human evil legend

Chapter 61 Purple Cold Lotus

Because they were worried about the resurrection of their parents and sisters, when Yi Hanfeng and Qingying left Wanwo Mountain, they hurried day and night and finally came to the boundary of the virtual boundary that shrouded Chixia Mountain at noon on the third day. Yi Hanfeng told Qingying, "Qingying, you are so secretive here that you can't let the Longling people who go out find out. After I bring the bodies of my parents and sisters, I will come to meet you as soon as possible."

Qingying tapped his head, and then stretched out his right hand and handed a piece of Yuanli Yujian of an inch to Yi Hanfeng's hand. He said worriedly, "If you encounter your people's obstruction, you will immediately pinch the jade slip, and I will come to support you as soon as possible." Yi Hanfeng pretended to be relaxed and said, "I'm not looking for the trouble of the clan. I just want to bring back the bodies of my parents and sisters. You don't have to worry about me so much." After saying that, he patted the fragrant shoulder of the green shadow, and then turned around with a smile on his face and went straight into the virtual boundary.

After entering the range of the Longling clan, Yi Hanfeng hid and rushed over the destination while he was familiar with it. Without tea, Yi Hanfeng came to a place more than ten feet away from the graves of his parents and sisters. After seeing five figures standing in front of the tomb, he hurriedly hid himself.

After a little glance to identify the identity of the five people, Yi Hanfeng couldn't help but feel the excitement in his heart and slowly moved behind the five people. However, because all five people were immersed in grief, even Longyi, who had broken through to the early stage of enlightenment, did not notice the approach of Yi Hanfeng at all. He said, "Fenglian, my father failed to protect the wind, so that he has not only been alone, but also hunted down by the clan everywhere. Dad really doesn't feel sorry for you and Tianlin."

Looking at Longyi, who had become much older than nine years ago, Yi Hanfeng's nose was sore and choked, " Grandpa, why do you have to blame yourself so much? This is all the fault of the wind that it has come to an end now. It has nothing to do with you."

Hearing the words of Yi Hanfeng, the five people who fell into pain suddenly realized that they all twisted their bodies in an instant, and then their eyes fell on Yi Hanfeng. Then Longyi suddenly rushed forward, hugged Yi Hanfeng, and said with old tears, "Wind, why did you come here?" After saying that, he resisted the words in his heart, pushed Yi Hanfeng away from his arms, and urged, "Feng'er, leave now. If the clan finds out that you are still alive, they will send people to chase you everywhere."

As Long Yi said, Yi Hanfeng knew that his current situation was very dangerous, so he had to stop the complex emotions in his heart and said bluntly, " Grandpa, the reason why Feng'er took risks to come here is only to take away the bodies of his parents and sister."

Long Yiyu sighed and said melancholy, "Feng'er, you are living in an undetermined place now. There is no suitable place to move your parents and sister, so it's better to let them stay here." Yi Hanfeng explained, "Dunpa, Feng'er didn't want to bury his parents and sisters, but to resurrect them." As soon as he said this, Fu Xingyun said excitedly, "Han Feng, have you found someone to help you?"

Yi Hanfeng smiled and tapped his head at Fu Xingyun, and then glanced at his grandfather, uncle, aunt and cousin, all of whom showed a surprised expression. He was looking at himself, and suddenly smiled and said, "I forgot to tell you at the beginning. The evil spirits in my body did not devour the spirits of my parents and sisters, but imprisoned them. Now with the help of the predecessors of the transformation, I have rescued the spirits of my parents and sisters from the hands of the evil spirits. I just need to carry the bodies, and the two predecessors will replace them. Reconnecting the media so that they can be resurrected.

Everyone smiled from the heart when they heard the words, and Long Yi was even more excited. Without saying anything, he moved his mind and quickly hit three Yuanliu and went straight into the grave. In an instant, three bodies flashed out of the grave.

Deeply looking at the three sleeping bodies, Yi Hanfeng looked at Longyi in a blink of an eye and said in surprise, " Grandpa, what kind of means are you doing? How can you be so mysterious?" Long Yi smiled and said, "This is not a powerful method. It's just that your parents and sisters had my seal at the beginning, so I was able to remove them from the grave so easily." After saying that, he turned around and urged, "Feng'er, you must stay here for a long time. Hurry up and take the bodies of your parents and sister away."

