
Chapter 121 The storyteller is dead

The next day, I went to the village head Xie. I just walked halfway, but I found that the villagers flocked to the supermarket, saying that the village head had died there.

My sister and cousin and I ran over quickly, and saw the village head's whole body covered with steel bars, bleeding, and staring at it in fear...

At this time, there was a sudden fire in the supermarket, and it was not long before it burned out, and the ambulance was left with ashes...

Later, I heard an old man say that the village head had led a construction team to build a supermarket. When he got to the 44th floor, a female construction worker asked for a raise, but the village head refused. In order to pay less, the village head asked the daughter to come to the 44th floor in the middle of the night, saying that as long as she boldly stayed there for one night, she would be given double the salary. The woman urgently needed money to go to school. I had to agree to the request.

In the middle of the night, the village head hid in the unfinished pool on the 44th floor. The woman didn't know, so she sat by the pool. The village head suddenly came out of the water and grabbed her neck. She begged him in horror, but he just smiled cruelly...

It wasn't long before the woman was angry. The village head threw her body into the unloaded elevator for fear of causing trouble. Because the bottom was full of steel bars, the woman was pierced by the steel bars when she went down. She stared at the village head above with resentment. The village head wanted to go home in a hurry, but found my father.

The father glanced at the village head. In order to seal his mouth, the village head promised to share the woman's salary equally, so that the matter was extinguished. The village head and father installed the elevator overnight, which covered the woman's body. The next day, the village head found an excuse to seal the 44th floor. That's probably the matter.

The old man finally said that maybe the woman turned into a ghost to revenge. I had a father's breath, so the woman came to me first. My father died early due to illness, so the ghost came to me, saying that the father's debts and the son were repaid, but I dodged this, but the real murderer did not escape...

After the girl finished telling the story, Ye Jiu was also thrilling to hear it. This is the first time he has heard such an outrageous thing, but what can't people do for money now?

"Don't be sad, by the way, you just said you escaped the disaster, but why are you now..."

Ye Jiu was embarrassed. The girl also understood Ye Jiu's words. She sighed and continued to say:

Because I was shocked, a Taoist priest helped me. He erased my memory and rejuvenated me. I went back to my childhood, but I also changed my name at that time.

The weather was gloomy, and I hurried on my way. Because school was late, I didn't get home at 6:30. My home is far from the school, and I have to climb a mountain to get there. At this time, halfway, the wind blew and stuttered. I tripped over something. I looked up and found that there was a pair of very new and unworn black shoes in front of me. I hurriedly picked them up and hid them in my schoolbag.

My family is poor. I have a sister named Gu Xiliang. It's not easy for my parents to support the family. I can only wear the rest of the things for my sister, so my sister always wears tattered. I'm going to give the new shoes I picked up this time to my sister. I believe she will be very happy. I'm the same age as her, but my parents always favor me, and I don't understand why. Fortunately, Xiliang has never been jealous of me.

I walked quickly and really wanted to get home immediately. For nothing else, I just wanted to give her a gift earlier!

Finally, an hour later, I got home. As soon as I got home, it rained. When my mother saw me coming back, she asked me to have dinner. I hurriedly pulled Xiliang into the room after dinner. I took out the cloth shoes and handed them to her! She hugged me excitedly and turned around. She quickly took the shoes and tried them on. Seeing that the size was just right, she smiled and said, "Sister, I like it so much. So beautiful! And flowers."

I nodded and said, "As long as Xiliang likes it, my sister will be happy."

At this time, my father came back, and my mother asked me to bring food to my father, so I went out...

When my father finished eating, my mother washed the dishes directly. I was busy with my homework. Because there were no classes on Friday and Saturday and weekends, I had more homework.

Because of my parents' bias, my sister didn't go to school. I just took time to teach her, so that she wouldn't be 13 years old and still can't read!

It's strange to say that tonight's night is very dull and makes people breathless. The rain stopped after only two hours. I felt so tired today that I was ready to go to bed. As soon as I lay down, I heard my mother's scolding. I got up to see it, and my mother pointed to my sister and scolded me. I asked what was wrong? Mom asked me to go back to the house.

I ignored my mother and asked Xiliang what was going on. Xiliang said coldly, "I only asked how the widow 13 years ago died, and my mother scolded me."

I looked at my mother strangely and said, "What widow? What's the matter?"

Mom said palely, "How do I know? I heard that it was difficult to give birth."

Xiliang asked coldly, "Really?"

I saw that my mother was going to hit her, so I hurriedly pulled her back to the room.

I scolded her for meddling. Maybe my mother didn't want to say anything. I'll ask later and let her go to bed quickly. She ignored me and lay down and fell asleep.

I also turned off the light and went to bed. In the middle of the night, I felt thirsty, so I went to drink water. When I passed the window, I found Xiliang standing by the well and smiled strangely at the well. I shivered and wanted to call her, but I didn't say anything. I wanted to let her go! So I didn't care about her and went straight to bed after drinking water.

The next day, I heard my father shouting outside at dawn. I ran out and asked what happened.

