human evil legend

Chapter 59 Stealing the Day

Hearing the middle-aged woman's doubts, Yi Hanfeng thought for a moment and suddenly became blessed. He thought that the mysterious old man he had met in the fantasy world must be the dragon spirit, the ancestor of the dragon spirit clan mentioned by the middle-aged woman, so he said freely, "Although the rumor is almost true, the dragon spirit and the dragon evil are not He did not die, but since the two lost their bodies at the same time in the fierce battle, they have been in the fantasy world under the dragon spirit. After a moment, he said, "Until nine years ago, after I broke into the fantasy array, the dragon spirit, in order to trigger the ability to sleep in my body and transfer the dragon evil imprisoned in the array to my body, finally the original power was exhausted, causing the remnants to disappear."

The middle-aged man seemed to have caught some key points in Yi Hanfeng's words and couldn't wait to ask, "I don't know if the dragon evil is like a dragon spirit. Now it is not a complete Yuanling?" Yi Hanfeng shook his head and said, "In addition to losing his body, Yuanling can be said to have no damage." The middle-aged man continued to ask, "Then how much is his remaining power?"

Yi Hanfeng naturally understood why the middle-aged man asked so, and couldn't help smiling bitterly: "No matter how much of the dragon evil power is left after the war, it should have recovered by now." The middle-aged woman couldn't help asking first, "Without the body, he can't practice. How can his vitality recover?" Yi Hanfeng said, "The seal that imprisons the dragon evil in my body is called Qiankun Lock Yuanshu. I believe that with the profound experience of the two predecessors, I should know a lot about Qiankun Lock Yuanshu. I won't bother here."

The middle-aged couple suddenly smiled bitterly when they heard the words. The middle-aged man sighed and said, "Since Long Xie has recovered his power with your body, you should know that with our two stable meta-change cultivation, even if he doesn't have physical defense, we are not his opponents at all, let alone if we want to enter you. In the heart space, we must also be out of our minds. In this way, we can say that there is no difference from going to death. Yi Hanfeng said calmly, "If there is no perfect way, the boy won't let the two predecessors take risks."

When the middle-aged woman heard the words, she looked at Yi Hanfeng and said with great interest, "What countermeasures do you have? Let's talk about it." Yi Hanfeng nodded and said, "At that time, I will use the technique of stealing the sky and changing the day to reverse the body and the split body, so that I can enter my own heart space with the two predecessors, and then only need any of the two predecessors to cross the power into the boy's body without reservation, and I will be able to launch the chain in the universe lock. At that time Another senior can easily save the Yuanling of my parents and sister.

The middle-aged woman Liu Mei was deeply locked and said solemnly, "We naturally know the power of the Yuan chain in Qiankun Lock, but in case our couple dies by mistake, I hope you can still do what you should do for us." Yi Hanfeng nodded without hesitation and said, "If you want me to accept anything, please tell me."

The middle-aged couple also put their eyes on Yi Hanfeng. The middle-aged woman said solemnly, "We want you to make a promise that when you completely dominate your own killing instinct and have strong strength, you will lead the descendants of our two to live in the world and ensure that they will not be discriminated against and Not allowed."

After a slight meditation, Yi Hanfeng said cautiously, "This matter seems extremely simple, but in fact it is difficult to do. Only after I have the corresponding strength and form a strong force can I be involved in this matter." The middle-aged woman smiled and said, "If you can see this matter so clearly, we can help you rob the spirits of your parents and sisters without any worries. As for the formation of power, you don't have to think too much about it, as long as the descendants of us have not integrated into the world, whether it is financial or manpower. On the other hand, Yushan will lead them to support you unconditionally.

Looking at the middle-aged couple, Yi Hanfeng said motionless, "Aren't the two predecessors not afraid that the boy is ambitious and will eventually kill your descendants?" The middle-aged woman said, "Then it's because our husband and I have poor eyesight and misread you." Yi Hanfeng smiled bitterly and said, "Don't be too sincere to me, lest I will die because of guilt when I lose my life and fail to achieve my wish for you."

When Yi Hanfeng said this sentence, the middle-aged man smiled and said freely, "It turns out that the little brother is a person who is afraid of human debt!" Yi Hanfeng glanced at the Qingying sitting next to the Qingyushan couple, then withdrew his eyes and said awkwardly, "It's better for the two seniors to call me boy, so as not to make this generation confused and always make the boy feel strange."

The middle-aged man glanced at the green shadow with Yi Hanfeng's previous eyes and said with a smile, "After that, our couple will be big." Then the words suddenly turned around and said honestly, "Since you have agreed to your promise, we should also start to do something for you." Yi Hanfeng muttered, "After entering the boy's heart space, it will be more dangerous for the person who forcibly seizes the spirit, so I suggest..." The words stopped abruptly, and then he turned his eyes to the middle-aged man and said abruptly, "Boy, dare to ask, what is the senior called?"

As soon as Yi Hanfeng's words came out, he saw the middle-aged man showing a stunned appearance. He couldn't help coughing and said awkwardly, "After the purification of the power of thousands of years of reincarnation, I can't remember most of the previous things very well." The middle-aged man said calmly, "My surname is Qifeng." With that, he pointed to the middle-aged woman and introduced, "My wife Gu Youlan."