Yi Hanfeng looked at the crowd and said in a complicated mood, "Today's farewell, and I don't know how many years we can meet." With that, he walked to Fu Xingyun and said heavily, "Brother Fu, please take good care of my grandfather for me in the future." Fu Xingyun nodded and said, "I will take good care of my grandfather, but you are alone and must take care of yourself." Yi Hanfeng said, "Brother Fu, don't worry, no matter what, I will save my life to reunite with you all."

After saying this sentence, Yi Hanfeng immediately glanced at him and said in a complicated mood, "Take care of your grandfather, uncle, aunt and cousin." After saying that, his right hand shook, and suddenly sprinkled a streamer curtain. He immediately wrapped the three bodies in the sleeve robe, and then flashed away.

Yi Hanfeng just came out of the virtual boundary, and Qingying greeted him with a happy face and said with concern, "Brother Feng, have you retrieved the bodies of your parents and sisters?" Yi Hanfeng nodded and said, "There are often Longling people here, and we have to get out of here quickly." After Qingying tapped his head, the two quickly skimmed their bodies and hurried back in the direction they came.

After a few miles away, he glanced at the melancholy Yi Hanfeng with his beautiful eyes. The green shadow opened his red lips gently and said softly, "Brother Feng, have you encountered something unhappy?" Yi Hanfeng said sadly, "Today is the anniversary of the death of my parents and sister, so I met my grandfather." He paused and sighed, "When I left the clan, my grandfather was already a strong man at the peak in the late Tianwu period, and now he has broken through to the early stage of divine enlightenment, so in just nine years, he should not have carved many traces on him."

In his words, Long Yi's back was much older than nine years ago. Yi Hanfeng's voice was slightly choked, "It's all because I made him sad every day, so that he became so old in just nine years."

Looking at Yi Hanfeng's gloomy and painful appearance, Qing Ying took Yi Hanfeng's right hand and said with tears, "Brother Feng, it's not your fault. Don't be so selfish. When you get the approval of the clan in the future, you will be able to be filial to your grandfather. ."

When Yi Hanfeng heard the words, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "You are right. In order to be good at filial to his grandfather in the future, I will definitely let the people recognize my existence." After saying that, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then rushed straight to the ten thousand cave mountains.

Nearly three days passed in a blink of an eye. After Yi Hanfeng accompanied Qingying to see his parents in a hurry, they didn't even have lunch, so they rushed directly to Tianjue Cave in Gu Qifeng

After waving three rays of light into the three bodies, the couple joined hands to do it, which soon brought Yi Hanfeng's parents and sister back to life.

Looking at the three people lying on the ground and opening their eyes leisurely, Qingying hurriedly went up and stood up one by one with Yi Hanfeng.

The three stood up and immediately turned their eyes to Yi Hanfeng, and Xing Fenglian pulled Yi Hanfeng into her arms at the moment when her eyes fell on Yi Hanfeng, and then stroked Yi Hanfeng's face and cried with joy: "Fenger, although you have grown up, your appearance has not changed. Big, still the same as the little wind that my mother remembers. Yi Hanfeng cried, "Mother, Feng'er really misses you. It's all Feng'er's fault. I shouldn't have entered the fantasy world at the beginning." Xing Fenglian said lovingly, "Silly child, senior Gu and his wife have told us their true identity. My mother knows that you are involuntarily, so there is no need to do it yourself."

Reaching out to wipe away the tears on his face, Yi Hanfeng left his mother's arms. At the moment when the family looked at each other, the many words they originally wanted to say had already turned into the most mellow warmth between family affection and slowly flowed on their hearts.

After a long time, Yi Tianlin stretched out his right hand and patted Yi Hanfeng on the shoulder and said, "Son, you must have had a hard time over the years!" Yi Hanfeng warmed his heart and shook his head and said, "Dad, the child is not suffering." With that, he turned around and pulled Qingying to his side. When he was about to make an introduction, Qingying saluted and said, "Qingying has met his parents and sisters."

Qingying's generous appearance made Xing Fenglian not react for a moment. Gu Zi looked at Qingying and praised with a smile, "It turns out that you are a friend of Feng'er. You are really a wonderful girl."

Yi Xuelan pulled the corner of her mother's clothes and whispered, "Mom, why did you say such a confused word? Didn't you hear what the Qingying girl called us?"

After thinking about what Qingying said, Xing Fenglian couldn't help but be happy. Then her predecessor took Qingying's hands and said kindly, "It's a great blessing for Feng'er to marry a girl like you." Qingying smiled and said sweetly, "Thank you." After saying that, she looked at Yi Xuelan and said, "Sister, I don't know your name yet!" Yi Xuelan smiled and said, "Qingying girl, you can call me Xuelan in the future."

