human evil legend

Chapter 157 Wedding Candle

Looking at Tianyu's expectant appearance, Yi Hanfeng said, "Forbid that the media involved in Tianxiang's body have not been disconnected, so as long as the Xuanyin ghost body can be transformed into the hidden danger of resentment ghosts, and then with the help of the powerful means of the meta-changing master to reconnect the media, she can return to adult." Tianyu's tense heart relaxed, "It's good to be able to recover as an adult." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a flash of escape. Ling Yufu floated in front of the two and bowed down and said, "Young master, the auspicious time is coming. The patriarch is sending people around to look for his uncle. I hope you can go back to the mountain with your subordinates as soon as possible."

Tianyu tapped his head and ordered, "You go back to inform my father and tell him that we will arrive later so that he doesn't have to worry about it." The middle-aged man answered, "My subordinates are obed." After saying that, the escape light shot at Ling Miao Mountain first.

And when Yi Hanfeng and Tianyu just landed on the flat ground halfway up the mountain, Tian Haiming seemed to have been waiting for a long time and said with a straight face, "You two are really outrageous. They don't even look at what day it is today, but still want to wander around and play." Yi Hanfeng swallowed angrily and said, "Don't blame my father-in-law. My eldest brother and I also had something to do and just left Ling Miao Mountain."

Tian Haiming waved his sleeves and said impatiently, "Yuer, take Yi to wash and change your clothes. You are about to get married."

Yi Hanfeng knew that Tian Haiming didn't take his son-in-law seriously at all, but he didn't care more about it. After all, he had to ask for others and had to endure it in a low voice.

On the wedding banquet, Yi Hanfeng tried his best to do a good job as the groom. At the end of the wedding banquet, it was already in the middle of time. Yi Hanfeng came to the new house in a complicated mood under the embrace of a group of drunken spiritual young people. After Tianyu dispersed the crowd, Yi Hanfeng sighed and slowly Raise your hand and push the door in.

Sipped on the edge of the bed, Yi Hanfeng raised his hand to take the red veil on the top of Tianxiang's head and looked at his green and beautiful face, but there was no thought in his heart. Tianxiang saw that Yi Hanfeng was full of interest, and he quickly took off his phoenix crown and directly came to Yi Hanfeng. After that, he said righteously to Yi Hanfeng, "Don't worry, I, Tianxiang, will be responsible for you for the rest of my life."

Since there has been a first reunion, everything has become an immutable fact. Yi Hanfeng no longer thinks much about it. Suddenly, he pressed Tianxiang under his body and released the enthusiasm in his body. It was not until he was tired and weak that he lay flat on his back and looked at the top of the bed, allowing Tianxiang Jiao. He crawled softly on his chest.

After recovering a little strength, Tianxiang straightened up slightly with her elbow, blinked her dark eyes and looked at Yi Hanfeng and said, "Yi Lang, I don't know why, I suddenly regret what I have done." Yi Hanfeng said in a stunned way, "Do you mean the thing that forced me to set up a spirit-eating spell?"

Tianxiang patted her head pitifully and said expectantly, "Yi Lang, will you hold a grudge against me for this?" Yi Hanfeng sighed, "In fact, you can't be blamed for this matter." Tianxiang was stunned and said, "You're not being perfunctory, are you? After all, even I feel that I have gone too far. There is no reason for you not to hate me.

Yi Hanfeng stared at Tianxiang for a long time and said calmly, "This is the point. Even if I hate you, what's the use? Besides, you may not even know that you are no longer human. Tianxiang's eyebrows were coquettishly, "Who is so asking for so unreservedly? So if you say it's not human, it should be you!" Yi Hanfeng laughed dumbly and said, "Where do you think? I mean, you have become a half-man and half-resentful ghost."

I don't know why Tianxiang said nothing about what he said to Yi Hanfeng, and his face suddenly flashed: "Recently, when I calmed down, it's no wonder that I always felt strange, as if I had become another person. It turned out to be such a thing." With that, his face suddenly changed and his face was full of anxiety, "What should I do? I really don't want to do anything too much to you."

