
Chapter 143 Rabbit Cat Variation

Ye Jiu looked back at the rabbit cat and saw it squatting on the ground and playing tricks. Although Ye Jiu was a little unhappy, he did not blame the rabbit cat. After all, the rabbit cat's physique was not as good as himself, and it was also tired for a day, so it was time to eat.

"Okay, let's go to tens of millions of restaurants to eat! Then have a good rest. Let's go to the eldest brother tomorrow! Anyway, it's not urgent at this time. Sometimes, finding someone also depends on luck.

With Ye Jiu's comfort, the rabbit's self-reproach is not as strong as before. In fact, if it hadn't been for this sudden change in his body, it wouldn't have been like this.

"I'm sorry, Xiaojiu, I pulled your back leg."

"Don't say that. We are friends. Besides, it's not your fault, and we are all hungry. If you don't say it, we all forget to eat, right, Brother Qin?"

In order not to make the little cat sad again, Ye Jiu deliberately reminded Qin Xuan. Qin Xuan saw that Ye Jiu had no temper, and it was difficult for him to have anything, so he hummed and agreed!

The rabbit cat knew that Ye Jiu and Qin Xuan were just to give him face, so it owed Ye Jiu even more. If it hadn't been for this body now, the rabbit cat would not have dragged Ye Jiu's back.

"Xiaojiu, can you hug me?"

"Well, okay."

Ye Jiu picked up the rabbit cat with a smile and walked to the restaurant in front of him. Qin Xuan followed Ye Jiu. He felt strange about the rabbit cat's reaction at this time.

Qin Xuan has known the rabbit cat for a long time and knows its temperament very well. Generally, the rabbit cat is never like this at critical times. Does the rabbit cat have any secrets?

Qin Xuan guessed why the little rabbit cat did this, and the little rabbit cat was also extremely uncomfortable at this time, but in order not to make Ye Jiu see it, he held on, although it was really uncomfortable at this time.

"Little guy, here, what do you want to eat?"

Put the rabbit cat on the table, and Ye Jiu took the menu and put it in front of it. Although Ye Jiu is picky about food, he has always followed the taste of the rabbit cat since he had a rabbit cat, because he found that the rabbit cat has the same taste as his own food.

"Whatever! Xiaojiu, you can order some food.

"You can order it! I eat the same as you."

"Oi, don't give in to each other anymore. It's just an order! Is it necessary to do the same as something?"

I really couldn't see Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat giving way to each other. Qin Xuan grabbed the menu. Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat smiled at each other, as if they were waiting for this opportunity.

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong?" Seeing Ye Jiu and the little rabbit staring at him maliciously, Qin Xuan suddenly felt a cold sweat behind his back, so he asked unnaturally.

"Nothing, Brother Qin, you order!"


Qin Xuan stared at Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat with dissatisfaction, then carefully looked at the menu and wrote down everything he wanted to eat. After ordering, Qin Xuan drank tea.

"Brother Qin, can you tell us about the Tianshui Master? I want to know more about that person."

"In fact, I don't know much. Master Tianshui is their respectful name for him. In fact, some people call him Tianshui Old Demon."

"Tianshui Old Demon?"

Ye Jiu and the little rabbit cat shouted at the same time. They knew the title, but they didn't expect that he was the Tianshui master.

"What's wrong? Do you know him?

"Why don't you know it? If you don't know such a famous person, how can you mix the magic world?"

"It seems that I don't need to introduce it."

Qin Xuan is rarely relaxed. His most annoying thing is to introduce a person to others, because he is lazy and afraid of trouble. Although it is not very troublesome to introduce a person, it is inevitable that someone will ask why, so he doesn't like to introduce people to people.

"The old demon of Tianshui has done so many harmful things, and it seems that God also asked me to eradicate this person this time."

"Don't be so confident. That person is not easy to deal with."

"I know, but we always have to eradicate that person, otherwise, we can only be eliminated."

"Xiao Jiu, let's not talk about that person first, okay? As soon as I heard that person, I felt uncomfortable.

The little rabbit cat doesn't know what's wrong with it. As soon as it hears the person of Master Tianshui, it feels uncomfortable all over, and its breathing becomes extremely unsmooth. It is the first time for this situation.

"What's wrong, little guy? Do you know him too?"

"No, I don't know. I seem to know him, but I don't seem to know him."

The little rabbit cat shook its head. For Master Tianshui, its brain is very confused, and it is difficult to say that feeling clearly. The little rabbit cat feels that it should have known that person before, but why can't it be remembered? The little rabbit cat also finds it difficult to accept it. The kitten's memory is very good.

"Well, don't think about it if you can't remember it. Maybe one day you will automatically remember it. It's not too late to talk about it."

Ye Jiu patted the rabbit cat's head. He liked this action very much. The rabbit cat was so cute. Under this tense and serious topic, Ye Jiu also needed to release pressure, so this action became Ye Jiu's action to release pressure.

"We have to plan and don't look for it blindly. Generally, the areas where warlocks are active are remote mountain villages or mountains. Why don't we go to the mountains or mountain villages to ask!"

"Well, okay, please lead the way."