My father pointed to the bucket tremblingly. I turned around and found that there was a pair of feet in the bucket, and the water was red. I stepped back a few steps in horror and hurriedly ran out to call the village head uncle over. He called several bold villagers over.

Dad signaled that there was still something in the well. My uncle took a long hook and put it down. After a while, he pulled it up and found my mother's body. My mother's expression was painful and frightened, and I fainted...

When I woke up, it was already dark, and there was a coffin in the yard. I knew it was my mother's, and I couldn't breathe. After a long time, I got up silently. I suddenly saw my sister staring at the coffin and laughing. I felt cold all over and remembered her behavior in the middle of the night last night.

I quickly found my father and whispered about my sister's affairs in the middle of the night. My father was surprised by my words. He motioned me not to frighten the snake, saying that he would observe my sister for a few more days. I asked my father and sister what was going on. Dad said in a low voice, "Thirteen years ago, she was brought back from the outside by your mother. I heard that a difficult widow died after giving birth to her. When your mother saw her pitiful, she took her back. Unexpectedly, she would avenge her kindness.

I can't imagine how my sister could be like this. Is it because my mother is not good to her? But even if my mother treats her badly, she can't do this... I cried out loud...

My mother was buried in the first seven, and all the villagers went. He (her) had all kinds of expressions. I was too lazy to say. I went home and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, I heard a noise. I squinted and saw my sister get up in bed. She walked out lightly. I followed her closely, and my father also followed me and asked me to be gentle and not let Xiliang find out. My heart beats suddenly, and I'm really afraid that my mother's death has something to do with her...

My sister went to her mother's grave and laughed. Suddenly, she screamed in pain. Her feet suddenly broke, and blood sprayed on her mother's grave. I screamed in horror. At this time, Xiliang begged her father to save her. Before her father could pull me, he ran away. Xi Liang looked at her father's back in despair and tears. Flowed out...

I was suddenly not afraid, only felt heartache. Maybe she was also the victim. I walked over and picked her on my back, and she hugged me gratefully.

I put her in the broken temple not far from the village, and then helped her bandage the wound. Her feet were gone. I suddenly felt so sad. When she saw me looking at her pain, she asked me to go back and get her a quilt. I nodded and agreed. I went back, but I fainted as soon as I arrived at the entrance of the village...

I don't know how long I slept. When I woke up, it was already dawn. I saw myself falling into the grass and got up and ran home. At this time, there were many people blocked at the door of my house. I squeezed in to see, but I found that my father's feet were on the side, but half of my body was in the well, and I fainted again.

When I woke up, it was already dusk. My uncle asked me about Xiliang. I got up and quickly ran to the broken temple. As soon as I entered the temple, I found that Xiliang had been hanged on the beam wood, with a pair of feet on the ground, which were hers, because I knew the solution, which I gave her...

At this time, my aunt shouted, "Isn't those shoes on the widow's feet? Isn't it buried? How come... She came to revenge, she came to revenge..." Aunt ran away like crazy.

I walked away trembling and wanted to be quiet. A few days later, my uncle said that he would bury Xiliang's body next to her biological mother. I asked what happened 13 years ago? My uncle answered the same as my father, but I knew he was lying. I didn't ask any more. A week later, I left home and went to school, intending not to come back...

The next day when I arrived at school, I heard that the mountain in our village had collapsed, and the whole village was buried alive. I was the only survivor! I didn't cry, not because I was cruel, but numb...

A week later, an old lady came to me and told me the truth about what happened 13 years ago.

It turned out that Gu Nuoxi, the biological mother of Xiliang, was Wei by the village head because she owed the land rent to the village. I signed it. Sell. After the deed, there was Xiliang. Xiliang was difficult to give birth, but Nuo Xi still gave birth to her.

Nuoxi saw that everyone was busy taking care of the child, so she took the opportunity to escape, but unfortunately, my father found her. Her father caught her back, and her uncle beat her severely. As soon as she gave birth to the child, she was severely beaten again. At this time, her breath was also weak. Dad came up with an idea that she might run away when she was well, or lock her. When she got up, Nuo Xi begged her uncle not to. At this time, her mother said again, "Let me cut off her feet directly and see how she runs."

Mom's words aroused the euver of the villagers, and I don't know why. The villagers hated Nuoxi. Nuoxi begged them not to do it, but no one sympathized with her...

She was locked on the bench. Her father held an axe and cut off Nuo Xi's foot at once. Nuo Xi screamed in pain and was breathless.

After that, my uncle threw Nuoxi into the well next to the temple and sealed it with a stone slab.

Noxi's daughter Xiliang was given to her father, and her uncle said that it was also his daughter, so Nuoxi was raised by her mother...

The old lady said to herself again, "What a retribution! Retribution..." She shouted away crazily.

It turned out that they deserved it. I burst into tears, but I didn't expect my villagers and relatives to be so shameless! I'm in pain...

I dreamed of Xiliang at night. She said that she didn't want to hurt me, so I begged my mother to let me go, because I was the best for her and helped her when she was most helpless, so she let me live well and be a good person. Finally, I dropped out of school and came to this city to work...