
Chapter 110 Ghost Gate

With the burning of Xiaoyu's body, the surrounding boundary also disappeared. It seems that the villagers have also rested. Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat looked at each other and smiled. None of them said anything. Perhaps this smile is enough to make them understand each other.

Sometimes, friendship is so simple. A smile and an easy expression can interpret all feelings. Although it is simple, it is also true.

"Xiao Jiu, where are we going now?"

"Nonsense, of course, it's moving on. Do you still want to stay here?"

The rabbit cat is used to Ye Jiu's abuse, so it doesn't care about Ye Jiu's abuse.

"Little guy, do you feel that something is wrong?"

After walking for half an hour, Ye Jiu always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say anything wrong, so he asked the rabbit cat, and Ye Jiu knew that the rabbit cat had always been very ** to that kind of thing.

"No? I don't feel anything strange. Are you thinking too much?

"Little guy, where is your **?"

Ye Jiu shook his head helplessly. He wondered why the little guy fell off the chain when it was more critical. Did this little guy say that he lived so much by fooling himself? Thinking of this, Ye Jiu despised the rabbit cat in his heart.

"Xiaojiu, I really don't feel anything strange. Are you too tired?"

The little rabbit cat asked Ye Jiu with concern, but Ye Jiu did not say much to him. In Ye Jiu's opinion, the little rabbit cat is a big liar like his master Xuan Tianzi.

"Xiaojiu, how long have we been walking?"

The sky is almost dark, but Ye Jiu and the rabbit cat are still wandering in Qinling, and there is no place to live around. Not only is there no place to live, but there is not even half a figure.

"Idiot, don't you really feel anything wrong at all?"

"Yes, it feels very early, and there is no one nearby."

"I thought you didn't feel anything strange."

Ye Jiu was really speechless about the rabbit cat. He knew there was something strange, but he thought it was normal.

"Is that what you said strange?"

The little rabbit cat took a look and saw that Ye Jiu rolled his eyes at it. Then he suddenly realized that it was really a simple rabbit cat!


As soon as the little rabbit cat wanted to move forward, Ye Jiu stepped on its tail and bit Ye Jiu's shoes directly in pain.

"Damn, do you want to trample me to death?"

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, so I stepped on you. Besides, if I hadn't stepped on you, you would have gone to the ghost gate to report now."

"What do you mean?"

The rabbit cat looked at Ye Jiu incomprehwently. Ye Jiu sighed and then told the rabbit cat what he saw. The rabbit cat looked at Ye Jiu suspiciously. Ye Jiu opened the rabbit cat's eyes with magic.

"How...how could it be...this..."

The rabbit cat swallowed its saliva and looked at the scenery in front of it in horror. Because it opened its eyes, the rabbit cat had no way to go, and there was a cliff.

"We have come to the fantasy set by others."

"What should I do?"

"Find the way, you'd better get out quickly."

Ye Jiu picked up the rabbit cat and retreated, but the road behind was already different from the original road. Ye Jiu frowned tightly, and he didn't know if he was really in big trouble this time.

The rabbit cat's eyes widened. It still thought about the scene of standing on the edge of the cliff just now. If Ye Jiu hadn't stepped on its tail in time, it would have fallen into the cliff.

"Xiaojiu, do you think we can go out alive?"

"Can, believe in yourself and believe in me."

"Well, okay."

The little rabbit cat stopped talking, and its eyes were a little wet. In the face of life and death, it is really good to have a trustworthy person. It feels that it has not lived in vain in its life.

Ye Jiu also felt a little comfort in his heart. The little rabbit believes in himself so much, and he also feels that life is really beautiful. He can have an animal that believes in himself when he is alive. Although it is a little strange, it is very warm.

"Xiao Jiu, how long will it take for us to go out?"

The rabbit's hungry snoring sounded, and it asked Ye Jiu awkwardly.

"I don't know, but I'll take you out of here as soon as possible, because I'm hungry, too."

Ye Jiu smiled faintly, comforted the rabbit cat and continued to drive, but God seemed to be joking with him. As soon as Ye Jiu turned around, the road behind him disappeared.

"Little...Xiaojiu, the road is gone..."

"It seems that we have no way back, so we can only keep moving forward."

Ye Jiu also felt bitter in his heart. If he had known this, he should have left here by car.

"Xiaojiu, can you try the array and see if you can use the array to get us out of here?"

The rabbit cat gave Ye Jiu a hint, but Ye Jiu never used the array, which made the rabbit cat a little confused.

"What's wrong?"

"No, the formation can't be enabled. Look at the tombstone in front of you."

The rabbit cat looked in the direction of Ye Jiu's eyes and saw the three big blood-red characters "Ghost Gate" written on the tombstone in front of it. The person who looked at the font was only scared, and the rabbit cat was naturally shocked.

"Xiaojiu, why did we close the ghost door?"

"I guess those things invited us here."

"Isn't it? Why is it always so unlucky to be with you?

