
Chapter 137 More Street

After killing Qin Xuan fiercely, Ye Jiu left the seafood building with the little rabbit cat. Qin Xuan followed Ye Jiu without saying a word with a depressed face. Although he was not a stingy person, he vowed that he would never provoke Ye Jiu again, because it was terrible.

"Hey, where are we going now?"

The little rabbit saw that the two of them didn't talk, so it broke the tranquility.

"Go to my house! You can't stay in a hotel."

Qin Xuan remembered that it was very late and it was time to go home to rest, so he did not be polite to Ye Jiu and directly arranged Ye Jiu in his home.

"Is it convenient?"

Ye Jiu was afraid of disturbing others, so he asked politely.

"There is nothing inconvenient. As you know, we warlocks can't have a family, so we don't have to worry about those vulgar people."

Qin Xuan said such words carelessly. If it had been Ye Jiu, he would not have said such words, because Ye Jiu felt that it was really strange to say such words in front of others.

"Then I'll bother you."

Ye Jiu is still very polite. Although Ye Jiu thinks he is very bold, he still doesn't want to disturb others all the time. After all, Qin Xuan is a friend of the rabbit cat and just meets him.

Seeing that Ye Jiu was still a little unhurled, the little rabbit cat changed the topic. It's still early to go back. Why don't we go and play? Qin Xuan, this place has changed a lot. When I left this place, it was not the current scene.

"Idiot, you have been gone for more than ten years. How can there be no change here? Ten years is enough to turn a young man into a middle-aged man.

"Yes! Ten years have passed, and it has been ten years, but I still feel that the previous experiences have happened too much yesterday.

The little rabbit cat suddenly became sad, which made Ye Jiu a little confused, and Qin Xuan's eyes were also full of pain. It seemed that both of them were trapped in the story that happened ten years ago.

"What happened to you ten years ago? Can you tell me?"

Seeing that both of them were sad, Ye Jiu broke the embarrassment. He didn't want to be in a superfluous state all the time.

Qin Xuan and the rabbit cat came to their senses and looked at each other, and then the rabbit cat told Ye Jiuxi the story that happened here ten years ago:

"Ten years ago, when I first met Qin Xuan, there was actually a girl. Her name was Yiran, who was Qin Xuan's junior sister. At that time, we were very close and talked about nothing, but Qin Xuan received a task from the master..."

The rabbit cat choked and couldn't say anything. Qin Xuan's breathing became heavy. Ye Jiu's face was calm, and he probably guessed what happened later.

"Xiaojiu, I feel uncomfortable..."

"Well, it's all over. Ten years have passed. Let it forget what should be forgotten!"

"No, you don't know at all. If I hadn't taken Yiran to Qin Xuan, she wouldn't have died."

"What's the reason?"

Listening to the rabbit's tone, Ye Jiu felt that things were not what he thought.

"In fact, Qin Xuan's task was to capture Yiran's mother, because Yiran's mother killed many children with ghost spells, so..."

"When Yiran saw me, I just stabbed her mother's heart with a sharp sword. She went crazy and then rushed straight over and stabbed into her heart with the sword in my hand."

Qin Xuan followed the rabbit cat's words, and Ye Jiu didn't like to hear it. It seemed that the story between them would be like this, but Ye Jiu could also roughly understand the pain in the heart of the rabbit cat and Qin Xuan.

"What's the use of regretting that everything has happened? She can't think about it. What does this have to do with you? Also, if she knows what her mother has done one day, she can't stand the blow, so it has nothing to do with you.

"Xiaojiu, I..."

The rabbit cat looked at Ye Jiu gratefully. Ye Jiu smiled faintly, stroked the rabbit cat's head, and then held it tightly in his arms. Qin Xuan smiled bitterly.

"Xiaojiu, we are both magicians, but I am not as open-minded as you. You are right. This matter is actually two-faceted, and it has been ten years. I should also forget that life is still very long. You can't let go of that hurdle for a long time, otherwise, life will never move forward. "

"That's right, little guy, you should also learn from Brother Qin. It's time to think about it. Don't keep that matter in your heart. Maybe death is a relief for her."

"Well, thank you, Xiaojiu."

The little rabbit wiped his eyes and then looked at Ye Jiu gratefully. For what happened ten years ago, it also felt that it should be time to forget, otherwise it would never be able to practice.

"Okay, let's go back quickly! You have been here for a day. If I don't take you to rest, I'm afraid you will be tired by the roadside later, hehe..."

Qin Xuan swept away the melancholy and then joked. Since he chose to forget, don't think about it again. Otherwise, it will only make him sad. The little rabbit cat understands what Qin Xuan means, so he doesn't think about that.

"Strange, why is there an extra street here?"

The little rabbit cat no longer thought about what happened ten years ago, so as soon as he looked up, he found that there was an extra street in front of him, so he asked doubtfully.

"It's strange that I didn't have this street when I came just now."