"Look at you, do we two still need to say anything troublesome? It's really out of sight."

Qin Xuan patted Ye Jiu on the shoulder. At this time, the food was already on the table. When he smelled the fragrance of a table, Qin Xuan felt the hunger in his stomach.

"Eat it! Let's have a good meal today, then rest for one night, and then go to the eldest brother tomorrow.


After being polite to each other, everyone started without hesitation, but the little rabbit cat had no appetite, because it felt like it was burning all over. Now this feeling is more obvious and uncontrollable.


The rabbit cat suddenly screamed and fell straight from the table. Fortunately, Ye Jiu's hands were quick, otherwise the rabbit cat would definitely fall to the ground.

"Little guy, what's wrong with you? Little guy..."

Ye Jiu shook the rabbit cat, but there was no sign of it waking up. Qin Xuan was also anxious at this time and took the pulse for the rabbit cat, but the rabbit cat's pulse was not at all.

"It's strange that the little guy has no pulse. What's going on?"

"What? No pulse?"

Ye Jiu didn't believe it and quickly diagnosed it. As Qin Xuan said, the rabbit cat did not beat with heartbeat or pulse. If it hadn't been for the kitten's body still hot, Ye Jiu would have thought that the rabbit cat was dead.

"How could this happen?"

"Looking at the signs, it seems to be about to metamorphosis."

"transmation? What do you mean?

Ye Jiu doesn't know much about the rabbit cat. If it hadn't been for Qin Xuan, he really didn't know that the rabbit cat would transform.

"The transformation is the same as our growth. Although the rabbit cat has lived for a thousand years, it has never metamorphosis, so it has always been like a young child. When it succeeds in metamorphosis, it will grow up and its spiritual power will increase."

"So that's it, but why doesn't it have a pulse and heartbeat?"

"Because it is alien, different from us, and it looks like this when it transforms. I don't understand why."

After hearing Qin Xuan's explanation, Ye Jiu was relieved. Seeing that the rabbit cat was nothing serious, he let go of his worries. However, the rabbit cat was unconscious at this time, and it was difficult for Ye Jiu to leave it here, so the matter of looking for the eldest brother could only be postponed again.

"Xiao Jiu, don't worry, the little guy will be fine."

"Well, I'm not worried about it, I'm just thinking about something else."

"Think about Master Tianshui! Don't worry, we will all help you."

"Thank you."

Ye Jiu smiled faintly. Now he has no other good way, so he can only look at the sleeping rabbit cat step by step. Ye Jiu doesn't feel good.

This rabbit cat does not change at other times. Why does it have to change at this time? Is it really God's will? Ye Jiu thought of this and had a taboo on Master Tianshui. If he could not eliminate that person, the torture he suffered now would really be in vain.

The transformation of the rabbit cat is not so easy. It feels sore all over in the dream, and it can't scream, especially when it feels that it can't breathe.

Ye Jiu has been holding the rabbit cat. He doesn't know how to help it, so he has to hold the rabbit cat all the time, because in this way, he can feel that the rabbit cat will be safe.

"Okay, you can put it in **. Don't worry, we should believe that it can break through this barrier."

"What if it fails?"

"That can only continue to do its original appearance, but I don't know how many years it will take for the next transformation. The transformation depends on its opportunity."

"Does failure also mean waiting for another thousand years?"

"It may or 2,000 years. This depends on the little guy's opportunity and luck. We can't help him. There are some things that others can't help. We can only rely on ourselves, understand?"

"Well, I understand, just like I'm looking for a big brother this time, I can only rely on myself, so the little guy can only rely on it to complete the transformation by itself. Although we are worried, we can only silently guard it until it wakes up."

Although the rabbit cat is in a dream, it hears what Ye Jiu and Qin Xuan said clearly. It is very grateful that Ye Jiu will stay by its side. At present, it also knows that it is a special period, but Ye Jiu did not leave it, which means that he is better than his big brother in Ye Jiu's heart. It is important.

Thinking of this, tears flowed from the corners of the rabbit cat's eyes, and its transformation was also successful in its understanding. The rabbit cat's body suddenly emitted a white light. Ye Jiu and Qin Xuan did not say anything at this time, but stared at the kitten's body in shock.

"It worked, it worked..."

Qin Xuan excitedly hugged Ye Jiu around, and Ye Jiu suddenly felt a little shy. Although it was not the first time he was hugged, it was the first time for him to enjoy such a warm and excited hug.

The transformation was completed, and the rabbit cat also woke up from its sleep. As soon as it woke up, the rabbit cat directly jumped into Ye Jiu's arms, leaving Qin Xuan standing there awkwardly watching the rabbit cat and Ye Jiu close.

"Hey, you little thing, you are too heartless, aren't you? I'm also worried about whether you are good or not. Don't pester Xiaojiu as soon as you wake up.

"Oc's it, stingy."

The little rabbit cat gave Qin Xuan a white look, but still gave Qin Xuan a hug. For Qin Xuan, the little rabbit cat is also very grateful. Without what he just said to Ye Jiu, it could not have an epiphany immediately, so thanks to him this time.