Knowing that he had become a half-man and half-resentful ghost, Tianxiang did not worry about himself, but first considered what he would do to Yi Hanfeng, which made Yi Hanfeng a little moved, and most of his sadness in his heart was eliminated. He laughed and said, "Now Xuanyin The hidden dangers of the ghost body have been eradicated. As long as you let your father reconnect the lost media in your body, you will return to adulthood.

After listening to Yi Hanfeng's words, Tianxiang hurriedly put on his clothes, and then kissed Yi Hanfeng like a dragonfly. He smiled and said, "I think you're tired too. Then you can lie in ** and have a good rest. I'll trouble my father to reconnect the lost media in my body for me, and then come back to accompany you immediately." Yi Hanfeng was stunned and said, "It's been in the middle of the night. Why don't we talk about it tomorrow?" Tianxiang shook her head and said, "That won't work. If I suddenly change my mind later, it will be a big trouble."

Yi Hanfeng smiled bitterly and got up and said, "Then wait for me for a while. I'll go with you to beg your father." Tianxiang Yurong smiled red and said, "Aren't you tired?" Yi Hanfeng sneered coldly, "You're fine. Where can I be tired?" Between the words, he put on his clothes and was about to get out of bed when Tianxiang suddenly blinked his big dark eyes and said, "Yi Lang, tell me honestly, do you like me a little?"

Sudently heard Tianxiang ask this, Yi Hanfeng looked at her in astonishment and said without saying, "You not only have the reputation of husband and wife, but also have the truth of husband and wife. Even if I don't like you, I will treat you well." Tianxiang said happily, "As long as you say this, I will try my best to make you fall in love with me." After saying that, he turned around and said, "I'll ask my father later to see if there is any way to forcibly lift the spirit-eating spell."

Yi Hanfeng shook his head and said forcefully, "I read a lot of ancient books when I was a child, and there is no way to forcibly lift the spirit-eating spell in the world, so it's better for you not to ask your father, so as not to make him unhappy and delay the time to enter the Xuanling Cave."

As the daughter of Tian Haiming, Tianxiang naturally knows her father's temperament. Therefore, after listening to Yi Hanfeng's words, she had to tap her head silently. Obviously, she had agreed with Yi Hanfeng's words from the bottom of her heart.

The two walked left and right along the corridor for a while, and then stopped in front of a room. Then Tianxiangyu raised her hand and tapped the door and called out, "Dad, get up quickly. My daughter needs your help."

As soon as the voice fell, Tian Haiming's voice came out when the house was neutral, and he said angrily, "Xiang'er, is it because Yi Boy's unwilling to have sex with you? Dad will get up and accompany you to teach him a good lesson."

Yi Hanfeng smiled bitterly at Tianxiang and said, "In your father's eyes, why do I feel like I'm just a prescription? Except for eradicating the hidden dangers of the mysterious ghost body for you, he doesn't treat me as a son-in-law at all!" Tianxiang also responded without concealing: "If it weren't for your fear of ghosts, my father would have really not been willing to marry you in the early days of Tianwu, but you don't need to care about how my father treats you at all. As long as I sincerely believe that you are my husband, that's enough."

Thinking about Tianxiang's words in his mind, Yi Hanfeng always felt like he was on a thief's boat. He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, and stopped saying anything.

In a short time, as soon as Tianminghai opened the door, he looked fierce and evil. He didn't look at the situation in front of him. He immediately picked up his daughter and said, "Xiang'er, don't be sad, it's just like a boy. He can marry you as his wife, which is a blessing he cultivated in his previous life. Fortunately, he doesn't know how to cherish you. Dad will definitely teach him a good lesson for you later, and then you can restrain him by yourself and do it with a bully.

Tianxiang blushed with shame. When she was about to speak, Yi Hanfeng, who was standing on the side of the door, moved to Tian Haiming and coughed dryly, "Father-in-law, I think you misunderstood. Tianxiang and I came to find you, just wanted you to reconnect the media disconnected from her body for Tianxiang."

Tianhaiming was stunned and understood what was going on. He couldn't help but look a little embarrassed and said, "You are really a boy. Why are you standing on the side without standing in front of the good door?" After saying that, the topic went round and said, "Since the hidden dangers in Xiang'er's body have been eradicated, after I take over the disconnected media for her, you can immediately enter the Xuanling Cave to save your friend's life with the help of Dingyuan Lingzhu."