The little rabbit cat muttered, but Ye Jiu still heard it clearly, but he didn't say anything. In fact, he was also wondering why he was always so unlucky.

The bad luck has always followed Ye Jiu. Maybe it's really because of Lan Jian's incident! Ye Jiu hated Lan Jian in his heart. If it hadn't been for that guy, he wouldn't have been unlucky, and he would have been unlucky all year.

"Xiao Jiu, I think you have something to hide from me."

Seeing Ye Jiu's uncomfortableness, the rabbit cat said loudly, as if it wanted to pierce Ye Jiu's face.

"Okay, let me tell you, I will have bad luck all year. If you think you are unlucky with me, leave quickly. In the future, you will see me hiding far away, so that I won't pass on my bad luck to you."

Ye Jiu was a little angry. Although he knew that the rabbit cat was unintentional, the talker was unintentional and the listener was intentional!

"Xiaojiu, how can you look at me like this? I didn't mean to say this, I just think so! Since we are friends, don't keep each other. If there is a problem, we can solve it together.

Ye Jiu was moved by the little rabbit's words, but he still calmed down quickly. In front of him, he knew that he could not be careless. Although the rabbit cat did not mind his secret, he still had to leave here before talking about other topics.

"Well, let's not say anything else. Let's find a way to get out of here. I feel that the temperature around me is getting higher and higher. I'm afraid that it will become a big oven later."

Ye Jiu's worry is not unreasonable. At present, the question of the ghost door has reached 40 degrees, and the temperature that the human body can withstand is online. In order not to make the rabbit cat from becoming barbecue, Ye Jiu quickly used magic to isolate himself and the rabbit cat from the ghost gate.

"Wow, it's so comfortable."

Without the high-temperature barbecue, the little rabbit cat felt very comfortable, and Ye Jiu also wiped the sweat on his forehead and exhaled.

"Don't be happy too early. If we can't leave here for five hours, even my magic won't work."

"Don't worry, we still have five hours to find a way out."

The little bunny has always been very optimistic. Although sometimes it is a little depressed, it is only a momentary thing. Ye Jiu no longer talks much and directly finds a mechanism around.

"Xiao Jiu, come and have a look. There seems to be something here."

Ye Jiu hurriedly ran to the rabbit cat and saw a small red button on the stone in front of the rabbit cat. Ye Jiu thought for a moment and then pressed it directly.


A sound similar to the mechanism sounded, and then Ye Jiu and the little rabbit disappeared in place, and a big pit appeared in the place where they had just stood.

"Damn, you're kidding me, aren't you?"

Before Ye Jiu scolded, the little rabbit cat began to scold. Originally, he thought it was a way out, but now it has become a dead end. Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat are trapped in the dark road at this time and can't walk if they want to.

"Xiao Jiu, what should we do now?"

"I don't know. I'm looking for it. Maybe there is another way out."

"What if there is any more trap?"

The little rabbit cat is a little scared. Although it is not afraid of death, it is still afraid of tragic death.

"How do you know if you don't try? Anyway, we have come to a dead end now, and we are not afraid of dying again.

"Well, you really think about it."

"What can I do if I don't want to open something? Do you have a better way?"

Ye Jiu stared at the rabbit cat. The rabbit cat buttoned its nose and then bounced away its nose. It ignored Ye Jiu's words and directly looked for the mechanism button to go out on the rock wall.

Seeing that the little rabbit cat thought about it, Ye Jiu smiled softly, then took out a few pieces of rune paper and folded it into a small paper man. He blew a breath to the little paper man, and the little paper man immediately came back to life.

"You go to the rock wall to see if there is a button to go out."

After receiving Ye Jiu's instructions, the little paper man immediately began to act, and the little rabbit cat was also happy. Now that there are more people, the opportunity to go out has risen.

"Xiao Jiu, why didn't you take out these things earlier? If we had taken it out earlier, maybe we wouldn't be here now.

"Little guy, do you think it's so easy to summon these little paper people? This requires conditions."

"What conditions do you need?"

"The yin qi is sufficient, and the temperature should not be too high, and there are some other factors."

Ye Jiu said briefly that the little rabbit was confused, but it also understood, but these had nothing to do with it, so it didn't care.

"Oc's it, don't talk nonsense, find the way!"

Ye Jiu is a little annoyed. He doesn't like to stay in such a place, which always makes him feel very depressed.

"Xiao Jiu, we will go out, right?"

"This is a must."

Ye Jiu confirmed his words, and the little rabbit cat stopped talking. Although the surroundings were dark, Ye Jiu and others could see things clearly in the dark, so they were not afraid of this little darkness, but this depressed feeling made them a little uncomfortable.

Time passed minute by, and the little paper people and Ye Jiu have always achieved nothing, but no one is depressed. At this time, the more calm they must be. Ye Jiu has also been comforting and encouraging the rabbit cat.

Little paper people have no ideas and just do it according to the requirements of their masters, so they will not have any negative emotions, let alone affect others, which also saves Ye Jiu's comfort.