Qin Xuan was also puzzled at this time. He was very clear about the way home, and he never found that there was an extra street here, but now there was a clear road, so he really couldn't figure it out.

"It's weird, everyone be careful, Brother Qin, little guy, let's open the heavenly eye first."

Although Ye Jiu heard the meaning of their words, he was still relatively calm, so he quickly asked Qin Xuan and the rabbit cat to open their eyes. If this road is a dark road, it can naturally be clearly distinguished by their heavenly eyes.

Qin Xuan was not talkative and opened his eyes directly. Naturally, the rabbit cat understood what Ye Jiu meant, so there was no need for Ye Jiu to urge him again.

After the three opened their eyes, the road in front of them became clear. In fact, the road in the middle was a dark road. This road was to hell, not the road of others.

"Strange, why is there a dark road here? Shouldn't it be? This is not Yinyang Street.

Qin Xuan felt that there were really a lot of strange things today, and Ye Jiu was very hurt, because he knew that it must have been because of him. He had a year of bad luck.

The little rabbit didn't use a little panic, because it felt that it had encountered too many strange things, so it was not strange about this trip. If nothing strange happened, it would feel strange instead.

"Let's go around."

Qin Xuan's face became serious. With heavenly eyes, it is very simple to bypass this dark road, but he does not dare to be careless. After all, this road is too strange. If there is any danger in front of him, he will die miserably.

"I'm really sorry to bother you."

"Xiaojiu, why did you say that?"

Seeing that Ye Jiu suddenly apologized, Qin Xuan was a little incredible, while the rabbit cat looked like it had nothing to do with it.

"I have a year of bad luck, so this should be for me. The little guy and I have passed by very excitingly, and we almost died several times."

Ye Jiu did not intend to hide his situation. He felt that since he had a deep friendship with the other party, he should not hide anything. If Qin Xuan deliberately alienated from him because of his bad luck, Ye Jiu felt that there was no need for such a deep friendship. And Ye Jiu doesn't want to pull Qin Xuan into the water. After all, he is different from the past.

"What do you think is a big thing? Isn't it just a year's bad luck? What is this? In life, who dares to say that he has good luck and no bad luck in his life? Anyway, it's just a year of bad luck. After this year, your life will be smooth sailing, Xiaojiu, I will hang out with you in the future, so now I must please you.

Qin Xuan patted Ye Jiu on the shoulder carelessly. He didn't care about Ye Jiu's bad luck at all, because he had also gone through bad luck himself, so he also knew Ye Jiu's thoughts very well.

"Thank you, Brother Qin."

Ye Jiu was grateful to Qin Xuan. Ordinary people have long been estranged from bad luck, especially warlocks. They are very taboo about bad luck, but Qin Xuan doesn't care at all. This is very similar to the character of the rabbit cat, so Ye Jiu is also very happy. With these two friends, he really feels that he has made a lot of money.

"Oc's it, everyone has been emotional many times today. If we go on like this, we have to become those women. Let's go back for a drink and forget all the bad things."

"Okay, drink and forget all the unhappy things."

Ye Jiu agreed that the little rabbit cat stayed quietly in Ye Jiu's arms, because it always felt that something thrilling would happen this time, but when it wanted to explore at a deeper level, it could not feel anything.

seemed to feel the uneasiness of the rabbit cat in his arms. Ye Jiu patted the rabbit cat's head: "Little guy, don't worry, the soldiers will cover the water. With Brother Qin and me, you don't have to worry."


With Ye Jiu's words, the little rabbit cat is no longer entangled. Life is short. If he has been panicking for the future, wouldn't it be in vain? Since nothing has happened yet, it should be a happy mood for life.

"Xiaojiu, I'll take you to a good place tomorrow. I'm sure you'll like that place."

Qin Xuan smiled strangely at Ye Jiu, and the little rabbit cat's heart thumped. It was very clear about Qin Xuan's smile. It seemed that Qin Xuan wanted to pull Ye Jiu into the water.

"No, you can't take Xiaojiu to that place. Xiaojiu is not that kind of person. He is really simple. Qin Xuan, you can't break Xiaojiu."

The rabbit cat scolded Qin Xuan with a serious face. Looking at the situation of the rabbit cat, Ye Jiu also seemed to guess where Qin Xuan wanted to take him. As soon as he guessed that place, Ye Jiu was a little embarrassed.

"Brother Qin, if that place is against common sense, I think it's better not to go. I want to take the little guy around tomorrow. It hasn't been here for a long time. I want to take it to play."

"Well, it's not easy for you to come here once, and I can't just neglect you. Then tomorrow I will take you to the most prosperous place here, which will definitely make you unforgettable."

"Okay, I'll trouble you tomorrow."

"Do we still need to say anything troublesome between us? It's really out. Let's go home."

Qin Xuan raised Ye Jiu's shoulder and strode forward. Although the little rabbit cat was not happy to hook Ye Jiu's shoulder, it did not say it, because it felt that Ye Jiu did not mind, so it was difficult to say no.