors have always opened an antique shop. This time I have experienced life and death, so I won't go to the tomb again.

"That's good. When I go back, I'll send you something to ward off evil spirits, so that I can go to your bad luck."

"That's great, Xiaojiu. I found that you are really a good person."

Hearing that Ye Jiu helped him go bad luck, Lan Jian immediately flattered Ye Jiu. Ye Jiu also deserved it, but he was annoyed. For Lan Jian, he provoked a bad luck and could only be eliminated a year later.

Thinking of this, Ye Jiu's face was a little bad. He suddenly thought of a question, is it worth doing this? And I have done so many good things, but I don't even get anything in return. I feel aggrieved when I think about it.

Lan Jian has been walking in front of him, and he doesn't know that Ye Jiu has changed his face at this time, let alone Ye Jiu's inner thoughts. If he knew that Ye Jiu had scolded himself half to death in his heart, he would not have flattered Ye Jiu again.