human evil legend

Chapter 45 False and Snake

Qingying looked deeply at Yi Hanfeng and whispered, "Hanfeng, you take Brother Qu away first. After I get rid of the entanglement of the ghost, I will come to find you immediately." Yi Hanfeng's face was cold, and then he said in a low voice, "The ghost old monster, the green shadow is my evil wind woman. Since you want to force her to be your granddaughter-in-law, you have to ask your fist."

Hearing Yi Hanfeng's words, Qingying was moved and said in panic, "Brother Feng, this old monster is not a person you can provoke. You'd better take Brother Qu to leave first."

The voice of Qingying fell, and the voice of the old ghost sounded again. He smiled strangely and said, "You are still the first to dare to talk to me like this." After a pause, he asked, "Your name is Evil Wind, right?" Yi Hanfeng said, "It's just the evil wind."

After whispering a few evil winds, the old monster laughed and said, "It's a little evil to hear your name. If you are willing to worship the old man as your teacher, I will give you a chance to compete fairly with my grandson." Yi Hanfeng said blankly, "I like to be alone and don't want to think about worshipping teachers." The underworld old monster snorted angrily, "I will give you three days to consider it. If you don't promise to worship me as your teacher, I will kill your friend first, and then let Qingying marry my grandson."

In a quiet manner, Yi Hanfeng suddenly raised his right hand, and immediately a blood-red element lightning shot out and bombarded directly in the middle of the roof.

However, just as the blood and red stream bombarded the roof to scatter the rubble, I saw a ghost figure suddenly sweeping the green shadow and Qu Qin, and instantly snatching out from the roof. Such a lightning speed made Yi Hanfeng stunned, and then swept up and chased straight to the roof. The two rapid figures, like arrows, flashed miles away from the western suburbs of the capital.

Yi Hanfeng followed the ghost monster closely while releasing bleeding flames for an endless quick attack. In the case of using his hands to hold Qingying and Qu Qin respectively, the ghost monster is simply incompetence and difficult to fight back against Yi Hanfeng.

In this way, there is only a passive dodged end. He originally wanted to use Qu Qin's body as a shield to threaten Yi Hanfeng, but he suffered from the lotus-sized flame released by Yi Hanfeng, which was extremely strange. Except for the opportunity to attack him, he did not touch Qingying and Qu Qin's body at all.

After a long time, the ghost monster really couldn't stand the entanglement of blood and red fire, so while flashing quickly, he shouted loudly, "Evil wind boy, if you don't take back the annoying flame, the old man will immediately kill your half-dead friend."

Unexpectedly, his voice fell, and Qingying struggled to say, "If you dare to kill Brother Qu, I will immediately bite my tongue and kill myself for you." The old monster said hurriedly, "Daughter-in-law, calm down. Grandpa promised you not to kill this half-dead guy." Qingying snorted angrily, "Please keep your mouth clean. Who is your granddaughter-in-law?"

The old monster was bored for a long time and suddenly said, "If you don't be an old granddaughter-in-law, I will immediately kill the evil wind." Qingyingfang tightened her heart and said anxiously, "As long as you dare to kill my brother Feng, you will never want me to be your granddaughter-in-law." The ghost monster laughed and said happily, "So, have you promised to be my granddaughter-in-law?"

Qingying bit her red lips tightly, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of her mouth. After a long time, she nodded slowly and closed her eyes and said, "As long as you promise not to kill Brother Feng, I will be your granddaughter-in-law."

Suddenly heard that Qingying promised to be his granddaughter-in-law, the ghost monster suddenly showed a happy look and laughed loudly, "Tian'er, grandpa helped you find such a beautiful daughter-in-law, and my Netherworld family has a queen." Yi Hanfeng said angrily, "Netherworld old man, after I find your tortoise grandson, I will burn him with a fire, and I have to tell you to be a ghost family."

The old monster suddenly fell to the ground and stared at Yi Hanfeng angrily and shouted, "If you dare to kill my grandson, this Moyan Valley is the burial place of your boy." Seeing that the old monster of the underworld was really angry, Qingying Yuyan said sadly, "Brother Feng, this old monster is a demon cultivation master in the early stage of the heart. You can't fight him, so you'd better leave here quickly and find a girl you like and spend the rest of your life plainly." Yi Hanfeng resolutely said, "If I don't save you from the hands of the underworld, even if I die, I won't leave this devil valley."

staring at Yi Hanfeng, the ghost old monster hummed, "What an infatuated baby." Immediately, he laughed and said strangely, "That old man wants to see if you are still so infatuated with her after the Qingying girl cooks rice with my grandson." Yi Hanfeng shouted angrily, "Netherworld old monster, if you dare to do this, the young master will raze your Moyan valley to the ground."