After Qingying nodded and answered, he pointed to Gu Youlan standing next to him and said, "Mom, Sister Xue Lan, this is my master!" After some acquaintance, the four women simply sat down on the rock not far away and talked with a smile, which seemed to get along very well.

Looking at the four people who talked happily on the rock, Yi Hanfeng was slightly surprised and said, "Presenior Gu is such an easy-going person, which is really a little beyond the boy's expectation." Gu Qifeng smiled bitterly and said, "Don't think she has lived for a long time, but she still has the same temperament as when she was young. As long as she meets someone, she will talk endlessly." After saying that, he looked at Yi Hanfeng's father and said with great emotion, "Before I rescued you from Long Xie, I really didn't expect that Yi's father would be Tianlin."

Yi Hanfeng suddenly felt strange when he heard the words and wondered, "Has Elder Gu ever met my father?" Gu Qifeng nodded and said, "I left Wankuo Mountain once 2050 years ago. At that time, I accidentally met your father when he was young. I saw that his talent was amazing, so I had the idea of taking him as an apprentice."

Gu Qifeng said this and turned his eyes back to Yi Tianlin and said regrettedly, "It's a pity that good and evil are not two sides. Your father refuses to fall under my door." Yi Tianlin said, "At that time, the younger generation was young and knew little about the world. I hope the elders don't be surprised." Gu Qifeng waved his hand and said, "At the right time, I have completely expelled the evil power for you, but you have also lost the spiritual root of the spirit."

For ordinary people, the spiritual root is as useless as a virtual existence, but for practitioners, once there is no spiritual root, they will lose their cultivation, and there is no potential for cultivation from then on. Therefore, when Gu Qifeng said that Yi Tianlin had lost the spiritual root, Yi Hanfeng hurriedly asked: "Senior Gu, I don't know if you have heard of the restoration of spiritual roots?"

After thinking for a moment, Gu Qifeng pondered, "As far as I know, among the thousands of strange herbs in the world, only the lotus flower produced in the aquarium Tianhe Ice Pool has the wonderful effect of restoring spiritual roots." After a pause, he showed a bitter expression and sighed, "It's just that the purple cold lotus in the water Tianhe Ice Pool has only one pearl, and a purple lotus flower will bloom in ten thousand years. It can be said that it is quite precious and ordinary things that can be easily obtained."

Yi Hanfeng was silent for a long time and asked, "Can Elder Gu know how to take purple lotus?" Gu Qifeng said, "I still have some research on the way to take the strange herbs in the world. As long as you can manage to get the purple lotus, I can recover the spiritual root of Tianlin." Yi Hanfeng said, "Then I will leave for the aquarium tomorrow."

Yi Hanfeng's words came out, and Yi Tianlin immediately objected, "Feng'er, Dad is very old. Even if you recover the spiritual root, you have to start practicing again. Don't worry about me anymore." Yi Hanfeng said, "Dad, the nine barriers of life and death in your body have already been broken. With your amazing talent, even if you start to practice again, breaking the last two barriers of life and death are also something that can be done. I don't want you to live longer."

Although Yi Hanfeng's words were not loud, Gu Youlan in the conversation and laughing was still heard clearly, so she got up and came over, then looked at Yi Tianlin with her eyes and said with a smile, "Although Xuelan doesn't like to practice, her qualifications are excellent. Under the persuasion of me and the shadow girl, she has promised to worship me. Teacher, in addition, Yi Boy's mother had the cultivation of the peak of Xuanxin in the later period. Even if you don't want to get involved in the chaotic world, you should also try to get together as a family and should not give up cultivation.

Xing Fenglian and other three people have heard the sound and come over. Qingying turned his eyes to Yi Tianlin and persuaded him, "Dad, Han Feng and I want to be with you for a long time, and the whole family will live a happy life."

After hesitating for a moment, Yi Tianlin glanced at Xing Fenglian and saw that she nodded to himself. Then he withdrew his eyes and said, "Well, Fenger, you will go to the aquarium tomorrow, but even if you can't get the purple lotus, it doesn't matter. You must not forcibly grab it."

Hearing the words, Qing Ying smiled narrowly and glanced at Yi Hanfeng and said mysteriously, "Dad, you can rest assured that the cold wind has its own legitimate method of obtaining the purple lotus."