After Yi Hanfeng knew the names of the two, he then said in his previous words, "I propose to let Elder Gu seize the Yuanling, and Elder Gu will be responsible for delivering Yuanli to me."

Gu Youlan looked at Yi Hanfeng and said with a smile, "Yi boy, you are underessing us women!" Yi Hanfeng said hoarsely, "How can I underestimate you women? I just think men should protect their women more. Gu Youlan smiled and said, "I didn't expect that the Qingying girl was quite discerning and was caught by her as a manly but gentle and considerate man like you." Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "In this way, Elder Gu agreed to the boy's proposal?"

Gu Youlan glanced at Gu Qifeng, nodded and smiled, "If I don't agree with your proposal, some people will argue with me again because of their self-esteem." Gu Qifeng smiled bitterly and said, "Youlan, Boy Yi is right. Men should stand up to protect their women in times of crisis, so you should understand my painstaking efforts. Don't always treat my protection from you as looking down on you women." Gu Youlan said softly, "Don't argue with me anymore. Do you know you want to protect me?"

The two argued about the topic for many years. Finally, under Gu Youlan's compromise, they finally admitted that Gu Qifeng did not look down on women, but sincerely wanted to protect her, which made Gu Qifeng laugh happily and said freely: "Yi Boy, The reason why Youlan lost her strong personality is all thanks to you!"

Gu Youlan glanced at Gu Qifeng and said with an angry smile, "Don't just worry about being complacent. We'd better start to grab the Yuanling quickly, so as not to worry about Yi Boy and others." Yi Hanfeng said politely, "I've been waiting for nine years, but I'm not in a hurry for a while." Gu Youlan sneered and said, "You boy, stop walking lamely. Look at you blushing with excitement, but you deliberately pretend to be calm."

The thought was broken by Gu Youlan Road. Yi Hanfeng smiled and said, "That should not be too late. Let's find a secluded place, and then immediately rob the Yuanling." After Gu Qifeng and Gu Youlan nodded slightly at the same time, Gu Youlan said, "The location is in the Tianjue Cave, the place where our couple practice." With that, he turned to Qingyu Mountain and ordered, "Yushan, wait for the three of you to go with us to protect the law."

In a short time, a group of six people came to Tianjue Peak not far from the Wan Cave Mountain, and quickly entered a cave with a different world under the leadership of Gu Qifeng and Gu Youlan. However, although in the cave, except for two futons, there were only a few night pearls inlaid into the cave wall for lighting, which was actually There is not much difference between the natural caves, but they are also extremely clean and fresh, and there is no smell of wet and rotten soil.

Yi Hanfeng glanced and immediately sat a few feet away from the futon. He pointed to the futon and smiled, "Two seniors, please sit down!" Gu Qifeng and Gu Youlan did not say much. They sat behind each other. Gu Qifeng looked at Qingyu Mountain and said, "Yushan, although there is a prohibition at the entrance of the cave, in order to avoid unpredictable things affecting us, you and the three of you must protect the law well and never take it lightly." Qingyushan said respectfully, "Yushan will definitely lead his wife and daughter to guard him all the time, and never let anything that affects the two ancestors and Feng'er happen."

Gu Qifeng nodded, looked at Yi Hanfeng and said, "Yi boy, you can prepare first. We are about to start."

When Yi Hanfeng heard the words, he answered slightly, and then his eyes were closed. He saw a substantial figure like a trick. He instantly differentiated from the right side of his body. Then he opened his eyes and stood up. He looked at Gu Qifeng and his wife with a smile and said with a smile, "Two predecessors, I have the most tricks to change the day. It can only last for half an hour, and the body and the split will turn back, so once we enter the heart space, we will immediately do our best to grab the Yuanling as soon as possible.

After the Gu Qifeng and his wife nod their heads and closed their eyes at the same time, they saw a bright and transparent figure emitting pure white light. Shi Shiran floated out from the top of their heads, and then fell lightly in front of the cold wind as if there was no weight.

Although Gu Qifeng and Gu Youlan are only genrei at present, their shape and appearance have not changed at all, and they look very clear. Yi Hanfeng glanced at the two and hugged his fist and said, "To prevent dragon evil, so the time for the boy to open the universe lock will be very short. Please follow the boy closely."

Seeing the two nodding, Yi Hanfeng suddenly turned into a blood-red airflow. Then Gu Qifeng and his wife followed closely, and three rays of light were like meteors passing through the sky. The fleeting cold wind did not enter the chest of the split sitting cross-by-sided, and for a moment, they came to the heart of Yi Hanfeng. In the room.

As soon as the three of them settled down, they immediately felt a cold eye covering them. Yi Hanfeng followed the cold eyes and looked back. When they saw the clear but vigorous complex, the long-pressed hatred in their hearts burst out, and they immediately just wanted to jump on their bodies and put the hatred into The blood-red figure of the bone was completely scattered.

Gu Qifeng and his wife standing next to them naturally felt that Yi Hanfeng's mood was out of control. Gu Youlan hurriedly reminded him in a low voice, "Yi boy, don't let hatred faint."

Yi Hanfeng was shocked when he heard the words, and his mind suddenly woke up, and then forcibly stopped the hatred in his heart. His eyes were still staring at the blood-red figure, ignored the trace of blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth, and clenched his teeth and said, "Long Xie, you didn't expect us to meet again so soon!"