The old monster snorted coldly and said disdainfully, "Kid, there are so many beautiful girls in the world. Why do you have to kill yourself for this girl?" Yi Hanfeng said angrily, "Then why do you have to pick Qingying as your granddaughter-in-law?" The old monster said, "Because the evil snake clan has a special constitution with evil ability, this green shadow girl is also the best of the young generation of the evil snake clan. She not only has the greatest evil, but also can control evil to a very perfect level."

When the Nether Monster said this, he said proudly, "If she is allowed to marry my grandson, their descendants will inherit part of the blood power of the evil snake family, so that they have a certain evil ability, which naturally has great benefits for our Nether families who have practiced demons."

Looking at the old monster, Yi Hanfeng frowned and said, "It seems that you are determined to be your granddaughter-in-law." The underworld monster smiled and said, "You don't have the ability to save the green shadow girl from the old man, so you should give up on her now." Yi Hanfeng said deteriorly, "I have a request. I want to attend the wedding of Qingying and your grandson." The old monster smiled faintly and said, "I'm sorry that you can't play anything. I just agree to your request." With that, he turned around and went straight to the depths of the Moyan Valley.

Yi Hanfeng followed the Netherworld old monster to a large courtyard, and the four strong men guarding the door bowed respectfully to the Netherworld old monster and said, "Good Lord Valley." The underworld said seriously, "In the next few days, you'd better cheer me up and be sure to guard it diligently. Except for seeing the personal token given by the owner of this valley, even the owner of the valley can't easily leave the courtyard for half a step." The four strong men hurriedly answered, "Please rest assured that your subordinates will never neglect at all, and they must do their duty."

Just entering the courtyard, a middle-aged man dressed like a housekeeper greeted him and bowed to the old monster and said, "What the owner of Valley ordered before his leaving has been done."

After nod a little, the old monster put down the green shadow and said threateningly, "If you run away, the old man will kill the evil wind." Qingying said with a pale face, "I will never run away." The ghost monster laughed and said, "Housekeeper Liu, take this girl down first." After a pause, he told him, "From now on, she will be your Shaogu Lord's wife. You have to tell the maid to take good care of her. If it's a little wrong, I won't skin you alive." The middle-aged housekeeper surnamed Liu said in fear, "Lord Gu, don't worry, my subordinates will handle this matter properly."

After the middle-aged housekeeper surnamed Liu led Qingying away, the ghost said to Yi Hanfeng, "You live in the old next room with this half-dead guy, lest your boy play tricks on me." After saying that, Gu went straight away.

When he came to the room designated by the ghost monster, Yi Hanfeng took Qu Qin, who had not yet woken up, put him on the bed, and then turned to the ghost monster and said, "I'm hungry. You can tell the servants to get some good wine and vegetables to bring them." The old monster of the underworld said unheard, "A chaotic person like you is really the first encounter, so as long as you can reply to me within three days, I will no longer force the green shadow girl to marry my grandson."

Glancing at the old monster, Yi Hanfeng said without showing his expression, "As long as you let me freely enter and exit the courtyard with Qingying, I will consider worshipping you as a teacher." The ghost said without hesitation, "Then let's decide." Yi Hanfeng said, "I want to use kindness with Qingying girl. You won't refuse my request, will you?" The old monster muttered, "Old man, let someone invite the green shadow girl here."

Seeing that the old monster was about to turn around and leave, Yi Hanfeng hurriedly said, "And please find a doctor for me. I want my friend to wake up." The ghost old monster smiled faintly and said, "You can rest assured that there are many famous doctors in my magic valley."

staring at the old monster leaving the door, Yi Hanfeng immediately frowned and said to himself, "What kind of medicine is buried in the old man's gourd? Why did he take himself as an apprentice?

Yi Hanfeng was puzzled. Qingying pushed the door and came in. After sitting on the edge of the table, he said heavily, "I heard that you promised the old monster to do his apprentice's thing." Yi Hanfeng nodded and said, "As long as he doesn't force you to marry his grandson, why don't I promise to be his apprentice?"

Qingying's eyes widened and was about to speak when Yi Hanfeng suddenly pointed to the next room, signaling her to be careful. Qingying nodded knowingly, got up and closed the door, and then turned back to sit down. Then he picked up Yi Hanfeng's right hand and scratched his palm. Yi Hanfeng suddenly looked shocked and said to himself, "It turns out that the old guy is such an idea. No wonder he will want to take himself as an apprentice."

After understanding the intention of the dark old monster, a faint sneer appeared at the corners of Yi Hanfeng's mouth and said to himself, "Damn old man, it turns out that you have such attention, so in the next days, the young master will lie with you, the old man who hides evil intentions."